Trouble Vision

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Trouble Vision Page 20

by Allison Kingsley

  “Make sure you tie her up to something when you get there,” Thelma said, and slammed the door.

  The car slid smoothly out of the garage and into the street.

  Clara stared at the houses as they passed, praying she could catch someone’s attention and signal that she was being kidnapped. It had started to snow, however, and no one was out in the cold wind.

  How stupid she’d been not to tell Stephanie she was going to talk to Thelma. Then again, she had no idea Thelma was involved in the murder, and she just hadn’t figured on Ray being at home.

  If only she could call her cousin. Clara shifted to a more comfortable position. As she did so, she felt her cell phone in her pocket. Thank heavens for her habit of carrying it with her instead of leaving it in her purse, which still sat in Thelma’s living room.

  Catching sight of Ray’s face in the rearview mirror, she shifted over as far as she could go so that he couldn’t see her. Then she twisted her arms to one side and, after some concentrated probing, managed to hook the phone out of her pocket.

  It fell on the seat, and she had to grope to find it again. It took a while to get it open, and then she had to feel the buttons to get the right ones. Praying she had it right, she jabbed out Stephanie’s speed dial number.

  A second later she started talking, loudly, to cover any sound that might come from the cell phone. “Where are you taking me? Why do you think you can get away with this? Your mother is so wrong and I’m surprised you even listen to her.”

  “Shut up,” Ray snarled.

  At the same time, from down by her hip, she heard the faint sound of her cousin’s voice. Her spirits plummeted. It was Stephanie’s voicemail. Clara coughed loudly as the beep sounded for her to begin recording. She started talking again, fast and with intense desperation.

  “Where is this storage unit you’re taking me to? You can’t lock me up in a storage unit.” She looked out the window. “Where are we? Isn’t this Fernwood Avenue? Is the storage unit near here? Dan will know you and Thelma killed me. You’ll never get away with it. Just because you got away with killing Scott Delwyn doesn’t mean you can get away with killing me. Everyone will know that Ray Hogan and his mother are murderers, and locking me up in a storage unit isn’t going to change that.”

  “Shut up before I shut your mouth for you,” Ray yelled, just as the beep that ended the recording sounded on her phone. He swung the wheel, viciously, sending the car screeching around a corner so fast her phone shot off the seat and disappeared under the seat in front.

  Exhausted, Clara slumped back. She’d done what she could. Now all she could hope was that Stephanie checked her cell phone before nightfall, and that somehow she would find the storage unit before the Hogans came back to kill her.

  Stephanie grunted as she kicked open the back door with her foot. Loaded down with shopping bags, she staggered into the kitchen and dumped everything on the table. Grocery shopping was not one of her favorite things to do. She always ended up tired and grumpy.

  Today had been even worse than usual, since she’d spent the morning worrying about George and a woman named Annabelle. Part of her agreed with Clara. Somehow she just couldn’t imagine George cheating on her.

  George was the worst liar she’d ever come across. He’d never be able to hide an affair from her. True, he’d been acting weird the last few days, but now that she really thought about it, when would he have had time to see another woman? Unless he’d taken off from work.

  Maybe she should call the auto shop and find out if he’d been missing lately. No, she’d put the groceries away first, then call.

  By the time she’d finished stacking everything in the cabinets and fridge, she’d changed her mind again. She’d call Clara. Maybe she’d have some news for her that would put all her fears to rest.

  She looked around for her purse. It wasn’t on the chair where she usually dropped it when she came in. After a quick search of the living room, she decided she must have left her purse, with her cell phone inside, in the car.

  Before she went to get it, she decided, she’d better change the bed sheets and do the laundry before the kids got home. Determined not to think about George and what he might be up to, she put on her favorite CD and filled the house with music while she worked.

  She had just turned off the vacuum cleaner when she heard the phone ringing in the living room. Molly was on the line, sounding upset. “I called your cell phone,” she said, “but you have it turned off.”

  “Oh, sorry, it’s in my purse. I left it in the car.” She frowned. “Is something wrong?”

  “I’m slammed here,” she said, “and Clara didn’t come in today. I’m gonna be leaving in a half hour. What do you want me to do?”

  Stephanie glanced at the clock. It was almost three thirty. Where was Clara? “It’s not like her to just not show up. Have you called her cell?”

  “Twice. She’s not answering.” Molly’s voice rose. “I gotta go. I got people waiting.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Stephanie hung up, then dialed Clara’s cell phone. Her cousin’s recorded voice answered her.

  Frowning, Stephanie replaced the receiver. Something must have happened. She thought about calling her aunt Jessie’s cell, but the number was on her own cell phone and she couldn’t remember it. She called her mother instead and asked her to pick up the kids, then called George.

  He answered right away, and his voice did a lot to steady her nerves. “Don’t worry,” he said, when she told him Clara was missing. “I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation. She’s probably got car trouble or something.”

  “Then why hasn’t she called? She wouldn’t just not turn up without letting me know.”

  “Maybe her phone battery’s dead. Why don’t you call Jessie and ask her.”

  “I don’t want to worry her if she doesn’t know where she is.” Stephanie gripped the phone harder. “Something’s wrong, George. I know it.”

  “Where’s your cell phone? Why aren’t you calling on that?”

  “I left it in the car.”

  “Well, she probably called you on that and left you a message.”

  Stephanie closed her eyes. Of course. Why hadn’t she thought of that? “I have to go the store. Molly’s leaving at four. Mom’s picking up the kids. Can you pick them up from her on your way home from work?”

  “Sure. Don’t worry, Steff. I’m sure Clara’s just fine. Let me know if she left a message on your cell phone.”

  “Okay. I’ll check it on my way to the store.” She hung up, then hurried to the bedroom to change. Another night that she wouldn’t be there to cook dinner for George and the kids. It would be a miracle if her marriage survived all this.

  It was snowing steadily by the time she climbed into her car. The clock on her dashboard showed ten after four. Molly would be waiting for her to get there so she could leave. Deciding to check her phone once she was at the store, Stephanie pulled out of the garage and set off carefully down the street.

  Seated on the concrete floor of the storage unit, Clara tried to shift into a more comfortable position. Her back hurt, her hands felt numb and her entire body felt like it was encased in ice.

  She’d wriggled and struggled so hard in the hours since Ray had left here there that she was now exhausted. Too weak to do much more than cry out every now and then, her voice too muffled by the tape that covered it for anyone to hear her.

  It would be starting to get dark before long. Where was Stephanie? Had she heard the message Clara had left on her cell phone? Surely the police must be looking for her by now. Maybe her directions had been too obscure. Maybe there was more than one storage center near Fernwood Avenue and they couldn’t find the right one.

  Even if they did find the right one, how long would it take them to check out every unit? Would she be able to make enough noise for them to hear her?

  Fear and desperation swept over her, and tears started running down her face, soaking the
tape over her mouth. It tasted horrible, and she worked her jaw back and forth and side to side, trying to work it loose.

  It was then that she heard it. Faint, but unmistakable. A dog barking. A big dog barking. Tatters!

  She could hear the anxiety in his voice, and her heart skipped with hope. Gathering the last of her strength, she drew in as much air as she could manage through her nose, and let it out on the loudest screech she’d ever uttered in her life.

  It sounded pitifully weak through the tape, but a dog’s ears could pick up sounds that humans couldn’t hear. Tatters’ barking grew louder, filled now with excitement. Now she could hear someone calling her name. Was it Dan? No, it couldn’t be . . . Rick?

  They were at the door of the unit now. She could hear the voices outside, almost drowned out by Tatters’ frantic barking. Seconds later the door slid up, and blazing daylight momentarily blinded her.

  She heard Stephanie’s voice as she tugged the tape from her cousin’s mouth. Tatters’ frantic tongue licked her face and finally, Rick’s arms pulled her to her feet and folded around her.

  Another voice spoke. She looked over Rick’s shoulder and saw Tim standing there, a worried frown on his face. “Clara? Are you okay?”

  She couldn’t seem to stop the tears sliding down her cheeks. “I am now,” she said, and buried her face in Rick’s shoulder.

  Seated on the couch in her mother’s living room with Rick’s arm around her, Clara finally began to feel safe again. Her cousin had given her a mug of hot milk laced with brandy, and she could feel the fiery liquid spreading warmth in her chest.

  Tim sat across from them, a notebook on his knee, while Stephanie anxiously hovered over her.

  Clara looked at them all in turn, still fighting the persistent tears. “Thank you,” she said, squeezing Rick’s hand. “I could have died in there tonight. They were going to kill me.”

  “We know,” Stephanie said, gripping Clara’s shoulder so hard it hurt. “We heard everything you said on the cell phone. I’m so sorry, Clara. If I’d gone back to the car to get my phone, you wouldn’t have been stuck in that awful place for so long. You must have been terrified.”

  “I was scared you hadn’t got my message, or that you wouldn’t be able to find the unit.”

  “You helped by giving us a street,” Rick said, pulling her closer. “Tatters did the rest. He must have heard you or something. He led us to the right unit.” He shook his head. “You do have a way of landing yourself in hot water. I’ll have to find a way to keep you occupied so you don’t go off chasing crooks at the drop of a hat.”

  She glanced up at him. “Like what?”

  “Give me time. I’ll think of something.”

  Tatters, who was lying in front of the fire, raised his head. He’s right. Don’t ever do that again.

  Clara smiled. “I won’t.”

  Rick looked down at her. “You won’t what?”

  “I won’t ever forget that you all rescued me.” She glanced up at Stephanie. “What about the bookstore? Who’s looking after it?”

  “I closed the shop. I figured you were more important that a few customers.”

  Clara exchanged a special look with her cousin. “Thank you, Steffie.”

  “You’re more than welcome.”

  “Which reminds me.” Rick sat up. “I left Tyler in charge of the store. I’d better get over there and help him close up.” He let her go and stood, looking down at her with concern in his eyes. “You’ll be okay?”

  “I’ll be fine, now. Thanks.”

  “See you tomorrow?”

  “Okay.” She watched him leave, feeling a weird sense of emptiness now that he was gone.

  “Guess I’ll go, too.” Tim folded his notebook, shoved it in his pocket and got to his feet. “Dan will probably want a word with you tomorrow.”

  She nodded. “What about Thelma and Ray?”

  “Dan was on his way to pick them up when we went looking for you. They’re probably in custody by now.”

  She shivered. “I hope so.”

  “And I have to go home and see to my kids,” Stephanie said after Tim had left. “Will you be okay here until Aunt Jessie gets home?”

  “Of course. Thank heavens it was her night to work late at the library.”

  Stephanie looked worried. “You are going to tell her, aren’t you? I mean, she’s bound to find out once the news breaks.”

  “I’ll tell her when she gets home. I’m just relieved she wasn’t here when we all walked in.”

  “Meaning Rick, I suppose.”

  Clara sighed. “You know how she can be. Jumping to conclusions, and all.”

  “I don’t think she could be mistaken about Rick’s feelings for you.”

  Clara pretended to be shocked. “What does that mean?”

  “Oh, come on, Clara. Anyone can see he’s crazy about you, and that you’re lapping it up.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Well, now that we’re alone, I have some good news for you.”

  Clara could see hope flaring in her cousin’s eyes. “So tell me!”

  “George isn’t having an affair. He’s planning a surprise for your anniversary, and that’s all I can tell you so don’t ask any questions.”

  “A surprise?” Stephanie looked confused. “So who’s Annabelle?”

  Clara hesitated, then decided it was unlikely Stephanie would take that route anytime soon. “She’s kind of in charge of the surprise, and I told you not to ask questions.”

  Stephanie still looked wary. “And you’re absolutely certain he’s not having an affair with her?”

  Clara made a face. “Trust me. Not with that bimbo.”

  Stephanie leaned down and threw her arms around Clara. “Thank you! Thank you! I didn’t think he would cheat on me, but you never know.”

  “He adores you, Steffie. Even Annabelle said that.”

  Stephanie’s eyes opened wide. “You met her?”

  “Oh, yeah. Definitely not George’s type.”

  “How do you know what George’s type is?”

  “I’m looking at it.”

  Stephanie grinned. “Well, I think Rick is your type.” She headed for the door. “I have just one word of advice for you.” She opened the door and looked back over her shoulder. “Go for it.” With that she was gone.

  Tatters raised his head. That’s three words.

  Clara looked down him, but he laid his chin on his paws again and appeared to go to sleep. “You can shut up now.” She leaned down to pat his head. “But thanks for rescuing me.”

  He answered her with a snore.

  Dan called Clara the next morning, waking her up out of a deep, dreamless sleep. Still woozy, she struggled to make sense of what he was saying.

  “Ray confessed to everything,” Dan said as she made an effort to sit up. “His mother was the driving force behind the whole thing. Apparently he’s been under her thumb all his life. It’s a pretty strong thumb.”

  Clara shook her head to clear it. “He did kill Scott, then?”

  “Yeah. Apparently Scott was in Thelma’s kitchen, repairing her dishwasher. Ray walked in the house, didn’t realize Scott was there and called out to his mother. He said something about her needing to have an alibi for him when he was ready to rob the bank.”

  “Oh, wow. I bet that made Thelma happy.”

  “I guess Scott tried to pretend he hadn’t heard, but Thelma ordered Ray to help her kill him anyway. He left a message on Scott’s cell phone to meet him after work, and hit him over the head with a two-by-four. Then he and Thelma took him up to the top of the scaffolding in the lift and shoved him off.”

  Clara closed her eyes. “Does Karen know?”

  “Yeah, I called her a while ago and told her. She took it pretty well.”

  “I’ll stop by and see her tomorrow.” She hoped that knowing the truth about what had really happened to Scott had put Karen’s mind at rest.

  “How are you
feeling, by the way?”

  “I’m fine.” Clara looked at her alarm clock. “In fact, I’m just about to get ready for work.”

  “Okay.” He paused, then added, “I didn’t mean to be so hard on you, Clara. I don’t have the faintest idea how you knew that Scott was murdered, but I should have listened to you. The M.E. was so sure there were no signs of foul play.”

  “It’s okay. I’m just happy that you caught them and that they’ll pay for what they did.”

  Dan hung up and she slipped out of bed, anxious now to get back to the bookstore and a normal routine. The last few days had been exhausting, and she was glad it was all over. Last night, going over everything with her mother, she’d realized the chances she and Stephanie had taken. They could have ended up in real trouble, if it hadn’t been for luck and a dash of the Quinn Sense.

  Jessie had been more understanding and sympathetic than Clara had expected, and for the first time in a very long time she’d felt closer to her mother. When Jessie had asked questions that were difficult to answer, Clara had even considered telling her mother that she had inherited the Sense.

  She’d managed to hold on to her secret, but now she was wondering if it would make things a whole lot easier if Jessie knew the truth.

  Ten minutes after she got to the Raven’s Nest, Rick came in to ask how she was doing. Aware of her cousin and Molly lurking in the background, she was careful what she said to him. When he asked her out for dinner that evening, however, she was quick to respond.

  “I’d love to go.” She smiled at him. “Somewhere quiet and peaceful.”

  “I know just the place.” He started for the door. “I’d better be off. I have grocery shopping to do.”

  “You’re going to his place,” Stephanie said after he’d left.

  She’d made it sound decadent, and Clara grinned. “I am. I’m taking your advice for once. I’m going for it.”

  The look on Stephanie’s face convinced her she’d made the right decision.

  Turn the page for an excerpt from the first Raven’s Nest Bookstore Mystery . . .


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