The Roommate Agreement

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The Roommate Agreement Page 17

by Emma Hart

  It pressed my body flush against his. His cock was rock solid, pressing against my stomach, and my hips rocked involuntarily.

  His tongue stroked the seam of my mouth, and I met his with mine, deepening the kiss. Each kiss tugged at something deep inside me, and by the time he slid his hands up to pull my dress down, I was about ready to plead for him to get on with it.

  Goosebumps coated my skin as he pushed my dress down. It pooled at my feet and I stepped out of it.. I shrank three inches as I did so, and Jay jolted, laughing as the kiss broke because of our height difference.

  He shucked off his shirt and guided me to the bed. I barely had a chance to be conscious of my body before he covered it with his and kissed me again.

  I wanted to wrap myself around him and not let go. It was becoming a recurring feeling whenever he kissed me, but it was particularly strong now that his skin was directly against mine.

  He was too clothed right now, but I was about to rectify that.

  I reached between us and tugged on the belt loops on his jeans. He got the hint, sitting up. I propped myself up on my hands and watched as he undid the button and the zipper, never taking his eyes off me.

  He didn’t say a word as he dropped them to the floor and stepped out of them.

  He even stopped to take off his socks.

  Now that was sexy.

  “Make sure you pick those up,” I muttered when he resumed position over me, and I was on my back again.

  He laughed, grazing his teeth over my lower lip. “I love how you’re practically naked under me and all you can think about is the roommate agreement.”

  “It’s not all I can think about,” I argued. “Besides, the rules are there for a reason.”

  “Yeah?” He dropped his head and kissed along my jaw. “What about the rules about pants and wearing proper clothes?”

  I gasped as he pulled my hips snug against his and his cock pressed against my sensitive clitoris. “Those rules are temporarily suspended.”

  “That’s what I thought.” He kissed me again, pulling my legs up so they were hooked over his hips. I ran my fingers up his arms and over his shoulders, down his chest and stomach and back up his sides, exploring every inch of him I could reach while he rocked his hips against mine.

  I moaned. At this rate, he wouldn’t even need to be inside me. I’d come from the pressure of him against me alone. I was wet as hell, and when another tiny moan escaped me, Jay smiled against my mouth.

  He adjusted his body just enough so that he could reach down between us. His fingers trailed across my stomach until they slipped beneath my panties, moving through my wetness. His thumb brushed my clit, and I shuddered, cupping the back of his neck to keep his mouth on mine.

  He teased me, fully moving my panties to the side, and ran two fingers over my clit and down farther. He eased them inside me, one at a time, and my hips moved to give him easier access.

  I gasped into his mouth as he moved his hand, fucking me with his fingers while he did the same to my mouth with his tongue. Heat prickled across my skin, especially when his thumb touched my clit.

  My hips bucked into his hand, and I moaned, pressing myself against him.

  But he didn’t let me come.


  Slowly, he withdrew his fingers from me when I was on the very brink of orgasm, and my next moan was for a whole damn different reason.

  “Not fair,” I murmured when he moved and gripped the waistband of his boxers.

  He grinned shamelessly, letting go of his underwear and taking hold of mine instead. He pulled them swiftly down my legs and tossed them onto the floor before he turned his attention back to his own.

  Jay stood and was just about to take his boxers down when he paused. “Do you have a condom?”

  I opened my mouth, then froze.

  I did not.

  “Do you have a condom?” I shot back.

  He shook his head.

  “What the hell? Not even in your wallet? Aren’t guys supposed to carry them everywhere? Is that all a myth? I feel so betrayed.”

  He fought his laughter. “Well, I haven’t had sex in nine months, so why would I have some? I thought you would since you dragged me in here.”

  “I don’t!” I pulled the pillow from just above my head and smothered myself with it, screaming into it.

  He didn’t even try to hide his laugh this time. The pillow was yanked out of my hands, and he leaned over me. “Shelby. I know you’re on the pill. Do you trust me?”

  I met his stunning green gaze. I knew what he was asking. He wanted to do this without a condom.

  “More than anyone else,” I replied, leaning up to kiss him.

  He returned it enthusiastically, pausing only to finally take off his damn underwear. I reached between us and wrapped my hand around his shaft, slowly pumping my fist. He was long and thick, the perfect size, and the more I touched him, the more turned on I was.

  His kisses got deeper as he got harder, and when he fisted hair at the nape of my neck and tugged my head back so he could kiss down to my collarbone, I adjusted my hips, rubbing the head of his cock against my clit.

  It felt so damn good that I just wanted to keep doing that until I came, but I wanted him more, so I slipped him inside me, slowly taking him deeper and deeper.

  He groaned into my mouth, one hand down at my ass and gripping it tightly. He rocked into me, taking it slow and easy. I ran my hands over his body again and wrapped my legs around his waist, kissing him as he moved.

  I felt him everywhere. Jay being inside me was like a drug—I didn’t know if I would be able to get enough of this sensation. I was hooked, gripping onto his shoulders as he moved faster, pumping his cock inside me as if he was forcing my orgasm out from me.

  He didn’t have to force hard. It was building, swirling through my veins in a kaleidoscope of sensations. Hair stood up on my arms. Goosebumps prickled across my breasts. Muscles twitched in my legs. And it was pure pleasure, taking me on a high, hurtling through my body as I tightened my grip on him wherever I was touching him.

  He joined me right as I was coming down from the high, groaning my name into the side of my neck. His lips burned where he touched me, and as I ran my fingers through his hair, still breathing heavily, I knew one thing.

  Everything had changed.


  No Pants Are The Best Pants

  “We need to talk.”

  Jay blinked at me. “I just stepped through the door.”

  “Really? I thought you’d flown in through the window.” I rolled my eyes. “In light of the changing circumstances in our relationship, we need to talk.”

  “Oh, good,” he drawled, shutting the door behind him and dumping his gym bag. “Those are the four words anyone likes to hear less than twenty-four hours after sex.”

  I shot him a withering look. “I ordered food.”

  “Is it pizza?”

  “I got salad with it.”

  “Your diet—”

  “Is shit, I know, and I don’t care right now.” I grinned and pointed my pen at him. “We need to discuss the roommate agreement.”

  He eyed me speculatively as he pulled juice from the fridge. “You’re not going to make me sign a relationship agreement, are you?”

  “No. We’re not quite there yet.”

  “Shelby, we had one date, and where did I wake up this morning?” He quirked a brow. “In your bed. I think we’re there.”

  “We had one date. Unless we have another and agree to be exclusive, we’re not there.”

  “All right. Let’s go out tonight, and you’re now my girlfriend. How does that sound?”

  He was insufferable. “You can’t just declare that I’m your girlfriend. Relationships aren’t dictatorships. You can’t make that decision.”

  “Fine. Then I’m your boyfriend. Either way, we’re now exclusive.” He smirked and leaned forward on the island, making his biceps strain against his t-shirt.

  “That’s really not fair when you do that.”

  “Are you wearing a bra right now?”

  I swallowed and looked down. Hi, nipples. “I’ve been working all day. Frankly, you’re lucky I’m wearing pants.”

  “I’d like to argue and call that unlucky.”

  Any day where pants were required was an unlucky one in my opinion. Then again, I had spent the whole day wearing just panties, fluffy socks, and a tank top, so maybe today wasn’t all that bad.

  “Which brings me to my first point of discussion. Rule one: must wear pants.” I tapped the pen against it. “I propose that all points regarding wearing clothing be removed.”

  Jay leaned forward, his lips twisting upward. “I’m listening.”

  “I discovered last night that, actually, I’m quite fond of no pants, so rule one should be: no pants are the best pants.”


  I pursed my lips. “How did I know there would be absolutely no resistance from you with that one?”

  He held his hands up before grabbing his water. “I am extremely fond of you with no pants. In fact, feel free to remove yours right now if you’d be more comfortable.”

  I rested my elbows on the island and pointed my pen at him again. “You didn’t pick up your socks this morning. The only way you’re getting inside these pants is if you take them off.”

  “Is that an offer?”

  “Not until you pick up your freakin’ socks.”

  “What is it with you and socks? They’re right up there with Oreos. Borderline obsession.”

  I shrugged. “I’m a tidy person with unhealthy eating habits. What can I say?”

  “One day, you’ll come to the gym with me.” He wiggled the bottle at me.

  “Absolutely not.” I shook my head. “You know those couples where you look at them and you’re like, ‘Whoa, shit, he’s punching?’ That’s what’s going to happen here. I’ll sit with my extra fifteen pounds snuggling my ass, thighs, and boobs, and you can sit there miserable because you have to work out to look that good.”

  “You have an extra fifteen pounds? Where?”

  I opened my mouth, stopping when I saw his smirk. “More responses like that, and I’ll take my pants off bymyself.”

  “Good. If you have an extra five pounds on your ass—and I think you’re full of shit—I happen to be a fan of that.”

  “You’re pushing it now.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t care. You see an extra fifteen pounds; I see hot as fuck. It works.”

  My cheeks flushed. “Yes, well…”

  “You really are adorable when you’re embarrassed.”

  I hit him with a look, pursing my lips so I didn’t smile at him. “Next up: we have to assume that at some point, if I don’t kill you, you’ll move into my room.”

  “Wait. Why am I moving into your room?” He flattened his hands on the island.

  “Would you like to sleep in your room tonight knowing that me and my extra fifteen pounds of hotness are on the other side of the wall? In the bigger bedroom?”

  He went to say something then stopped, shaking his head. “That would last all of about ten minutes. I can’t sleep with my hand cupping your boob if there’s a wall between us.”

  Yeah. That was way more comfortable for him than me. It didn’t matter that it was comfortable when I put my hand on my boob. I bet it wouldn’t be comfortable for him if I spent the entire night with my hand on his cock.

  “You know, for someone who said we weren’t exclusive, sharing a room is pretty damn serious.” Laughter glinted in his eyes.

  I shrugged. “I’m a planner. I like to plan. Like I said, it all depends on whether I kill you or not. We might not even make it past three dates.”

  “We’ll make it past three dates.”

  “How are you so sure?”

  “Because.” He walked around the island, coming to me, and spun me around on the stool. He plucked the pen from my fingers and set it down, smiling down at me.

  “Because what?”

  His fingers tingled as they brushed my skin and pushed some hair behind my ear. “Because three dates means you’re my girlfriend whether you like it or not, and then nobody else ever has to see my embarrassing baby pictures.”

  My lips thinned. “It’s nice to know you want to date me to keep those under wraps.”

  “I figure you’ll find a way to share them with just about everyone at some point,” he continued. “But this will delay it for a couple of years, at least.”

  “I think you’re insane. I might put them on Facebook tomorrow. Your mom will share them with me in a heartbeat.”

  “My mother is a traitor.”

  “She’s the best. I might date you just so I can eventually marry you and have her be my mother-in-law.”

  “So you’d marry me for my mother?”

  I nodded. “You go find yourself another girl like that. Go on. I’ll wait.”

  He trapped me against the island by putting his hands on either side of me. “I don’t want to find another girl like that. I like the one I have in front of me just fine.”

  “I’ve gone from hot as fuck to just fine really fast.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve gone from liking me without pants on to marrying me for my mother, so we’re about even.”

  I grinned, leaning back on my elbows. “Well I’m not ever going to marry you for your domestic skills, that’s for sure.”

  “Ah, but that’s why I’d marry you. I’m good in bed; you’re good with a vacuum…”

  “I could knee you in the balls right now, and then the only thing you’d be in bed would be useless.”

  He laughed, leaning closer to me. “Ah, are we out of the honeymoon phase already?”

  “Jay, the honeymoon phase upped and left the day you moved in here. It’ll start again when you pick up your socks.”

  “Fucking socks.” He pushed off the island and stormed toward the hall.

  The sound of my bedroom door opening and closing filled the air, and I laughed when he came back in, waved the socks, and stalked off to his room to toss them in the laundry basket.

  “I picked up the damn socks,” he announced, coming back over to stand in front of me. “Are you happy now?”

  “Would you like another Post-It sticker? I have tons.”

  “No, I don’t want a fucking sticker. Honestly, woman, do you hear yourself?”

  “Yes. I think I’m a genius.” I shrugged and looked up at him. “I wish someone would give me stickers. Like, ‘hey, Shelby, you hit your word count today! Have a sticker.’ Or, I answered all my emails. Or I cleared my to-do list. A girl needs some motivation, you know.”

  “If I promise to buy you stickers tomorrow, will you take your pants off?” He raised his eyebrows in question.

  “Depends how good the stickers are.” I wiggled my eyebrows as there was a knock at the door. That would be dinner.

  I grabbed my wallet from the island and paid the guy, then took the pizza box and the salad containers and kicked the door shut behind him.

  “Only one pizza?” Jay raised his eyebrows. “You surprise me.”

  “Not really. It’s only pepperoni. I’m not putting any vegetables on my pizza.” I put everything down on the island and sat back down on the stool, putting the roommate agreement aside.

  “Do we still need that now?” Jay sat next to me and pointed to the agreement. “I mean, I think we have it pretty figured out. I’m not the slob I once was.”

  “It’s been two weeks since we put it together. You’ve done your laundry three times, and don’t think I didn’t notice you slipping t-shirts into my basket.”

  “Shit. You noticed?”

  “Yes. Funnily enough, I’m not a men’s large. I noticed.”

  He gave me his sexiest smile. “I bet you’d look good in one, though.”

  “Stop trying to charm me.” I wiggled my finger at him and prodded him in the shoulder. “We’re not in a relationship yet. We�
�re going to figure this out slowly. It doesn’t matter if we had sex last night—if having sex once is the criteria for being in a relationship, there are a whole lot of people out there cheating on their partners.”

  He chuckled, leaning over to get cutlery for the salads from the drawer next to the fridge. “You’ve never had a one-night stand, have you?”

  “No. Because according to you, that equals a relationship.”

  “You’re twisting my words.” He rolled his eyes. “We’re not in a relationship because we had sex. If anything, we’re in one for the same reason most people are. Because they have feelings for each other.”

  “I have a lot of feelings for you. Some romantic. Some good. Some bad.” I opened the pizza box and peered at him out of the side of my eyes. “I can keep you on your toes that way.”

  “Okay, okay, fine. I understand. We’re not in a relationship. Don’t come crying to me when you want to be in one.” He shrugged one shoulder, but his lips were twitching. “I’ll be emotionally unavailable.”

  I stared at him. “Really? And you think I’m the crazy one?”

  “I’m playing hard to get.”

  “You’re doing a terrible job.” I looked pointedly at his pants where I could see his cock was hard.

  “You’re not wearing a bra!” He waved his hand at my chest. “If you don’t want me to be turned on by you, wear a bra.”

  I picked up a slice of pizza. “When did I say I didn’t want you to be turned on by me?”

  “Oh, so you won’t be my girlfriend, but I can walk around with a hard cock and that’s all right?”

  “That’s fine by me. It’s useful if it’s hard.”

  He stared at me for a long moment, then shook his head. “Of all the people I could have picked to have feelings for, it was you. Six billion people in the world, and I chose you.”

  I nudged him with my elbow, offering up my sweetest smile. “And I think that means you have excellent taste.”

  “You aren’t wrong.”

  • • •

  “You had sex once. Don’t you need to figure out how to be in a relationship first?” Brie dipped her fry into ketchup.

  We were back at my parents’ bar for girls’ night, except we were meeting both Sean and Jay after this. So, naturally, we were taking our sweet-ass time. Mostly because I needed her opinion on all this.


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