Running from the Wolf

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Running from the Wolf Page 6

by Laura Ann

  There was, however, no mistaking his intentions as his head descended towards hers. He brushed her lips ever so lightly before pulling back.

  Ruby’s eyes had fluttered closed as he kissed her, but now they shot back open. “That is not how a lumberjack kisses.” Her voice was husky, which only added to the spell surrounding them.

  A grin pulled at Derrick’s lips and amusement lit his eyes. “Well then, let me try again.” This time his free hand went around her waist, pulling her snug into his strong embrace and there was no hesitation in his actions as he connected their lips once more.

  Ruby’s eyes closed again and she pulled in a long breath through her nose when he kissed her. Good grief. The sensations shooting through her were stronger than she had ever experienced before. At twenty-seven years old, Ruby had kissed a few men in her time. However, none of them made her feel like this. Her whole body felt hot and yet she yearned to be even closer. Her arms slipped around his torso and she pulled him in tightly while she ran her hands over the muscles in his back.

  The way he held her made her feel cherished, protected and feminine. Ruby was used to being close in height to the average man, she rarely felt small, but Derrick’s bulk and strength did just that as he encased her in his arms and took control.

  Before she was ready, Derrick slowed down and pulled back. Both of his arms were now around her back and he tucked her into him. Ruby gripped the back of his shirt as she lay her cheek on his chest. She smiled at the rapid rise and fall of his sternum as he worked to catch his breath from their activity.

  “That was incredible,” he finally whispered into her hair, leaving a quick kiss on top of her head.

  Ruby hummed in agreement. His words had rumbled through his chest and rippled in turn through her, leaving her feeling weak with pleasure.

  “I should get you home.” Derrick took hold of her upper arms and held her out from his body.

  Disappointed at the loss of his heat, Ruby opened her mouth to argue, but one look at his face had her thinking otherwise. “You’re right,” she answered. “It’s getting late and you probably have work in the morning.”

  Derrick let out a small sigh and a grateful smile crossed his face when he realized she wasn’t going to argue with him. “Yeah, I do have to work. Not early, thank goodness, but I’m still going through the last dregs of that paperwork.”

  Turning back the way they had come, Derrick took her hand and started walking.

  As reality came back in full force, Ruby suddenly felt embarrassed at her bold display. Clearing her throat she spoke. “I-uh-I feel like I should let you know that I don’t normally kiss guys on the first date. And I don’t normally, or I should probably say ever, kiss guys like that.” She bit her lip, hoping he didn’t think too badly of her.

  Derrick grinned. “Well then, I guess you should know that I don’t normally kiss girls on the first date either. And I don’t usually kiss them like that unless they start it.”

  Ruby gasped, turning to him with her mouth wide open.

  When Derrick began laughing, Ruby knew he was teasing her and she punched his upper arm with her free hand. “I totally believed you for a minute!”

  “I know! It was great!” He shook as they walked. As his laughter died down, he tried again. “In all seriousness, I’m not sure I’ve ever kissed someone like that.”

  They arrived at her front door and Ruby turned to face him before going in. She studied his handsome face, now full of golden stubble, stubble which she had only moments ago felt against her own skin.

  Her cheeks heated and she looked down before gaining the courage to face him again. “I had a really good time tonight,” she whispered, eyeing him from under her lashes.

  “Me too,” Derrick said with a smile. “Can I take you out again?” He rubbed his hands over her arms.

  “After that kiss? You better believe we’re going out again.”

  Derrick threw back his head and laughed. “Ruby, life with you will never be dull.” He leaned in, gave her a tender kiss at the edge of her mouth and walked to his car.

  Life with me? Life with me! “Holy cannoli,” Ruby breathed. She debated with herself for a moment, wondering if words such as those should frighten her. After all, they had only known each other for a few days. But they didn’t. No red flags blocked her vision. No nausea invaded her stomach. Only phantom sensations of their once-in-a-lifetime kiss could be found inside of her.

  With a sigh born of pleasure and contentment, Ruby opened the door to her cottage and went inside to dream of her very own lumberjack.

  DERRICK MADE NO EFFORT to wipe the goofy grin off his face as he drove home. Since his dating life had been sporadic for years, he wasn’t usually one to push for a kiss on the first date. However, things had felt so perfect with Ruby. Her frame had fit wonderfully against his as if they were puzzle pieces; as if they were meant to be. Her hair had been silky between his fingers, her curved waist perfect for his hands. His towering height usually meant he was completely hunched over when he kissed a woman, but Ruby wasn’t petite. She was just right to meet him halfway.

  Those luscious lips of her tasted and felt just as magnificent as he thought they would. He had had a hard time pulling back and had been grateful when Ruby had accepted his suggestion to go back to the house. At first, he thought she was going to argue with him, but he was barely holding himself in check.

  “If mama had raised me any less a gentleman, we’d have been in trouble tonight,” he muttered to himself as he drove home.

  They might not have had money, but his mother had taught him how to treat women and the military had helped him hone the self-control necessary to keep from taking things too far with Ruby tonight.

  Already he could feel their separation. He wanted to turn the car around and pull her back into his arms and never let her go. He chuckled as his thoughts swirled. “It’s like one of those fairy tale type loves you always hear about. Who’d have thought?” He chuckled again. “Who’d have thought ... “


  When can I see you again?

  The text had been waiting on Ruby’s phone when she woke up Monday morning. A smile just about split her face and she pulled the phone to her chest, hugging it in excitement.

  Last night had been the best first date ever. Flirtatious banter, good food, and chemistry that could rival any fireworks show. Did she want to see him again? YES! YES! YES! Her inner voice chanted. “But do I want him to know that? Do I just go for it? Or do I need to slow down and act cool?” She muttered, biting her lip.

  Tossing her phone back and forth, she walked down the hall to the kitchen where breakfast smells were making her stomach growl.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” Grams stood at the stove stirring the oatmeal, her back to Ruby as she walked in.

  Ruby took a seat at their little table. “How do you know anything is going on?”

  “I can hear you thinking.” Gram shuffled over with the pot and started scooping the hot meal into bowls.

  Ruby rolled her eyes. “Hear me thinking? Really? That’s a pretty impressive skill.”

  Grams set the pot back on the stove and then took her seat across from Ruby. After a quick grace, she picked up her spoon and pointed it at her granddaughter. “When you get to be my age, you learn a thing or two. Now ... tell me what’s going on. How was your date last night?”

  Ruby blew on a bite of oatmeal, then took a bite and swallowed before answering. “It was great, no thanks to you.” She glared at her grandmother. “I can’t believe you told him I thought he was the most handsome guy I had ever met.”

  Now it was Gram’s turn to roll her eyes. “Love is wasted on the young. Get up and move girl! You like him, he likes you, do something about it. Too many people step back and watch and suddenly,” she snapped her fingers, “life is gone. And there are no do-overs.”

  Ruby’s shoulders fell as she thought of the years her grandmother had spent without her loving husband.
“It was the best first date I have ever had. There? Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  Grams grinned. “Yes! There you go. When are you going to see him again?”

  Ruby couldn’t stop the smile pulling at her lips.

  “Aha! He’s already contacted you, hasn’t he? Well, what did he say?”

  “The same question you just asked, actually.” Ruby put another bite of oatmeal in her mouth.

  “I like it. A man who goes after what he wants. What are you going to tell him?”

  “I had just been debating that when I came for breakfast. I like this guy a lot. Maybe too much considering how long we have known each other. We’ve only had one date, but honestly, walking away from each other last night felt like torture.” Ruby shook her head. “I’m a little worried I need to slow down a bit.”

  Grams reached out and put her wrinkled hand over Ruby’s. “Honey, love at first sight is nothing to be afraid of. That’s exactly how it was with your grandpa and I. I took his hand and never looked back. You should do the same.”

  Ruby gave a small smile. “Okay,” she said quietly. “Thanks, Grams.”

  After breakfast, Ruby toyed with her phone for a minute before making a decision. With a firm nod of her head, she clicked open their texting thread and answered.

  Soon I hope. ;)

  She grinned, hoping her response would provoke him into a flirty, texting marathon. Nothing makes the heart flutter quite as much as anticipation and cute emojis. She paused. Except maybe kisses ... or at least Derrick’s kisses.

  She didn’t have to wait long.

  Want to come have lunch at The Center today?

  Ruby pursed her lips. This was moving fast, super fast, but she couldn’t deny the thrill it gave her and her desire to just go with it.

  Sure. What can I bring you?

  Just yourself. Flora and Fauna always set aside a plate for me. I’ll have them make two today.

  It’s a date.

  Hey! Don’t go throwing labels around. ;)

  Oh sorry. I didn’t realize you were one of those.

  One of what?

  Well, I can’t tell you. That would mean giving you a label.

  Hardy har har. I’m laughing ... on the inside.


  I gotta run. But I’ll see you at 12:00 sharp.

  Ruby sent a thumbs up and set her phone down. The polka dancing butterflies were back and she couldn’t have been happier about it.

  “KNOCK, KNOCK!” RUBY poked her head around the door of Derrick’s office.

  Derrick stood from his chair and walked around his desk. Running his fingers through his hair, he grinned sheepishly. “Sorry. I forgot about the time. I had planned to meet you out front.”

  Ruby pursed her lips and tilted her head. “Well, that was the wrong start to this conversation.”

  Derrick’s brows slanted. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he hunched into himself a little, like a scolded puppy. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

  “Telling a girl you weren’t counting down every minute until you see her is never the right way to go. Now,” she clapped her hands, “let’s try this again. I walk in, you rise and say ... “ Ruby waved her arm in his direction, sending him his cue.

  With a grin, Derrick walked slowly around the desk. “Ruby! At last!” He put both arms out in front of him. “I’ve been counting down the seconds until I saw you.” When he reached Ruby, he put his arms around her and hugged her close.

  “Ooh! Seconds, even better than minutes. Brownie points for you.” Ruby’s voice was muffled since she was pressed into his chest. “However,” Ruby disentangled herself, “eventually, not right now, but eventually, we will have to work on the hug thing.”

  Derrick was still grinning. “Sorry. Girls don’t like hugs?”

  “Oh, we like hugs,” Ruby replied over her shoulder with a sly grin as she walked back out the door. “But we like other forms of affection even better.” With a wink, she headed down the hallway. “Now feed me, man! I had a big run this morning and I’m starving!”

  Derrick whistled low under his breath, then rushed to catch up with her as she walked toward the kitchen.

  “I’ll keep your suggestion in mind,” he whispered in her ear when he caught up with her.

  Ruby looked at him sideways, her face still pointing forward. “See that you do.”

  Derrick laughed quietly and shook his head.

  I should probably ease up. He’s going to think I’m nuts. Ruby bit her lip as she thought. When she decided to go after something, she went after it. And after her talk with Grams that morning, she had decided to go all in with Derrick. She could tell he felt the same draw she did, and that gave her the confidence to let her mouth run unfiltered.

  “Hey now,” Derrick stopped and took hold of her arm to hold her back. “Don’t mess up a good thing. I might want it later.” He pulled her lip out from her teeth.

  Ruby felt a blush creep up her neck at his words. Or not. Their eyes caught as his finger lingered on her lip and Ruby decided she was no longer hungry for lunch until a loud growling sound interrupted their moment.

  Derrick’s eyebrows shot up. “Wow. You really did have a big run this morning.” He smiled and grabbed her hand. “Come on woman, let me feed you.”

  Ruby tried to be embarrassed by the sound her stomach had just emitted, but the feel of Derrick’s hand cradling hers so perfectly drove out anything else. Not as perfect as that kiss would have been. She sighed internally. Oh well ... maybe we’ll just have to have dessert later.

  DERRICK FINISHED WALKING them to the kitchen area, where Flora and Fauna Merryweather always saved him a plate. They had been delighted earlier that morning when he was requested a second plate to be held back.

  Who knew your boss’s dating life was so exciting? He mused.

  Lunch was always simple, but it worked. He reluctantly let go of Ruby’s hand to grab their plates. Each held a sandwich, apple slices and a bag of chips. He turned and handed them to Ruby.

  “Sorry to ask you to carry these, but I need to grab a couple other supplies.”

  “No worries.” Ruby took the plates and waited.

  Derrick reached into the industrial fridge and grabbed a couple of water bottles. His eyes twinkled with a mischievous glow when he looked at Ruby. Putting a finger to his lips, he glanced around the kitchen to make sure they were alone.

  Ruby’s eyebrows were scrunched together but a grin pulled at her lips as she watched his behavior.

  Grabbing a couple of napkins, Derrick snuck into the walk-in pantry and reached for a Tupperware kept high on the shelves. The delicious smell of brown sugar and chocolate reached him as he popped open the lid. Using the napkins to grab a few of the fresh cookies, he then put the lid back and slipped the container in the exact same spot it had been.

  Ruby was obviously holding in laughter as he tiptoed out of the pantry and shut the door.

  Nodding his head in the direction of his office, he whispered, “Hurry, before we get caught.”

  Smiling, Ruby followed in his wake as they walked out of the kitchen and back down the hall. Derrick kept his ears tuned to the noise coming from the dining area and they passed a couple of students in the family room as they went, but nobody paid them any mind.

  Once in the office, Derrick closed the door and leaned back on it, giving an exaggerated sigh of relief.

  “Whew!” He used his forearm to wipe away the imaginary sweat. “Nothing like a good bit of espionage to get the blood pumping.”

  Ruby raised an eyebrow, “You were almost caught with your hand in the cookie jar ... literally.”

  Derrick grinned, lifted the napkins to his nose and inhaled. “So worth it,” he said breathily.

  Ruby laughed and Derrick devoured the sound, loving how he could make her respond in such a way.

  “Well, come on Lumberjack. Let’s get this party started.”

  Derrick looked around, there wasn’t much desk space. They would have to ea
t on their laps. “Hmm. I didn’t think this through. Would you rather go eat on the back patio? There isn’t a table there either, but at least it’s a better view.”

  “Are there kids there?”

  Derrick frowned. “Probably. Is that a problem?” She’s a teacher, why would kids bother her?

  Ruby shrugged, she looked her shoes as she toed the carpet. “Not a problem, except that I’m not quite ready to share you yet.” She glanced up from under her eyelashes to see his reaction.

  Derrick felt his chest swell at her declaration that she wanted to be with just him. It gave him the confidence to walk over and stand beside her. When she looked up, he leaned down and gave her a lingering kiss. “I prefer to keep you to myself as well.”

  The happiness that lit her extraordinary blue eyes slammed into him, but then quickly plummeted to his gut when she dropped her gaze and bit her lip again.

  “What?” He asked. He wished he could tilt her face back up to look at him, but his hands were still full. So are hers come to think of it. We really need to set this food down.

  “Do you think we’re moving too fast?” Ruby’s question was quiet but seemed to echo through the room.

  Derrick stepped back a little, unsure how to respond. “Do you?”

  With a sigh, Ruby walked toward his desk. Derrick felt his heart pinch at every step she took away from him. Have I been reading her wrong? Did I scare her off?

  After setting down the plates, Ruby returned, took the waters and cookies from him and placed them next to the plates. Once again, she strode back to Derrick. Standing right in front of him, she looked up. “I like you, Derrick. A lot. In fact, I’m kinda scared at how much I like you. But Grams and I had a chat this morning and she told me to jump in with both feet. I know you feel this—” she waved her hand back and forth between them, “too. I guess ... I don’t know.” She sighed and grabbed onto the end of her ponytail, twisting it around and around. “Sometimes I hate being a girl, with all our stupid, little insecurities that won’t—”


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