Fisher of Men

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Fisher of Men Page 12

by Phoebe Alexander

  She shook her head and smiled. He hadn't meant any harm; she was sure of that. “I'm sorry I'm such a mess. I guess I have a lot of stuff to figure out still,” she admitted.

  “You're what, twenty-seven?” he confirmed.

  She nodded sheepishly, uncomfortable having her age compared to his. She'd done the math already several times and every time she freaked herself out a little bit more.

  “Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have fishing gear older than you are!” he teased her. “There's no rush. Tell ya what, why don't we just try the friendship thing for now and we'll see how it goes, okay?”

  She couldn't help but feel a momentary pang of disappointment. Maybe he doesn't want to deal with my immature drama? she thought. But the angel sitting on her right shoulder told her it was for the best.


  Suppose a man has intercourse with a young woman who is a virgin but is not engaged to be married. If they are discovered, he must pay her father fifty pieces of silver. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he may never divorce her as long as he lives. -Deuteronomy 22:28-29 (NLT)

  Leah didn't feel like sharing the details of her conversation with Cap that evening with Aimee, who had called about an hour after Cap left: Feeling better? Leah simply responded: Yeah, took a nap. I'll be okay. The exchange represented one nice thing about having a best friend who lives three hours away: long distance friends have to rely on each other to admit when something is wrong. They aren't able to look into their friends' eyes and see it written all over their faces.

  Despite that, sometimes Leah lamented not having any local friends outside of work. Although she and her employees were on good terms and sometimes did things together outside of work, they had discernible boundaries that prevented them from sharing too much personal information with each other. Most of the women she knew from her church were already married and had children, so she didn't feel like she had much in common with them. The only other prevalent demographic close to hers in Ocean City were the teenagers and college students that descended in throngs on the tiny strip of land every summer. And, naturally, their MO of partying and hooking up was almost diametrically opposed to Leah's MO of working hard and taking care of her beagle.

  Maybe I need a new hobby? she considered. Something I could do with a local group. Cooking classes? Running? Geo-caching? Oh, I know, deep sea fishing, she smirked, wondering whether or not Cap would invite her out on his boat when the weather warmed up. She decided that if they were truly going to be friends, then it would be perfectly reasonable for her to go out on his boat. But then she aggravated herself when she couldn't stop fantasizing about finding a deserted island far from shore. In her daydream, they anchored his boat and began exploring the land...among other things...under the glorious summer sun. The fantasy degenerated from there.

  Thankfully, Leah's Monday work day had passed quickly. Barry wanted the lowdown on Casey's event and was thrilled to hear that it had gone off without a hitch. The next event on their calendar was a Valentine's party and she let Barry know that Casey would be in soon to make the final arrangements.

  Leah also interviewed three candidates for a front desk manager position as one of her favorite daytime managers was getting married and moving to Baltimore. There was one very perky blonde candidate that really sold Leah on her customer service skills and gave impressive answers to the questions about her management style, showing a great deal of poise and conscientiousness despite her apparent young age. Leah just needed to check her references and hoped to be extending an offer of employment by the end of the week. Maybe I'll have a protegée! she mused, wondering if it was how Barry felt when he interviewed her several years prior.

  She was grateful that Glory was waiting anxiously for her at home. She felt lonely and restless and seeing her puppy's wagging tail and knowing she wanted nothing more than love and affection kept Leah's heart from aching. She clipped Glory's pink leash onto her collar and led her down the stairs to the grass.

  It was 6 PM and the stars were already out in great number, clustered around a sideways crescent moon that looked like a perfect smile hanging in the darkening heavens. No wonder it's so dark so early; it's nearly the winter solstice, she realized. She recognized Orion's belt with its bright triad of stars glimmering as the constellation began to rise in the sky.

  I used to love looking at the moon and stars through the telescope when I was little, she thought. Her dad would take Leah and her brothers out into the field across from their house and set up his antique telescope that had been handed down through three generations of Millers. The four of them would take turns peering through the tiny lens. Mr. Miller would always end their stargazing by reminding his children that God created the stars and the moon on Day 4 in the Creation Story in the book of Genesis.

  Even though she knew she was standing beneath the same endless, starry sky as her mom, her dad and her brothers back in Wahoo, they all seemed so far away these days. When she was little, she could have never imagined being so far away from them. But here she was.

  Maybe I should try to go to Nebraska for Christmas after all, she thought wistfully as Glory pulled her toward the bushes that separated the lawn from the parking lot. Even though it was rather cool outside, she felt obligated to allow Glory to take her time, hoping that a longer outing at 6:00 PM would result in a short one right before bedtime when the breezes off the bay picked up, resulting in bone-chilling temperatures.

  She rolled the idea of going home back and forth in her mind. She knew she couldn't make it in time for the actual holiday because she'd already promised the two evening front desk managers that she would come in and work Christmas Eve so they could be home with their families. They were stunned and humbled by her generosity, but Leah knew it was the least she could do when they had small children and she did not. Thus, she was planning to work the 4 PM till midnight shift and then return in the morning for the 8 AM to 4 PM shift so that the daytime managers could be home with their families for Christmas Day. Bob, a staple at The Pearl since 1987, was an older, single gentleman with no family in the area and he would cover the midnight to 8 AM shift on Christmas. I could leave on the 26th though, she thought, debating whether or not she wanted to browse for plane tickets online when she got back inside.

  But what about Aimee? she suddenly realized with a flush of guilt. Aimee's due date was December 28th, and although it was unlikely she would deliver early, Leah hated to chance missing the birth. She knew Aimee would tell her to go and enjoy her family; the baby would still be there when she returned. But Leah felt conflicted nevertheless.

  She was suddenly distracted by a warmer thought when she allowed herself to wonder what Cap did for Christmas. She knew he had two daughters. I wonder if they come to Ocean City or if he goes to be with them? Or maybe they go see their mother instead? He had never said anything about her; she just knew that they had been divorced for several years. She hadn't heard from Cap since their discussion the night before. It's for the best, she thought. I'm sure we'll cross paths again soon.

  That night after she determined airfare was a little pricey to justify making a last minute trip to Nebraska, she decided to log back into the dating site. It had been several days since she'd last checked her messages, and it seemed as though the men of the Delmarva Peninsula had already begun to lose interest in her. Her profile had gotten a few hits from the typical hunter/fishermen with poor grammar and spelling as well as local university students. This time there were also views by men in their late 40's and 50's as well as some very handsome and eligible men from across the Chesapeake, but Leah felt that Washington DC was just too far to maintain a relationship. As usual, there were no viable options.

  Well, Leah brightened, it is the middle of December. It's not really the best time to start a relationship anyway. I'm sure there will be plenty of men with New Years resolutions to find their match, and I will be ready for them!

  She fell asleep that night amidst
even more optimistic thoughts and was swiftly swept up into a dream about a trip to Africa. It was one of those dreams that felt incredibly vivid and realistic, down to the smells and tastes. She and Glory were on a safari and she could nearly feel the bumps of the terrain under the tires of the SUV as it made its way through the savanna.

  In the dream, she looked at Glory, patted her little head and exclaimed, “This is the most amazing trip ever!” She saw lions and elephants and giraffes but what she couldn't see was who was sitting next to her. He had his hand on top of hers, that's the only thing she was sure of. And when she woke up, her hand still felt warm.

  The next two weeks flew by as Christmas approached. Leah spoke with Aimee every day on the phone as her due date approached. “I can just see my water breaking at Christmas dinner!” she joked. She described the huge Italian feast that her mother-in-law would make and how all of her husband's sisters and aunts were so loud that no one would probably even hear her if she was moaning in agony with labor pains. “They'll find me doubled over in one of the bedrooms upstairs,” she predicted with a dramatic sigh.

  “Oh, don't be silly,” Leah admonished her. “I'm sure everyone will be watching you like a hawk to see if all that tasty, spicy food starts your labor. And you'll probably hear all these old wives tales for everything from how to get your labor started to how to sooth contractions to how you need to check on the baby every 1.7 seconds when she's asleep!”

  “Are you sure you want to work tonight?” Aimee pressed. “Maybe you should come up here and we can just go out for Chinese or something?”

  “I wish I could,” Leah admitted. “It's going to be pretty quiet at The Pearl tonight but I figured I'd crank up the Christmas tunes in the lobby and I made some fudge to share with everyone. Now if I could only take in some wine we'd really be celebrating Christmas Eve in style!”

  “You're such a good boss, sweetie,” Aimee complimented her. “I hope your staff knows how truly lucky they are.”

  “Awww, thank you!” Leah beamed. “So are you feeling okay? Any more contractions today?”

  “Actually I've been feeling awesome today! More energy than I've had in weeks. I scrubbed down the bathrooms and dusted and ran the vacuum all over the house. Can't really complain too much especially since my stomach is roughly the size of the eighth wonder of the world!” Aimee laughed.

  “I hope I get to see you before you deliver,” Leah replied, “because there is no way that this stomach of yours can be any near as huge as you describe it all the time.” She'd also heard her friend liken her belly to Buddha, Texas, a whale and Santa's bag of gifts. Aimee never seemed to run out of hilarious and outrageous analogies, but Leah had a feeling her expectant friend was sporting the cutest, roundest baby bump on the planet.

  “Well, looks like it won't be till next week at the earliest,” Aimee lamented. “At my appointment a few days ago my cervix was still thick and locked up tight.”

  “There's a mental image I really don't want sticking around!” Leah giggled.

  “Haha, well, get used to it, dollface, cause once this baby is born I'm going to be elaborating on all sorts of TMI-category stuff: sore nipples, diaper contents, episiotomies, and god knows what else. From what I understand, motherhood is not for the faint of heart. Just think: if you're along for the ride this time, nothing will shock you when it's your turn!” Aimee teased her.

  “Oh, no need for that. I'm never having kids!” Leah retorted. She had been thinking about it more than ever. I don't think my aspirations for motherhood extend much farther than my fur baby Glory, she had decided.

  She wished Aimee a Merry Christmas and let her go so she could get ready for the traditional holiday dinner at her in-laws. As she set her phone down on the kitchen counter, she couldn't help marveling at what it must be like to be her best friend's shoes. Imagine knowing this is the last Christmas that it will just be her and her husband...that next Christmas they'll have an almost-one-year-old. It's exciting and scary all at once! Leah thought. She knew Aimee had dreamed of being a mother since she was a little girl playing with baby dolls. But as much as she tried, Leah couldn't imagine having a baby growing inside her nor a tiny bundle wrapped up in her arms.

  She shook off those thoughts as she put Glory in her crate with a new toy that held a treat the puppy would have to work to retrieve. “Merry Christmas, sweet girl!” Leah exclaimed, kissing her furry-faced little pup on the forehead. Glory was so intrigued with the puzzle toy that she hardly whined when Leah locked the door behind her and headed down to her Jeep.

  She drove to The Pearl, finding it too chilly to walk in her dress pants and heels. I'm going to have to break out my dress boots soon, she thought. But who knows if it will be a bad winter here or not this year? She was used to the extreme temperatures of the Midwest: veritable blizzards wreaking havoc all winter, tornadoes and hailstorms in the spring, and blazing summers with near 100% humidity.

  The weather on the eastern shore of Maryland was quite a bit milder than what she was accustomed to growing up in Nebraska. And snow was really a crap shoot. In 2010 they'd had three consecutive blizzards that seemed to shut down the shore for weeks, but most other winters since she'd lived there they'd only gotten flurries here and there, with hardly any accumulation. The only things she missed about winter in the Midwest were abundant snow plows, large reserves of salt for the roads, and drivers who knew how to handle themselves on slick streets.

  Hurricanes were the big story on the coast, of course. Ocean City had been quite fortunate to very nearly dodge too huge bullets in recent years: Hurricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy just a couple of months prior. Leah had been holed up at The Pearl during both of those events, attempting to make guests comfortable. Of course, many travelers had the foresight to cancel their bookings and several others had chosen to check out early, so the hotel was nearly deserted before the worst of the storms hit. Looking around the lobby that night on Christmas Eve, it seemed eerily similar to Leah, like a calm before the storm.

  Leah logged herself into the front desk computer and dismissed the departing manager. She put three containers of fudge in the back room and invited everyone within earshot to spread the word that it was available. She had made six pounds, two of each flavor, and hoped it wouldn't run out too quickly. She'd used her grandmother Yoder's recipe, who, being an immigrant from Switzerland, certainly knew a thing or two about chocolate. Leah had already received accolades from a few housekeepers and a security guard who had passed through the employee lounge en route to their stations. “Mmmm...melts in your mouth!” Derrick the security guard exclaimed, licking his lips.

  She settled down at the computer and glanced at her watch. Four o'clock. This night is going to crawl, I'm afraid. Before she began to feel sorry for herself, her phone buzzed with a text. She assumed it would be Aimee, telling her a funny story about Christmas dinner with the in-laws. But it was Cap. She hadn't heard from him in a few days. They'd had a brief text exchange over the weekend when he'd gone to visit his daughter in Frederick for their annual Christmas exchange. As Leah suspected, his daughters would be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas with their mother. Take you to dinner tonight? his text asked.

  Can't tonight. I'm working the desk till midnight :( Leah texted back.

  What?! I thought you were the boss! he replied.

  I am the boss, but I'm a very generous one, hence the working so others don't have to thing, she explained.

  Wow, lucky employees. Alright, Merry Christmas and have a good night!

  Merry Christmas to you too, Cap! she texted. She couldn't help but be disappointed that the conversation died there. Not only was she bored and would have enjoyed a texting buddy for the evening, but she also regretted this whole “friendship first” arrangement that she had agreed to. I wish I hadn't over-reacted at the party, she chided herself. But what else are you supposed to do when you see something...something that crazy?

  She couldn't get the image of the six bodies out of
her mind, all writhing on the bed in their various positions, the women's mouths and pussies full of throbbing cocks. There was a part of her still titillated by those graphic memories. There was a part of her that kept putting herself on the bed in place of Rhonda or Pam. But she doubted she could ever work up the courage to let herself experience anything that wild.

  He sure gave up talking to me pretty quickly, she reflected about an hour later, staring at her phone intently as if it would make it buzz. I wonder what he ended up doing tonight. She couldn't imagine Cap spending Christmas Eve alone. He'll be hanging out with his fishing buddies or maybe there's another single woman from Casey's Group who doesn't have anything (anyone?) else to do tonight. She filled her mind with pictures of Cap living it up, downing a beer or two, joking and laughing and letting his dimples hang out for all to see.

  A few hours later, her shift was ending and she was getting ready to log out of the computer system. She was updating her relief manager about what had happened during her shift (which is pretty much a big fat nothing, she thought) when those dimples she had pictured just hours beforehand appeared in front of her in living color. She was so startled about her vision coming to life that she nearly stumbled backwards into the night manager Bob, who caught her just before she sent them both flying to the floor.

  She couldn't help but notice that Cap seemed highly amused by her reaction. “Nice to see you too!” he exclaimed merrily, as if he was channeling the jolly fat man himself on Christmas Eve.

  “What are you doing here?” Leah replied breathlessly, regaining her balance and backing a comfortable distance away from Bob, who looked titillated with intrigue.


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