Desire Unleashed

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Desire Unleashed Page 11

by Layne Macadam

  “What are those pretty little red and blue ones?” she inquired pointing at a school of small iridescent fish.

  “They’re Neon Tetras, those striped ones are Angel Fish, and those funny looking ones there are Gouramis,” he explained, pointing out the various fish.

  “They’re beautiful and so relaxing to watch. I can see why you like having them, and of course they’re not as noisy as some other pets.” She grinned up at him, tongue in cheek.

  “Speaking of which I spoke to Sarah, Meredith’s mom, and she said I can give Cindy to Meredith for her birthday on Sunday. She’s been nagging her parents for a puppy for ages. I haven’t bought her a gift yet so it’s a perfect solution all round.”

  “That’s wonderful news, I’m so glad Cindy will be going to a good home.”


  Don’t be a dumb shit, Ice—don’t even think of inviting her. “If you’re not doing anything, why don’t you come to the party with me Sunday afternoon? There’ll be lots of people there and you already know Meredith.” Masochist, you’ve really done it now. The guys will be there and they’ll never let you hear the end of it.

  “I don’t know Shane.” Kathy prevaricated.

  Don’t be dimwitted, just zip it right now. “Come on, it’ll be fun.”

  “Well if you’re sure, what time?”

  Are you happy sucker? “I’ll pick you up around eleven. It’ll be nothing fancy just a barbeque and a few drinks, and of course birthday cake.” And a huge helping of rib from the guys.

  “Sounds good, I’ll make arrangements with Anne to pick the puppy up.”

  “Good thinking, we can collect her on the way,” he said as he set the table.

  “Can I do anything to help?”

  “No I’m good, it’s all ready, just take a seat.”

  Kathy did that while he dished up dinner. There was a mountain of pasta, a crisp tossed salad, and garlic and herb bread. Enough to feed an army. To finish the meal, he’d made fresh fruit salad and served it with vanilla ice cream and coffee.

  “Dinner was delicious Shane, and that spaghetti sauce was amazing. You’ll have to give me the recipe.”

  “No way, it’s a secret recipe.” He laughed, scraping the last of the ice cream from his bowl.

  “I promise to make it worth your while.” She provocatively giggled. A deepening hue at her own temerity washed over her face, giving him the opening he was looking for.

  “Kathy, about the other night.” Ice put his bowl aside and gave her the full measure of his gaze. With a resigned sigh, he scrubbed a hand over his face. “There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just gonna say it straight out. I’m not looking for a relationship. I’m a free agent and that’s how I like it. I’m married to my work. If I’d have known you were a virgin…”

  “You never would have slept with me. I understand.” She finished for him.

  “I like things casual. I’m sorry.” The air tensed as he delivered the words, and he held his breath waiting for her to curse him. The silence was complete but only for a brief moment—the words she uttered were unexpected.

  “I’m not. I have no regrets and casual works for me.”

  He was puzzled at first. “Casual, as in no strings attached?” he asked, wanting clarification.

  “Ah ha, no strings attached.”

  Ice was on his feet in a heartbeat and swept her into his arms. She giggled and gave him a saucy look.

  “Aren’t you going to kiss me?”

  “You betcha.” He planted his lips on hers and carried her toward the bedroom. He’d already unzipped her dress when he kicked the door shut behind them.

  * * * *

  Sonny was in a feral mood. He’d been trying to contact Kathy, for several hours, but all he kept getting was her damn answering machine. So where in the blue blazes was she?

  She hadn’t left the apartment block; the surveillance equipment he’d secretly installed at the entrance to her building last week confirmed that. The only other way out of the building was through the garage, and she didn’t own a car.

  He had to hand it to Socrates. It was a flash of genius on his part, suggesting he keep tabs on her comings and goings by installing the miniature camera. If she wasn’t at home then that left only one possibility, she was in someone else’s apartment in the complex.

  Sonny muttered as he paced the living room. The voices in his head were driving him crazy. One was telling him to bring her home pronto—the other was saying wait until everything’s ready for her. In sheer frustration, he picked up a dining chair and hurled it across the room where it gouged a piece of plaster from the wall where it connected. What to do, what to do.

  He’d contact, Socrates.

  Sonny desperately hoped that Socrates would be on line as he logged onto his computer. He needed his calming advice. Socrates didn’t indulge in anger, claiming it was weak to show emotion and a total waste of energy. Socrates always knew the best course of action.


  Urgent. Another player on the field.

  Project MIA.


  As he eased back in the chair, his stomach growled. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until then and remembered he hadn’t eaten earlier as he was so upset at not being able to contact her. He was out of his seat and at the refrigerator in an instant where he selected a hunk of cheese, tomatoes, and butter and cracked open a light beer. He took a healthy swig from the bottle and set about making some sandwiches. Sliding back to the computer screen with his snack in hand, he was relieved to see that Socrates had responded in double quick time.


  Imperative, do nothing. Watch and Wait.


  As always, Socrates came through. He would take his advice, watch her like a hawk and wait, biding his time until the moment was right, and then he’d bring her home, and she’d be his alone. He heaved a sigh of relief.

  * * * *

  Kathy awoke to Shane’s lips brushing against hers.

  “Stay there, don’t get up yet. I’ve got an early start, take your time and just lock up when you leave.”

  She yawned and stretched causing the sheet to slip, revealing the swell of her breasts and giving Shane a glimpse of pink areolas before she tugged it back up.

  “I might just have a little catnap then,” she said, rolling onto her side.

  “God babe, you make me want to crawl back into bed and ravish you, but as I’m expected on the base how about I take you out for dinner tonight?”

  “How about I cook for you instead?” She smiled up at him.

  “Got me babe, I’ll see you about six then.” He leaned over and kissed her again before leaving.

  Kathy luxuriated in being in Shane’s bed. She could smell his scent on the pillow beside her and inhaled the spicy aroma. “Casual,” he’d said. Okay, she could do casual, sure she could. It wasn’t ideal, but casual was better than zip. And realistically, wasn’t everything casual before it became permanent?

  They’d had a wonderful night together, and she was feeling serene and fulfilled. Better still, they were meeting again tonight. Deciding against the catnap, Kathy slipped out of bed and into her clothes, straightened the bed, and did a quick tidy of the kitchen before returning home to get ready for another day at school.

  Once inside her own apartment, she headed to the kitchen, made herself a leisurely breakfast, and basked in the afterglow of Shane’s loving. Her hands wrapped around the mug of hot tea, her thoughts turned to things they’d said and done the night before, and her face lit at the memories.

  Kathy left the breakfast dishes draining on the sink and went to get ready for work. After showering, she pulled on a dress, brushed and secured her hair with a band, applied lip gloss and was ready to leave with time to spare.

  Her keys were on the kitchen counter where she’d dropped them earlier. She snatched them up and went through the living room on her way to the front door, but stopped in her tracks when she saw the
flashing light on the answering machine. Kathy glanced at her watch. She was expecting a call from Liz, and there was ample time before her bus was due, so she hit the retrieve button.

  There were seven new messages, and not one from Liz. All were from the same creepy caller. Kathy trembled as she replayed the last message.

  “Where the hell are you? You’d better be home tonight when I call or there’ll be trouble.”

  The voice was sinister as he raged and threatened, although still disguised, she was certain now it was not a kid. It was deep and scary and harsh like gravel rash, definitely mature, and definitely male. It really spooked her, and she wasn’t afraid to admit it. But dwelling on it wouldn’t help. With a steadying breath, she resolved to put it from her mind until she saw Shane this evening, but that would be easier said than done. A long day stretched ahead, she’d gone from feeling on top of the world to totally flat and could only hope the Cyclone Twins were having a rare day of being on their best behavior. She didn’t know how she’d cope otherwise.

  As it turned out, she got through the day without any dramas. Timothy was absent with a cold, and without his twin there to fuel the flames, Martin was an angel, so the hours went by in a flash.

  There was no blinking light to greet her when she arrived home, and for that she was incredibly relieved. She’d been successful all day at keeping her anxiety at bay, but while preparing dinner, and despite a Reba McEntire CD playing relaxingly in the background, she couldn’t prevent her thoughts skipping back to the creepy messages on the answering machine. Shane was due any tick of the clock, and she was desperate to unburden herself, so when the knock sounded, she opened the door and flew into his arms before he could knock a second time.

  “I’m so glad you’re here at last.”

  “Why, what’s happened babe, you’re shaking?” His voice was riddled with concern as he held her steady in his arms.

  “Come and listen to this.” Kathy took his hand and led him to the answering machine.


  Ice’s jaw clenched, his expression darkened, and the hairs on the back of his neck spiked as he listened to the tape.

  “Definitely a nut job with too much time on his hands babe.” He didn’t like it but brushed it off, making light of it for her sake. “I’ll make a few calls and get you an unlisted number.”

  “Would you Shane? I’m at the point where I don’t want to answer my own phone.”

  “Come here.” Ice took her into his arms and kissed her. Despite her fright, she responded like she always did and moved against him. He cupped her breast, and she gripped his butt. It would have gone further, but his stomach growled loudly as the fantastic aromas wafting from the kitchen reached him, and he cooled down the kiss. He was famished and fully intended to satisfy his hunger before satisfying his lust.

  “I’d better feed you or we won’t be able to hear Reba over your stomach.” Kathy chuckled and nudged him toward the dining room as she made her way to the kitchen.

  “Sure smells good babe, what is it?” He called back to her from his seat at the table.

  “Lasagna, I know how you like Italian.” Re-entering the dining room, she placed a generous helping in front of him, and took her seat opposite.

  Ice poured them both a wine. It would help her chill and perhaps forget about the jerk for a few hours. He then piled his plate high with the assortment of salads and hot bread that she’d prepared. The food was a feast for the senses, and he tucked into it like a starving man.

  The conversation, like the wine, flowed. The more they talked, the more Ice realized that Kathy was an easy person to converse with. She was interesting and knowledgeable on so many levels that none of the other women he’d dated had a clue about. And as the night wore on, he discovered he genuinely liked her company, and that surprised him.

  Ice laid aside his cutlery. “Mmm, mmm.” His lips smacked together in appreciation. “That was delicious Kat. I don’t know when I’ve tasted better.”

  “Why thank ya kind sir,” she simpered in her best Southern belle accent and curtsied as she walked around to collect his plate to take it into the kitchen.

  A strangled growl rose up his throat at her accent. “Leave that and come here woman,” he said, pulling her onto his lap. “You know I can’t resist that sexy Southern voice of yours.” One hand strayed to her breast the other slid under her skirt. He couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her for long. He planted his lips on hers, and she returned the kiss and wiggled in his lap.

  The shrilling of the telephone interrupted them, and she stiffened in his arms. “Let me get that.” He put her aside and with grim determination went to answer the phone.

  Silence greeted his terse hello. “Who is this?” he demanded, but again was met with silence. “Stop making a damn nuisance of yourself,” he roared and banged the phone back on its cradle. No sooner had he hung up when it rang again. “Hello,” he growled, but there was no response. “Listen jerk-off, do not ring here again.” Ice disconnected the call and unplugged the phone. “He won’t be bothering us anymore tonight babe. Now where were we?” he said, taking Kathy back into his arms. “Oh yeah, now I remember.”

  * * * *

  Sonny was flabbergasted. He took a moment to recover and consider the possibility that he must have dialed the wrong number in his urgency to hear Kathy’s voice.

  That had to be it.

  He took extra care punching out her number this time, making sure that each digit was correct. It was answered on the first ring.

  Anger, thick and vile, engulfed him, and he was unable to speak. At the sound of the call being disconnected, Sonny removed the handset from his ear and looked at it stupefied before slamming it down with a force that cracked the plastic casing. He was consumed by a blinding rage that festered and grew as he visualized Kathy with another man in her home.

  “How dare that prick tell me not to ring her, who the fuck did he think he was, and what’s he doing in her apartment?” He ranted as he paced back and forth across the living room.

  He’d known something was up the minute he saw her talking to that dickhead the other day. He wasn’t stupid—he knew what guys like that wanted. They were all the same with only one thing on their minds.

  What to do, what to do? Like a neon sign, Socrates’ name flashed into his head, and like a man possessed, he booted up the computer and logged into his e-mail account. He needed advice, fast, before he was tempted to do something rash. His fingers raced over the keys as he dashed off a message without even bothering to read it through and only hoped it wasn’t too cryptic for Socrates to read between the lines.


  Urgent advice sought.

  Snake in the grass!


  Checking his e-mail once again, Sonny slammed his fist onto the table. It was the third time this hour that he’d checked for messages, and still no response from Socrates. Patience wasn’t one of his virtues. The thought of her in another man’s arms made his blood boil. Where the hell was Socrates when I need him?

  Sonny’s chair went skittering backward as he jumped up and crossed the short space to the refrigerator and took out a beer. He was hot. The room was like a sauna, and he was sweating like a pig. Moisture streamed down his forehead and ran into his eyes making them sting. What to do, what to do.

  He needed air.

  The tail of his shirt served to mop his brow as he pushed open the back door and went down the steps to talk to Lindy. She’d always been a good listener and with Socrates not responding, he needed to vent to someone and get this latest calamity off his chest. With no neighbors in the near vicinity, it was mighty lonely around here and he needed a companion. Needed Kathy. Where was Socrates? What to do, what to do.

  * * * *

  It was a cloudless night. The sky was inky black now, darker than it had been when he’d first left the house, making the stars appear as bright as lights on a Christmas tree. The full moon threw a soft glow over the whole vista and
lit the track that Sonny followed. Cicadas chirruped noisily in the background while the little nocturnal creatures that inhabited the surrounding area scurried out of his way as he stomped through the scrubland away from Lindy’s grave.

  He felt better after having talked to her; calmer, less edgy. He entered the house and checked his e-mail.


  Competition? Perhaps.

  Relax. Woo her!!


  Socrates was smart, he always came up with the goods, and what better solution to win her over. He would send flowers. Red roses should do it, the flowers of love.

  Chapter 8

  Sunday morning Ice drove the short distance to Anne’s house under Kathy’s directions. The week had flown. He’d spent all of his free time with her and they’d got along like a house on fire. Too well, perhaps. Surprisingly, they had much in common. They liked the same music and read many of the same books. She even went running with him the night before at his insistence.

  “I’ll wait in the car. You won’t be long will you?” He asked as he pulled up in front of Anne’s house.

  “No.” Kathy leaned over and took the pretty wrapped thank you gift from her bag. “She knows we’re on our way to Meredith’s party. I’ll just give her this and collect Cindy.”

  He watched her with a self-satisfied smile as she hurried up the path to the front door. Her skirt kicking up showed her well-toned legs. Those same legs that had earlier been wrapped around his hips, he stiffened at the memory. God, a whole week of mind blowing sex, and she could still give him a hard-on just looking at her.

  He continued to watch as Anne appeared at the front door holding Cindy. The girls talked for a few minutes then Kathy walked back down the path with the puppy. As she got close, he leaned across and opened the door, and she climbed in. When she was settled he kicked over the engine and pulled out from the curb.

  “It was good of Anne to mind Cindy wasn’t it Shane?”

  He agreed that it was then the conversation shifted. He liked her voice, it was melodic and calming as she chatted beside him, amusing, interesting stuff not frivolous bullshit guaranteed to bore him to death.


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