Tangled Pieces

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Tangled Pieces Page 4

by Lizzie James

  "Yes, Nathan."

  "Sorry to call you again but I..."

  "Is he in?" I asked, speaking over him.

  Nathan sighed down the line. "He's in his office. Do you want to speak to him?" He sounded about as happy as I felt.

  "No." A moment of silence passed. "Did you hear what he did?"

  "I did." He sighed down the line. "You know how he is Adam. He's always interfering."

  "Yeah. I keep wondering when it will stop."

  Never, a silent voice echoed inside my mind. It would never stop. Not until the day came when he was dethroned. It could never be Nathan. Nathan was too soft; too family-orientated. It would always have to be me. I had been carrying Nathan since he had joined the family. I didn't see that stopping anytime soon.

  "What do you need, Nathan?" I asked.

  "I'm stuck reading contracts passed to us by Johnson."

  I rolled my eyes, knowing full well what that fucker was doing.

  Chase Johnson was a sneaky one and he had learned every naughty trick in the book from his old man.

  "Let me guess. A lot of legal jargon?"

  I looked towards the towers of Porter Enterprises and saw my girl exiting the building.

  "It's confusing the fuck out of me." He sounded worried.

  "Put it aside," I answered. "Make him wait. I'll be home shortly."

  "When?" he asked desperately.

  "A couple of weeks." I hated the tension I felt at those words. A couple of weeks with my princess was nowhere near long enough.

  "I'll see you then." I hung up the phone, hoping that would be the last time I would hear from him until I got back to London. I smiled down at Kate, determined to ignore everything on my mind for right now. All that mattered right now was her.

  "Everything okay?" She looked up at me with a concerned expression.

  I nodded, sliding my arm around her shoulders. "Everything is perfect."


  Sharing a pizza with a sexy man in a suit should be any girl's idea of a perfect date. Instead, I was trying my hardest not to laugh at how messy my sexy man currently looked with tomato sauce dribbled down the front of his shirt.

  "You are worse than a child." I giggled before reaching across the wooden floor of my lounge and wiped at his shirt with a tissue.

  "I'm messy. What can I say?" He grinned, taking another bite of his pizza.

  I rolled my eyes and got to my feet. "How about you clean up and pick a film and I'll go and get changed."

  I was never one to show much skin, but Adam made me feel comfortable whenever I was near him. He made me feel like it was okay to be me however I was. I quickly changed into my Friends themed T-shirt and a pair of shorts. Tying my hair up in a messy bun on the top of my head, I walked back out to see how far Adam had gotten with picking us a film.

  I smiled when I saw him sitting on the sofa, proudly holding my copy of Suicide Squad up. The expression slowly dropped from his face when he saw me—or rather saw what I was wearing.

  His eyes slowly travelled down my legs before going back up. He stared at my chest for a bit longer than what woud be deemed as appropriate but considering his reputation, he was being quite well behaved.

  Tonight, I was worried that may change.

  "I don't want to watch a film anymore." I began walking towards him, slowly.

  "What, uh..." He cleared his throat. "What do you want to do?" He placed the movie aside.

  I walked closer to him, determined not to lose my nerve. I placed my knee to the side of him before mimicking the action on the other side.

  His hands immediately settled on my hips, pulling me closer.

  "I just want to be with you." I reached up and traced my fingers across his forehead. "Is that okay?"

  He nodded before he lifted his chin and pulled my face slowly down to his.

  I expected him to be rough, but he surprised me by being soft and gently coaxing my lips to open with his. His hands slowly moved up over my ribs, his fingertips grazing the sides of my breasts. He continued his path up over my back until he was cupping my shoulders. He pulled my body down against his for me to feel him.

  I moaned at the feel of his hardness between my legs. "You're so hard." I expected a cocky response but instead, he said something completely different to what I expected.

  "For you," he whispered. "I've never wanted anyone as desperately as I want you."

  I leaned back from him, placing my hands on his shoulders for support.

  His face dropped as I did this, most likely thinking that he was losing me—that I was pulling away.

  I held my hand out to him before speaking. "Show me."

  He stared at me for several seconds.

  "Show me how good we can be."

  He took my hand and slowly stood, allowing me to lead him to my bedroom.

  I liked that he didn't try to take control. He allowed me to lead him on my terms and it was in that moment where I knew that others were so wrong about him. Everyone needed a villain and he filled that role perfectly, no doubt, for so many of his competitors.

  For me, however, he had become my light in the dark.

  Standing in the darkness with Adam, minutes before we planned to have sex, I was wracked with nerves. Considering we had already had sex, having nerves over it was silly. It’s true that he was more than experienced enough for the both of us but I couldn’t shake the thought that I felt like I would be compared to the other women he had been with. However, as I stared up at his face, all I felt was safe. His eyes shined down at me and I knew that this moment was just as important to him as it was to me.

  "Are you okay?" he whispered. His fingertips danced along the bottom of my back from where he had his arms loosely wrapped around me.

  I nodded before reaching my hands up to begin unfastening the buttons on his shirt. My hands shook a little but he either didn't notice or was very good at pretending not to notice. As I undid the last button, I expected him to remove his shirt but he just continued to watch me. I slid my hands up his torso, feeling his muscles beneath my touch. I moved his shirt off his shoulders and he dropped his hands, pulling it off and dropping it to the floor.

  His hands reached for the hem of my t-shirt.

  I expected him to rip it off me but he just stared at me, waiting for my approval. I slowly nodded my head and he carefully began to pull it up. I raised my hands in the air, making it easier for him.

  He dropped it on the floor to the side of us and slowly trailed his finger down my breast bone before gently cupping my bra-covered breasts.

  I wasn't big by any means but he seemed to have the right handful. I moaned at his touch, secretly loving the way he squeezed them. I reached behind me, not needing to be coaxed and undid the clasp of my bra, and he slowly slid the straps down my arms to remove it.

  The second it was off, he took a step back, taking a seat on the bed. He pulled me closer and my hands immediately wound behind his head, my fingers stroking through the curls at the back of his head.

  He pressed his lips to my stomach before he tilted his head, keeping his eyes on me. It was almost as though he was waiting for me to freak out.

  That wasn't going to happen.

  Being here with him, knowing how his hands felt on me, knowing how safe I felt when I was in his arms, made me never want to leave him.

  "Get on the bed," he whispered. He stood up and turned me in a circle before he reached down to undo his belt and removing his trousers.

  I sat on the bed and scooted backwards before laying down. I moved my arms to cover myself but he shook his head at me before climbing on the bed.

  "Don't cover up, princess." He climbed over me and pressed his lips to my stomach. "Don't ever cover up around me." His hands dipped down to grab the waistband of my shorts before sliding them down my legs.

  "I want you," I whispered. I parted my legs enough for him to fit in between.

  He rubbed himself against me before slowly guiding himself inside to where
I wanted him. Where I was ready for him.

  After a few thrusts, he moved further inside me.

  I moaned before scratching my nails up his back. "You feel so good." I tilted my head back and his lips immediately descended to my neck where he began licking and biting.

  He moved harder against me, his thrusts increasing in speed. "Having you like this. Fuck! You’re going to be the death of me, blue eyes." He grabbed my thigh, lifting me up against him more. "I need you to come for me. Come apart in my arms, beautiful." He thrust harder inside me before I came, calling out his name. Seconds later, he pumped inside me one last time and I knew we were both coming apart. Together.


  Lying in bed with my blue eyes cuddled against me, I realised that life couldn’t feel any more right. Having her in my arms was perfect—or as perfect as it should be, really. Unfortunately, life wasn't perfect. Life was a fucking bitch and it wasn't going to wait around for me.

  I stared down at her in the morning light and I couldn't help but trail my finger across her cheekbone. Her touch did something to me and it was something I didn’t think was going to be easy to recover from. I may have only known her for a few weeks but she did something to me that no other girl had ever done. She had gotten in deep, past the chunk of armor that I always wore and past the brick wall behind that.

  The worst thing in all of this was that she trusted me. She trusted me enough not to break her heart and I knew that when I left here, that's exactly what I would be doing.

  "It's creepy to watch people when they sleep," she whispered.

  I laughed. "Not that creepy." I dipped my head and pressed my lips to hers.

  It had been a few days since we first had sex, and I was fucking dying to be inside of her again. Attempting to be the romantic and caring guy when all you want to do is rip your girl's clothes off and bury yourself inside of her isn’t exactly easy to do. It’s fucking hard.

  Pun definitely intended.

  I trailed my hand down her side before she slapped it away. "Don't start," she admonished me. "You'll make me late for work if you start that now."

  I groaned in frustration when she climbed out of bed.

  Seconds later, the shower turned on, not helping the path my thoughts were taking. I quickly hopped out of bed and made my way to the shower cubicle, grabbing her by the hips and pressing myself against her. The warmth from the spray soaked us both.

  "What are you doing?" She gasped as she felt me rub against her. "I can't miss this meeting."

  I smirked down at her before moving my hand in between her legs. "I can be fast."

  I moved my leg in between hers, forcing her to part them for me. Seconds later, I was sliding into her from behind.

  She moaned before reaching her arm back and threading it through the hair on the back of my head. "You're going to have to fuck me harder than that."

  I chuckled at the cockiness in her tone. Maybe I was rubbing off on her.

  I pushed her forward until she was pressed against the wall of the shower. I dipped my head and nibbled her earlobe before tugging with my teeth.

  "Fuck!" She moved her head to the side and thrust her tongue into my mouth.

  I think she secretly loved it when I played with her ears. It'd sent her from dry to soaking wet in a second.

  I thrust my hips back before impaling her against the wall.

  "I'm going to..."

  "That's right, baby." I reached my hand down in front of her and rubbed her clit. She was so responsive whenever I touched her there.

  A few thrusts later, I could feel her coming around me, triggering my own release. I panted into her neck, loving the way that her muscles were still squeezing my cock.

  "Do you know what I am?" she whispered. She released a deep breath, sighing.

  "Royally fucked?" I asked, wondering why she was asking me this.

  She shook her head before slowly turning in my arms. "So. Fucking. Late."

  I tossed my head back, laughing. "I think you're about to get later." I grinned, wrapping my arms around her and pushing her against the wall once more.

  Sitting at the coffee shop waiting for Kate to join me on her lunch break, I was plotting ways to get her to take a few days off work. Before I could get far, a pair of hands covered my eyes.

  "Finally. I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten about me."

  "Who could ever forget about you?" a female voice replied.

  My face dropped because I knew immediately that it wasn't my blue eyes.

  "What do you want, Sophia?" I asked, glaring at her. What the fuck was she doing here?

  Sophia was a bitch from my past in London. Where I was the bastard in the business world of Hell, she was the bitch that would ruin you just for fun. She didn’t care who she stepped on. She’d destroy you and take whatever she could from you.

  She looked at me taking a seat opposite me. "You don't look very happy to see me." She watched me, waiting for my response.

  "That would be accurate." I took a deep breath before leaning forward. "Now, why the fuck are you here?"

  "Is that any way to talk to your friend?" She grinned evilly over at me. She was obviously loving it that she was making me uncomfortable.

  "I had a layover and thought I’d come and see you. I was thinking I’d drop by and if you were finished here, we could travel back together.” She reached her hand across and stroked her finger over the back of my hand.

  I quickly moved it out of reach, not wanting her touching me. I only wanted one woman to touch me and Sophia was definitely not it. Where my Kate was an angel, this was the fucking devil.

  "I don't need anyone to bring me home." Who the fuck did she think she was speaking to? "I'll be returning to London shortly."

  She continued to look at me like I was some loser and it was beginning to really piss me off.

  "What?!" I snapped.

  She stood up, moving so that she was standing behind me. She moved her arm down over my chest before I could feel her breath in my ear. "I don't know what worries you more. Me being here destroying the perfect little bubble that you've formed. Or that little angel realising that she's been fucking the king of hell himself."

  I ground my teeth at her words, not needing this bullshit right now.

  She giggled mockingly before pressing her lips to my cheek. "See you in London, Adam."

  I turned to watch her leave, needing that bitch out of Australia as fast as her little legs could take her. I cringed when I saw her stop at the doorway where Kate was standing.

  My bubble—as she so eloquently put it—was close to popping, and if I knew Sophia as well as I thought I did, she would do anything to be the one to put a pin in it.

  I stood up, making my way to them. I would lose my temper if Sophia said anything inappropriate. "Goodbye, Sophia."

  She walked away before she could have a chance to say anything.

  "Who was that?" Kate asked. She had a definite bite to her tone.

  "A thorn in my side." I looked down at her. "Is someone jealous?" I grinned, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her to me.

  "No!" She rolled her eyes at herself. "What do I have to be jealous of? We both knew you'd be going back home sooner or later." She stared down at the floor and I fucking hated that she was hiding her blue eyes from me.

  "Right," I hesitatingly replied.

  "We both knew this wasn't for forever." She slowly brought her gaze up to mine. "Right?"

  I slowly nodded my head before reaching down to tuck a loose curl behind her ear. "I guess so." I sighed, hating the way this conversation had gone. "Do you want some lunch?"

  She immediately shook her head, staring up at me. "I just want you."

  She looked so fucking vulnerable and it broke my heart.

  "You can have me."

  She grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.


  Leading Adam to my office in Porter Towers, I knew with absolute certainty that my time
with him was coming to a close. As much as I tried to fool myself, his life back home was calling him. He was a businessman; he loved the dealings that went with it and as much as I tried to pretend otherwise, he and I were never meant to be.

  I had changed since he had entered my life and I was grateful to him for that. He had woken me up—taught me how to feel again. When he left to go back home, I hoped that wouldn't change.

  Bringing a man into my office to have sex with him while my assistant sat outside at her desk was a big step from the mature and responsible young woman my colleagues thought I was. No sooner had I turned to shut the door was I being roughly spun around and lifted against the wood.

  His lips slammed against mine before he thrust his tongue into my mouth. At the same time, he slid himself between my legs, his hardness rubbing against where I was soaked.

  I ripped my lips from his. "I want you to fuck me." I reached down and grabbed his buckle before undoing. "I want you to fuck me as though you've never had me."

  I don't know where the fuck my confidence was coming from but I was thankful for it. I had never been so turned on before and for the first time, I wanted Adam to lose his grip on that control he always seemed to have.

  "You sure about that?" he asked. "If I fuck you like that, your assistant is definitely going to hear what I am doing to you." He forced my head back before he sucked over my pulse point, his teeth gently digging in and nipping at me.

  I gasped at the feel of his tongue on my skin but before it could get any further, he quickly set me down before stepping back.

  "Take off your thong." He stepped away, undoing his belt the rest of the way before taking a seat on the sofa tucked against the wall. He slowly lowered his zip before pulling his very hard and erect cock out. He quickly slid a condom on and pumped it slowly, staring at my legs as he did so. "Well?" He waited, watching me. "Don't keep me waiting, blue eyes."

  My skirt was already up around my waist so it didn't take me long to do as ordered. I stepped in between his legs, hating the uneasy feeling that was beginning to crawl up my spine.


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