Sphiel's Song (A GameLit Virtual Fantasy Adventure)

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Sphiel's Song (A GameLit Virtual Fantasy Adventure) Page 10

by Alara Branwen

  The genie smiled. “How convenient, a chance to use your new power.”

  Sphiel’s smile turned to worry as the wolves rapidly encroached, snarling and snapping their slavering jaws.

  “What do I do?” Sphiel siad.

  “You ought to know, you made the spell. Start singing.”

  Sphiel began to sing. Her voice was beautiful, a great improvement on her real life singing voice. The notes she created reverberated in the air. She hoped the wolves would stop and not attack her.

  As if complying with her thoughts, the wolves stopped a couple of feet from where she was and sat on their hind quarters.”

  The goblins were stunned, as was Sphiel. What would she do now? She stopped the attack, but the goblins didn’t seem terribly happy about it. All three drew maces and ran toward her.

  “Well, what are you waiting for, command the wolves to attack them. Think the command and they’ll do it,” Vespus said.

  Sphiel imagined the wolves turning on their former masters and ripping them to shreds. The large wolves turned around and started snarling at the goblins. The little green creatures stopped and took a step back.

  The wolves dashed forth and leapt at their masters. The goblins fought a hard fight, but the wolves were larger and faster. They suffered a few wounds, but in the end the wolves stood victorious, howling over the corpses of their dead masters.

  Sphiel stopped singing. She grabbed her short sword, expecting the wolves to attack. However, they only sniffed at the goblin corpses and themselves.

  The genie smiled down at the elf and applauded. “A marvelous performance. Bravo. My favorite kind of ballad, one filled with blood.”

  Sphiel started to feel disturbed at the genie’s words again and nodded.

  “Well, that’s that. I encourage you to experiment with your new power. The devs just informed me that your power might be game breaking so we inserted another limitation. Once you stop singing the animals you ensorcel will only be docile for five minutes, then they’ll become hostile again. So I suggest you send these animals away.”

  Sphiel did so and the animals ventured off into the woods. The goblin bodies turned to blue flames and left their weapons and equipment behind.

  “Well, it’s time for me to travel the ‘other realm,’ I have a break in ten. Oh, and be sure to study the book as well,” the genie pointed to the black tome in front of Sphiel, “it would be amusing to see a player necromancer. Until then, tootles.”

  The genie rocketed upward and disappeared into the sky above. Sphiel grinned and looked at Balanos. “That was awesome.”

  “It was. It seems you have come into possession of a useful power. But I ask you one favor. Please don’t take up necromancy. It is a vile art and if you do I could no longer stand by your side.”

  Sphiel imagined herself in a dank dungeon surrounded by creepy accoutrements. She wore a neon pink bathrobe while putting together the skeleton of a goblin. The elf shuddered at the thought and promised she wouldn’t.


  Sphiel entered the game the following day and heard the clanging of metal and some voices conversing with each other. She entered the clearing to find four goblins sifting through the weapons she accumulated and holding up some of the treasures she had in sacks.

  She looked around for Balanos, but he was nowhere to be found. She hoped to find some animals in the hopes of charming them to chase the goblins off, but she couldn’t find any. It was just the goblins.

  A few birds were chirping in the trees. Perhaps they could lend her aid?

  While she was thinking one of the goblins looked up and noticed her standing at the edge of the clearing. It raised its spear and pointed at her.

  “You. You’re the one who murdered our brethren.”

  Sphiel growled. “I didn’t murder your brethren, they were the ones that tried to kill me. I was just fighting in self-defense.”

  Another goblin, a particularly rotund one with a pug nose, scowled. “A likely story. We are a peaceful people. We wouldn’t bring harm to no one.”

  Sphiel laughed. “That’s complete crap. If you aren’t here to bring harm to anyone, then how come you’re going through my stuff?”

  Another goblin stamped his foot. “Not all of these are your things. Some of these belonged to our friends.”

  “You mean the ones that tried to kill me?” Sphiel scowled.

  One of the goblins growled and raised a spear, the others followed suit. Sphiel drew her short sword and prepared to rush in. The goblins reared back and threw their spears at her. The small spears came at her surprisingly fast. She fell to the ground in order to avoid them.

  One of the spears imbedded itself into her back and the other in her leg. She screamed as the metal heads rendered her flesh. Blood pooled around her injuries.

  Sphiel Lvl. 9

  Health 70% (-30%)

  Stamina 99%

  Mana 100%

  Character Status

  Internal Wound (Continual Damage -1% HP/ 3 seconds)

  This wasn’t the start Sphiel expected when she came into the game, and given her current predicament, she wouldn’t last very long. The goblins drew their weapons and charged.

  From behind a tree, Balanos let out a battle cry and boldly rushed the goblins. He managed to hit two of them with his staff before the other two stepped forward and drove him back. The two goblins he didn’t hit pursued him while the others recovered their faculties and came toward her.

  The elf pulled herself to her hands and knees and liquid fire rushed through her veins. Her muscles jittered but she was able to keep her balance.

  What could she do? The spear sticking out of her back didn’t take all of her health but she was barely in a condition to fight. She needed to think of something, preferably quick. The goblins were fast approaching and they didn’t look like they were going to give any quarter.

  Sphiel imagined a large swarm of birds coming down on the two goblins. She sang as best she could, trying to ignore the pain. There was a ripple in the air. All of the birds in the trees cried out as one and flew out of the trees. They circled around and came down at the two goblins.

  The goblins reached Sphiel and drew back to strike her with a mace. Before the weapon connected, a large number of birds came down as a big, screeching mass and attacked the goblins. They encircled the creatures, flying past their flailing arms and pecking at their faces.

  Sphiel focused on the two goblins and began to sing louder. More tiny birds came down and joined the colorful, flitting cloud of disgruntled avians. The goblins became disoriented among the cloud of birds.

  The elf’s eyes shifted over to her friend and found him having some difficulty. He managed to strike occasionally, but the goblins were coming in and landing several hits that caused brown, syrupy substance to leak from his wounds. She wondered if she could make his life easier. She imagined some of the birds diverting from the cloud and coming after the two goblins Balanos fought.

  A thought that wasn’t her own told her to change the pitch of her song. She lowered the pitch and raised it to a high tenor. A few of the birds broke away and accosted the goblins fighting the dryad. This distraction diverted their attention away from Balanos and allowed him to crush the two goblin skulls with his staff.

  Balanos rushed to the other two goblins trying to fight off the birds and they shortly found their eternal fate when the dryad’s weapon came down upon them.

  When the battle was won, Sphiel released her song.

  Your skill with Enchanting magic has grown to 1!

  Your skill with Spellcasting has grown to 1!

  The elf released her song and the dryad came toward her. He shuddered and placed his hands on her shoulders for support. “Are you okay?” Balanos coughed and some of the brown fluid that leaked from his wounds fell from his lips.

  “For now, but it said I have internal injuries. I’m suffering some kind of internal injury thing. Can you heal me?”

  Balanos looked
back at his tree. There were dark splotches in several places and many of the leaves were wilted. “I am severely weakened from the battle. If I tried to heal you I would expire, but I’m willing to if it means saving your life.”

  Sphiel fell flat. “Couldn’t you just respawn?”

  Balanos looked puzzled. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  The elf clawed the dirt as pain ate away at her body. “Ugh, nevermind then. I wish there was a way you could heal us both. God this hurts.”

  Balanos removed the spear from Sphiel’s back and she screamed. Dark red leaked into her shirt.

  “There is one way that I know.”

  “Well could you hurry up and do it already, this pain sucks.”

  The dryad rolled the elf onto her back and began pulling down his shorts.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Sphiel said.

  “Healing you.”

  “How?” Sphiel coughed. “Are you going to do some kind of naked dance or something?”

  “No, I’m going to have sex with you.”

  “Do what?” Sphiel’s eyes grew wide.

  “If you and I share in carnal knowledge, it will be able to heal us both.”

  “What? How does that make any sense?”

  “It is the way of our world.”

  That seemed really strange. Why would the designers build something like that in the game. Sphiel remembered the lewd advertisements she saw for the game and immediately understood. It was an interesting mechanic, one that she was sure quite a few players would be interested in.

  Sphiel’s eyes trailed over the dryad’s body. His muscles were toned, almost perfectly, and the damage he took gave him a rugged handsomeness. The elf blushed and clasped her hands to her chest. She wasn’t against the idea of sharing a little intimate time with the sexy dryad, but it wasn’t really the reason she was playing the game.

  Sphiel brought up her character status.

  Sphiel Lvl. 9

  Health 26%

  Stamina 93%

  Mana: 40%

  Character Status

  Internal Wound (Continual Damage -1% HP/ 3 seconds)

  In less than ninety seconds she was going to be a gonner. She had to do something and without the dryad resorting to killing himself to heal her, there didn’t seem to be any other alternative.

  “Okay, I’ll do it,” Sphiel said, a little more eagerly than she meant to.

  The dryad removed his leaf sewn pants and Sphiel closed her eyes when she saw his member. A second later she slowly opened to see his thick cock. Flaccid, it was halfway down to his knee and was rising slowly.

  Heat came over the elf. All of the pain seemed to leave her body and was replaced by a small, curling flame of desire.

  She was enraptured as she looked over him. The sheen of his muscles in the sunlight gave him such a natural and sort of ethereal feel. He came down and touched her cheek. Her heart kicked in her chest.

  “Do you need help with your clothes?” Balanos whispered.

  Sphiel was quickly out of her tunic and breeches. She threw them to the side. She hoped by taking them off she would alleviate some of the heat coursing through her body, but it only made it worst.

  Her massive bosom was exposed to the wind. They rose and fell rapidly as her breath came in short bursts. She’d never done this before and didn’t know what to expect. She looked up at the dryad anxiously. “Will this hurt?”

  “No, it will make it stop hurting,” he said matter of factly. “Is there something you want me to do?”

  It was obvious what she wanted him to do. She wanted her to do him. A few erotic hentai scenes poured through her mind. There were a lot of things she wanted to try from those anime, but many would take time and she didn’t think her health would hold out for that long.

  “Let’s just do it, for now,” Sphiel was surprised at how breathless she sounded.

  The dryad knelt between her legs and ran his thin fingers up her smooth skin. His palms slid around her hips and her her flat stomach. She gasped when they came to rest on her large tits and he pressed his lips to hers.

  The elf moved her tongue around his. The slippery appendage was agile and explored her flailing tongue, darting to and fro, teasing her senses. His hands were massaging her breasts, pressing the large globes together and running his fingers over her nipples as his mouth pressed closely to hers.

  She expected to feel him manipulating her body, but she didn’t. It was exciting to watch him tease her breasts, and even more so when he trailed the pads of his forefingers down her stomach and brush them across her womanhood. She was wet. Heat wormed its way around her legs and spiraled into her chest. But she had a feeling it was from her own body and not the dryad’s ministrations. Experiencing this, she was disappointed that she didn’t have the “Pleasure Synthesizer” on. She imagined how amazing it would be to feel all of the things the dryad was doing to her.

  Balanos slid his hips between her legs and pressed the mushroom head of his large member against her pussy. There was no feeling, but a surge of excitement sent her nerves into hyperdrive. Her entire body tingled as she waited for the dryad to enter her.

  His large member sank into her waiting cunt, spreading the labia wide, pushing back into the innermost parts of her sex.

  The dryad thrust his member into her, moaning and looking at the elf. Sphiel leaned back and wrapped her legs around Balanos. She reached up and took a hold of his shoulders and pulled him toward her. His chest mashed against her tits as they came together. His bright blue eyes twinkled before he closed them and pressed his lips to hers again.

  Sphiel learned from romantic movies you were supposed to close your eyes when you had sex, but she didn’t want to miss the sight. She loved to watch his body glide against hers. Those slender, rippling muscles beneath his green skin, glistening with the sweat of his efforts, grinding against her rising and falling chest.

  The cool wind was torrid around her. She yearned to feel his fingers running the length of her curves as he rammed his cock into her body. How electric would his slippery tongue feel against hers and how wild would she go if she could feel his heaving chest press against her bouncing tits.

  Excitement was boiling in her. She had to get out of game and relieve the sexual tension. If she didn’t she was going to go nuts.

  As if on command, Balanos grunted and released his climax. His eyes screwed shut and lips thin. She loved seeing him look like that, and at the same time was jealous. His player was probably wearing that pleasure synthesizer to make him feel like he was actually doing it.

  Sphiel cleaned up and hastily said goodbye. She checked her character screen, and sure enough, her character status was back to normal. After she got back into the real world, she planned to do something to get her addled mind back to normal as well. She felt bad for leaving so quickly, but Balanos didn’t seem to mind. He waved her off as she logged out.


  Mandy was covered in sweat when she came back into the game. She was breathing quickly. Her heart was racing, but it wasn’t her anxiety that was getting to her.

  Natalie leaned forward, nervously looking at her sister. “Mandy, you okay? What happened? You were moving all weird.”

  Mandy stood and took her sister’s hand. She pulled her out of the chair and walked her to the door.

  “What is it?” Natalie said.

  Mandy shook. The wetness she felt in her nethers was driving her mad. “Tell you later. Can’t talk. Need some privacy.”

  Natalie protested and tried to fight back, but her sister’s vigor overcame her. She was half tossed outside of her sister’s room before the door was slammed in her face.

  Natalie’s jaw dropped. What the hell was that? One moment her sister was squirming uncontrollably on the bed and the next she got up and threw her outside. She was going to give her sister a piece of her mind. She was sacrificing her time for this, the least her sister could do was give her an explanation before she was pushed into the hall

  There were some strange noises coming from her sister’s room. Natalie pressed her ear to the door. There was some rustling followed by a soft moan from her sister.

  Natalie’s eyes went wide and she backed away from the door. On second thought, she wasn’t sure she wanted an explanation for what happened in the game.


  Mandy slowly knocked on her sister’s door. She was in the middle of the hallway, not very far from the blue sofa in the living room. Normally, she’d feel a little worried about being so far out of her room, but she was worried and her sister was upset with her and that trumped any of her fears. She heard footsteps coming toward the door and it opened.

  Natalie scowled and crossed her arms. “Mind telling me what happened earlier?”

  Mandy went into detail about her last encounter with Balanos in the game. The descriptions she gave were graphic, so much so that her sister stopped her.

  “Okay, okay I get it, but you could’ve said something. I would’ve given you some privacy,” Natalie said.

  Mandy flushed and looked at her feet. “I know. I’m sorry. It’d just been a while since I felt like, you know, like that. I had to take care of it and I kind of went into panic mode.”

  To Mandy’s surprise, Natalie laughed. “It’s fine. I honestly thought something was really wrong. I was gonna come back in and demand an explanation but I heard uh, some stuff, and decided it was probably not the best idea.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think I would’ve been very happy if you came back in. Well, anyway, I just wanted to come by and say I’m sorry for being a jerk. Will you still help me with this experiment?”

  Natalie shrugged. “Of course. It’s not like it was a big deal. You had to get your ‘freak on,’ as dad puts it, and it’d been a while. You didn’t do anything major. I’ll bleach my brain to get the mental image of you doing what you had to do out of my mind and everything will be just fine.”

  Mandy giggled. “Oh, fuck you.”

  “I would just say to logout and tell me when you’re gonna do something like that so I can leave the room, but I don’t know if that’d be safe. Maybe we can talk to Dr. Braun and ask him if you can play the game by yourself for a little bit.”


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