Stand By Me (Book 4 of the McKay's)

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Stand By Me (Book 4 of the McKay's) Page 2

by Hestand, Rita

  Wendy listened with fascination. So her new boyfriend was a hero. She liked that.

  "Is the horse injured badly?" Letty asked.

  "No, but I had the vet check him out. He wrapped his foot and told me to make sure no one rode him for a while."

  "So who put a bur up Wade's saddle?" Julie asked.

  Cade laughed. "I'm not sure. He was ticked when he found out I hired Sam without telling him, and he's been acting differently since he's been dating this lady. Although, I can't lay all the blame on her. I've heard him talking on the phone, but wasn't aware their relationship had gotten to this state. But then that's Wade. Full of surprises."

  "Does he really think he can tell me who I can date?" Wendy stormed.

  "That's really not our job…" Cade reflected. "Besides, that rule has been broken a time or two, now hasn't it?"

  "A red-headed hurricane is what got into him, looks like to me." Letty shook her head.

  "Well, I guess I better get to work before my brother thinks I'm not earning my keep."

  Julie hugged him. "The heck you aren't. You run this ranch. You always have. Wade's getting a little big for his britches. And you have as much right to hire and fire as Wade. He better get used to that. Dad liked him, respected him, but sometimes people change. Since Dad died, Wade has taken on less responsibility and more ownership. If you know what I mean."

  "He has changed; your father made sure our jobs were secure, and I appreciate that, but I'm not the owner, and I don't want to hassle with my brother unless I have to. But he is getting a little too big for his britches. You know, at first I thought it was because I married you, but that had nothing to do with it. I reckon she's the reason. That and Sam. But I liked Sam the minute I met him. He didn't hesitate to tell me and Mr. Duncan both that he was on probation for stealing a car. Seems there is quite a story behind that, too," Cade said, looking into his wife's eyes.

  "He sure sprang her on us out of the blue," Letty remarked.

  "Yeah, lately he's full of surprises." Cade kissed Julie on the nose and headed out the door.

  But after Cade left, the girls all crowded around Wendy moaning their sorrow for her.

  Wendy was like her dad in many ways, when things got tough, so did she.

  "I'll be okay. Sometimes we have to learn the hard way, is all. Maybe I've learned something today." Wendy tried to smile as the tears fell down her cheeks. "Besides, I got a new boyfriend out of the deal."

  "Is that guy really your boyfriend?" Letty asked her.

  "Never set eyes on him before, but I owe him for not saying so. Besides, he's kind of cute, don't you think?" Wendy looked at her sisters.

  "That's the spirit, honey." Julie smiled. "Get bucked off a horse, you get right back on another one."

  Wendy smiled and went upstairs where she could cut loose with her real feelings. She didn't feel anything right now.


  "My God…Wade sure didn't handle that very nicely, did he?" Letty snapped when Wendy was gone. "I knew he didn't love Wendy, but he could have let her down a little nicer."

  "No, I guess he wanted to impress upon her that she has no chance with him," Sandy said sadly. "He sure accomplished that, didn't he? After all these years, I would have thought he'd done it a little nicer too. After all, she's practically been his slave for years now."

  "Oh, he impressed her alright. He'll be lucky if she does another thing around here for him. And I don't think Wade has any idea how much work Wendy does, just for him. The little favors she had always been so willing to do may come to a stop. This might get real interesting." Julie sighed. "Wendy invested a lot of years on Wade, and for him to throw it in her face like that, makes me ill. I wanted to slap him myself. But I applaud her for that performance with the cowboy, and she's got a point, he didn't rat on her. Right now, he has my vote." Julie shook her head in disgust.

  "To tell you all the truth, I'm more worried about Wade, than Wendy. Our little Wendy has grown up in case you haven't noticed and she does apparently know how to take care of the situation. As long as she doesn't carry it too far. That poor cowboy, he doesn't have a clue what he's in for. She's just saving pride and trying to make Wade jealous. But this time, I don't think it will work." Letty grit her teeth. "Maybe Wade really does love this girl."

  Cade walked back inside. "Take a look at that. He's certainly not acting himself lately."

  Wade was kissing Valarie like his lips were locked on hers, in broad daylight, for anyone to see. Cade shook his head. "He's sure out of character right now. And I can't say I like it. I mean, it's such a change…never seen him act like that before."

  "He's got his nerve…" Letty frowned. "Surely he could find a better place to kiss her than the front porch."

  "Yeah, well you guys have to put up with him here. He's my brother…" Cade glanced at them.

  "Poor Wendy, this is just so cruel." Sandy shook her head as she eyed them out the kitchen window. "She could be upstairs crying her eyes out and watching them."

  "Now look girls, she's a McKay, and McKay's stand their ground, no matter what. Wendy will survive this, I’m telling you. She'll be better for it," Letty re-enforced. "And that young cowboy she latched onto might be more than she can handle. It's gonna get real interesting around here, just like Julie said."

  Cade smiled. "I tell you what, that cowboy knows stock, and he can ride as good as Hank. He'll be an asset to Hank, as I'm making Hank the straw boss of the remuda. As for the kid, Wade didn't hire him, I did. We've talked to the accountant and we're buying a new string of wild horses. That kid will probably be breaking most of them. Wade didn't want to take a chance on him. And Letty, I think you are right about it getting interesting."

  Chapter Two

  At precisely seven that same evening, a knock came at the door and Wendy bounced down the stairs, since no one else was home. When she flung the door open, she saw the cowboy; he was dressed in nice jeans, a white shirt, and bolero tie and jean jacket. He wore a black hat and he gazed at her with sparkling dark eyes. Wendy backed up a bit as his eyes raked her slowly.

  Wendy had to admit he looked good, but what was he doing here on her doorstep?

  "Can I help you?"

  He smiled that crooked smile that had Wendy reacting once more. "I'm ready, are you?" he asked.

  Wendy crooked her head, baffled by his being here in the first place. "Ready for what?"

  "Our date…" he said slowly, taking her all in. She hadn't expected company so she was wearing shorts today and a tank top. She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him not at all sure what he was talking about.

  "Our date?" she repeated, staring at him with surprise.

  "Yes ma'am. You don't think he's going to believe it, unless he sees it, do ya?" The cowboy looped his thumbs in his back pocket.

  Wendy stared at him with disbelief and a tinge of curiosity of what this cowboy was all about. "I thought you were joking."

  "No ma'am. And I didn't think you were joking when you said I was your boyfriend. You looked me over like a side of beef, ma'am." He grinned infectiously.

  "I beg your pardon?" She couldn't help the indignant response. "I did not look you over like a side of beef."

  A quick smile from the young man took her by surprise. "I think you are pretty as a sunshiny day, myself," he admitted easily.

  "You think we have a date tonight?" She wondered where his audacity sprang from. But deep down, she did like his boldness. Even knowing who she was didn't deter him.

  "Sure we do. We told everyone we did. I'm just trying to help you out a little here, ma'am."

  Wendy glanced at the cowboy once more, her eyes slowly sliding upward, as her pulse quickened.

  When she didn't know how to respond, he half turned then turned back toward her and smiled. "Ma'am, if I'm going to be your intended, don't you think you ought to let me come in?"

  Wendy was so flustered; all she could do was hold the door open for him.

  He seemed to dwarf t
he room, not that he was tall, but his demeanor enlarged everything. She hadn't noticed how short he was, just barely taller than herself, nor how well built. She loved the color of his thick dark chocolate hair and dancing eyes.

  "Guess you best get dressed; I have reservations for us at The Rusty Nail."

  Wendy blinked, still in a fog, and yet aware that this cowboy was playing a role for her she hadn't expected. He fully intended taking her to a steak house for dinner. He wasn't shy about it, or intimidated, it was something new and shocking to her senses. He was bold as brass and she liked it.

  "Well…I guess I better." She backed away, still looking at him.

  He smiled again, making her heart flutter a bit. Not liking this instant attraction, she tried to find a flaw in his appearance, but dressed like a cowboy gentleman, she couldn't. He was gorgeous and maybe just what the doctor ordered, she contemplated.

  What was going on? A small joke on Wade was turning into something else, it would seem. The cowboy was dating her, whether she liked it or not. But in the back of her mind, she thought it might be a good idea. Otherwise, the joke was on her.

  Okay, the cowboy had saved her, and he was deliciously handsome. Why not?

  She showered and washed her hair, and then hurriedly blow-dried it and slipped into a nice, safe shirtwaist dress of blue. She dabbed on a bit of make-up, slid into her sandals and started down the stairs. It had taken her all of twenty minutes.

  The cowboy was talking to Wade as she came down. Wade's voice was intimidating and loud, but the cowboy wasn't backing off. He stood right up to Wade.

  "Where are you taking her?" Wade demanded as though he had every right to know.

  "The Rusty Nail, we have reservations," Sam said with ease.

  "What time you having her home?" Wade asked, his face a storm of anger she noted as she came closer.

  "Are you her father, sir?" Sam asked innocently. "Or older brother?"

  "I am not. I'm the ramrod around here, I run this place. I'm your boss. And I am responsible for her," he injected. "And as long as you work for me, I have the right to ask."

  "Well then, I'll have her home at a respectable hour. We're just going to dinner, if you don't mind," Sam said quietly, not paying a bit of attention to the anger directed at him.

  Wendy liked him for that. A man that didn't back down was okay in her books.

  "I do mind. You're on probation, and you're under suspicion by me, until I see otherwise. And I don't like you dating a McKay. I don't like it a lot in fact. I don't trust you yet. I don't know you yet," Wade thundered. "And whether you know it or not that is expensive property you are taking upon yourself, cowboy. More than the likes of you could ever afford."

  "Wendy never put on airs, so I didn't rightly know she was a woman of means. But even so, she has to eat. Don't worry; you'll get to know me…maybe even like me. And I intend to treat her with the respect she's due, thank you." Sam smiled as she joined them. "See ya later."

  Wade frowned at Wendy. "Don't you think you've carried this far enough?"

  Wendy's brow knitted. "I don’t know what you are talking about. As Sam said, see you later," she purred.

  Letting Sam take her arm and lead her to his truck, she slid in and glanced once more at the angry Wade Weston over her shoulder.

  When she turned her attention to Sam's truck, she realized it was several years old, obviously used for working and bounced every time they hit a chug hole.

  "Were you two engaged or something?" Sam asked as he noticed the storm brewing, as Wade stood on the porch, staring after them.

  "No, nothing. Wade is the boss around here and he's decided it's his place to tell me what I should and should not do. He thinks I'm a kid." She glanced at Sam. "I'm sorry. You've been extra nice about me throwing this in your face when you walked through the door today. I owe you an explanation. I owe you tonight."

  "Not unless you just want to tell me what's going on." Sam smiled.

  "Nothing seems to ruffle your feathers." She laughed. "Most people would be intimidated by Wade."

  "I'm afraid I've been intimidated by a probation officer, now that can get scary. Wade's a pussy cat compared to going to court," he said, watching her. "Gives you a lot to think about. When the judge has your future in his hands, that's intimidating."

  She nodded and was silent a moment. She wanted to know more about this undaunted man.

  "You in love with him?" Sam asked as though he had the right to know.

  Maybe he did have a right, Wendy's head bowed and she stared at the floorboard. "I thought I was."

  "Yeah," he snickered. "I thought you were too. Still not real sure, are you?"

  "I guess not. I'm sorry; are you mad?" she asked, her head lifting to stare at him.

  "Why should I be mad? You're being honest and upfront with me. He just threw all of this at you this morning, no doubt. That's not enough time to get over a person. I saw the little red-head clinging to him. I kind of put two and two together. No, but I'd like to make something clear. I'm dating you, for real, if you don't mind. You don't have to like me that much, but I usually grow on people. And you have the power to decide how far it goes."

  "You want to date me? You don't even know me."

  "Honey, you're the first person that's been nice to me in a long time. It's one thing you miss when you haven't had it in a while."

  Wendy considered his words a minute and smiled.

  "That's why we are dating. I think you are great looking, and smart as a whip to turn this around on him. I like you; it's as simple as that. And once you get to know me, I think you'll like me."

  Wendy thought about that for a minute, and decided this fella was direct and appeared honest. She'd give him a try.

  "Sam, tell me about how you got into trouble in the first place; I would like to understand," Wendy admitted.

  "Well, I owe you an explanation of why I'm on probation, especially if we are going to date. I know you are a woman of means, now, and I am not trying to take advantage of you here. But we're close to the same age, and well…I like you. I want you to understand that. I just saw a little lady in trouble and naturally, it's my nature to get mixed up with that sort of thing. Once you hear my story, you'll understand.

  "You see…My brother and I grew up with Melody Sims, a beautiful young girl on a farm not far from ours. We lived over the other side of Tyler. We both loved the girl, but my brother seemed to have her wrapped around his finger. To end a long story, he got her pregnant, and left her the minute he found out. I felt bad for her, but I understood my brother, he'd had full responsibility for me after our folks died. He wasn't fully growed himself. He was tired of taking care of people. And rightfully so. Melody lived out in the country, not far from our place. I was working on our family farm when she called that day. It was hot, muggy and I was sick of trying to get a tractor to work that wouldn't.

  "She was in labor. Jim, my brother wasn't around. He'd taken off for parts unknown. She needed to go to the hospital. I got in my beat up old truck and went to get her. I mean, let's face it, she was almost family, I felt someone from our family should help her. But my truck played out when I got there, dying right in the middle of her yard. I couldn't get it started. It was used to overheating and it takes a while to cool it down. And Melody was definitely ready for the hospital. Her water had broke. She was scared. I panicked. I knew that was a sure sign the baby was coming. I didn't think much, just acted, like I often do.

  "Her old man didn't like me or my brother, and blamed me as much as Jim for her condition, his truck was there, and he was out in the fields working. From the looks of Melody, we didn't have time to go hunt him down. So I noticed the keys in the truck and put her in it and we went to the hospital. Realizing I took his truck, I decided she'd be a while, so I could take it back and come back to the hospital later; they weren't letting me see her anyway, since I wasn't family. So I was on my way to return the truck, when her father pulls in front of me with the Sheriff.
br />   "I was arrested for car theft. End of story. Ole man Sims wouldn't drop the charges even after I explained I had taken her to the hospital, and that she was having the baby, now. The Sheriff felt downright guilty for arresting me, even went so far as to try to talk some sense into Old Man Sims, but he saw his chance to get back at me, and he wasn't going to let go of it. The Sheriff was feeling pretty bad about taking me in, but it was his job. I got three years' probation for it, and I was looking for a job, as groceries were getting harder to find with my brother gone. I moved up this way, and when I saw this horse jumpin' a fence, I thought it strange, so I stopped and roped him. Being on Mr. Duncan's property, I took him straight to him, and he explained it wasn't his horse and that it belonged on the McKay property, but seeing how I had brought it to him, he decided it would be best if he went with me to return it. That's when I met Cade, a real nice fella, and that's my story. I wouldn't be in this mess if the old man hadn't pressed charges. Just fate, I guess."

  He looked off into the distance.

  "You did a good deed and now you are paying for it?"

  "It happens."

  "So then what happened?"

  "I forgave him. I mean, my brother was wild, and didn’t do the right thing by Melody, and I am his brother, so it stands to reason the old fella wouldn't like me. I should have known better than to take his truck, but I get into fixes sometimes by trying to do the right thing with the wrong reasoning behind it. The jury was sympathetic and the judge gave me a light sentence under the circumstances which came out during the trial. Old Man Sims was upset that they didn't send me to prison. The judge explained that he did get his car back, and no harm had been done. But when someone prefers charges, they have to act accordingly."

  "But if you were taking his daughter to the hospital, why didn't he forgive the car thing?"


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