by Des Ekin
‘It is pitiful…’ PdZ-King, Dec 20 1601; rec, Epistolario p85
‘Cannot brag…’: CalCarew p204
Ocampo and de Soto quotes: CalCarew pp205-206
PdZ on Baltimore: PdZ-King, Jan 2 1602; rec Epistolario p96.
PdZ sent 120, then 80: CalCarew pp204-206; CSPI p238, p235; CSPS 840 f714, Jan 29 1602; CSPS 840 f718, Feb 21 1602; PdZ-King, Dec 19, 20 and Dec 24 1601, rec Epistolario pp 82-84 and p90; cf OSB, who says 300 sent
Ocampo, ‘The cause…’: CalCarew p205
PdZ armed 700 Irish, six flags, armour: CSPS 840 f714, Jan 29 1602; CSPI 235-236; CalCarew p205
PdZ send 100 to Bearhaven: CSPI p235; OSB; CalCarew, p206
‘By Dec 13…’: CSPI p217; Mor Itin v3 p62; O’Cleary p309
‘Towards night’ [on Dec 21]: pac O’G v2 p50
Ho’N 6,000: CSPI p141, and rec Morgan BoK p1; but estimates vary. See Morgan BoK p118; Connolly p251, footnote; Silke p126-127
Variety of Irish troops: CSPI pp 665-666; CSPI p284; Moryson Commonwealth; Rec, Falls, Elizabeth’s… ch 4; rec, Lennon pp 57-58
‘Kingdom lost’: Ho’D entry in Nat Dict Biog, citing AGS GA 3144; rec Silke, John (2001) Kinsale Reconsidered in Studies, An Irish Quarterly Review, v90, no 360
Chapter 26: The Great Persuader
Blacksmith grandfather: Testimony of kinsman Shane O’Neill in Camden History p62; Mor Hist v1 p16; Gainsford; Wills p96; Hull; rec Lennon p62
Mean stature, etc: Mor Hist v1 p16
Victorian fantasy: rec Morgan BoK p110, caption
1620s drawings: Carleton A Thankful…
Puppet, puppeteer, childhood, ‘a creature…’: Gainsford, Hull. Rec, Morgan, Tyrone’s Rebellion p85, p93, p214
Liquidated, elderly cousin, land division, O’Donnells: Mor Hist v1 p17; Hull
Ho’N strangled Graveloch: Gainsford, Hull, CSPI 1600-1601 p127-136; but rec Lennon p293 and O’Faolain p110
For seven years… nobles: Hull; Armada, rec, Morgan Tyrone’s… p106
Ho’D jailed, land grab, wife Mabel: Gainsford; Lawless p198; Hull
‘Affable’ etc: Mor Hist v1 p17
Tears for Judge: CSPI 1592-1596 p225
‘Mortal enemy’: CSPI 1596-1597 Preface
‘Infinite capacity’: Connolly p235; also see Wills pp 104-105
Some claim…: e.g., in RTÉ The Battle of Kinsale
Against interests: My interpretation; but rec, O’Faolain p151 and p283 (13)
Troops, arms build-up: Cox, Hibernia Anglicana; Gainsford; Hull; Leland (1784) p182; rec, Lennon p295
Given the gun: rec, Hayes-McCoy p111
Lead: Cox; Hull
Red coats etc: rec, Hayes-McCoy p96
‘Craving…’: Hull
Yellow Ford: Hull
Essex’s experience: Camden p569-571; Leland (1784) pp193-194
Promised control of Ireland, Ho’N governor: Evidence of Thomas Wood and James Knowd, Spedding pp 292-293; CSPS 840, f685, July 1 1600; rec, Silke pp 61-62 who says Ho’N offered Essex ‘the kingdom of Ireland’; rec O’Faolain pp 219-220
To an Austrian and two Spaniards: Ho’N and Ho’D declared themselves ‘faithful vassals’ of the Spanish monarchs in 1596, ‘begging’ that Albert of Austria be made their Prince. Report from Alonso Cobos May 15 and 16 1596, CSPS f635 and f638
To James VI: Colles; also p48 of Walsh, Paul (ed) (1930) The Will and Family of Hugh O’Neill Dublin: Colm O Lochlainn
Bigger game, Spain: Gainsford; suited him, rec, Lennon pp 300-301
Not overly devout: Lawless p199; rec, O’Faolain p175
‘Thou carest…’: Wills p114; Lawless p200
Catholic crusade, etc: Leland, Thomas (1773) History of Ireland v2, pp354-367 and footnote; rec, Lennon p326 and Connolly pp 245-247
‘Chiefly…intentions’: O’Neill’s manifesto Nov 15 1599 NS. See Leland, as above
This was an… today: Author’s opinion, but rec Leland; Lennon pp326-327 and conclusion of RTE The Battle of Kinsale
We were Catholics…: rec, Connolly p245
Like Fr Archer: Hogan p325
Slashed faces of priests’ spouses: Lombard, Peter (1600) Commentarius p156, cited in O’Connor, Thomas, Diplomatic Preparations for Kinsale. Madrid: Universidad de Alcalá. Also rec, O’Connor, Thomas, in Morgan (ed) BoK pp60-66. Rec, Connolly pp 245-246. For comparisons elsewhere: rec, Janelle Werner (2009) Priests and Concubines in England 1375-1549
Águila’s forebear: See Ch 3
Catherine beaten: Colles p152
Lap of honour: Leland (1773) v2 pp366-368
‘Win the horse’: CSPI p235
Chapter 27: ‘They Died by Dozens on a Heap’
Monson quote: Megalopsychy
40 men a day: Ormond in CSPI p208
Dying by dozens: Mor Itin v3 p62
‘Dysentery…’: CSPV f1034, Dec 22 1601
Soldier’s gear: See note in ch 13
‘In a hard winter…’: Moryson Commonwealth
Trench ladder: CSPS 840 f714 Jan 29 1602; rec Silke p136
Up to knees, PdZ to King, Dec 24 1601; rec Epistolario p91; filled, Mor Itin v3 p28.
Fuse cord: Kellie, Thomas (1627) Pallas Armata
Sentries frozen in position: Mor Itin v3 p66
‘The winter…’: Farmer
‘Some are…’: Mor Itin v3 p66
Camp layout: Map in pac v2
‘Our horses…’: CSPI p236
‘So bad is…’: Mor Itin v3 p81
‘The fear they…’: O’Cleary p309
‘Our force grows…’: CSPI p221
‘A great part…’: Mor Itin v3 p65
According to… plague: CSPI p216, p234
Bowlton: CSPI p220
D’Otthen career: Farmer and D’Otthen’s monument in St Clement Dane’s
Whip-round: Mor Itin v3 p66
‘They died…’: Moryson Commonwealth p293-294
‘Not ten…’: CSPI p154
Henry Danvers: refs in CSPI and Mor Itin v3; rec, entry in Dictionary of National Biography
‘The weather…’: CSPI p212
‘It seems…of heart’: CSPI p216
Carew has touched… end of a rope: Mor Itin v3 p66; had gallows, CalCarew p159
Severely punished: CSPI p216
‘The misery…’: Mor Itin p66
‘In intolerable straits…’: O’Cleary p309
Bacon quote: P 526 of Bacon, Francis (1824 edition) The Works of Francis Bacon v3. London: Baynes
‘Houses so torn’ and ‘hard to make any….’: CSPI p276
Feet visible: rec, Silke p169
JdA ‘The enemy…’ and ‘now with him 1800 men’: CSPS 840 f714 Jan 29 1602
Lost a thousand: CSPI p216
Tatters, unclad: OSB.
Sentries dying: Bust, PdZ
‘Endure infinite…’: CSPI p235
‘Their best…’: CSPI p191
‘In want of fish… mid March’: CSPS 840 f714
To New Year: Bust.; CSPI p641
‘The Spaniards…’: O’Cleary p309
Oviedo confirms…: Ov-Lerma Jan 26 1602; rec, McBride p113 and García Hernán p292.
Miseries incredible: CSPI p236
Chapter 28: A Meeting in the Fastness of Wood and Water
Most of this chapter is based on Bustamante’s True Account, except:
‘So trustworthy…’: CSPS 840 f714, Jan 29 1602
Weather, storm: Mor Itin v3 p74; CalCarew p190
‘Fastness…’: pac O’G v2 p50
Plashings: pac O’G v2 p11
Variety of Irish troops: Rec, Falls, Elizabeth’s… ch 4
Mantles as cabins: Moryson, Commonwealth
But Águila himself…be well’: CSPI pp642-643
Mansoni’s report: rec Jones Indictment pp 219-220
‘concentrate and…’: CSPS 840 f714, Jan 29 1602
‘The Earls themselves…’: CSPI pp642-643
Bustamante uneasy, Irish had no intention: See Bust dialogue with JdA later, his quo
tes in Ch 30 and War Council findings in Chapter 36
O’Cleary quotes: O’Cleary pp 311-313. His hidden agenda: Author’s view. Rec Morgan BoK p15, citing scholarship of Micheál MacCraith; also rec, Ho’D entry in Dictionary of Irish Biography (again by Morgan)
Most of CB’s Irish loyal, gung-ho: See Ch 30
In any case… sea approaches: Author’s view
Christmas feast: O’Cleary p311
McMahon: pac O’G v2 pp54-55; ‘bad limb’ on footnote
Whiskey and warning: pac O’G v2 p55; Mor Itin v3 p76
Cast doubt: ‘must be discounted’, Morgan, BoK, p124; ‘fabrication’, Silke p142; also rec Hayes-McCoy p161.
F. M. Jones says…: rec, Jones, The Spaniards… p37
Standish…: See footnote in pac O’G v2 pp54-55
I believe… fool history: Author’s view
CB had many sources; ‘very strong guards’: Mor Itin v3 p74
‘Blount was worried… meet them halfway’: CalCarew pp191-192
Three-division formation: Mor Itin v3 p78, OSB, a4m; two divisions, Bust. Rec, Ciaran O’Scea’s analysis in Morgan BoK p367
200 Spanish with Ho’N: This is according to most sources, eg CSPS 840 f714, Jan 1602 and CSPI p235 and p240; however CSPI pp237-238 citing Ocampo says 180; Bust says 159; and OSB and Captain Dutton in CSP Dom p142 both say 300
Papal banners: Byrchensha, Ralph (1602) A Discourse…London: ‘M.L.’
Went in order and array: O’Cleary p313
Chapter 29: ‘My Lord, It Is Time to Arm’
Speed quote: Speed, John (1612) The Theatre…
Pinpoints of light: CalCarew, p192
‘Flames’ on lances: Mor Itin v3 p76
St Elmo’s, spirit candles: Page 3 of Trevelyan, Marie (1909) Folklore and Folk Stories of Wales. London: Elliot Stock
Fuses: Kellie, Thomas (1627) Pallas Armata
He had honoured… at dawn: Bust; CSPI pp642-643
Ho’N left at midnight: Bust.
‘By the darkness…’ GC to Cecil, CSPI p240
Hardly rings true: Author’s view. Hayes-McCoy says O’N was familiar with Kinsale, having camped there before
Modern historians tend to dismiss: eg: Hayes-McCoy p162
Irish ‘dragged feet’: rec Morgan, BoK, p126, citing Albornoz
‘Not the desire for battle…’: O’Cleary p313
CB heard news; ‘some accident’: Mor Itin v3 p76
Cavalryman’s words: pac O’G v2 p56
Power’s version: CSPI p242
CB implements plan: Mor Itin v3 p77
CB took 1,200 foot and 300-400 horse: official Journal in CalCarew p193; report from I.E., who also says CB took all horses; but Power in CSPI p242 and Carew in CSPI p240 both say 1000 and 300-400, and Bust agrees; CB despatch of Dec 26, says 2000 and 300-400; and Dutton in CSP Dom p142 says 1,500 and 700
Wingfield… of battle: ibid
Power holds line: Mor Itin v3 p77 Halt advance: I.E.
Hugh O’Neill… old nemesis Blount: Mor Itin v3 p77; CSPI p242; Gainsford. Black tempest: I.E.
Ho’N reached spot on time; his troop numbers: Bust says he had around 6,000 foot and 500 horse overall; IE and Dutton in CSP Dom p143 agree, but Power says 5,000; on hilltop, Bust says Ho’N had 2,000 Ulstermen plus 400 Leinstermen and Ocampo’s Spanish
Ho’N retreated: CalCarew p192; Mor Itin v3 p78; CSPI p242
Another English officer…: Edward Wingfield, CSPI p239
Ocampo ‘embattle’: CalCarew p192
One Spanish captain…: Pedro Sandoval, cited in (rec) Morgan BoK p126
‘They tried to go…’: O’Cleary p315
Blount agreed… close: CalCarew p192
The main reason… to react: CSPI p240, p242
Disadvantages of retreat: e.g., Battle of Turnhout. Rec, Jones, Archer (2001) The Art of War in the Western World Illinois: University of Illinois pp202-205
Thunderstorm: I.E.
The weather… the rear: Pac v2 p57
Blount decided… another ford: Bust; CSPI p242; CalCarew p193
At least four to one: that is, Ho’N’s 6,500 vs CB’s 1,600 (or 1,400), see earlier note.
Henry Power’s… distant: CSPI p242
CB-scout dialogue: Pac v2 p58
Follow them and attack: I.E.
Arranged square: CSPI p242
Flying attack, ‘in swiftness’: Quote cited in Hogan p320-321; Moryson Commonwealth; JdA in pac (1810 ed) p345; also rec, Hayes-McCoy pp82-83; and rec, Lennon p57
Meanwhile, O’Neill’s… part of it: Shane Sheale in CSPI p285
Both sides… in reserve: Bust; CalCarew p192-193; CSPI p242
O’Donnell… believe: CSPI p285; rec, Hayes McCoy, p164
Resolution to fight, ground of advantage: CalCarew p193
Chapter 30: ‘The Day of Trial’: The Battle of Kinsale
General note: The ‘contemporary painting’ is TCD’s The Battle of Kinsale (see picture credits).
Monson quote, London earthquake, omen: Monson, William (1682) Megalopsychy
At the standoff…: William Farmer: pac O’G v2 pp58-59; Mor Itin v3 p78-79; CSPI p268; CalCarew p193; Farmer; I.E; O’Cleary quote, p315
De Burgh escapes: Mor Itin v3 p81
Wingfield’s 250: one cavalry officer: Capt. Dutton in CSP Domestic 1601-1603 p141-142
Wingfield and de Burgh… O’Neill has won: I.E.; CalCarew p193
‘Great shout’: CSPI p242
Just first move: rec, Hayes McCoy p165
500-600 horsemen; elite: Mor Itin v3 p80
Carew may confirm: CSPI p240
‘In an instant’: CSPI p240
The Irish horsemen… their horse fled and their foot brake: Moryson Commonwealth; Bust; CSPI p240; OSB; rec, Ciaran O’Scea’s analysis in Morgan BoK p367
Shane Sheale ‘our horsemen…’: CSPI pp284-285
Watching incredulously… shifted for themselves: CalCarew p193; Power, CSPI p242. Note that accounts of this phase of battle differ fundamentally, with some English sources insisting that the Irish breakup and retreat was caused by an English charge. Rec, Ciaran O’Scea’s analysis in Morgan BoK p367
If we had not… admit: CSPI p285
3,000 weapons: Farmer
‘The execution… field’: CSPI p269
‘In each dike… moan’: Byrchensha, A Discourse…
‘Make no… revenge’: CSPI p269; CalCarew p194
Sheale, ‘butt end’: CSPI p284
CB ‘Had not the weather…’: CB despatch to Council of Dublin, Dec 26
Irish three units, Tyrrell actions: Bust; rec, Hayes McCoy pp 166-167
Ho’D whereabouts: O’Cleary pp315-317; Sheale, CSPI p285
‘The Spaniards, like…’ : CSPI p269
Lopez De Soto 140: rec, García Hernán p34
Pikeman’s capture: CSPI 1615-1626 p551; National Library of Ireland ms (1636) Copy of Certificates and Evidence as to Capture of Alonso de Campo… Ms 2, pp 28-29. Note, Ocampo capture also claimed by Dutton and Godolphin
JdA waiting at gate, watchmen posted: AGS, Report of Council of War to Felipe III, July 12 1603.
At one stage Fr Archer… triumph: Archer to Whyte, Jan 15 1602; rec, Jones Indictment p218 and Mangan’s comments on that, p221
Scouts’ report, proclamation: Ov-King Jan 27 1602; rec, McBride p115; also see War Council’s report July 12 1603
Then: a furious explosion… closed once more: Mor Itin v3 p82; CSPI p239
De Burgh knighted: CalCarew p193, Gainsford. CB’s words are a composite of reports in CalCarew and Farmer.
‘Disordered and routed by…’: Carleton, George (1624) A Thankful Remembrance
‘Great harm’: rec, García Hernán p17
Jealousy of de Burgh: rec, Dictionary of Irish National Biography vol 2
Irish deaths: ‘500’, Ho’N to King Jan 16 1602, rec García Hernán pp 8-9; Power, CSPI p242; CB 1,000 in despatch to Council of Dublin; Carew 1,200, pac O’G v2 p61; CB 1,200 in CalCarew p194; Moryson in Mor I
tin v3 p80; O’Cleary ‘many’ in p317. However, CSPI p275 says 1,600 dead
The figures reported… slain, 1995: Mor Itin v3 p82
English deaths: D’Otthen cited in Morgan BoK p130; Dutton, CSP Domestic 1601-1603 p142; Cox, Richard (1689) in Hibernia Anglicana; Bacon, op. cit. p526
Ford of Slaughter: F. O’Sullivan History
Pushed into Kinsale: rec, Silke p146
The Irish insurgents… of Kinsale: Mor Itin v3 p101; Pac v2 p62; CalCarew p194; I.E. ‘With sound of trumpet…’: Farmer
Chapter 31: Wondering Why
‘God did not…’: Ov-Ibarra, Jan 24 1601; rec McBride p111 and rec, García Hernán p287
PdZ quote: PdZ-King, Jan 15 1601; rec Epistolario p99
‘It was not the will…’: O’Cleary p317
‘God cast…’: CSPI p240
‘There appeared…’: Bacon, op. cit. p526
‘They think it no shame…:’ and ‘At Kinsale, when…’: Moryson Commonwealth
1800s writers: e.g., D’Alton, Mitchel, O’Conor
The idea that… overruled them: Archer quote from letter to Whyte, rec, Jones Indictment pp 221-222; heard but ignored, ibid p222 and Oviedo-King Jan 27, rec McBride p115
Mangan: rec, Vindication p343+
Hayes-McCoy: rec, Hayes-McCoy p168
Weather foul: CB despatch to Council of Dublin, op. cit.
‘Wind blew…:’ Camden Annales p76
Multiple Error Theory: PdZ criticisms from PdZ-King, Jan 15, 1602; rec Epistolario p99. Rest, rec Hayes-McCoy, pp 168-170
Stirrups Theory: rec, Morgan BoK p141; Moryson Commonwealth; RTE1 The Story of Ireland, episode 2, 54 mins; Morgan BoK p131
Treachery: Mansoni, rec Jones, Indictment p220; Oviedo, Ov-Lerma Jan 26 1602 and Ov-King Jan 27; rec, McBride pp 113-115; ‘English gold’, Moran p214; rec García Hernán p8; rec Hayes-McCoy p169
The word ‘panic’…: e.g., OSB; D’Alton p179; McGregor, John James (1829), True Stories from the History of Ireland Dublin: William Curry. p386
‘Ran confusedly’ etc: CSPI p269
However, recent… each other: e.g., Cocking, Chris, Drury, John and Reicher, Steve (2008) The Mass Psychology of Disasters and Emergency Evacuations (Presentation in Dublin 2/4/2008); McPhail, Clark (1991) The Myth of the Madding Crowd New York: De Gruyter
In my view…: My theory based on research by Perkins, Fruin, etc (see below)
Bend railings: rec, Perkins, Larry B. (2005) Crowd Safety and Survival USA: Lulu Press p140
John J. Fruin: rec, Fruin, JJ (1993) The Causes and Prevention of Crowd Disasters in Smith, R.A., Dickie, J. F. (eds) Engineering for Crowd Safety Amsterdam: Elsevier