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Lena’s Journey, Volumes One through Seven

Page 7

by Alex Carlsbad

  "Suck on my tongue, Lena," he orders gently. His voice is soothing, laced with velvet, but beneath its caring softness I detect shards of steel. I obey immediately even as I question myself. My mouth hungrily sucks on the smooth muscle of his tongue as he probes possessively into me. I feel him come up closer and I tighten my grasp around his thick neck as I feel his body against mine. Goosebumps cover my skin which vibrates with tingles of electricity like after a long day in the summer sun.

  I wash and lave my tongue over his for many minutes, but soon my exhaustion sets in and even though my efforts only gain in earnest, my body betrays me and my master takes a step back breaking our embrace. A doleful whimper escapes me as I make to follow him. I feel pathetic and worthless. I do not want to disappoint him. No, not like that, not now! It is our first true kiss, our first embrace, me — his Lolita, him —my lover.

  He puts a strong hand against my chest. He stops me in my tracks. I whimper again. I lean in, against his palm, its flesh soothing against my hot nakedness. He is so big, disproportionate even, against my body. The tip of his middle finger grazes at the base of my neck as his hard palm covers the center of my chest all the way down to bellow my ribs, his thumb just touching the underside of my boob. He doesn’t even appear to acknowledge my breasts that throb for him a small fraction of an inch away. Like pushing against granite, he doesn't budge as I keep my eyes, teary and pleading on his.

  Just now, I felt his body for the first time against mine and my soul yearns to return to his embrace.

  “Please," I keen again. Then I scrunch up my face and start openly crying at his denial. It is as if all the bleakness of my life suddenly comes barreling down on me in this instant. Alone and poor, my sick mother — in a hospice, and only an endless stream of bills and collectors’ phone calls to fill the emptiness, I have clung to this older man's attention like a drowning animal to a branch during a thunder storm.

  I so want him to be my harbor, my shelter from the dangers of the unknown world outside. Dr. Branigan would care for me and protect me. And now I have disappointed him. I can see it in his eyes. They are cold, austere even. A chill runs down my body.

  He is fully dressed in his business suit and I can see his corded muscles ripple beneath his white cotton shirt as he brushes up against my nakedness.

  "Touch me," he orders, his voice rough and needy. I swallow hard.


  “Kneel and unzip my fly. Pull out my cock and hold it,” he instructs me and I hasten to comply. I almost trip and fall but somehow manage to retain my balance as I go down on my knees at his feet and reach up to unbuckle him.

  I gasp when I feel the naked warmth of his manhood as I reach my fingers through the opening of his fly. I am surprised to find he is not wearing underwear.

  Then it occurs to me this has been his plan all along. He will take my throat tonight and teach me to please him with my mouth. He promised as much this morning while he had me chained on his examination table. I shimmy forward on my knees licking my lips as I use both hands and wrap my fists that look so tiny and dainty against his thick girth and pull it out from within his confines.

  His cock, its glistening length, springs forth from the confines of his pants free and beautiful and softly slaps against my cheek as I gaze up at it mesmerized. For a long moment my mind freezes as my eyes are overwhelmed by this part of my master that is soon to become my all, the center of my universe.

  Girlish thoughts and childish giggles notwithstanding, this beautiful penis…

  No! Not a penis, but a cock! His cock, his manhood, looks made to be worshiped. Velvety to the touch but hard against my tight lips that I gingerly kiss against his pulsing cockhead without so much as realizing what I am doing. It is the embodiment of everything that can be called fun and alive in my world now.

  I have never until this moment seen my master naked before. This first unveiling is like a whiff of a delicious dinner awaiting to be devoured, an overture to a beautiful symphony, the glint of a priceless ornament yet to be fully unveiled.

  I am fascinated by his cock as I instinctively move my hands back and forth rubbing his thickly veined skin. His manhood feels increasingly warmer and I watch with shocked fascination how it grows in my touch. He gets longer and thicker with every pump of my fists until it is all I can see.

  He is less an inch from my mouth. His thick manly scent fills my lungs and I breathe in deeply accepting it as an appetizer of what is to follow. I hear him groan with pleasure as I respond with a soft little mewling sound that sounds eerily like a baby kitten. I see clear beads of moisture slip across the tip of his cock.

  I blink and I don't wait for his command as I move to take him into my mouth and start sucking on him hungrily. My throat makes little keening sounds as I work my tongue all around the velvety head. It occurs to me now that I have never before wanted something so much in my entire life. Yet, I cannot fit much more than the tip past my lips.

  I don’t care. I will not disappoint him again. Even if he wants me to swallow him all the way, I will do it.



  “Hold on sweetheart,” I place my index finger on her forehead and gently push her back. I can see puzzlement cloud her expressive features. “I do appreciate your enthusiasm but first, I want to know, have you done this before?”

  “Done what, master?” God she looks so innocent! Like an angel straight out of Heaven! “Given head,” I explain patiently.

  “No, not really, sir. I'm sorry,” she looks genuinely sorry to not have more experience. My sweet little submissive, she's too precious for words.

  “That's okay, sweetheart, but I want you to take your time and appreciate the moment then. My cock will be the first one you take between your lips, in your mouth and down your throat.” I bend forward as I speak and take her beautiful little oval face between my hands and tilt her head back so that I can gaze straight into her eyes. They are wet and glistening with pent up tears, like blue lakes in a wild mountain. “I want you to take my cock and slowly get acquainted with it. Learn its contours, have its image sear itself into your impressionable young mind. Memorize every vein on its skin, every twist and turn of its length. Inhale its musk and taste its texture. Claim it as your own personal toy that shall bring you both pain and pleasure too. Can you do that for me, Lena?”

  “Yes, master,” she looks away from me and centers her undivided attention on my manhood that twitches in her cold little fingers.

  I straighten up and look down on the pretty young girl at my feet. She's so tiny! I can actually step over her where she kneels on the cold cement floor without so much as touching her head! The difference in our sizes has a magical effect on my cock and I feel it grow longer still.

  “Come, sweetheart. Give me your hands,” I feel her cold fingers in mine as I take her trembling palms making them cup my balls.

  I dare not look down lest the sight of her tiny hands cupping my big hairy scrotum makes me cum.

  “Tell me, Lena, describe for me what you are doing?” My voice sounds husky in the twilight of my office.

  “I am holding your testicles, sir,” Lena whispers in a soft voice that quivers with palpable emotion. Instinctively the girl knows what to do as I feel her gently massage and squeeze around the base of my pulsating cock.

  “What can you tell me about them?” A longer moment of silence passes before she speaks again.

  “They are full of sperm.”


  “They are warm to the touch…”

  I feel her little fingers massaging and exploring all around this most private of spots on my body.

  “Of course you know what sperm is?” For a moment I think I sense her consternation.

  “It is the cream that shoots from the tip of your manhood when you cum.” Lena offers helplessly.

  “Yes, but can you tell me what function it serves in the human body besides feeding it to my lover and teaching her learn to enjoy its taste?”

  “I-I’m not sure, master… It contains your seed? Which when injected in my belly will make me have your baby?”

  “Exactly, sweetheart.”

  “May I ask you a question, master?” Her request given the situation and her obvious inexperience takes me by surprise.

  “Go ahead, Lena.”

  “I was just wondering… Aren't you concerned of running out?”

  “Running out of sperm?”

  “Yes, to make babies. My mother told me that after a certain age, women can no longer have kids. In school they taught us that girls are born with a set number of eggs in their ovaries. I was just curious… I didn’t see any family pictures around your place, master. Have you given up on having a child of your own?”

  Her question shocks me into speechlessness. I am impressed at how deep her curiosity runs and how sweetly naïve my tender little Lena is.

  “I wasn't planning to discuss my past or my family history with you just yet, slave.” My reply sounds harsher than I intended and I see her visibly shrink back at my words.

  “I am sorry, sir. I-I didn’t mean to offend you…, master.”

  “No, that's okay. It is perfectly fine to ask me questions. In fact, I want you to ask me any questions you might have about anything you feel curious about. Just have in mind that I may choose to withhold answering them fully until I believe you are ready to understand what I tell you.”

  “Yes, master,” Lena says and I see genuine gratitude in her eyes. I reach down and brush back a stray curl of jet back hair from her forehead.

  “Right now, I don't think I want to talk to you about my sexual history. But I promise you that soon we will get to discuss it in detail. To answer the first part of your question though: No unlike women, men have a virtually inexhaustible supply of reproductive cells. In fact it is not uncommon for older, affluent men in power, to take to bed young girls of their choosing such as yourself and put babies in their tummies even at the ripe old age of eighty and beyond.” I see a shiver run through Lena's body but her eyes, clear and blue, stay riveted on mine.

  “Now enough questions, sweet girl. Kneel forward and kiss my testicles, Lena. Lick my balls and try and take them in your mouth.” She does immediately as told and I feel her little tongue lapping at me. I am amazed at how good she is at following orders for a first timer. Lena is incredibly diligent and soon I feel wetness cover my scrotum. Loud slurping sounds fill the room and I allow myself to enjoy the sensations her beautiful lips are causing me. She keeps at it for a good long time until finally I tell her to resume ministering to my girth.

  At eleven inches and a half, I know I have to be one of the better endowed guys on the planet. I know that fully hard, my cock is almost three inches wide and guaranteed to cause pretty little nubile Lena's throat serious discomfort as I batter past her tonsils and into her belly with my ram.

  "Tell me sweetheart, do you accept the discomfort you will soon experience? Are you at peace with the pain you are going to offer me?”

  I am well aware that what sets a true submissive apart are not the manacles that hold her but the fact that she doesn’t even want the key.

  My words seem to have ruptured some sort of daydream as I see her wide open eyes stare blankly at me from below. She had been slowly licking up and down my length and was now delectably perched at the base of my cockhead where her pretty little pouty lips were covering its edge in dainty little kisses. Delicious consternation fills Lena’s eyes with a beautiful air of supplication. She is a natural. Just like her mother was all these years ago.

  “I-I’m not sure, sir,” she stammers, her brow deliciously furrowed as she looks up at me.

  I can see the impression of her recent pussy spanking still lives strong in her mind. I had promised to punish her if she ever broke eye contact with me again and now she is careful to follow my eyes wherever I might look.

  “Earlier today I offered you the choice to use a catheter to artificially open up your throat so that later it wouldn’t be quite as painful when I made you deepthroat me. Instead, you opted for me to use my cock and do it the natural way. It was your choice really.” Never mind that when she made that choice, she was in the throws of one of the very first mind-numbing orgasms of her young life.

  Lena seems to have suddenly grown smaller as she sinks back down on her heels, her face a study in anguish. I can see her mulling her words.

  “Is there any way to go back on my choice and do it with the catheter like you offered this morning?”

  Finally reluctance! I was beginning to worry it would be difficult to find a way to get her to commit herself to sacrificing at least a little bit of her comfort for her training.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart, but no. You have made a decision and the sooner you learn to not look back and second-guess yourself, the better. It will be painful and you will have to endure the consequences for some time after that. But you will do it. It is the only way.”

  “What consequences?” she asks in a small voice.

  “Well, Lena,” I say. “You have seen my cock. Fully erect it is almost twelve inches long and three inches in diameter. Usually I would first use a dildo of comparable size to give you a chance to gain some familiarity with the dimensions, but given your passion and the dedication to become my submissive that I can see in your eyes, I think you will do just fine with the real thing. That way the memories will imprint fastest on your impressionable girlish mind.”

  “Oh, God,” she whimpers and looks down and I growl and immediately she straightens back up to stare at me openly with those pretty blue tearful eyes of hers.

  “There, there, sweetheart,” I reach down and gently caress her thick mane of black hair. “There is actually something I can do to take your mind off from the pain in your throat.”

  Hope blossoms across her open and expressive face.

  “Kneel up on your knees for me and reach and cross your wrists on the small of your back. I want your palms to touch and your fingers to lay along the curve of your ass.”

  Immediately Lena does as instructed, her lithe little frame standing ramrod straight as she crosses her wrists over her tight cheeks holding her palms together fingertips pointing down toward her heels. I love how long and exquisite her proportions are and can't help myself but bend and kiss her gently on the forehead. She closes her eyes and I know she understands and feels my love. I feel our bond growing with every instant.

  I step out of my shoes and pants and walk over to the cabinet at the side of my office where I soon find the two implements I was looking for.

  I see her eyes grow wide as she sees the metal instruments in my hands.

  “What is this?” She asks her voice shaking in fright but I can't fail to notice that she maintains her posture and position. She will truly become a gorgeous submissive once fully trained.

  "These are called sponge forceps. They are normally used to hold a patient's skin taught so that it can be pierced,” I explain holding the instrument in my hands.

  Except for the fact that there are no blades but merely flattened metal ovals like pincers at the end, the instruments look like your run-of-the-mill scissors, albeit for a clamp that allows them to stay tightly closed once they have been squeezed shut on a patient's flesh.

  “Oh…,” Lena’s eyes are now glued to the glint of the steel in my hands. "And what are you going to do with them now?” She asks in a small voice.

  “I will use them to pinch your nipples tight.”

  “Oh my God!” She gasps and immediately breaks her stance making to stand up and run. One menacing step in her direction and a stern look from me is all it takes to freeze her in place.

  "Stay where you are, little girl and don't you dare move!” I can see her eyes flash back and forth between the implements of torture and my cock which appears to have suddenly doubled in size at her obvious reluctance.

  “I am doing you a service here. I promise you, no harm will come to you. The sensation on your titti
es will serve to distract you nicely from the discomfort in your throat.” Slowly, with obvious hesitation, I see Lena start to come to terms with what I am saying and resume her kneeling position with her hands clasped on the small of her back. Her tribulations are so mesmerizing!

  “Will it hurt?”

  “Yes it will, baby. But you will take it for me. Your pain and endurance are what help us seal our relationship and build on our bond.” I place a hand and gently caress her cheek and wipe the rivulets of tears running down her face.

  “Your commitment to accept what I deem you need is what makes you mine, sweetheart. I don't expect you to understand just yet, but you have to trust me. As your master, I simply know what is best for you. Fatherless and with virtually no male guidance in your life so far, you have a lot of catching up to do. My job is to fill this void, to hold you, to protect you, to punish you, to fuck you, and to caress and love you till kingdom come. Do you accept that?”

  She nods mindlessly staring up at me and I kiss her open panting lips.


  I reach out and gently touch the very tip of her still developing upturned little breasts. Her nipples are puffy and thick and I know it will definitely hurt her plenty when I clasp at their base. Her breasts are just like her mother's in that the areolae are puffed up. They practically coalesce into one with the nipple on top. This makes it virtually impossible to only clasp her nipples like I would on any other woman. Instead, I will have to clasp at the base of her inch-wide areolae thus eliciting a correspondingly larger pressure on her beautiful breasts.

  My finger barely touches her sensitive little pinkness as I rub little circles this way and that across her nipple that grows visibly beneath my touch.

  Little dimples become evident as if begging to be kissed and worshiped. Instead of that, in one smooth smooth motion, I reach out with the forceps and having pinched the thick areola in one hand, I close the powerful steel jaws of the forceps at its base with a resounding click.

  “Aieeee!!!” Lena’s loud scream echoes in the room and she almost falls to the ground bringing both her hands to her tortured flesh. She fumbles with it.


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