Desire Unleashed

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Desire Unleashed Page 20

by Layne Macadam

  “I’ll just clean my teeth and then I’ll have to leave, if I hurry I can still make the bus.”

  “If you’re set on working today then I’ll drive you and I’ll pick you up. You only get into my car, understood?”

  Her brow furrowed. “Is that really necessary?”

  He didn’t like to upset her, but this was a dangerous situation. Until he knew who or what they were dealing with, he wanted her watched day and night. “It’s for your own protection, you don’t have to like it, just accept it babe.”

  Kathy agreed with reluctance.

  Ice respected her decision to behave as normally as possible and was even kind of proud that she didn’t let her attacker intimidate her into taking the day off. And if the prick was stalking her, then he’d know that it wasn’t only a defenseless woman he was dealing with now.

  Fifteen minutes later, Ice pulled up at the school gates and killed the engine.

  “I guess I’ll see you at three-thirty then,” Kathy said, unlatching the door.

  “I’ll walk you in.”

  “That’s not necessary, besides this is something I have to do alone. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  He struggled not to insist as he stroked the side of her cheek. “Babe, if it gets too hard for you today, call my cell and I’ll be here in five.”

  “Bye Shane.” Kathy climbed down from the pickup. As she entered the school gates, she turned and blew him a kiss. He waved in response and was relieved when her friend Anne appeared and walked the rest of the way to the building with her.

  The engine rumbled as he flicked on the ignition. Now that Kathy was inside the school grounds safe and sound, he was anxious to get back to his apartment and liaise with the guys.

  Chapter 14

  When Frosty arrived at the apartment ten minutes before rendezvous, Ice was appreciative. Knowing how busy he’d be with Sarah and the girls, he really hadn’t expected him to come at all. Frosty declared that when Wolf mentioned some kind of a problem concerning Kathy, there was no way he was being left out of the action. Both Sarah and he liked Kathy, and wanted to help anyway they could.

  Hot on Frosty’s heels was Hawk, with his usual youthful enthusiasm but looking worse for wear. He’d been burning the candle at both ends and making the most of his down time. Right on oh-nine-hundred, Havoc and Wolf showed up, punctual as always.

  “Okay man, we’re all here so what’s up?” Hawk winced as he posed the question.

  Ice cut to the chase. “Kathy was attacked yesterday. If not for a passerby, she would have been dragged into his van.”

  With the exception of Wolf, the group was bowled over. Shock flickered across their faces as easily readable as text on a screen.

  “Hell Ice, what’s going on? Why would anyone want to grab Kathy?” Frosty exclaimed. Like Havoc and Hawk, he was unaware of the recent history involving her.

  Ice brought them up to speed, leaving no detail out. Before the abduction, he’d only felt the need to discuss the situation with Wolf, a bad miscalculation on his part.

  Sitting unobtrusively in the corner quietly listening to Ice’s account of the events, Wolf appeared calm as he folded his arms and voiced what they all were thinking. “Well it’s probably someone she knows, stalkers are rarely strangers.”

  “Has she got any clues, maybe a disgruntled ex-lover?” Frosty suggested.

  “There are no ex-lovers. But there’s a guy from her hometown who’s worth checking out. Kathy wouldn’t hear of it though, but what makes him a suspect is she thought she saw him the other day in front of the florist where the roses were sent from.”

  “Well it’s a start, it may be coincidence, but I’ll check it out,” Hawk volunteered.

  Ice acknowledged him with a grateful smile and a slight inclination of his head. It was a slim lead but the only one they had, and they needed to know one way or the other whether this guy was a definite contender.

  “The other problem is, I want her watched around the clock, and I can’t do it. I ship out tonight and don’t get back until twenty-one-hundred Tuesday.”

  Without any hesitation, the guys agreed in unison to take shifts protecting Kathy. It was what he’d counted on. He took a back seat as ideas were bandied about and strategies planned. The decision to guard Kathy in his apartment rather than hers was unanimous. His was bigger and the guys could access his technical equipment if need be, and to top it off the freak knew where she lived. A roster was sorted until Tuesday night when he would be back and it could be reassessed. Havoc drew first shift. He had no plans for the evening and would arrive back here before Ice left for the base. Hawk would relieve Havoc the following morning.

  “Before you guys arrived, I jotted down a list of Kathy’s regular activities—her likes and dislikes, anything that might be helpful.” He picked up the list and began rattling off Kathy’s Saturday morning schedule. “She goes for a run at seven. Hawk, that’s your shift, so you’ll have to go with her and make sure she takes a bottle of water, she might be anxious and forget. As a rule she’s gone about an hour, but stick to her like glue. When she gets back she likes a cooked breakfast, bacon, eggs, you know, the works, and oh yeah, she always has hot tea in the morning, milk with one sugar.” Ice looked up, “Any questions so far?”

  Four pairs of eyes were fixed on him, but no one spoke. “What?” he barked.

  Their quiet amusement meant he’d been babbling like an old woman, acting crazy where Kathy was concerned. Treating his men like trainees and not like the skilled professionals they were. If the situation hadn’t been so serious, the guys would have given him hell and made ribald remarks.

  Ice was contrite and wanted to say something but couldn’t find the right words so simply explained, “She’s got a split lip from where the gutless bastard smacked her in the mouth. Her confidence has taken a blow, but she’s putting on a brave face and insisted on going to school today. My gut tells me this was no random attack. I’ve got an eerie feeling that she knows the creep, and I’m pissed off that I won’t be here to watch her back. She’s got no family, and I just want to make sure that all bases are covered. She’s been through enough,” he finished lamely.

  “Don’t sweat it pal, I’d be the same if it was Sarah.” Frosty threw him a lifeline and rescued his sorry ass.

  “Yeah mate, if I had a Sheila, I’m sure I’d be pussy whipped too,” Havoc made his backhanded contribution and stood. “Now, if we’re all done here, I’ll hit the road.”

  “With ya buddy.”


  “Right behind you.”

  Ice expelled a breath as he closed the door. They were a dependable team, and he couldn’t ask for better, but if he had to hazard a guess as to how Kathy would react to having her life reorganized, he’d have to say she’d be pissed. Tough. It was for her own damn good, so she’d just have to deal with it. This was too important to play around with.

  * * * *

  Ice was waiting when Kathy emerged from class with her charges. He was leaning patiently against the hood taking careful note of the surrounding area.

  There was the normal amount of activity one would expect to find after school. Teachers chatted together while waiting with the kids at the school gates. Cars were coming and going, mostly driven by parents collecting their offspring. Raucous older kids clowned around while they waited for the school bus to arrive to take them home. Nothing untoward, just the general hubbub expected in any school zone.

  When Kathy approached, Ice opened the passenger door and examined her face as he kissed her hello. The swelling on her lip had receded a bit, and her pallor had improved. She was composed and looking more like her old self. “How was your day?” he inquired, handing her up into the cab.

  “Not bad. I tried not to dwell on it, but everyone kept asking what happened to my face so it was kind of hard to get away from. And I did creep myself out a few times today thinking someone was watching me. It’s amazing how your imagination can run amuck if you let

  “Yeah, you’ve got to keep a firm rein on it. So, are you ready to go through the mug shots now?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” She replied as he kicked over the engine.

  “And you have remembered I’m flying out tonight?”

  He could tell by the flash of fear that darkened her face that she had forgotten. The fact that she was unnerved provided the perfect opportunity to break the news of his well laid plans. He didn’t beat about the bush or dress it up, just came straight out with it and bluntly announced his intentions as he pulled away from the curb. “I’ve arranged for you to stay at my place while I’m away, the guys have volunteered to take turns guarding you, and it will be easier there.”


  “Are you crazy? I’m not going to be driven out of my home.” She might be a little scared, but she was still independent. “And I don’t want your friends giving up their spare time to babysit me,” she was vehement in her declaration, appalled that Shane expected the guys to watch her in his apartment and sure that he had instigated the arrangements himself.

  “It’s not an imposition, they like you and are happy to do it. Besides, it gives them something to do.”

  “I’m sure they’ve got plenty to do. If you’re so concerned, I’ll stay locked in my apartment until Monday morning, I’ve got oodles of food and can veg out and relax, I’ll be okay.”

  “This is not up for negotiation, the guys won’t be talked out of it and neither will I.”

  “But Shane…”

  “This way you won’t be scared. You can follow your normal routine only you’ll have company around the clock, and I’ll be able to sleep knowing you’re safe.”

  “You surely don’t expect them to sleep over as well?”

  “Twenty-four/seven babe, no negotiations.”

  Kathy was incredulous. She hardly knew these guys, but arguing with Shane was like bashing her head against a brick wall. He was immoveable. If she was honest though, she’d have to admit that staying alone held little appeal, yesterday had shaken her to the core, but she was not about to give in on all points.

  “All right if you insist, then this is the deal. I’ll either stay in your apartment alone or my place with company. You decide.”


  Ice was silent. There was a red light up ahead, and he waited to draw level before laying down the law. Bringing the vehicle to a standstill, he shifted his attention to her upturned face. It held determination, but he was adamant too and wasn’t about to take any unnecessary risks with her safety. Then he read the vulnerability in her eyes and couldn’t deny her. Her need to still have some semblance of control was apparent and fundamentally, he was getting his own way so could afford her that illusion. The guys were more than capable of protecting her in either apartment.

  “It’s against my better judgment, but if you’re so stubborn then all right, you can stay in your apartment, but the deal is the guys don’t leave your side, not for a minute.”

  “Does that mean they crawl into bed with me as well?” She sniffed.

  “Don’t get smart with me, Kat.”

  “Then be reasonable. I’ve made plans to go to the movies with Len and Anne Monday night and I can’t put them off.”

  “Not a problem, Wolf will go with you.”

  “Fine then.” Kathy rolled her eyes and gave in grudgingly.

  Chapter 15

  At the precinct, Jesse McKenzie watched as Kathy scrutinized the stack of police albums that lay in disarray on the tabletop. When Jackson drew him aside for a quiet word so absorbed was she in the task at hand that she didn’t as much as bat an eyelash.

  Mackenzie’s gut told him that this case was serious, so the measures Jackson had laid out were warranted. He would have liked to provide the around-the-clock protection, but the department was strapped for resources, and he was short on manpower. He only hoped the SEALs were as good as their reputations, they might need to be before this was over, but if Jackson was an example, then Kathy was in good hands.

  His eyes drifted over her. She really was quite unique, and if Jackson had a change of heart, then any number of guys would be more than willing to take her off his hands, himself included.


  Kathy closed another book with a thud. She’d spent a good few hours at the station flipping through pages of potential suspects, all to no avail. Disappointment rode her hard, and she was tired and frazzled from the exercise. The volumes contained countless photos of known criminals in this area alone. Wading through them was a mammoth task akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. Even though Detective McKenzie had pointed out earlier that it was unlikely she’d find her assailant in the books, she’d been hoping for a different result.

  Her frustration was evident as she shoved the last volume aside with a weary sigh. “I’m afraid he’s not in here either, Detective.”

  “Oh well, it was worth a shot. He could be a first time offender, but if he has a history and his DNA is on record, then the lab results will be conclusive.”

  Shane pulled her to her feet. “If we’re done here, I’ve got a deadline to meet.”

  Kathy looked to the detective who nodded his consent. “I think we’ve gone about as far as we can go at this stage, I’ll be in touch if there are any further developments, if not I’ll call you Tuesday with the DNA results,” McKenzie said as he escorted them out of the building.

  * * * *

  Ice calculated the hours left before he had to be at the base, if he played his cards right there’d be just enough time to grab something to eat, inform the guys of the change of venue, and say a proper good-bye to Kathy.

  She was subdued in the car ride back to the apartment. He picked up her unsettled vibes and tried his best to reassure her.

  “Home at last babe, I’ve got steaks and eggs in the fridge, how about I make some fries to go with them while you put your feet up with a glass of wine and watch the TV?”

  “I’d rather keep busy, I’ll cook dinner and you do what you have too.”

  “If that’s what you want Kat, you get started while I go pack.” Ice readily agreed, the packing and telephone call wouldn’t take long, and then he could lend a hand with dinner giving them a bit extra time for that special good-bye.

  By the time they’d finished their meal and tidied up, he was more than ready to usher Kathy to the bedroom, and she was just as eager to go.

  Conscious of the time constraints, they stripped each other in record time and fell into bed. His cock was already primed as he rolled her beneath him, but he wanted to make sure that she was too. As his mouth found hers, he reached down between them then swallowed a grin. Her pussy juices were flowing. His fingers found her clit, and he rubbed it till she begged him to take her. He dressed his cock and entered her. She moaned her pleasure, and he rode her hard and fast. She clawed his back and met him thrust for thrust until they both climaxed together. It was exhilarating and left him hungry for more, but he was out of time.

  They were freshening up when Ice heard a knock at the door. “That’ll be Havoc,” he said as he stepped out of the shower, and securing a towel around his waist went to let him in.

  “Right on time.” Ice said, checking his watch and stood aside to let Havoc pass.

  “Howzit goin’ mate?”

  “Mug shots were a no go, so back to square one. Take a seat while I get dressed.” Ice disappeared but returned less than five minutes later. “Slight change of plans, Kat feels more comfortable staying at her place, and I figured what the heck.”

  Havoc cocked a brow, a slow grin spread across his face. “Whatever you say, boss.”

  “She needs to feel in control, that asshole really unnerved her,” he justified his reasoning to the big Australian.

  “As you say mate, here or there makes no never mind, but rest assured, nobody will get to her on my watch,” Havoc vowed with his hand on his heart.

  Kathy emerged from the bathroom, her hair damp from the shower and weari
ng the aura of a woman who had just been thoroughly fucked. Wispy curls framed her face, sweat pants clung to her ass, and a white T-shirt strained across her breasts. Ice watched her come forward, glowing and sexy, and was aware of exactly what Havoc would be thinking.

  “Hi Havoc.” She sent him a sweet smile. “Thanks for giving up your time to watch out for me, I’m sure you’ve got better things you could be doing.”

  “It’s my pleasure, it’s always good to have an intelligent woman to shoot the breeze with, and I’ll enjoy the company. Besides, if I wasn’t here with you I’d be hanging with Wolf or Hawk, and believe me love, I much prefer to be looking at your pretty face than their ugly mugs.”

  Kathy gave him a cheeky grin. “I think you’re just being kind, but thank you anyway.”

  “I’ve brought along some of my special stash of Australian chocolate, you’ll love it I guarantee, it’s sooo so good.” Havoc smacked his lips and held up the chocolate bars like a prize.

  “Careful Kathy, next he’ll be trying to force feed you Vegemite.”

  “Hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.”

  “Chocolate, mm my favorite thing, that’s so sweet of you, Havoc.”

  “I’ve brought DVD’s from my collection too, a chic flick, a comedy and a horror. I thought we could veg out on the lounge, stuff our faces and kill some time that way.”

  “Great, what did you get?”

  “The Notebook, it’s a bit of a tear jerker, The Castle, a typical Aussie comedy that I thought you might enjoy, and I even grabbed a horror of the shelf, The Ring. I wasn’t sure what you’d like, so I got a selection, your choice of course but we don’t have to watch any if you’ve got something else in mind.”

  “No, you’ve won me, The Castle sounds fun and every girl loves a love story, The Notebook is one of my favorites, and I’ve been wanting to see The Ring like forever, but was too scared to watch it alone. Hey, why don’t we do a movie marathon and watch all three. There’s a bottle of wine chilling and I can make popcorn, we can dim the lights and if it gets too scary, I’ll have you to hold on to.”


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