
Home > Other > Nightfall > Page 21
Nightfall Page 21

by TK Lawyer

Josh and Tamara soon joined Vee’s cheery laughter. With a quick kiss on Tamara’s cheek, Josh ventured back into the living room.

  Tamara jumped out of her seat seconds before the doorbell rang again. “He’s here,” she said, hiding behind the wall that divided the kitchen from the foyer. “Don’t let him know I’m here.”

  Ray opened the door and greeted Ruben with a handshake and a pat on the back.

  “Hey Ruben, come on in,” Vee greeted enthusiastically from the kitchen.

  Tamara slipped her hands quickly over Ruben’s eyes as he rounded the corner. After his initial fright, which had almost everyone laughing, Ruben placed his hands over hers.

  Tamara shouted with glee. “Guess who?”

  Josh watched her warily.

  Ruben snapped his fingers. “Wait a minute. I know that voice. Is that…Is that you, Marisol?”

  “Who’s that?” Tamara mouthed at Vee, who only shrugged her shoulders in response.

  “No, no, wait. I got it now. It’s Maria. No wait, it’s Angela. No, I really got it now. It’s Lydia. Yeah, Lydia.”

  Tamara retorted. “Who in the hell are all these women?”

  Ruben laughed. “I knew it was you, Tamara.” He lifted her hands from his eyes and turned around. “It is you!” He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight. “Ah, where’ve you been, Girl? I’ve missed you.”

  She drew back and looked up into his eyes. “Oh, Ruben, I’ve missed you too. How come you stopped replying to my e-mails?”

  He shrugged and said, “Aww, you know—life. You look good.”

  Josh appeared by Tamara’s side. He placed an arm protectively around her shoulders and asked, “Hey, Sweetie. Who’s this?”

  Ruben pointed at her. “Sweetie? Did he just call my girl ‘sweetie’?”

  Josh’s eyes narrowed.

  Tamara smacked Ruben, playfully, across one shoulder. “Oh Ruben, stop. I’m dating now. This is Josh.”

  Ruben’s eyebrows lifted.

  “Josh, this is Ruben. He’s a very good old friend of mine, we used to work together. Actually, all three of us did. Ruben, Vee, and me. I haven’t seen this man in a year.” Tamara motioned to Ruben. “And it’s been what, six months since you stopped talking to me?”

  He thumped his head. “All right, all right with the guilt trip. Man, you’re like an elephant. You never forget.”

  Tamara shook her head and smiled.

  She and Ruben sat at the kitchen table, falling into conversation as if no time had elapsed. Josh listened to their animated stories, but he was only able to catch snippets here and there between Tamara’s strong emotions and the affection barreling into him like a runaway train.

  Funny how she’d never mentioned Ruben before. Tamara blossomed before his eyes into an excitable, almost giddy-with-joy, schoolgirl. She gushed over with coy giggles aimed straight at Ruben. Her flirtation bothered Josh tremendously. He found his fingers balling into fists, and he shifted in his seat several times, antsy and disturbed, but knowing he couldn’t do anything about it. Not here, not among these people, these friends of Tamara’s.

  By the time they ate dinner, Josh was ready to push Ruben off his seat, especially after Tamara invited Ruben to sit next to her. Josh felt like an outcast, a third string at most, and he didn’t like it. He attempted to recapture Tamara’s attention by caressing her shoulder, but she moved forward and let his hand slip down the back of her chair. He held back an immediate urge to snarl and grab what was his. He left her side to gather around the fire pit with the other guests who were roasting marshmallows.


  Tamara moved to a couch and conversed with Vee through the kitchen’s pass-through window.

  “So, ‘Sweetie’,” Ruben addressed her with a sly grin, mimicking Josh. “Now that I’ve moved here permanently, let’s get together soon. How about Saturday? You free?”

  Tamara peered out the sliding glass door to find Josh twirling a long stick with no marshmallow attached. She waved her hand in the air, trying to capture his attention, but his glance never wavered from the floor.

  She lifted from her seat. “Ruben, I think I’d better go outside. They have marshmallows.”

  He grabbed at her arm as she took a step forward. “Hey. You didn’t answer my question. You free on Saturday?”

  Tamara glanced over at Josh before responding. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “What? Why? You can’t go out with an old friend. Or do you not want to go out with me anymore?”

  “That’s not it. It’s just that…” She looked at Josh again and found his eyes on her. “I’m dating now, and it might be a little awkward.”

  “Awkward to go out with a friend? Are you kidding me? You need permission now to go out with your friends, is that it?”

  “No. I just don’t think Josh would understand.”

  As if on cue, Josh’s glance shifted to Ruben.

  “Aww, girl, you disappoint me. What happened? You used to be so strong, so carefree. You never let a man tell you what you could or couldn’t do.”

  She looked back at Josh and found him watching her. “I still am!”

  “Not if you have to ask your date to go out with a friend. What? Is he your steady or something? Are you committed to him? I don’t see no ring on your finger.”

  “No, I’m not engaged, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Tamara! Josh yelled, a telepathic warning. The volume of his message jolted her out of her seat. She found Josh shaking his head at her.

  “Ruben, why don’t you call me and we’ll catch up, okay?”

  Josh nodded, and Tamara sighed with relief. She forgot about Josh’s remarkable level of hearing.

  It’s okay, Josh, I love you.

  I don’t trust him.

  Tamara placed her hand over Ruben’s and shoved an object inside.

  “All right, all right, I’ll take your number, but you disappoint me, girl. You’ve gone soft.” Ruben folded the scrap of paper and shoved it into a pocket.


  Tamara giggled as Josh fed her another marshmallow.

  He grinned at her reaction. “You want another one?”

  “No, I’ve got my own, but thanks.”

  Ruben lifted from his seat and stretched his arms into the air. “Well, I’m all out of marshmallows. Guess I gotta go home.”

  “We have more inside,” Vee offered. “I’ll go get some from the kitchen.”

  She rushed into the house without another word.

  “No, really, it’s okay, Vee. I have to get home,” Ruben called after her.

  Vee frowned and placed her hands on her hips. “Really? But why? Can’t you stay?”

  Tamara chimed in. “Yeah, Ruben, do you have to go?”

  He stretched his hands overhead and yawned. “Yeah, I do. Gotta get my beauty sleep.”

  Laughter ensued among the guests.

  Tamara fired back with a giggle and a wink. “Guess you haven’t been getting much of that lately.”

  Ruben’s grin widened. “Be glad you’re here with a date, or I’d come over there and make you wish you didn’t say that.”

  “Boyfriend, actually. Not date,” Josh snapped back.

  Tamara’s eyes widened, and Vee’s mouth fell open in surprise. A hush fell over the crowd as all eyes turned to Josh.

  “Josh.” Tamara chided.

  “Sorry, but it’s true. I’m not just your date. You didn’t make that clear to him, I see.”

  Ruben put his hands up in an apologetic half-shrug. “Sorry man.”

  He strolled to the front door after waving and bidding everyone farewell. Josh watched Tamara scamper off after Ruben.

  “Well, I probably should be going, too,” Josh remarked with grave disappointment. He shook Ray’s hand. “It was nice to meet you, Ray.”

  He opened the patio door and walked into the house, in time to find Ruben hugging Tamara.

  “Okay,” Ruben whispered by Tamara’s ear. He turned to Josh with
a nod. “Nice meeting you. You take good care of my girl.” He gave Josh a thumbs-up and a wink.

  She’s mine! Not yours. Mine! Josh struggled to regulate his breathing and control his wolf, starving to break free to teach Ruben a harsh lesson. Ruben was trespassing on the wrong territory, and Josh wouldn’t tolerate threats.

  Josh un-tensed his muscles and softened his eyes. He returned Ruben’s nod and let his prey go…this time. Josh then narrowed his eyes and fired back a silent rebuttal.

  That’s right, Ruben, slither on out the door far, far away from my girl.


  Josh returned his hands to the steering wheel. He stared straight ahead at the cars in front of him after briefly punching the button to turn the radio on. It was going to be a long, torturous drive home. He wasn’t interested in chitchat and conversation with Tamara, not after the way she gushed over Ruben. Tamara reached for his arm, but he pulled it away.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He came up with a plausible excuse that didn’t reflect the truth. “I’m tired. I think I need to rest.”

  “No, I don’t think that’s it. What is it? Did I do something wrong?”

  Her questions were followed by an odd, awkward silence.

  “Josh? Honey, what is it? Please tell me.” She pleaded with sad eyes that almost unraveled his staunch resolve until flashes of Tamara and Ruben together crossed his mind and revived his anger.

  He sneered. “What’s the story behind Ruben?”

  “Is that what this is all about? Really, Josh, he’s just a friend, and a really good one. We’re very close but, seriously, you have nothing to worry about.”

  He contemplated her words. They didn’t match her feelings. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and breathed out short bursts of hot air. Was she hiding something?

  He drove in silence, averting Tamara’s questions and her attempts at romance. He was downright furious. No matter how he looked at the situation, tonight had been a bust. He pulled his car into her driveway, shifted it into park, and waited.

  Tamara opened the door and then swiveled back toward him. “Aren’t you coming in?”

  “No, I think I’ll head back to the apartment.”

  She slammed the passenger door closed. “No, Josh, you always leave me when you’re upset. If you’re going to your apartment then I’m coming with you.”

  He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. “I want to be alone.”

  She fiddled with her fingers in her lap and sat silently, but she didn’t budge. “What did I do wrong? Please tell me.”

  Tamara reached for his hand, but he pulled back. Her arm fell onto his thigh instead.


  Her anxious eyes lifted, and worry lines creased into her forehead. “It must be something big for you to want to leave me again. Did I hurt you somehow?”

  He searched for another convincing excuse as to why he denied himself the pleasure of her company. Any reason he came up with would likely sound weak, especially since she knew him and his insatiable libido. If he was in better spirits, he’d be plundering her in the car right now, but the pain of her rejection was unbearable.

  “I just need to be alone. I probably need to go for a run.”

  She rubbed her thumb across his forearm, alternating the pressure with the tone of her voice. She pleaded. “Then stay here and run all night if you have to, then come back home to me tomorrow. I love you.”

  He snorted.

  “Please, Josh, please stay with me. I love you, Honey.” Tears rimmed her eyes as she continued imploring with him. “Please talk to me. Ruben is just a friend but you, you’re…you’re my whole world. Josh, please stay. I want you home with me.”

  He averted his eyes. He couldn’t bear to see her cry, but he couldn’t be around her right now. “I have to go. I’m sorry.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. She sobbed into the palm of her hand while she pulled back on the door handle and opened the car door. She wiped random tears that flowed freely down her cheeks while she held onto the car for support. Lumbering toward the front door, she fumbled for her keys and held them in her hand as she looked back at his car.

  “Please, Josh,” she murmured under her breath, attempting to send her words to him telepathically at the same time.

  Please get out of the car. I need you, and I want you to be with me tonight. She sighed. I hope you can hear me, Josh, please, I need your powerful, strong arms around me. I’ll even beg if you want. I really don’t need my pride. I need you.

  Josh stared at Tamara as she stood by the front door. He heard her words and almost leaped out of the car to join her, but something inside of him wouldn’t allow it. His pride was injured. Tamara favored another man tonight, and this didn’t sit well with him.

  He sat in the darkness while her entire message flashed across his mind. With a heavy sigh, he switched on the bright headlights of the Jaguar and shifted the car into reverse. He caught her surprised look and felt the deep sadness in her heart. He couldn’t bear it anymore. He had to run.

  The first step was to get out of her driveway. He backed away despite her continued sobs. By the time he rolled away from her house, her sobs had turned into high-pitched cries of despair. His heart broke into two as he left her standing outside her home.


  Tamara burst into tears over the receiver.

  “What’s wrong?” Vee asked from the other end of the phone.

  Tamara reviewed the mess that occurred with Josh on their way home. Thanksgiving Day started wonderfully but ended horribly. Now Josh was gone, and she worried it might be forever.

  Vee explained Josh’s unusual behavior with one name. Ruben. Tamara balked at Vee’s answer.

  “Josh is not used to your friendliness, Tamara. He saw you flirting with another man.”

  “We’re just friends!”

  “I know that, but Josh doesn’t. You know, some men don’t like it when their girlfriends have male friends. Let me ask you, did you tell him about Ruben?”

  “Um, well, no. But that’s because I didn’t know Reuben would be at the party.”

  “Well, there you go. Josh wasn’t prepared for that. That wasn’t fair to him.”

  “You’re the one who invited him!”

  Vee scoffed. “You should’ve told Josh abut Ruben and how close you are with him. You put Josh in an awkward spot. Poor Josh. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable he must’ve felt.”

  “Poor Josh? Poor me. He’s the one who left, Vee.”

  “I’m sure it’s not forever. Call him. He’ll come back to you. I saw how much he loves you. He couldn’t even take his eyes off you. I’m sure this little thing won’t scare him away.”

  Tamara sighed. “I did try calling him several times, but he never called back.”

  “Then try again. He’ll come around. I know he will. Stop talking to me and call him right now.”

  Tamara laughed through her tears. “Geez, okay, I will. Thanks, Vee. I love you, Girl.”

  “Love you too, and no problem. What are friends for? Good luck and let me know what happens.”

  “I will,” Tamara said as she hung up the phone with a small glimmer of hope. She dialed Josh’s number but connected straight to his voicemail.

  She glanced up at the clock. “Maybe he’s not home yet. I’ll text him instead.”

  She typed letters across the screen.

  Please, call me. I love you.

  An hour later, she tried again and received his voicemail. “Where are you, Josh?”

  She left a second message and tried his home number only to hear the clicks of the answering machine as it picked up. Groaning loudly, she texted him one last time.

  Please, call me. I need you. I’m lost without you.

  Half an hour later, she recalled he went home because he wanted to run. She scampered quickly to her front door, hopeful of finding beautiful Nightfall lying on her doorstep. Instead, she turned away from the door,

  “Where on earth is he?” Tamara wondered.

  She wanted to scream out her frustration, but instead, she cried into the palms of her hands. She slid down the wall to the wooden floorboards below, weakened, and almost unable to breathe.

  “It’s no use. I’ve tried everything I can.”

  Forty-five minutes later, the doorbell chimed, jerking her up off the couch where she’d cried herself to sleep. She looked over at the clock on the entertainment center. It was nearly one a.m.

  “Who is it?” she called out, throwing her legs over the side of the couch.

  Tamara struggled to open her crusted eyelids as she padded to the door with heavy footsteps. She pulled aside the curtain next to her front door, and then stopped and stared at the welcomed sight.

  Josh’s slow wave mimicked the grave look on his face.

  She, immediately, threw open the door only to hear loud, progressive beeps followed by a stern warning, “Disarm system now.”

  She scurried to the keypad while Josh walked in and closed the door behind him.

  “You’re back.”

  Tamara moved to hug him but stopped when she found his grim look. She hesitated, at first and then reached out for both of his hands and lovingly squeezed her fingers around his. She tilted her head up, trying to capture his attention. “I’m so glad you’re here, though I’m not sure what brought you back. But I’m happy you’re here with me, regardless.”

  He didn’t look at her.

  “Josh?” she asked when he didn’t respond. His face remained downcast. “Sweetie, is everything okay?”

  He lifted his head, looked straight into her eyes and spoke. Gone was the comical, fun-loving Josh she knew. This one was serious, and his voice matched his darkened eye color. “I need you too, Tamara.”

  His words lifted her heart. She blinked back the tears rimming her eyes and smiled. “I love you so much, Josh.”

  She pulled him down toward her and rewarded him with a soft, wet kiss. He groaned and wrapped his arms around her, tightening his grip, holding her possessively to him. She sighed happily. Josh was finally home.


  It was five a.m., and Tamara was forming a plan.

  She flipped quickly through the small pile of newspaper ads, arranging them in order of the stores she wanted to hit first. Twenty minutes later, the only thing left for her to do was to get dressed.


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