My Mountain Man Muse

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My Mountain Man Muse Page 3

by Olivia T. Turner

  The huge log he was carrying on his shoulder yesterday is on the ground beside him. I stare at in disbelief. No way he carried that log all the way from my cabin.

  But he did.

  He’s even stronger than he looks.

  I’m watching him line up another piece of wood on the chopping block and admiring the way the side of his back muscles look when he reaches down, when all of a sudden, his eyes dart to mine.

  I drop down with a gasp and grimace as I hide behind the counter, hoping he didn’t see me gawking at him like a creepy perv.

  Suddenly, the door opens and he steps in. He sees me crouching down on the kitchen floor and subtly tilts his head.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, looking at me funny. “Are you looking for something down there?”

  I quickly stand up and desperately look around for an excuse. “I was just looking for…” I spot the cooked breakfast on the stove. “…your sausage.”

  His eyebrow raises slightly and I realize what I just said. “I mean, your breakfast. My breakfast! I wanted to eat your sausage, I mean my sausage. Not that I have a sausage… You know what I mean.”

  “I really don’t,” he says, looking confused.

  I take a deep breath and then swallow hard. “I was looking for some food.”

  “Oh,” he says with a chuckle. “Sit down, I’ll make you some breakfast.”

  He walks over to the stove and starts flicking dials. Still shirtless. Still unbelievably gorgeous.

  I keep one eye on him as I limp over to the table and take a seat.

  The typewriter is on the table and I have a stack of pages already written for my novel. It’s about a poor village girl named Katie who gets kidnapped aboard the notorious pirate Captain Theo Bones’s ship and the dreamy First Mate Evan Blitz comes to her rescue.

  “Are you a writer?” Jayden asks as he cracks an egg into the pan.

  “I wanted to be,” I say as my cheeks heat up. “But my brain kind of had other plans.”

  “It looks like you’re doing pretty well,” he says as he glances at the papers on the table.

  I can’t help but smile as I look down at them. There are eight pages done already. I guess I am doing pretty well.

  I guess I just needed a hot mountain man to spark my imagination.

  “Well, you’ll have plenty of time to work on it here while your ankle heels up,” he says in his smooth deep voice.

  “How long do you think?” I ask as I stare at the hard sexy lines on his broad shoulders. With this view, I wouldn’t mind extending my vacation. Maybe indefinitely.

  He turns around and looks down at my ankle. Oh crap. He’s coming over here.

  My heart starts pounding and I swallow hard as he approaches.

  Oh no! I didn’t brush my teeth!

  I look like a hag. I probably smell worse.

  He kneels down in front of me and gently touches my throbbing ankle, inspecting it as I inspect him.

  Every inch of his torso is hard muscle. It’s like Christmas morning for my eyes. I don’t know where to look first.

  “It’s not broken,” he says as he slides his fingers gently over it.

  I’m getting all hot and squirmy when I notice how gentle he is with me. This mountain man is rough and wild outside with the logs and ax, but he’s gentle and tender whenever he touches me. It’s incredibly hot.

  “And the swelling has gone down,” he says. His dark brown eyes dart up to mine and my breath catches in my throat.

  God, why didn’t I stop to run a brush through my hair or something? This man is looking stunning all shirtless with his long beard and gray woolen hat on and I look like I woke up in an insane asylum with my greasy hair and dancing pug pajamas.

  “You’ll probably be able to put weight on it in a week or so,” he says. “Unless…”

  “Unless what?”

  He turns his head away and I see his jaw clench like the thought in his head is causing him pain or something.

  “Nothing,” he says, getting up with a grunt. “I’ll make you breakfast and then you can continue working on your book. I want to know if Katie is going to get off that ship.”

  My eyes widen and my stomach drops. “You read it?!?”

  He nods as he flips the eggs and continues making my breakfast.

  “It’s pretty good.”

  I’m staring at his back in shock. How dare he read my book!

  I open my mouth to tell him off. “I can’t believe you read my bo—it is?”

  “Yeah,” he says as he pours me a coffee and brings it over. “You’re talented.”

  A tingling creeps up my neck and into my face and my cheeks start burning as he places the steaming mug in front of me.

  “Wow,” I say, feeling my heart start to race. “Talented. I, uh… I uh… am just following inspiration I guess.”

  “Well, keep it up,” he says as he finishes preparing my plate. “I can’t wait to read what you come up with next.”

  My mind is swirling with a million thoughts as he places the hot breakfast in front of me and returns to his chopping outside.

  Wow. Talented. Someone actually said I was a talented writer.

  And yes, that someone lives in the middle of nowhere with no TV, Internet or any other books that I can see, and probably gets his entertainment by watching squirrels fuck, but still. Talented. I’ll take it!

  I can’t help but turn to the window and watch as he picks up the ax and continues chopping the wood. I could watch this all day.

  And I would, but story ideas keep popping into my head, getting my fingers all tingly.

  I fly through the next couple of chapters, stopping only to stare and gawk at my sexy muse as he gets his hard muscles a little harder by slamming that ax into the wood.

  My book is coming along nicely. Poor Katie is trapped in the evil Captain’s quarters on the pirate ship, but luckily for her, the delectable First Mate Evan Blitz is coming to rock her world.

  All of a sudden, just as Evan grabs the super horny Katie in his arms and tells her he wants her, my fingers stop moving. The words dry up.

  Come on fingers. Don’t fail on me now.

  But there’s nothing.

  It’s been so long since I’ve had my own sex scene.

  And even then, it’s been nothing worth writing about. I’ve had lots of awkward, but nothing inspiring.

  I lean back in my chair and watch Jayden as I suck on the back of my pen. He’s still going hard with the ax. He’s relentless and it makes me wonder how long this man can last in bed.

  The warmth and heat start swirling through me again and like earlier, they go straight to the area between my legs.

  I roam my eyes over his big triceps and wonder how hard they would feel as he holds himself up over me.

  “Mmmmm,” I moan as I start to burn all over.

  Maybe I need a little mountain man inspiration to get this book going again.

  Yes. That’s what I need.

  It’s just research. That’s all it is.

  Hot, sweaty, sultry research with my gorgeous sexy mountain man roommate.

  The back of the pen pops off in my mouth and I choke and spit out a mouthful of blue ink into my napkin. I guess I was sucking it a little too hard as I watched him.

  My blue lips are curled up in a mischievous grin as I clean myself up.

  Yes. I’m going to do it.

  Tonight I’m going to seduce Jayden…

  …for research purposes of course.

  Chapter Six


  The first thing I do is ditch the dancing pug pajamas.

  “Sorry puggies,” I say as I slide them down my hairy legs. “You guys are cute, but you won’t be needed tonight.”

  I stole a pair of Jayden’s boxer briefs and a tank top from his dresser for the seduction. Let’s hope they work.

  I hobble into the shower and steal his razor to shave my legs. It’s a big clunky metal thing, but I still manage to get the job done and only
cut myself about half a dozen times. By the time I’m finished, I’m as smooth as a dolphin. A sexy dolphin.

  Now my hair… what the hell can I do with this? I don’t have any of my products and there’s no hairdryer on this entire dreaded mountain.

  I dry it with the towel as best I can and then kind of fluff it up with my hands. Hmpff. I won’t win any beauty magazine awards, but it’s the best I can do given the circumstances. Anyway, it’s not like Mr. Reclusive Mountain Man has seen any of the new hairstyles, so I’m probably good.

  I put on his clothes and my stomach starts doing jumping jacks. Oh no. I start freaking out as I glance at the closed door.

  I’ve never seduced anyone before. I’ve never even initiated a kiss.

  My breaths start coming out quick and shallow and I grab onto the sink as I fight back a panic attack.

  “Come on, Lily,” I mutter to myself in the foggy mirror. “Having a full-blown panic attack in the bathroom is the first chapter in How NOT to Seduce a Man. Get yourself under control, girl.”

  I focus on my breathing until it’s nice and steady and I’m feeling only mildly queasy.

  “It’s now or never,” I whisper as I give myself a wink in the mirror. “Fuck it!”

  With a deep breath, I open the door and creep out.

  Jayden is in the kitchen, finishing up the dishes. He made me some fresh fish that he caught this afternoon in the river and topped it off with a delicious sauce, rice on the side, and a salad. We ate at the table together over candlelight and talked for over an hour about my book and how I’ve always wanted to be an author. He talked about his mother and how much he misses her after she died from cancer. She’s the one who said he should move out here after she saw how unhappy he was with conventional life.

  There’s a quiet calmness to him. A confident, self-assured boldness that is incredibly sexy. I’m starting to crush on him pretty hard.

  The cabin is dark, except for the soft light on in the kitchen and the fire in the fireplace. I hold the wall as I limp over to the couch.

  Jayden has his back to me as he washes the dishes in the sink and I keep glancing nervously at him as I lay down on the couch in a position that says, ‘take me, big boy.’

  My phone is on the coffee table so I quickly snatch it and search for a sexy song. Wicked Games by Chris Isaak… that will do.

  I push play and set it on the table as my heart starts pounding with nerves and excitement and arousal and fear.

  Jayden pulls the drain in the sink and I take a deep breath and fan my hair out on the pillow as he finishes up. “Want a drink?” he asks as he turns and walks over.

  “Yes,” I say as I bite my bottom lip all seductively. “Something… hot.”

  “Like a coffee?”

  I sit up and put my arms on the back of the couch as I look at him with a wicked grin. He can’t see my body, but I have seduction written all over my face. “Hotter.”

  “Hotter than coffee?” he asks, looking confused. “Are you feeling okay? You look a little feverish or something.”

  Damn it. I guess I have to work on my seduction skills. It seems like my ‘seduce me’ face is more like a ‘take me to the hospital’ face.

  “I guess I am feeling pretty hot,” I say as I get off the couch and start limping my way over to him.

  This swollen freaking ankle is making it really hard to seduce anyone! I’m hobbling over toward him like a zombie.

  I give him a sexy hair flip that will have his heart exploding and give him my hottest, most seductive bedroom eyes.

  He looks at me funny. “Are you drunk?”

  “No,” I say as my face and shoulders drop. I feel my cheeks getting hotter than the fire in the fireplace. “I was trying to… seduce you.”

  Wicked Games finishes and Harry Styles comes on next, officially ruining the moment and making me feel like a complete and total failure.

  I fall back into the chair by the wall and drop my head into my hands, wishing this mountain would just open up and swallow me whole.

  A full ten seconds go by without a word and I cringe as I peek through my fingers at him.

  He’s staring at me with a new look on his face. His brown eyes are no longer gentle and soft like an old fine saddle, they’re hard and hungry like a ravenous beast.

  I swallow hard as I slowly raise my head and drop my hands into my lap.

  He’s breathing heavily as he stares at me like a starving man stares at dessert.

  My body starts tingling as I realize that he was holding himself back before, and now he’s not. I just gave him the green light to do whatever he wants to me.

  I gulp as I slowly look down his body and see the hard long outline of his big cock growing in his pants. My mouth waters as I stare at it, getting longer and growing harder before my very wide eyes.

  “You were trying to seduce me?” he asks in disbelief.

  “A little bit,” I say as my cheeks turn pink.

  He runs a hand through his shaggy hair and my core clenches. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I first saw you.”

  My mouth drops. What?!?

  “It’s been hell trying to keep my hands off you, Lily,” he says, looking like there’s pain in his eyes from just recalling the memory. “That’s why I keep leaving. I didn’t know how long I could control myself around you.”

  “I don’t want you to hold yourself back,” I say with my pulse racing. “Not anymore.”

  He pulls off his shirt with one swift movement and tosses it onto the floor as he comes over.

  “Holy shit,” I gasp as he drops to his knees in front of me and pulls me into his arms. He’s so big. His body is massive and it makes me feel so tiny, which is not an easy thing to do.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and breathe in his rich masculine scent. It sends a jolt right to my pussy and makes it throb hotter than ever.

  Our faces are so close. We’re staring into each other’s eyes as I run my hand down his thick powerful arm. His skin is so warm. The look in his eyes is so erotic.

  I’m going to die if I don’t have this guy inside me soon.

  His big hand slides to the back of my neck and he pulls me forward, crushing my lips to his. I moan as he thrusts his tongue in, claiming my mouth as his own.

  I’m so wet. The fire roaring in the fireplace, the seclusion of the mountain as it snows outside, the Harry Styles song playing—I really should turn that off—it’s all setting such an erotically charged scene. I can feel the electricity sizzling in the air as his hands slide down my aching body to my hips.

  He pulls me closer as he kisses me deeper. I squeeze my thighs together and moan as I feel the warmth pooling between them.

  This guy is such a turn on. I’ve never wanted a man more in my life. I slide my hands up until they’re cupping his face, my fingers buried in his thick beard.

  I’ve never thought much of beards before, but now I’m fully on board. I’m on team beard all the way.

  When he finally pulls away from my mouth, my head is swirling. I can feel my heart pounding in my ears and I seem to have forgotten how to breathe as I stare into his gorgeous brown eyes. They’re reflecting the orange light from the fire, giving them a godly glow.

  “God, Lily,” he says in a deep raspy voice as he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “You are so fucking sexy. I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  My hands are sliding all over his hot skin as I stare at him in awe. I’ve never been this turned on before. It’s so intense. It’s so fucking hot.

  And before I can tell what’s happening, a giggle bubbles out of my mouth. Then another one and another one until I’m giggling uncontrollably.

  His sexy lips curl up into an amused grin. “What are you laughing at?”

  I just… This is so unreal.

  I come to the mountains to be alone and instead, I find this perfect specimen of a man who can’t wait to be inside me?—his words, not mine. I’m still trying to wrap my brain a
round it.

  “Do you not like what you see?” he asks with a smirk.

  I roam my eyes up from his sculpted abs to his massive chest as I nod up and down. “No, I do. You’re so… hard,” I say as I poke his chest.

  He grins as his hands tighten on me. “You haven’t seen how hard I am… yet.”

  The giggles quickly dissipate as I stare at him with my heart pounding.

  Without another word, he picks me up in his big arms and carries me to his bedroom. We stop in the hallway to kiss again and I’m glad that he’s holding me up. Swollen ankle or not, my legs would definitely not be working with his mouth on mine like this.

  He gently places me on the bed and straightens back up as he looks me over with a lustful gaze.

  “Fuck,” he groans with a shake of his head. “How do my clothes look better on you?”

  “I think they’d look better on the floor,” I answer with a grin.

  The mattress jerks up under me as he climbs on the bed. I can’t stop staring at his cock that looks insanely big and insanely hard. My pussy aches in anticipation of it.

  “Up,” he says as he grabs the bottom of my shirt.

  I quickly sit up and he pulls his tank top over my head. I’m not wearing a bra and his eyes fill with need when he sees my naked breasts.

  I drop my head back down onto the pillow, hoping they’re going to stand up straight and not fall into my armpits like they always do. Luckily, he catches them and massages them with his big strong hands. My nipples are hard and aching with need.

  “Perfect tits,” he says right before he takes a nipple in his mouth and starts sucking on it. I’m moaning and trying to keep my eyes open so I can stare at his rippling back muscles, but it’s hard with his mouth and hands on me like this.

  My whole body is charging with heat as he works his way down, kissing a tingling trail down my stomach. His beard tickles and his lips feel so good.

  He grabs his boxer briefs that are hugging my hips and he slowly pulls them down as he kisses lower… lower…

  Oh, gaaawwwdddd.


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