EVES: (Carsonbrothers, #2)

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EVES: (Carsonbrothers, #2) Page 25

by Dyble, S R

  "What the fuck is going on?" he asked, holding onto the door and staring at each of his brothers.

  "She bribed us, I swear we haven't enjoyed this at all," Jason said.

  "Yeah? What the hell did she do to make you do this?"

  "She's just too frickin' cute, that's literally it,” Eric admitted, not looking impressed with himself.

  "You big babies! You can take it off now, you're all starting to peel anyway," I said getting up.

  "Whilst you lot continue your pamper session, I'm gonna go take a shower."

  Fifteen minutes later all of the brothers had cleaned their faces clean of crusted facemask and I caught each of them admiring how soft their skin was.

  I eyed each of them and as if by magic they all snapped out of it.

  "We ever gonna order food?" Jason said from where we all sat waiting for Kit in the living room.

  Nick was flicking through movies on the Amazon stick, trying to find something to watch when I nudged his arm.

  "You okay?" I asked, noticing he'd hardly said a thing whilst being here.

  "Yeah," he smiled.

  "You've literally just eaten a bag of chips," Eric said to Jason.

  "So I had a little pre-snack."

  Kit entered the living room then and stepped over each of the lads legs to get passed.

  He was freshly showered and dressed in his vest and shorts, ready for bed.

  "I was hoping to come home and fuck my girlfriend in peace—"

  Did he really just say that?

  "But, seeing as you're all here, I call dibs on choosing what film we're watching." He smiled across at me and took the remote from Nick who gladly surrendered it.

  Each of his brothers scoffed or chuckled as I sat looking mortified and he sat down beside me grinning.

  "Your girlfriend wanted a slumber party," Jason answered and Kit looked at me in question.

  I shrugged. "What can I say, I missed their inappropriate comments and their winning charm," I glared at Jason and it made him smile.

  "Naw! We missed you too, Eves," Nick grinned.

  "We ever gonna order food?" Jason asked.

  "Yes, I need food," Kit agreed and I watched as he took out his phone and searched for a takeaway.

  I couldn't help feeling that Lilly should have been here. I wished so badly that her and Nick would sort their shit out. I knew she would never have agreed to come anyway with him here.

  Quarter of the way into the film, our food arrived. I was thankful that we'd ordered Chinese. Somehow, it didn't seem as unhealthy as say pizza or chips.

  I'd been doing my best recently to eat as healthy as possible, not only for the baby but because I didn't want to pile on a tone of extra weight. I'd come to terms with the fact that I was going to be huge. I had to. I just kept holding onto the fact that Kit still said he found me attractive. Still, he could have been lying...

  "It's weird how suddenly, we're a normal couple, living in our own house and getting into bed like…"

  "Normal people?" I teased, smirking at him and he picked up my hand to kiss my palm.

  When he stared at my hand longer, I wondered why.

  "Let me read your palm."

  "You can't read palms."

  I didn't believe it but Kit raised his eyebrows to challenge and so I let him.

  "Hmm, interesting," he said adjusting his lips and I grinned.

  He traced my lifeline with his finger.

  I was awfully skeptical of this. No way did Kit know how to read palms.

  "Hmm, I see myself here," he smirked and I scoffed, knowing now that this was utter bullshit.

  "Here, I can see we have a huge mansion and—" I pulled my arm back as I heard him getting ready to spit into my hand.

  "Oh look, an evaporated pool!" I said, keeping my hand to myself. He laughed and it made me hit him with the same hand.

  "You know I'd have flattened you if you'd have spit in my hand, don't you?"

  "I would have admired you for trying, Blondie."

  "Don't wind me up, I'm tired and hormonal. Not to mention pregnant."

  Kit laughed and cuddled into my behind as I laid down and turned away from him.

  "I'll let you have that one."

  "Good, because you did it to me."

  "Yes, yes I did," he answered, sounding impressed with himself.

  The atmosphere changed then as he reached down to caress my stomach.

  Our baby was always more active when I laid down, and so we waited.

  They didn't leave us disappointed.

  Shortly after and against Kit's palm, they kicked.

  I smiled, hearing Kit's intake of breath as he moved his hand around.

  I lowered my hand onto my stomach so I could feel as well.

  As always, once my hand brushed against his, a tingle landed over my skin.

  He threaded his hand with mine, kissing my shoulder.

  "Have you decided if you wanna know the sex?" he asked.

  I nodded. "I wanna know."

  Kit kissed my shoulder again and it made my eyes flutter. My eyes didn't open again afterwards. They felt heavy and they fought against me. This pregnancy thing was really knocking the energy out of me. Despite wanting to stay awake to talk more with Kit, I was absolutely exhausted.

  I fell asleep without even having to think twice about it.

  Kit woke up early and got ready for his jog. Shortly before leaving he found me dressed to join him.

  "You're not serious, are you?"

  "It's healthy to exercise during pregnancy Kit, I'm gonna start jogging."

  Kit eyed me dressed in my leggings and top.

  "I don't really have gym attire…"

  "Your attire is perfect, if not somewhat distracting…"

  "Distracting?" I frowned at him, wondering if I looked fat.

  Of course I looked fat. I was bloody pregnant!

  "You have a peachy ass, Eves. It's not hard to miss… Especially not in those tight leggings. And these..." Kit came closer, hovering his hands over my slightly more blown up tits.

  Okay, so they had grown in size too...

  I glared at him, daring him to point out another part of my body that I now hated more than I already had before.

  "I think you should try fast paced walking, first," he eventually said, "you don't wanna over do it."

  "Whatever coach," I said passing him and he smiled at me as I gave him a certain look.

  Fifteen minutes later I was a hot, sweaty, unattractive mess and I gave up and settled into a slow walk back to the house.

  "Fuck all those overly inspiring, healthy, fitness, pregnant bitches on Instagram. Fuck them all," I heaved.

  "I told you to try fast paced walking first…" Kit annoyingly reminded me.

  "Thank you, Kit!" I answered him, feeling more pissed off.

  "Here," Kit made me squeal as he reached down and picked me up.

  "Put me the hell down!"

  He held me like a baby whilst I held onto my stomach.

  "You look like you're about to pass out."

  "I look like Bridget Jones being taken to the bloody hospital in her most recent movie. Put me down!"

  Kit didn't listen to me. Instead, he smirked at me and kissed me on the cheek before continuing back to our house.

  "How can you even stand my weight? You freak," I said. He was so damn strong. So bloody fit, the smug bastard.

  It wasn't fair. Women became obese during pregnancy whilst guys stayed perfect. Looking just as hot as they did from the start…

  It was mother's nature's way of making us branded. You are officially fucked. Say bye to your assets.

  Back in the shower, Kit stood behind me, massaging my back with his lathered up hands.

  "You feeling better yet, princess?"

  I smiled, feeling far less irritated now that I'd had a chance to calm down.

  "I missed you last night," he said, turning around to kiss me.

  "I'm sorry. I've been a lot more tired rec

  "So you thought you'd exhaust yourself further by having an early morning jog?"

  He smiled looking down at my bare body and my bump that held our perfect little watermelon.

  "My way of fighting back…" I admitted.

  He shook his head and kissed me. "Stop fighting, will you?"

  Once we were showered together, we barely made it out of our towels before we landed on our bed and Kit pulled me over him so I was straddling him.

  At first, I massaged Kit's length and watched as he came apart beneath my touch. His eyes drifted backwards and he groaned until eventually I slid him inside of me and began moving slowly.

  Afterwards, it was useless having a shower.

  I climbed off, feeling pleased with myself and I knelt over him to kiss his perfectly sculptured nose.

  He caught my mouth and my arse at the same time, showing both just as much attention.

  I glanced at the clock on our bedside cabinet and looked back at him.

  "I should go," he said and I nodded.

  I admired the view and wrapped the duvet around myself, feeling shy under his intense stare.

  Once dressed he came back, kissing me on the forehead and lips before rushing off.

  Not even a resting bitch face could save me now. There was no disguising it.

  I. Was. Shitting. It.

  My head was a scrambled mess, trying to pull all the positive energy to the forefront of my mind.

  Breathing helped, although I had forgotten to do that a few times. Lilly attempted speech with me, as did Kit but it was useless. I was numb, totally and utterly numb. I wasn't sure why. Obviously, it was natural to be scared. I was terrified, as if something would have drastically changed since the last verdict.

  That all of the worry, stress and anxiety I'd allowed myself to brew was finally going to catch up with me. With my baby.

  I gave one last look at Lilly as Kit led me after the lady who had just called my name. There was no doctor Simone today. Instead, we saw one of the nurses on his team.

  Lilly wanted to come too, I knew it. I loved her for wanting to give Kit and myself our privacy and I was too speechless to voice that to her.

  Instead, I focused on a corner in the darkened room and laid back, pulling my leggings down to my now exposed stomach.

  Lot's was said, the lady was very informative, telling us what she was looking for, what she could see. I stared at the screen as she placed a lube covered probe to my stomach and began shifting it around, displaying weird black markings on the screen. I took a huge breath then, feeling the fog clear a little as I laid my eyes upon our baby and they're little heartbeat.

  "Are we finding out the sex?" she asked and I looked at Kit.

  "Yes," I said, not taking my eyes off of him.

  It felt like a lifetime, because she wasn't planning on telling us straight away. First we went through the full scan, making sure everything was well in proportion and healthy looking. I was so happy to see and hear that our baby was doing fantastic. Part of my crazy brain had convinced me that everything I'd put my body through would potentially hurt the baby in some way.

  I stared into space, emotions clouding my eyes and it wasn't until Kit gripped my hand that I snapped out of it.

  "Hi," he smiled once I'd stared at him, and it reminded me of our first meeting. The first day I decided I couldn't stand him.

  "Hi," I smiled back. I didn't know it was possible to love someone so much. For it it cloud your mind, make you feel sick with anticipation but happy about it at the same time. My body was beholden to him, and so was my heart.

  "Okay, you ready?" the lady asked.

  It made me stare at her and I smiled, nodding.

  "Okay, let's see."

  This woman was great at anticipation, she should have been hosting a baby gender reveal show…

  "I'm about ninety percent certain that this little wiggly-bum is a little girl," she smiled and my heart stopped long enough for me to stare at Kit. His face mirrored mine until eventually he smiled and blew out a breath.

  "Boy am I in trouble," he said but once he stared at the screen that showed our perfect baby’s face, he looked as if he may actually cry. He brought my hand to his mouth to kiss and coughed away a lump I could hear himself clearing away.

  "We better go buy some pink stuff," he grinned and a thought came across my head that made me chuckle.


  "Five, big Carson brothers walking out of mothercare with a bunch of tiny baby girl stuff. I can't wait to see that."

  He smiled after taking a deep intake of breath.

  * * *

  "So, what do we do with her?" Nick asked and I rolled my eyes.

  "You can teach her ballet," Eric started, "Jason, you can be the backup singer, Jax, you're on hair and make up and I will be the cool uncle that takes her shopping all the time—gets her everything she wants and in exchange, she'll have to sign a contract never to get with some little punk tryna—"

  "Easy," Kit cut him off and it made my heart swell. Already was he being the protective Dad over his little girl and it made me seriously hot for him.

  Despite that, these brothers needed putting in their place.

  "You lads need to seriously chill out, let her at least get to ten before you start laying down the law as her Uncles, okay?"

  Each of them nodded and Nick smiled, looking at me.

  "She's gonna be the cutest little princess, ever."

  "We can buy her a pink surfboard!" Jason said.

  I raised my eyebrows. "You surf?" I looked at Kit and he nodded.

  He'd been quiet since we'd left the hospital and I knew why.

  "How have I not seen you surf by now?" I asked them all.

  "We've been a bit preoccupied," Kit answered, not looking at me.

  I glanced at each of his brothers, and they all already had their eyes on me. Was this really that much of a big deal? We were having a baby girl. She was healthy and perfect, so why did Kit seem so bothered? Unless there was something else. Something else he wasn't telling me.

  I was planning on going to my grandparents house to share the news with them, I stood up to give each of them a hug goodbye.

  "You thought of a name yet?" Jax asked and I glanced at Kit, he wasn't even with us. It was as if he'd totally zoned out and I shook my head.

  "Not yet," I smiled.

  He nodded and gave me another side hug before allowing me to leave their living room.

  In the hallway, I got my shoes on as Kit came to do the same thing.

  "I'm gonna go see them alone," I said, not looking at him.

  "I texted Bob, he's here to take me."

  "What? Why?"

  Kit was urging for me to look at him, and when I finally did he searched my eyes.

  "I think you need some time alone," I said looking away from him.

  "For you to work out what you really want. We're incredibly blessed Kit and you're moping about as if you've been handed bad news."

  He was about to speak but I wasn't finished, and I gripped the door handle and undid the security.

  "You just need some time alone, and so do I," I said before opening the door and leaving him standing there.

  Bob was waiting for me at the bottom of the steps and I thanked him for meeting me.

  In the car, I told him I was having a little girl and despite the little amount of chit-chat I got out of Bob, he congratulated me and seemed genuinely happy for us. I carried on speaking after that, despite his lack of conversation.

  "I mean, what's so bad about having a little girl anyway?"

  "I'm no expert, Eve, but I can imagine he's feeling pretty scared right now. Although, he may not admit it. Having a baby is scary enough, never mind feeling this huge responsibility to protect them from all the evils you've already encountered."

  I thought about what he'd said.

  "I think that's the most conversation I've had from you since we've met, Bob. I feel like a few more months an
d we'll be sharing what type of chocolate we like to eat, you know—real secrets."

  I could see Bob smirking in the rearview mirror and I smiled before sitting longer, staring at my hands, thinking about what he'd said.

  I barely had a chance to sit down before my grandma stole my scan pictures and started gushing over them. She sat beside me and awed as I showed her what body part was what in the photos. Then I did the same for my grandad until the big reveal finally came.

  "That looks like a beautiful little girl to me," my grandad said, looking at the 3D image I'd handed him.

  "How can you tell?" I asked, staring at the photo in his hand.

  "Because, she looks like you," he said, smiling up at me.

  "Grandad," I blushed.

  "Is he right?" My grandma beamed from the couch and I nodded.

  They both cheered and I pointed at my grandad whilst sitting back down on the couch.

  "Stop it with that mushy stuff, my hormones don't need a reason to kick in."

  He smiled and drank his tea as my grandma got up to head upstairs.

  She returned shortly after with a beautiful baby gown that was cream and had three little buttons just under the neckline.

  "It's gorgeous, thank you," I smiled at her.

  "Where's Kit?" My grandad asked and at the sound of his name, my smile sank and I looked away from their questioning eyes.

  "He had to work," I lied.

  This lying thing was taking its toll on me. Part of me wondered if they were to know about Delta, could they be prepared and more vigilant?

  Could they contact us if they had any concerns?

  In that second, I made a rash decision.

  "Is everything okay, Eves?" my grandma asked and I shook my head.

  "There's something I need to tell you both," I said and they both stared at each other, my grandad placing his tea on the side table to listen to me fully.

  "What I'm about to tell you will come as a huge shock, please know that if I could have told you sooner, I would have."

  "Jesus, what is it Eves?" my grandad asked and I gulped.

  "Kit didn't just meet me at college, he knew about me long before my parents had been... Well, he knew of me but we'd never met. The night my parents were killed, you were told that the FBI had been following their killers and that they'd been tracked to that exact location. That they'd saved me just in time and that they were under cover."


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