Rock Star Romance Ultimate: Volume 1

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  I’d heard about debutante balls. But I didn’t know they still had them. And my only experience with all-girls schools was courtesy of Logan’s vast porn stash.

  “Sounds fancy.” Pulling her legs up so she was cradled in my arms, I eased back in the seat. “Who took you to this big ‘coming out’ party?”

  Shifting uncomfortably, she stared down at her fingernails.

  “You can tell me,” I cajoled. “Did he have a hump? Three nipples? Or a—“

  “Nothing like t-that. He was just a regular asshole. No d-deformities. Unless you count arrogance and an underdeveloped personality.”

  Sadness dimmed the light in her eyes, so I gave her a squeeze. “Make me a list of your old boyfriends and I’ll take care of them for you.”

  It was meant to be a joke, but her expression turned serious. “I told you b-before, there was only one guy. Ever. One asshole.” Noting my shocked expression, she scooted off my lap. “Why are you so s-surprised? I’m nothing like you. My parents didn’t let me go to parties or dances. And my only boyfriend—no, my fiancé—b-broke up with me because he couldn’t stand the thought of being married to an ‘artist.’”

  As her words sank in, I couldn’t help the dry chuckle that worked its way from my throat.

  Lily’s face fell. “It’s not funny, Cameron.”

  Scooting onto the floorboard, I positioned myself between her knees so we were eye-to-eye. “I wasn’t laughing at you, baby. It’s just…when I was growing up, I thought people like you, with money, didn’t have any problems.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Why would you th-think that?”

  “My old man would go on a bender and leave for days. Sometimes my mom had to go to the neighbors to ‘borrow’ a loaf of bread to make us toast with sugar. For dinner. I guess I thought if you had a full stomach and nice clothes, what else could you want?”

  Turning so that my back was against the seat, I stroked her calf. It felt good to share a bit of my past with someone without fear it would make its way into some D-list gossip column. Too good. Reaching for a distraction, I snatched my phone from the seat to listen to Logan’s voicemail. He ticked off the name of the club in Deep Ellum where the band was having the meet and greet. I fired off a text to confirm I’d be there before glancing up at Lily.

  “Where do you live, darlin’?”

  Her brows turned inward. “Why?

  That was a good question since asking her to come along would only complicate the situation. None of us took dates to meet and greets. It was an unspoken rule.

  “I thought we could swing by your place and you could grab some clothes. There’s a thing tonight in Deep Ellum. I want you to come.”

  She frowned. Not exactly the response I was looking for. “I can’t tonight.”

  Well, shit. Taking her hand, I decided to lay my cards on the table. “Lily, I only have a few more days here. I’d like to spend them with you. Every minute.”

  Her eyes clouded with something I couldn’t decipher. “I have plans.”

  “Can you break them?” For me.

  She shook her head. “No. I’m sorry.”

  But she didn’t sound sorry. In fact, her tone held no emotion at all.

  My stomach tumbled onto the floor, along with my pride. “Suit yourself.”

  Shifting my attention back to my phone, I checked my email. Then I played Angry Birds. Then I just stared at the screen. When the limo finally pulled to a stop in front of the Mansion, I was boiling mad. And I didn’t know why.

  “Cameron?” I could feel Lily’s eyes on me like fingers. Probing. Searching. “I’m really s-sorry. I have to—”

  “No worries.” I looked up from my phone. “We’re just killing time, right?”

  Her face crumbled, and she was out of the limo before I could stop her.

  I paused for only a second before slamming my fist against the seat and following her out. “Lily, wait!”

  My head swung in the direction of the engine that could only be hers, and I moved toward the sound. But it was too late. The Honda peeled out of the space, tires squealing, and made it to the end of the row faster than I ever thought possible.

  Cursing under my breath, I tapped out a message. “Come back.”

  But what was the point? Even if Lily returned we were only putting off the inevitable. She lived in Dallas. And I lived… everywhere. And that wasn’t about to change.

  Stowing my phone in my pocket to keep from sending the text, I marched toward my bungalow, hoping like hell the maid had changed the sheets.


  * * *


  The door swung open, spilling light across the floor of my room. “Why is it so dark in here?” Tess asked, dropping onto the bed beside me. “Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for work?”

  Rolling onto my stomach, I pressed my face into the pillow. “I have time.”

  My shift at the bar didn’t start for two hours. If I played my cards right, I could laze in a tub with cucumbers over my eyes to reduce the swelling before I had to put on my makeup. It was embarrassing enough, crying over a guy I’d known for three days. I didn’t need anyone else to witness my stupidity.

  Rubbing my back, Tess rested her chin on my shoulder. “I take it that your fling with Cameron is over?”


  Was that all it was? It felt like more. Like we’d known each other for years. Like I’d miss him when he was gone.

  “Yep.” I flopped onto my back, throwing my arm over my face. “He had a thing tonight in Deep Ellum.”

  She snorted. “He could’ve at least invited you. It’s not like he’s going to be seeing you after…”

  Her words pierced me like a sharp blade, seeking out the tiny bubble of hope in my chest. And poof, it was gone. Because she was right. I’d never see Cameron again. And instead of spending every second with him, I’d mortgaged our final moments for the jar full of tips I’d earn standing behind the bar, serving overpriced drinks to fat-cat businessmen.

  “He did invite me.”

  Since Tess would probably turn over the registration to her car to spend an hour with Logan, I wasn’t surprised by her silence. When she found her voice, she croaked, “Say what?”

  I blew out a heavy breath. “You know I can’t afford to miss work.”

  It was true. I had less than three months before the bill for my tuition came due. Twenty five thousand dollars, give or take. And then I’d have to swallow my pride, make an appointment with my father’s secretary, and beg for his help. Or I wouldn’t graduate.

  It was my own fault. I’d never bothered to apply for a student loan. Because in my heart, I’d always believed that my parents would come around. They would, in order to save face. But I had my own pride to contend with now, and I wouldn’t borrow a penny more than I needed. The Mansion offered ten thousand dollars in tuition assistance, and if I was really frugal, I could put a small dent in the other fifteen thousand before the balance came due.

  “I’m not buying it,” Tess said, and when I opened my eyes, I found her scowling at me. “What are we talking—a hundred bucks? Two?”

  Her gaze slid across the room, to the unused canvases and unopened sketch pads, all bundled neatly on the floor. Then she glanced at my easel, and the expensive paints and brushes.

  I propped up on my elbows. “I n-need those things.”

  For a split second the judgement in Tess’s brown eyes resembled my mother’s. And I understood. Tess was a business major. Cut from the same cloth I’d ripped my way out of when I’d decided that I couldn’t sit behind a desk all day. She’d never understand that I needed art like she needed air. Painting and sculpting and drawing were necessary. And if I had to go without lunch a couple of days a week to afford my supplies, well, I’d do it.

  She covered her hand with mine. “I know you do, sweetie. But obviously you’re missing some other things in your life or you wouldn’t be sitting here in the dark, crying. Why don’t you
tell me about Cameron.”

  I opened my mouth, a big “hell no” on the tip of my tongue. But then the story unfolded like I’d been waiting for her to ask. It didn’t take long. Because what did I really know about Cameron? Nothing.

  “So besides the sex, what makes him so special?” Tess asked when I’d finished.

  A flush spread from my chest, settling in my cheeks. “He t-thinks my stutter is cute. And he thinks I’m smart. And f-funny.”

  My tone was so soft, when Tess’s brows drew together, I thought maybe she hadn’t heard me. “You are. All those things. Geez, Lily, don’t you know that? Everyone at the bar—”

  “Wants to fuck me.” My declaration stunned her into silence, and I sighed. “That’s not what I meant, exactly. It’s j-just…they notice me for my looks first. They overlook the stutter because of t-these.” I pointed to my breasts.

  “Well, they are kind of nice.” Rolling my eyes, I batted her hand away when she tried to squeeze my boob. “So Cameron didn’t notice your tits, then?”

  “Of course he did. But he said I was s-special.” I pursed my lips when she arched a brow. “Before he slept with me.”

  “Okay… so… given all that. Why didn’t you go out with him tonight?”

  How could I explain the pull I felt for Cameron? The butterflies in my stomach. My sweaty palms. And the pain that lanced through me when I thought about him leaving. I couldn’t. So I scooted to the end of the bed and climbed to my feet like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. “I’ve got to get ready for work.”

  Tess shook her head. “You’re going to regret this,” she singsonged on her way out of the room.

  And despite all the valid reasons I had for declining Cameron’s offer, I knew she was right.


  * * *


  Nursing my second beer, I looked around the VIP area. This wasn’t even my kind of club. My kind of crowd. The music was a loud and obnoxious blend of techno and pop, like Britney Spears on crack. And the only purpose it served, as far as I could tell, was to provide a beat so the girls flocking around the velvet ropes could grind against each other.

  Logan sipped his beer, eyeing a couple of chicks on the main floor. He motioned for Seth, the wall of muscle who doubled as security when he wasn’t tearing down our equipment, to invite them inside.

  Seth sauntered over to the pair, his hands drifting low on their hips when he drew them into a huddle. The willowy brunette looked over, licking her lips, her gaze locked on Logan’s. I didn’t know exactly what kind of proposition was involved, but the slow smile that passed over my friends lips was a pretty good indication.

  “You want Betty or Veronica?” he asked.

  Logan loved to throw in the reference to the blond and brunette in the old Archie comics every chance he got. I think the dude must have used those comic books like porn when he was a kid. When I turned away, he swatted my leg.

  “If you’ve got a thing for Lily, own it.” He snorted. “You’re the one who said she was a one and done.”

  “She is,” I grumbled. “She just bailed a little earlier than I expected.”

  “Well then.” Logan leaned back, watching the girls walk toward us, hand in hand. “Her replacement is coming off the line right now.”

  I smiled at the blond who parked herself in front of me. She wasn’t much of a replacement. It wasn’t even a good dye job.

  Eyeing the brunette, Logan patted the cushion beside him. “Take a seat, darlin’. I’m Logan. But you already know that.” She giggled, her fingers still twined with her friend’s as she tucked in beside him. “This broody fucker is Cameron.” He gave the blond a once over. “Why don’t you see if you can lighten his mood?”

  The blond wiggled between Logan and me on the couch. “I’m Candy.”

  Of course you are.

  “Nice to meet you, Candy.” Pushing to my feet, I drained my beer, looking anywhere but at her. “What’s everybody drinking?”

  Candy crossed her legs, her foot grazing the back of my calf. “I’ll take a shot.” She smiled. “I lose my mind when I do shots.”

  “Shots all around!” Logan hooted, waggling his brows at me. “Candy’ll take two.”

  I chewed the inside of my lip to keep from rolling my eyes. “Be right back.”

  Pressing my palms on the bar, I leaned forward, shouting loud enough to get the bartender’s attention. “Four shots of Jack.”

  While waiting for the drinks, I shifted my attention to Lindsey, standing with her back against the bar, surveying the room. “That didn’t take long,” she said, the smile in her voice evident.

  Tossing a twenty down for a tip, I sighed. “What are you talking about?”

  Shrugging, she sipped her drink. “I’ll say this: she was pretty. But she wasn’t really your type, was she, Cam? I mean, she actually spoke in full sentences. Even had a few witty comebacks.”

  My stomach flipped when I recalled Lindsey and Lily’s exchange at the rehearsal. I never did find out what that was all about, but the burning in my gut told me it wasn’t good.

  I knocked back one of the shots the bartender placed in front of me. “Oh yeah? What were the two of you chattering about?”

  “Not much. I just told her to enjoy herself.” Meeting my hard gaze, she took the red swizzle stick from her drink and swept her tongue over it. “While it lasts…”

  While it lasts?

  “Groupies…they all think they’re ‘the one.’” Lindsey snorted. “I told her to make sure she got cab fare tonight.” Her gaze drifted across the room to Candy. “It’s a good thing.”

  “She’s not even here, Lindsey.”

  I wished she were. Wanted it so bad I was seriously thinking about ducking out and begging her to see me.

  “Sure she is,” Lindsey quipped. “I saw her ten minutes ago on the dance floor.” Wrinkling her nose, she dropped her swizzle stick back into the glass. “I figured you and your new friend chased her out of the VIP area.”

  “It wasn’t her. She doesn’t even know where I am.”

  “Of course she does.”

  “How would—“

  Lindsey’s laughter cut me off cold. “I had to tell her. In case she was lucky enough to get photographed with you again, I wanted her dressed appropriately. That outfit she was wearing at the rehearsal was atrocious. And those pink sneakers? Hideous.” A smile curled her lips. Malicious. Just like her. “I’m sure they all look the same in the dark, but I can’t have the public thinking you’re banging a homeless girl.”

  Looking down at her hand as she patted my chest, I shrank from her touch. “Don’t give it a second thought. I took care of it for you. She’s Chad’s problem now.”


  Surely she couldn’t be talking about Chad Dyer, the drummer from the D-list boy band that was so far down the tour roster they were practically playing a breakfast show. Could she?

  “Dyer,” Lindsey confirmed. “From Crimson Five. That’s who Lily was dancing with.” She snorted derisively. “If you could call it dancing. It looked more like he was humping her leg. Chad has no manners. They’re perfect for each other.”

  If I wasn’t on a mission to get to the dance floor, Lindsey would’ve learned a thing or two about eating her words. But I was gone before she’d finished her sentence. Pushing my way through the bodies in the VIP, I scanned every face in the crowd, heart pumping so fast I thought it might jump out of my chest. My blood heated under my skin when I saw Lily’s long, blond hair whipping from side to side as Chad shimmied down her body.

  Seth grabbed my arm when I shoved past the velvet rope. “What’s up?” he said, alarm written all over his face.

  Shrugging out of his grip, I waded into the mob, eyes locked on the pretty boy’s mess of wavy, black hair. Chad had Lily pressed against him, one arm snaked around her waist while he waved the other over his head like a douche. My fists clenched reflexively at my sides as I took the last few steps.
  Grabbing Chad’s shoulder, I yanked him backward. “Get off her!”

  Lily lurched forward, teetering on five inch heels. “W-what the hell?” she slurred, glaring up at me when I pulled her to my side.

  Chad’s face lit up. Idiot. “Hey, Cameron. What’s up, man?”

  “Let me go,” Lily demanded, squirming out of my grip and nearly falling on her face.

  My heated gaze shifted back to Chad. “Did you give her anything?”

  His eyes widened. “What? No way. We were just dancing.” Lifting his chin indignantly when I remained unconvinced, he smirked. “I didn’t do shit, man. I don’t need no roofie to get a girl.”

  Knocked back to reality when the first cell phone camera flashed in my face, I unclenched my fist. Several more flashes quickly followed.

  With Lily tucked close to my side, I pushed our way through the tight circle of bodies around us, leaving Chad in the center with his mouth hanging open.

  Swiveling her head back to the dance floor, she squirmed in my arms. “Lemme go! I wanna d-dance some more!”

  “Calm down,” I growled as I maneuvered her through the front door.

  Breaking free from me again, she jabbed a finger in my chest. “You! W-what the fuck is your p-problem?”

  Dropping my gaze to my shoes when a couple slid past us, I waited for the door to glide shut before catching her wrist. “What’s your problem?” Pulling her toward the concrete stairs, I nudged her onto the first step before she fell on her face. “You’re fucking wasted, Lily.”

  “So!” Her chin trembled as she tried to stay upright. “What d-do you care?”

  I brushed my thumb over the pale pink lipstick smeared at the corner of her mouth. Her lips were warm and soft. And fuck, I wanted to kiss her. Slipping my hand to the back of her neck, I pulled her mouth to mine. Peppermint and Lily invaded my senses.

  She made a clumsy attempt to push me away, but when I broke the connection, she fisted my shirt and dragged my lips back to hers. When we finally came up for air, I swept a tangled lock behind her ear.


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