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The Last Armada Page 36

by Des Ekin

  JdA had a manual on fortifications: pac O’G v2p249

  In similar situations: His service in Flanders and Brittany, all covered later.

  Over the past… almost impregnable: See Ward, Muller. Rec, Jones, Archer, pp194-195. For a readable guide to this subject, I highly recommend Siege Warfare 1494-1648 on the website

  Machiavelli quote: Machiavelli, Niccolo: Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius

  Brittany fort: ie, Blavet, covered later

  ‘Kinsale is… fortification’: CSPS 840 f712, Memorandum of All That Has Occurred… Dec 17 1601

  Defensive trenches, sallies: See later chapters

  Roger Boyle quote: Boyle, Roger (c1640) A Treatise on the Art of War

  ‘Upon a hill…’: pac (1810 ed) p362

  ‘They set…’: O’Cleary p295

  Lynch and Clerk, CSPI pp129-130

  Sakers: From description of contemporary bronze saker in National Army Museum, London

  ‘There has never…’ and colourful dress: rec, Parker p138

  JdA quote, naked, unused to war: JdA-King, Oct 31 1601; rec, García Hernán p162

  Tercio, Spanish Square: Encyclopaedia Brittanica; rec, Jones, Archer pp191-194

  Troops in a…7000: rec, González de Leon p57

  Zubiaur in Spain: Letters from PdZ on Oct 22, 23 and 31, 1601; Brochero to Castel Rodrigo Nov 5 1601; and King to PdZ Oct 31, Nov 5 and Nov 27 1601; rec, Epistolario pp 72-76. Rec, Silke p117

  ‘They are content…’ CSPV f1035, Cavalli to Doge, Dec 24 1601

  Águila’s position: CSPI xii

  ‘14 days’ promise: CSPI p126

  Three messengers: CSPI p118

  ‘They are far…’: Mor Hist pp 326-327; Memorandum, CSPS 840 f712 Dec 17 1601

  ‘Nobody worth…’ CSPI p119

  ‘The Irish…’ CSPI p126

  Food for 18 months: Mor Hist p327

  ‘What they have…’ CSPI p119

  ‘Neither rice…’ etc., CSPI pp126-127

  Herd of cattle: Mor Hist p339

  ‘By Day Twenty…’: Bust

  Townsfolk held, ‘Some English…’: CSPI p124

  Edie escape: CSPI p86

  ‘No persecution’: O’Sullivan Beare, Philip (1903) Ireland Under Elizabeth p55

  Catholic clery urged loyalty: Thomas Leland (1773), History of Ireland vol 2, p306, footnote; OSB, p117; Hull, in ‘Battle of Kinsale’ chapter; rec, Connolly p246-9; rec, Silke, pp118-9: rec, par 4 in O’Connor, Thomas, Diplomatic Preparations for Kinsale. Madrid: Universidad de Alcalá

  Oviedo’s and Blount’s proclamations: pac (1810 ed) p357; Moran pp212-213

  ‘deprived of her…’: Prynne, William (1641) The Antipathy of the English Lordly Prelacy

  Previous Bulls: McCaffrey, James, The Church in Ireland During the Reigns of Mary and Elizabeth; rec, p4 in Morgan, Hiram (1994) Faith and Fatherland; rec, par 4 in O’Connor op.cit.; rec Jones The Spaniards… p20

  Clement’s diplomacy: rec, par 4 in O’Connor, op. cit.; rec, Silke p117

  ‘In Venice…’, repercussions, CSPV f1036, Cavalli to Doge, Dec 24 1601; Hume, Martin (1907), Spain Under Philip III, in Cambridge Modern History; rec, Knecht, Robert, the French Religious Wars, Silke p118, Jones The Spaniards… p20

  Thunderbolts: Speed (1612)

  Dysentery: CSPI p124, p139; CSPV f1034, Mocenigo to Doge, Dec 22 1601

  More deaths than English: rec, Duro p221

  Offer of 2k troops: See next chapter

  Chapter 11: The Lord of Beara and Bantry

  Donal Cam’s offer, JdA’s rejection: OSB

  Donal Cam’s appearance: his portrait, now in Maynooth

  ‘His face… haughtiness’: From The Last Lord of Beara in The Cork Magazine [19th Century], vols 1-2

  Nickname made him stronger: His own writings in pac O’G v2 p121; rec, Somers, Dermot (2005) Endurance Dublin: O’Brien Press, p83

  ‘These merciless…’: pac O’G v2 p124

  But after… inhabitants: See footnotes to pac O’G v2 p19, p124, p150; and Éigse, vol 6, issue 4, p314

  Oviedo complaint: Ov-Lerma Jan 26 1602; rec McBride p113

  By mid-Oct… six days: Mor Hist p326; CSPI preface xiv

  Troops at Barnstaple etc: pac (1810 ed) p383

  Conscripting system, ‘either old…’, dead-pays, ‘ensure they…’: CSPI p30; CSPI p507; Cecil Papers, May 1602, 16-21; rec, Connolly p253; rec, O’Faolain pp 156-157, and 160-161; rec, Roberts, Keith (2002) Matchlock Musketeer 1588-1688 Oxford: Osprey, pp11-12.

  Set sail, skilled workers: pac (1810 ed) p383

  ‘God send…’: Mor Hist p338

  Needed westerly wind: pac (1810 ed) p382; pp385-386

  Misconception: eg Mitchel p24 and p26

  Sallying: Muller

  The night of Oct 19… first engagement: pac (1810 ed) p361; Mor Hist p329

  McDermot aided JdA, horse gift: CSPI pp160-161 McDermot charge, Godolphin rescue, ‘marvel of all’: Mor Hist p330, pac (1810 ed) p362

  Strike force, entry through gate: Mor Hist p339; pac (1810 ed) p364

  Chapter 12: Confessions and Conspiracies

  JdA-captains dispute: OSB

  Oviedo prickly: As evident from his letters before and after the mission

  Fell out with King, excommunication threat: rec, García Hernán pp36-37 and footnote; disliked Archer, rec, García Hernán p28, citing Ov-Ibarra July 7 1601

  From a loyal officer: (ie, Pedro de Colmenares) house visits, treason claims: Declaración de Pedro de Colmenares [to Inquiry], 1602. Rec, Silke p128 and p164

  Oviedo was carefully… land and sea: See McBride, multiple examples in letters. ‘Failure’ and ‘Entire country’ quotes, Ov-Lerma Jan 24 1602, and Ov-Lerma Jan 26; rec McBride pp 112-113; also rec García Hernán p292

  Smerwick episode (generally): a4m, and footnotes to p506 of Owen Connellan edition; Cusack Ch 27; Moran pp197-205; Church, Richard William (1879) Edmund Spenser: A Study London: Macmillan pp 56-60; Ryan, John (1900) Ireland From AD 800 to AD 1600 Dublin: Browne, Nolan, pp199-200; rec Benvenuta, M (1969) The Geraldine War in Proceedings of the Irish Catholic Historical Society 1963-68 Dublin: Browne, Nolan; rec Shiels, Damian (2008) Dun an Óir in Pollard, Tony and Banks, Iain (eds) (2008) Scorched Earth Leiden: Brill

  ‘That yoke…’: Moran p198

  ‘To bring that isle…’: rec, Garcia Gonzales p122 A quarter of…: Report to Rome via Nicholas Sanders, Oct 10 1579; see Moran p196

  ‘Principal promoter…’: Cusack, ch 27

  San Giuseppe: a.k.a. San José. Moran p198; Cusack ch 27

  Indulgences: Moran pp198-199; Cusack ch 27

  Oviedo-San Giuseppe dispute: Facts, Moran p199, Ryan p199-200, my interpretation. ‘In disgust’, ‘retired…’, Ryan p199. Alternative interpretation to Ryan’s: rec, Mangan Vindication… pp 349-351

  Ov sails home to plead: Moran p200

  Ov takes best ships: rec, Mangan A Vindication, op. cit.

  Fighting and surrender: a4m and footnote as above; Moran pp202

  Impression that lives spared: Ryan p199-200; Moran pp203-204

  Grey’s version of terms: CSPI 1574-1585, reproduced in Church op.cit. p58-59

  ‘Lord Grey decided…’: Speed, John (1612) The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain

  ‘Morning came… 600 slain’: CSPI 1574-1585; Church, op.cit. p59

  San Giuseppe in Spain: Moran p204

  ‘However, another source…’: rec, Mangan A Vindication, op. cit.

  Officers not receiving promotions: rec, Silke p120

  Alba’s methods; died with him; logjam of officers: rec, Leon Rocroi pp 55-59 and pp72-78; jousting story, p77

  Freedom to dress, uniforms: rec, Parker p138

  Beef short, maggots: CSPI pp126-127

  Clerk on cattle: CSPI p130; also see jdA quote, pac (1810 ed) p344

  Illness, hospital overflow: CSPI p124

  JdA quote on tortillas, sickness, conditions: JdA-King Oct 31 1601; rec, García Hernán p162-163

>   O’Sullivan on winter: Florence O’Sullivan (1905) Kinsale in Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society Vol XI no 65

  Chapter 13 ‘Crested Plumes and Silken Sashes’

  Distant appearance: See Pacata Hibernia map

  Troop numbers: Mor Hist p344; CSPI xiv; CSPI p154 reckons 3,500 Spanish in town

  Pikes, pikemen: John Derrick (1581) The Image of Ireland; pictures in pac; rec, Falls, Eliz… p44-45

  O’Sullivan quote: O’Sullivan, Philip, (1903) Chapters Towards A History of Ireland… ch 5

  Contemporary illustration: From Derrick, Sidney on the March

  Clothing: Based on John Harrington’s specs for winter clothing for army in Ireland in 1599 in Grose, Francis (1801) Military Antiquities Vol. 2 London: Egerton

  Archers vs. musketeers: rec, Roberts op. cit. p7; armour, rec, Falls, Eliz… p40; however, Bagwell (p234, etc) cites isolated instances of arrow attacks in the 1590s

  Reason for red: Grose, op.cit., quoting Julius Ferretus

  Chester: Calendar of Cecil Papers Vol 11, November 4 1601, Mayor of Chester to Privy Council.

  ‘Very deficient…’: Mor Hist p344

  ‘Our soldiers are…’: CSPI p124

  By Oct 26… entrenching equipment: Mor Hist p339 and p344; pac (1810 ed) pp 364-366

  Chapter 14: Digging for Victory

  Bodley, trenchmaster, career: Mor Itin v3 p15, p38, p54; CSPI p210; Dict Nat Biog

  Double height of a man: CSPS 840, f714, committee report, Jan 29 1602

  ‘The camp was… perfected’: Mor Itin v3 p15

  Description of camp: map in pac v2

  Fourpence extra: Bagwell p375

  Bodley’s pay: CalCarew p152

  Muller’s quotes: Muller p45 etc

  Ward’s quotes: Ward p98 etc

  Farmer quote: Farmer p120

  As high as lances etc: CSPS 840 f714, Jan 29 1602; rec, Silke p136

  ‘The great strength…’: O’Cleary p311

  Chapter 15: The Taking of Rinjora Castle

  All references to Sgt Heredia in this chapter are from his own testimony in Carew Ms. 607, p203, April 1 1618

  Clavijo commander: pac O’G v2 p5

  Rincorran’s setting: My description

  Warping up, pinnace Moon: CSPI p155

  Culverins: pac O’G v2 p2-3

  Culverin’s properties: Sturmy, Capt. Samuel (1669) Sturmy’s Mathematical and Practical Arts London: Harlock; also Luis Collado (1590s) cited in (rec) Manucy, Albert (1949) Artillery Through the Ages Washington: US Govt

  One English official: Geoffrey Fenton, Oct 31 1586, in Annals of Kinsale xxii

  150 men, support: pac O’G v2 p2

  Commander’s leg injury, thirty Irish: Bust; also rec, Silke p180

  Don Dermutio: See Ch 6

  Don D. in Rincorran: Bust; Heredia’s testimony, op.cit.; CSPI p159

  ‘Great multitude…’: CSPI p348

  Contreras: pac O’G v2 p5; Farmer

  Boat relief attempt foiled; two culverins broken: pac O’G v2 p2; Mor Itin v3 p15

  Spanish gun attack: pac O’G v2 p2; Mor Itin v3 p16; ‘killing the vivo’, rec, Manucy op. cit.

  By the morning… all wrong: pac O’G v2 pp2-3

  Carew hated Ireland, ‘virgin bride’: Stafford in pac Book 3, ch 20; Hull ‘Battle of Kinsale’ chapter; Bagwell p433; Gibson p423; rec GC entry in Ox. Dict. Nat. Biog.

  Witches, priests and foul weather, CalCarew p243, CSPI p396

  Dublin murder: Hull; Carew entry in Oxford Dict Nat Biog

  ‘Drew a draft’: Carew entry in (1878) Compendium of Irish Biography

  Familiar, ‘nothing hidden’: pac O’G v2 p131

  Aiming high, shots in spikes, range checks: pac O’G v2 pp2-3

  Secret guild: Manucy, op. cit., p5

  Quadrant, staff, point blank, elevation tables: Ward pp 125-127

  Adjusting range: Collado cited in Manucy, op. cit.

  ‘One lighted’: pac O’G v2 p3

  ‘Every shot…’: Ward p80

  Eight rounds an hour etc.: Manucy, op. cit.

  ‘Without intermission’: Mor Hist p346

  Feint, battle Oct 31: pac v2, pp3-5; Mor Hist pp346-347

  Wingfield and Contreras: Farmer

  Two sections ‘The culverin snake… might make it’ and ‘Back in the English… upon his knees’: pac O’G v2 pp5-7; Mor Hist pp347-349; Harvey quote and pillage castle, CSPI pp158-159

  Ransom offer and reply: CSPI p182

  Dermutio’s interrogation, Archer: CSPI pp158-159

  Chapter 16: ‘The Most Bloody and Treacherous Traitor’

  Poison, great service, CSPI 1603-06, v1, p76; A the traitor, CSPI 1603-1606 vol 1 p72 and Hogan p345; tall, CSPI 1603-1606 vl 1 p83

  Archduke, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquities of Ireland, v1

  ‘Principal plotter’: CSPI 1603-1606 v1 p76

  Plot, Cahill: CSP Domestic 1591-1594 p442, Feb 25 1594

  Destestable: Letter to Walsingham cited in Hogan p319

  ‘Bloody and treacherous’, ‘absolute’, ‘gainsay’: CSPI 1603-1606 v1 p82

  Archer would sail… witchcraft: CSPI 1603-1606 p82; Hogan p207, p347, p324

  Description from sketch: Walker engraving in Planché, James (1836) History of British Costume London: C Knight p371

  Nov 15 meeting, riders, Archer plan, Roche house: Mor Itin v3 p45

  Sent messengers: CSPI pp 141-142

  Priest messenger: CSPI p185

  Would withdraw, CSPI p142

  Rough encounters, fight with soldier: Hogan pp 351-353; p168; p326

  ‘Englished’: Hogan p356

  Uncultivated, barbarous: Hogan p325

  Choleric, melancholic: rec Morrissey, p5

  Bipolar disorder, Jamison quote: Jamison, Kay Redfield (1994) Touched with Fire New York: Simon & Schuster p18

  Pharaoh, Moses quote: CSPI pp 394-395

  Endangered own flock: rec McCoog, Thomas (2010) Persons the Peacemaker, lecture in Rome April 15 2010

  Plea to stay away, ‘he has made…’: Hogan pp 349-350

  ‘Detestable enemy’: President of Munster to Walsingham, 1577

  Chapter 17: ‘There Will Be No Retreat’

  Gate notice: Mor Itin v3 p32

  Weakened: ie, by Carew’s departure, dealt with in Ch 20

  Decoy unit and battle: Mor Itin v3 p34; CalCarew p159

  Shame upon… posted; 108 deaths; ‘moan’ over captain: Mor Itin v3 p32 and p45

  Warships, new troops: Mor Itin v3 pp 36-37; names, Monson, William (1682) Megalopsychy

  The Spanish were… in his face: CSPI p182; Mor Itin v3 p37

  Another 1,000 and 140: CSPI p182

  O’Brien background: rec, entry in Dict. Nat. Biog.

  O’Brien-Archer incident: CSPI 1600 p101; CalCarew 1589-1600 p381; OSB

  Blown west: Mor Itin v3 p31

  Sick troops, many died: CalCarew p181 and p186

  CB had 9,700 and 575: CSPI p200

  Flying column: Mor Itin v3 p42

  ‘God be thanked…’: Mor Hist p362

  Small force: See next chapter

  Chapter 18: Cold as Stone, Dark as Pitch

  33 men and a boy: ie, 17 men and a boy died at C Park and 16 survived; see Mor Itin v3 pp44-45

  The battle for Castle Park (generally): Mor Itin v3 p37-38 and pp43-44; pac O’G v2 pp 22-27; CSPI p199 and p209

  Coronation Day present: Mor Itin v3 p38; pac O’G v2 p22; CSPI p209

  C Park description, ‘small fort’: sketch in pac O’G v2 p25

  Storm, pickaxes: Mor Itin v3 pp 37-38

  ‘The sow’ and its fate: Mor Itin v3 p38; pac O’G v2 p22 and footnote (includes Sligo incident); rec, Gravett, Christopher (1990) Mediaeval Siege Warfare Oxford: Osprey (includes ‘farrowed’ story, p32); rec, Young, Peter (2003) Tortoise London: Reaktion (includes Humpty Dumpty, p90)

  C Park surrenders: Mor Itin v3 p43-44; pac O’G v2 pp 26-27; commanders, pac O’G v2 p27

  Sixteen survivors: M
or Itin v3 p44; but pac O’G v2 p26 says 17

  Weather, see Ch 27

  Weather as weapon: Mor Itin v3 pp38-39

  Forty a day: CSPI p208

  ‘The difficulties… and watching’: Mor Itin v3 p35

  Irish experts: Moryson Commonwealth and pac O’G v2 p24 footnote

  ‘Our approaches…’: Mor Itin v3 p28

  ‘It groweth…’: Mor Itin v3 p36

  Chapter 19: Stella and the Centaur

  Coronation Day jousts, now a knight, one with horse, wore Penelope’s colours: Peele, George (1590) Polyhymnia, Describing the Honourable Triumph at Tylt; also rec, Wall, Alison (2004) Rich, Penelope in Ox. Dict. Nat. Biog and Falls, Mountjoy

  Penelope age: b 1563, rec Wall op. cit.

  Sidney sonnet: Sidney, Philip (1591) Astrophil and Stella. For detailed study of Penelope references in poem, see Craik vol 1 pp85-96; encounter after her marriage, see discussion on dates in Craik p90

  Poem dedication: Barnfield, Richard (1594) The Affectionate Shepherd London: John Danter.

  First met, ages, later relationship: Craik pp 81-85; Rawson p36; see Rich, Penelope and Sidney, Philip entries in Dictionary of National Biography 1885-1900

  Wed Robert Rich, ‘dour’, ‘boorish’: Heylin, Peter (1671) Life and Death of Archbishop Laud p53; Rawson p59; For his biog, see Robert Rich entry in

  Protest at ceremony, kept hanging on, PS married Frances: Rawson p59 and ch 5, especially p78, p84; see Rich, P and Sidney entries in Dictionary of National Biography 1885-1900

  CB military career: CB entry in Dictionary of National Biography 1885-1900

  Rainbow at Gravelines: rec Falls, Mountjoy, p 40+; CB entry in Ox. Dict. Nat. Biog.

  ‘Graces of beauty…’ and ‘Long had she…’: Heylin, op. cit. Also see Rawson p136 citing Alexander Croke

  Number of children: Sources differ. See Rawson p183, p191, p299 and pp 304-306, but compare, rec, Wall op. cit. and Rickman p114, p117

  Conversion bid: autobiography of Fr John Gerard cited in (rec) Falls, Mountjoy pp 64-65; also rec Rickman p117

  New Lord, positions, Dict. Nat. Biog.

  Brittany, Queen’s order: Naunton, Robert (1641, then 1892) Fragmenta Regalia London: Cassell

  Chapter 20: That Wondrous Winter March

  Carew’s encounter with O’Donnell is detailed in pac O’G v2 pp 9-14; CSPI pp 158-159, p186, p216; CalCarew p162; Mor Itin v3 p31, p33, p48; O’Cleary pp 303-305; and OSB

  Carew’s discomfiture: Evident from exchange between GC and CB, CalCarew pp 161-163; also see footnote to pac O’G v2 pp10-11


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