Desire Unleashed

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Desire Unleashed Page 3

by Layne Macadam

  It was spellbinding. Inexplicably drawn by the imposing dangerous force that seemed to emanate from him, it was as if she knew he’d be trouble but now that she’d stepped onto this treadmill, she was powerless to resist.

  Kathy read the intention in his eyes. Apprehensive but thrilled at the prospect, her heart hammered in anticipation.

  He was going to come over.

  She knew it.

  She could feel it.

  She picked up her glass and downed the margarita for courage.

  “I think we’re about to be approached,” Liz calmly announced.

  Kathy grinned, but the smile slid off her face when she realized it was the two young blond guys from the adjacent table Liz meant.

  “Hey ladies, mind if we join you?”

  Before she had time to protest, Liz invited them to sit. Kathy could have screamed. She had to make a concerted effort to listen as they explained they were both college students over to spend a weekend by the beach. They were friendly enough and she tried to act interested, but it was Adonis at the bar that held her attention.

  The two blonds were stereotypically handsome. Gym junkies with brightly whitened teeth and solarium tans, eye candy but shallow. Their main topic of conversation—themselves. Boring.

  To her credit, Liz tried to steer the talk to other topics, but it was an uphill battle and she gave up. Kathy smiled and nodded in all the right places. Liz wasn’t listening though—her mind was wedged on Adonis. The urge to turn in his direction was overwhelming and she surrendered to the temptation.

  He was still staring. The corners of her mouth tilted upward again, but as they did he turned away and ordered another drink. It seemed the attraction was only one-sided after all. Her face almost crumpled, her disappointment was tangible.

  “How about a dance?” One of the guys asked.

  “Good idea,” Liz replied.

  Kathy perked up. She’d had enough of listening to their prattle, so didn’t object when Liz hauled her to her feet.

  The foursome wove their way through the crowd of dancers crammed onto the inadequate floor space until they found a gap. Kathy swayed in time to the beat, but it took a whole lot of concentration and willpower to stay focused on what her partner was saying—visuals of Adonis still cluttered her mind, despite his disinterest.

  When the band struck up a romantic number, Kathy’s partner Blondie pulled her into his arms and began moving against her suggestively. Roving hands groped her butt. Annoyed she knocked them away and stepped backward, glaring until he got the message.

  For the next few songs he behaved and they settled into spasmodic conversation. Then the band played “Unchained Melody.” Blondie closed the gap. One hand gripped her waist the other splayed her derriere forcing her hips hard up against his groin. His mouth dropped to her neck, his moist lips against her skin and alcoholic breath in her face was nauseating. She placed her palms against his pecs and pushed firmly.


  Ice fumed in silence and berated himself for missing his chance. More often than not, he wouldn’t give a rat’s, but Doe Eyes had made an impression and he wanted to kick his own ass for hesitating. He wasn’t a masochist, but those two were leaving nothing to his imagination as they cavorted and writhed together in slow motion on the dance floor.

  Time to split.

  Downing his beer in one swallow and without another word, Ice headed for the exit. He made the mistake of shooting a final glance in her direction and wished he hadn’t. The lucky son of a bitch had her fanny in a firm grip, kneading those tight ass cheeks and rotating his hips against hers, doing the vertical version of the horizontal rumba right there on the dance floor for all to see. Ice uttered an expletive and marched through the crowded club, out into the temperate night air.


  “Quit groping me.” Kathy hissed, her low tones masking her annoyance.

  “Come on doll face, you know you want it, I can feel it.”

  The temerity of the guy had her seething. “You are so wrong. I don’t want it. You can’t feel it, in fact, I’m out of here.” She wrenched away and stormed off, leaving her partner standing mouth agape and alone on the dance floor.

  “You’ll be sorry.” His petulant cry carried on the air after her.

  Kathy ignored the childish threat. The only reason she had to be sorry was because by dancing with him, she’d missed her chance with Adonis.

  Enough was enough.

  Scanning the floor she spotted Liz among the dancers right away and threaded a path toward her.

  “I think it’s time to leave.” She touched her friend’s shoulder.

  Liz tapped her ear with her index finger.

  Kathy interpreted the gesture and pointed to her wristwatch, then the exit.

  Liz nodded her understanding and leaning toward her partner shouted, “Thanks for the evening, it’s been fun, but I’m going now.”

  The boy’s reaction was quick and he caught her arm just as the band switched to a ballad. “Not yet sweetheart, it’s still early,” he cajoled.

  Kathy was standing close enough to hear their words over the lull in the music and she felt bad. He was right of course, it was still early, not yet eleven in fact. Kathy gave him a commiserating shrug as she led the way off the dance floor.

  The girls collected their handbags and made for the exit. Kathy though, couldn’t resist a final peep along the bar. Her eyes raked the group, but Adonis was not standing among them. The smile slipped from her face and her disappointment swelled. It was unreasonable; she hadn’t even exchanged a single word with the guy. One of his buddies though winked at her, she lifted her chin and her lips curved upward, he returned the smile and raised his beer in mock salute as she sailed by.

  Once outside, Liz declared, “Those college boys were keen.”

  “Yeah, you got that right. They must have thought they were on to a sure thing with older more sophisticated women of the world like us.” Kathy chuckled, tongue in cheek as the two girls linked arms.

  The night for Kathy had been fun despite the wandering hands, like old times, and she was grateful that Liz had come to visit. It had brightened her up no end, and they were giggling like a pair of light-hearted teenagers as they strolled the three blocks home.

  “What was that?” Liz asked, stopping by the park and turning toward the bushes.

  “What was what?”


  Kathy heard it then too, a kind of muffled whimpering. Liz parted the bushes revealing a lumpy moving hessian sack tied with a rope. “Be careful,” Kathy cautioned as Liz unknotted the cord, but her concern was unwarranted as out wiggled a tiny puppy.

  “Poor baby.” Liz scooped the little ball of fluff into her arms.

  “Who would do such a cruel thing?” Kathy gasped.

  “There’s a lot of sick puppies out there, pardon the pun.” The puppy gave a little bark and licked Liz’s face. “I’ll bet you’re hungry aren’t you, Cindy? Let’s get you home and fix you something to eat.”

  “Cindy? Home? We can’t take her home—my lease has a strict no animals clause.”

  “Here then, heartless.” Liz shoved the puppy into her hands. “You put her back in the sack.”

  Liz waited—her expression smug while Kathy fought an internal war. “Okay, all right, I give up.” She threw up her hands. “But just for the night, tomorrow we find her somewhere else to stay.”

  “She’s not really a grouch Cindy.” Liz smirked tickling the puppy behind the ears. “She just has a problem with breaking the rules.”


  Sonny followed the girls at a discreet distance inordinately pleased with the night’s events. On arrival at the club he’d hung back, obscured in the shadows cast by the surrounding buildings while the redheaded bitch made eyes at the doorman. He was proud of his girl though, she didn’t interact, just watched and waited patiently until they’d finished, not at all interested in engaging in idle flirtations.

  When they’d gon
e inside he’d followed and taken up a discreet position on the opposite side of the room, content to watch and photograph her unobserved and marvel at her beauty.

  When that clown started pawing her on the dance floor, he’d almost flown at him in a rage, but she’d acted true to form and sorted him out quick smart. She was pure, he just knew it. Pure as twenty-four carat gold and she had a kind heart, just look how she’d treated the stray. Yes, his woman was one fine lady, and he could hardly wait until she shared his bed.

  * * * *

  Ice’s head filled with fantasies of Doe Eyes as he walked home in the dark. He hadn’t had a woman in far too long, that had to be the explanation as to why he was so hot under the collar for this piece of tail.

  Damn filthy luck he’d missed his chance, he chided himself as he scaled the stairs to his apartment and let himself in. Too dog-tired to be bothered with lights, he headed straight for the bedroom. The street lighting from the open window was more than ample to see by.

  After toeing off his boots he stripped, discarded jeans, shirt, and socks in one untidy pile, crossed to the window and drew the curtains, instantly darkening the bedroom. The air was still warm from the heat of the day, too warm for a blanket he decided shoving it to the foot of the bed as he crawled naked between the sheets, but sleep eluded him.

  The debriefing scheduled for tomorrow should have been what occupied his thoughts, but instead he kept mentally humping the hottie from Shenanigans, his imagination in overdrive as he envisaged what it would be like to have her snuggled up butt naked in his bed for a week.

  She was a honey. No question about that.

  Her chestnut hair curled in flippant wisps around her face. He liked the way the back was twisted up and held there by some sparkly contraption that twinkled under the lights showcasing her exquisite neck. She was a sexy wench. And her breasts were amazing as they rose and fell, threatening to burst right through that flimsy top she was wearing.




  His mind was a swamp. The ribald images were so vivid it was like watching his own private porn flick.

  When their eyes met and locked, the atmosphere had charged with desire unleashed. Sexual tension crackled through the airwaves, and her sultry glances confirmed she’d felt the connection as well.

  Why had he waited so damn long to make his move? Of course a sex kitten like her would have guys lining up, those two young bucks had moved in like a shot.

  He thickened with lust as he fantasized about her soft pliant body lying naked beneath his. She had bewitched him. It was an alien feeling, all the more strange because even as a young man with a raging libido he’d always held himself in check, rarely fantasized.

  No way was he going to get any sleep in this condition. What he needed was a cold shower to take the edge off. Ice threw back the covers in disgust, stomped into the bathroom and turned on the jets.

  Under the spray he thought about the past. He had gone to great lengths all his adult life to avoid close relationships. Except for the time he’d dated Janine. Twenty-three years old with stars in his eyes, he thought she’d been the real deal. That is until he’d hopped an early flight one winter’s night and lobbed in unexpected at two in the morning.

  He’d had no idea, not even an inkling. It had come from left field and hit him like a freight train, and just like that two years of his life evaporated like the morning mist. What made it harder was that he knew the guy, called him friend. Ha, weasel was more like it. In hindsight though the jerk had done him a favor, as it turned out the weasel wasn’t the only dude banging Janine while he was away. It knocked him off kilter at the time, but now he struggled to even remember her face.

  No more emotional entanglements or long-term commitments, experience had taught him they just weren’t worth the hassle. His sex life these days consisted of romps with women who knew the score and were only looking for a good time. Predators, much like himself and that suited him fine. He was happy to oblige.

  Of course, they weren’t all one-night stands. There had been a couple of women he dated on and off on a semi-regular basis, but they never amounted to anything for either of them, and when he called it quits, no hearts were broken, no tears were shed.

  He was a loner and that’s how he liked it. He’d resigned himself to that fact years ago, but when Janine came along he thought his luck had changed; it hadn’t. Now he was committed to the Navy, work was his life and marriage was not in his vocabulary. If he wanted family, he’d go to Frosty’s and borrow his.

  Back in bed refreshed from the shower and his ardor temporarily cooled, Ice tried to push all thoughts of Doe Eyes aside. It was easier said than done. She kept slipping back into his mind uninvited, but thinking about her was pointless. He redoubled his effort to clear his head in order to sleep, but it was proving damn near impossible.

  Hell, he thought he’d had her, would have taken bets on it, but in his arrogance had waited so had missed his chance. His eyes tracked her every movement though and under the ultraviolet lighting, her tight white pants left nothing to the imagination. He had no problem defining her curvy ass through the thin fabric and what a great ass it was too, she was either butt naked underneath or at the very most wearing a thong. Yeah, he’d sure been on a winner with that one but damn it, he’d fucked up and so junior no doubt was sampling her honey pot right now while he was alone in bed with his dick in his hand. Fuck life was cruel.

  Rolling from side to side in his king sized bed, Ice tossed and turned restlessly. It was in the small hours that he finally dozed off, but it wasn’t for long. A little over an hour later he was rudely jolted awake.

  He cocked his head and listened, trying to identify the noise. High pitched squealing came through the bedroom wall.

  Ice dived out of bed and snatched up his jeans, wondering what the hell was going on in that apartment, but in his haste to dress, tripped and cracked his forehead on the nightstand. He swore a blue streak and hauling himself to his feet made for the door, and then skidded to a halt as realization hit him like a ton of bricks. It was a damn dog.

  A damn dog that had no business being in an apartment block that strictly prohibited animals. What in the name of Zeus was that scatterbrained woman thinking?

  Although Ice had never clapped eyes on his neighbor, he knew she was a woman, he’d seen her name on the mailbox. Miss Bellamy. He could just picture her too. A prissy-assed spinster with nothing better to do than break rules and annoy her neighbors.

  Pissed off but satisfied no one was in danger; he stripped and with a don’t care attitude, tossed his jeans over a chair and crawled back into bed for a few more hours of shut-eye. That soon proved impossible.

  Lying awake in the dark he glared at the digital clock display that registered 03:05, he needed to be sharp for tomorrow’s meeting and he’d had less than an hour’s sleep.

  “Perfect,” he grumbled aloud, “Just bloody perfect.” He punched the pillow and tried to settle into a comfortable position.

  Quietness reigned again and Ice relaxed, but just as he was teetering on the brink of sleep the infernal whimpering started again.

  He rolled onto his stomach and grabbing the pillow wrapped it around his ears to muffle the noise, but there was no escape. The whimpering didn’t let up, just went on and on until he was ready to explode.

  Once again gritty eyes settled on the clock. As he watched it click over to 03:45 his temper boiled and he blew his stack.

  Ice flew out of bed like a man possessed, bashed on the wall and bellowed, “Shut that fucking dog up!”

  Goddamnit, what the hell was he thinking? Ice was immediately contrite. He’d let his temper get the better of him and would now have to pay the price by apologizing to the old broad in the morning.


  Kathy was in paradise having the most wonderful, amazing time. The midday-sun streamed down warming her bikini-clad body while Adonis rubbed suntan lotion into her skin. Wave
s lapped at the shore, coconut palms swayed in the gentle sea breeze while Adonis whispered endearments into her ear, his words a sensual caress.

  An idyllic setting, with a god fondling her in the most delicious way. Suddenly the sky darkened. Black clouds gathered overhead, the wind gusted and blew, froth capped breakers pounded the shore and the palm trees shook so violently that the coconuts fell.

  Thud, thud, thud.

  Kathy was rudely wrenched back into reality. She blinked open her brown eyes and stared into the darkness. Momentarily disorientated, she slipped out of bed and fine-tuned her hearing. Oh no, Cindy was making a heck of a racket.

  Bare footed, Kathy rushed down the hallway to the laundry and slid open the door. She scooped the naughty puppy into her arms and crooned, “Shh, stop that yap…”

  “Shut that fucking dog up!”

  Kathy’s feet literally left the floor; so unexpected was the intrusion she almost dropped the puppy. “Gee thanks Cindy, see what you’ve done?” she muttered. “Now I’ll have to apologize to that creep in the morning.”

  Kathy shivered, whether from standing barefoot on the cold tile or from the verbal assault, either way it was immaterial, she’d broken the rules and would have to pay the price. However indirectly involved in disturbing her neighbor’s sleep, the truth of the matter was, the buck stopped with her. She prayed he’d be reasonable, confrontation of any kind was abhorrent to her, and the aggressor was a formidable man with an intimidating presence. She’d glimpsed him entering his apartment only last week, admittedly it was brief and only from behind, but he was a giant of a man, and she sure as heck had no desire to cross swords with him.

  Yes, an apology was called for, and she resigned herself to that fact as she tiptoed out of the apartment and down to the front lawn cradling Cindy in her arms.

  The air was crisp and Kathy stood on the dewy grass waiting for the puppy to perform. She prayed no one would see her in her faded and worn nightwear. When Cindy did the expected, she scooped her up and hurried back to the apartment, glad to be leaving the cool night air. Once inside, she was reluctant to leave the dog alone in the laundry fearing another episode so took the puppy to her room and placed her on the bed.


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