Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance)

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Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance) Page 12

by Baxter, Cordelia

  “Trying to win you back? You think you’re hot shit now that you’ve got Jake Powers wrapped around your finger. What does that asshole see in you, I wonder?” Jude looked me up and down with a twisted sneer on his face as he crept closer. I shivered involuntarily and felt like I had just been violated.

  “Wh-what are you doing?” I asked, backing away from him.

  “You always were a good little fuck, Chloe, but I never knew you were that good. Maybe I’m missing out on something and should sample the goods again,” he said menacingly.

  “Get back, Jude, if you know what’s good for you,” I said. I tried to sound commanding, but my voice sounded shaky and fearful.

  He laughed at me but it didn’t reach his eyes. “What are you going to do, Chloe?”

  I backed up as he moved closer, until I reached the countertop. My hands were behind me frantically searching for anything I could use to protect myself. My fingers closed around a pair of shears and I clenched them in a fist behind my back.

  “You don’t want to do this Jude,” I said, eying him frantically.

  He moved faster than I expected and closed the distance between us in a snap. His hands closed around my upper arms in a painful grip. He pulled me closer to him and forced his lips on mine. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and screwed my mouth shut and closed my eyes in disgust. I struggled to bring the shears up between us and made a move to stab him with it.

  Jude saw what I was trying to do and his face grew angrier as he arched chest back to avoid my swing. He grabbed my wrist as I extended my arm and squeezed tightly. I let out a loud whimper as he twisted my wrist and the shears dropped to the floor in a loud clack.

  My heart was racing as it pounded in my chest. I knew I had to fight with everything I had. It felt as if time slowed down in that moment and everything was moving in slow motion.

  Jude was momentarily distracted as he looked at the ground where the shears fell. I knew this was my opportunity. Turning my head back, I saw a sauce pot on the stove within my reach. I grabbed it and swung with all my might. The loud clunk let me know that I had hit my mark, but it looked like little damage had been done. It only made him angrier.

  “You bitch!” he shouted. “You’re going to pay for that!”

  He stood there scowling at me before he brought his hand back and smacked me across the face. I cried out at the blow, my eyes watering at the excruciating pain. I brought my hand up to cup the injured cheek, wincing as I did so.

  Jude still held on to my wrist and he pulled me closer to him. I clawed at his face trying to gouge his eyes out, but he grabbed my free hand and held it in a tight grasp. He moved his head forward trying to kiss me again but I turned my head away as I stomped on his foot with my heel. He yelped and let go of my arms as he hopped on one foot.

  I took the opportunity to run away from him. I knew there was no way I would win in a head to head fight. My legs felt like jelly but I forced myself to put one foot in front of the other. I was at the door when my head jerked back as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked. I lost my balance and fell to the floor.

  Before I knew it Jude had closed the distance and was on top of me. His legs straddled me as he pinned my wrists over my head with one hand. I tried to buck up and topple him, but he held firm.

  “You should just relax and enjoy this, Chloe,” he sneered. “You know you want it.”

  “Never!” I yelled. “Get off me! Help! Help!” I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping against hope that some would hear me. Jude smirked down at me before closing his hand over my mouth.

  “No one can hear you,” he laughed. “Oh I like it when you fight. This is going to be so much fun.” He moved his free hand to his waist and undid his belt buckle. I continued to thrash under him moving my hips from side to side, fighting as hard as I could.

  Tears flowed down my cheeks as I thought about what Jude was going to do to me. My eyes were closed and I screamed with all my might, when suddenly I felt his weight lift off me. I heard a loud grunt and then felt soft gentle hands caressing my face.

  “Are you all right?”

  My eyes flew open to see Jake kneeling by me, concern wrinkling his brow.

  “Oh Jake!” I sobbed throwing myself at his chest. Feelings of relief and gratitude overwhelmed me as the tears streamed down my face. I didn’t care how I looked or sounded as the sobs wracked my body. He held me tightly against his chest gently stroking my hair and back.

  “Shh darling, it’s ok. You’re safe now,” he said, his voice trembling.

  I held on to him like my life depended on it, feeling so safe and secure in his arms. I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but our embrace was interrupted by a groan.

  I looked to where the noise came from and saw Jude crumpled on the floor and beginning to stir. Seeing him still in my apartment sent a jolt of fright through me and I instinctively grabbed onto Jake, holding him tighter.

  “He won’t hurt you ever again,” Jake said.

  He gently placed my hands on my lap and stood up. I gazed up at him and was shocked at the look of pure fury he directed at Jude’s inert form. He strode forward towards Jude, never taking his eyes off him. Jake kicked him in the gut which elicited a loud groan from him. Jude curled up in a fetal position and wrapped his arms around his chest.

  “Get up you piece of shit!” Jake’s voice was low and commanding. There was an undeniable hint of malice that colored his voice. I was glad that I wasn’t Jude at that moment. “You’re going to wish you were dead after I get through with you.”

  Jake knelt down by Jude and grabbed him by his shirt and flattened him on his back. He raised his arm and started raining down blow after blow on Jude’s face. The loud crunch followed by the flow of blood from Jude’s nose let me know Jake had broken it. Jude was trying to protect himself by holding his hands up over his face, but Jake was precise and deadly with each punch. He looked like a man possessed.

  “Jake! Jake! Enough!” I shouted trying to get his attention. “You’re going to kill him.” Not that I’d be sorry to see Jude dead, I just didn’t want Jake to be the one to do it. I didn’t need that on his conscience.

  He paused his arm mid-air and looked back at me. “Please,” I said. “Let the police deal with him.”

  Jake gave me a short nod and lowered his arm.

  “Today’s your lucky day,” he said down at Jude’s cowering form. Jake reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his cell phone.

  “Come up. I need you to take the trash out,” he said.

  Jake returned the phone to his pocked and glowered down at Jude. He grabbed Jude’s shirt holding him up in a sitting position.

  “If you ever contact Chloe again, or even speak her name, I will kill you. That’s a promise.” He spoke the words so softly, but with such conviction, I knew he meant it. I shivered at the savage tone in his voice. He released Jude, a look of disgust crossing his face before taking out a handkerchief and wiping the blood off his hands.

  I had scooted as far away from them as I could, my back dug against handle of my kitchen cabinet. I wrapped my arms around my knees and rocked back and forth, still in a state of shock over what happened.

  A noise in my living room drew my attention to the door. A moment later, a large man loomed over us taking in the scene. He looked like a giant and stood at least 7 feet tall. He was heavy set and wore a thick black goatee, and had black flames tattooed on his bald head. He looked me over quickly and appraisingly before turning his attention to Jake.

  “Get him out of here,” Jake said to him.

  “What do you want me to do with him?”

  “Do your worst, but don’t kill him,” Jake said.

  The man smiled slowly, showing two shiny gold front teeth. “Yes sir.”

  The man lifted Jude over his shoulder easily and walked with him out the kitchen. My eyes were wide as followed his retreating back.

  “Who was that?” I asked in awe.

at was Carl,” Jake answered.

  “He’s huge.”

  Jake laughed. “Yes, he is.”

  I turned my head to look at Jake, and couldn’t help but smile. It was so silly, being in awe of a large man after what I’d just been through, but it felt good. My smile soon turned to a laugh and before I knew it, Jake and I were both laughing hysterically.

  Tears streaked down my face as I fought to gain my composure, but every time I looked at Jake, I broke out into more laughter. I wiped my eyes as I finally began to calm down, the weight of what just happened finally hitting me hard. Jake noticed my change in demeanor and he closed the distance and was by my side in an instant and held me in his arms.

  “Are you all right, Chloe?” he asked, concerned.

  I couldn’t speak. I felt a lump form in my throat as my eyes grew misty again, so I just nodded. Jake held me tightly against him, my head resting on his chests as he kissed the top of my head.

  “You won’t have to worry about him ever again. I won’t let him hurt you,” he promised.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling in the scent of him. It was comforting having him there, holding me; I felt like nothing could harm me.

  “Shhh sweetheart, it’s going to be ok.”

  I drew my head back and looked up at him when I finally felt in control of myself. “Why are you here? I mean, I’m glad you are, but how did you know?” I asked.

  Jake released a heavy sigh and ran his hand across his jaw. “Ever since I found out it was him who sold my story to the tabloids, I’ve been having him followed,” Jake confessed. “When my investigators told me he was at your apartment, I rushed over.”

  “Did you think he would hurt me? Is that why you had him followed?” I asked.

  Jake’s eyes hardened as he stared ahead of him, his hands clenched in a fist at his side.

  “I suspected he might. He’s had a history of this type of behavior,” he finally said when he was able to reign in his temper.

  “Really? Jude seemed so harmless. How come I never knew?” I was shocked at Jake’s disclosure.

  “He was very good at acting and hiding that part about himself.”

  “And you say he’s done this before?” I shuddered at the close call I just escaped, and wondered about what kind of harm he had done to other women.

  “Yes, I’ve had him investigated. My guys dug up some unsavory information about Jude Marshall. He’s had a very checkered past. He’s a con man and a sociopath. This is not the first time he’s tried to hurt someone, but I will make sure this will be the last.”

  “Did you—he said you had him beat up and arrested.”

  “He’s lucky that’s all I did. He deserved so much worse,” he said before looking down at me. “Especially after what he tried to pull today.” He looked remorseful and shook his head sadly.

  “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known he would have done this,” I told him.

  “I don’t know what I’d do if he—“ Jake shook his head as if trying to clear it of negative thoughts. He tipped my chin up and tenderly ran his fingers over my cheek. I winced as he touched the spot Jude had hit me. Jake drew his hand away and clenched them in a fist, his mouth forming a hard thin line. I grabbed his hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

  “It’s ok, I’m safe now thanks to you,” I said.

  “Are you really ok Chloe? Do you need me to bring you to the hospital? Are you hurt at all?”

  “I’ll be fine. It’s just a couple bruises, nothing I can’t handle.”

  “Good girl,” he said. “You’re very brave.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Chloe I—" Jake looked hesitant and unsure of what to say. He got up and paced around the kitchen running his hands through his hair. I followed his agitated movements with my eyes.

  “Yes?” I asked.

  He turned around to look down at me, a look of doubt on his face.

  “Oh well I guess I should just say it.” He stopped pacing and knelt in front of me taking my hands in his large warm ones. “I’ve missed you Chloe,” he said. “These past few weeks without you have been so hard. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, and I know I messed up and hurt you badly, but do you think—is there any way you can forgive me? Could we start over?”

  He looked so vulnerable and unsure it tugged at my heartstrings. The auction and everything after that seemed like a lifetime ago. After what I had just gone through, a kind of clarity came over me. There was no point being angry at Jake or holding a grudge.

  I knew I had to hold on to the good things in my life, and Jake was a good thing. I needed to seize the moment and live life. Deep down, I never stopped loving him. I knew that as surely as I knew how to breathe. It was instinctual. I looked up at him and nodded my head.

  “I’d like that,” I said.

  Jake’s face was transformed in an instant. A huge heart stopping grin spread across his face and his eyes shone down at me with such a look of love, I had to catch my breath.

  “You won’t regret it,” he said before scooping me into his arms and kissing me.


  I stood on the veranda overlooking the clear blue sea stretched before me and breathed in the salty air before breaking into a wide grin.

  “Enjoying the view?”

  I turned my head back to see Jake leaning against the doorway looking amused. He looked handsome as ever with his shirt off and a light golden tan covering his skin.

  “Are you?” I teased, quirking my eyebrow at him.

  “Yes, very much” he said eyeing me up and down.

  I held out my hand to him and smiled. “Come, Mr. Powers. Give me a kiss.”

  “As you wish, Mrs. Powers.”

  “I like the sound of that,” I sighed contentedly.

  “And I like saying it, Mrs. Powers,” he said emphasizing his point.

  “I can’t believe our honeymoon is almost over. It’s been such an amazing two weeks. I don’t want to go back.”

  “We can stay longer if you want. Just say the word.”

  “You’re too kind,” I said, looking up at him. “But I need to get back to the office and so do you. Allison is probably up to her neck in work. If we stayed longer, I’m sure she’d kill me.”

  “No, she’d probably kill me,” he said seriously. He looked down at me, his lip quivering before breaking out in a grin.

  After our reconciliation, Jake told me all about Allison storming into his office and cursing him out for what he put me through. He told me it was because of her that he decided to investigate who sold his story. It made me realize that I had more to be grateful to Allison for than just being a good friend.

  I had been on a high the whole trip. When Jake asked me where I wanted to go for our honeymoon, I knew exactly where to go. I had come back to Thailand and Koh Samui, except this time, I wasn’t trying to get over Jake.

  Jake nuzzled his head against my neck and nibbled my ear, bringing me out of my thoughts. I threw my head back and leaned into his tall, muscular frame.

  “That feels nice,” I sighed.

  “You know what else feels nice?”

  I smiled at his not so subtle hint. “No, tell me!” I teased.

  Jake scooped me up in my arms causing me to catch my breath momentarily. He carried me back towards the bedroom and dropped me on our canopied bed.

  “I’m going to show you,” he said as he unbuttoned his pants and slipped out of them. I lay back on the bed resting on my elbows and savored the sight of his beautiful body standing before me. Even after all the times we’d been together, I never got tired of looking at him.

  Jake slid on the bed, laying himself on top of me, pressing me down into the mattress with his weight. He grabbed my wrists and held them over my head as his lips descended on mine. His kiss started slow and sensual and he took his time savoring every moment, but quickly built up to an intensity that I matched. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer as I gr
ound my hips against his already hardened member.

  He broke apart the kiss looking down at me with shining eyes. “Impatient as ever,” he teased, flicking the tip of my nose with his finger.

  “It’s true. Now give me what I want,” I ordered.

  “Yes ma’am,” he laughed.

  I dug my hands in his hair and pulled him down for another searing kiss. His hand reached behind my back, tracing up my spine gently, before unzipping my dress. It fell off my shoulders exposing my breasts. Jake pulled his head back to admire the view before slipping my dress off completely.

  I wasn’t wearing any underwear, so I was completely naked. He stood on his knees on the mattress and looked me over appreciatively. I could see the excitement building in his eyes. It always made me feel so sexy when I saw how much I turned Jake on. He never made me feel ashamed or insecure about my body. In fact, he made me feel like I was the most beautiful woman in the world lying naked under him.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said, as if reading my thoughts.

  I smiled up at him, unable to speak. I was getting choked up, and the tears welled up in my eyes. Jake looked at me with concern and brushed a stray tear away.

  “What’s wrong, love?”

  “Nothing, I’m just so happy.” I reached my hands out for him, needing to feel his closeness. He gently laid himself onto of me, his bare chest pressed against mine. I could feel his heart beating in rhythm to mine. “Please make love to me,” I said, looking into his eyes.

  Jake smiled down at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “That’s my girl,” he said.

  He positioned himself between my legs and lifted my knees up over his shoulders. Jake slowly worked himself in, going deeper and deeper. I gasped as his thickness filled me from this position. It felt so wonderful having him inside me, like he belonged there.

  Jake pulled back before plunging himself back into my core again. He was steadily building a tension in my body that needed release. I ground against him, working myself up even more as I feel my orgasm coming.


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