In Search of Solace (Rebel Wayfarers MC)

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In Search of Solace (Rebel Wayfarers MC) Page 16

by MariaLisa deMora

  He pulled his phone out and looked at it. Clearing his throat, he wiped the gun across the man’s shirt as he had his hands a few minutes before, then holstered it in the small of his back. Hooking a hand in Threadgill’s shirt, he dragged him a few feet to the side, putting him out of easy view of the driveway. Bane shook his head, cleared his throat again, and woke the phone, thumbing into recent calls.

  He listened to the auto responder when the call connected, tapping the numbers on the phone until he got to a real person. “Hi, yeah. This is William Crow. I’ve got two rooms booked there for another night.”

  “Mr. Crow. Yes, I’ve got your registration in front of me. Two rooms through tomorrow night.” The girl on the phone sounded younger than Myrt, probably cousin to the owner, taking the late shift to help out the business.

  “Yeah, that’s right. What would it take to add another room to my tab?”

  “One moment. Yes, it looks like I’ve got a single room close to your connecting rooms.” She hesitated, voice coming softer. “I can’t make it connect to the other rooms, though. Is that okay?”

  He nodded as he stood, stepping away from Threadgill’s body. “Yeah, yeah, I know it won’t connect. That’s fine. I need another room close by if you can. One bed is fine.”

  “I’ll add the room to your account, Mr. Crow. It won’t take me two shakes to copy the info over. I’ll have the keycard ready in ten minutes or so. Be sure to check in here at the desk.”

  She was sweetly helpful, and he tried to smile, knowing even a grimace would translate into a softer tone for the call. “Perfect. Thanks so much.”

  His return trip to the van was much slower than the approach to the house had been. Gunny still took up much of the front windshield, and Bane looked over his shoulder, then checked his hands again. Nothing to see here, folks. He opened the door and settled behind the wheel. Listening to Gunny with only half his attention, Bane turned the vehicle around and drove away, Myrt’s childhood home smaller and smaller in the mirror.

  Gunny was speaking animatedly, describing Vanna and Truck, how they’d found and rescued Myrt. The man had a thousand humorous stories about the crew in Florida and kept Marian engaged the whole drive back to the hotel, letting Bane sit in silence to reconcile what he’d have to tell Myrt.

  Even though it was after three in the morning, Myrt must have been watching out the window for the van, because she was downstairs and through the door before Marian was even out of the vehicle. The joy on Myrt’s face when she saw her sister was worth every ounce of effort expended tonight. The two women stood still, arms wrapped around each other, faces buried in each other’s necks as they babbled and wept, tiny cries breaking through at times.

  Bane steered Myrt towards the door and gave Gunny a nod. The other man stepped up and began herding them both, leaving Bane free to go to the hotel office. Key retrieved, he made his way back to the room he and Myrt had been sharing. The new room was directly across the hallway, which would make things easier. He met Gunny near the stairwell, carrying one of Marian’s bags.

  “How’re they doing?” Bane scrubbed across his forehead, exhaustion starting to creep up on him.

  “About as well as you’d expect.” Gunny hefted the bag over his shoulder. “Boys are sleepin’. Women are cryin’.”

  “Myrt ask anything about Sallabrook?” At Gunny’s headshake, he expanded his query. “Her daddy?”

  “She might have had a question about that. Marian said she didn’t know.” Gunny turned beside Bane and paced beside him. “She stopped asking after that.”



  Gunny slid a keycard through the reader and pushed the door wide with his foot. Bane followed through, shouldering the door to get inside. Myrt was in a chair at the table, feet propped on the seat, knees tight to her chest. She had one arm stretched out to where her and Marian’s hands were joined. Marian’s position mirrored Myrt, and it struck Bane how much they resembled each other. Marian was as slight as Myrt, same features framed by the same mane of hair.

  Myrt cast a trembling smile his direction, filled with a shy hope of something he thought he knew. Bane didn’t slow, didn’t detour to take off his boots or his cut, didn’t stop until he stood in front of Myrt. He crouched low, knee to the floor as he leaned close. He left the decision up to her, hovering near but not touching, gaze locked with hers. She met him halfway, lips parting in a tiny gasp as they connected with his. Still kissing, he smiled and asked her, “You okay, baby?”

  “Mmhmm.” A hand wrapped around the back of his neck as her hungry mouth opened for him, tongues sliding in a sweet, sweet caress.

  “Missed you.” He pulled back, breathing as hard as she was. “I got another room for Marian.” He jerked his head towards the door. “It’s across the hallway.”

  Gunny cleared his throat. “Actually, thought I could cop the new one from you. Save everyone havin’ to see me in the morning before my coffee.” Bane twisted to look up at him. “Prolly safer for all involved.” Gunny shrugged. “You know how it is.”

  “I do.” He looked at Marian. “You be okay bunkin’ with the boys tonight? They’re in one bed, so you’d have one to yourself.” She nodded, and he noticed the women’s hands were still gripped across the table. “Or, I can bunk with the boys, let you girls—”

  “No, I’m—no.” Myrt clutched at his neck, and he turned to face her. “Please, Bane.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Shhh, baby. I’m here. You want me, I’m here.” He tipped his head towards Marian and then the connecting door. “Boys are through there.” He twisted and rocked back on his heels, staying close to Myrt. “It’s been a long day. I know we woke you up to talk to us, and I bet you’re tired, too.”

  “Later.” The door to the hallway opened and closed, and he realized Gunny had bailed on this encounter.

  “Myrt, you know where everything is over there.” Bane glanced down at his hand resting on Myrt’s knee and saw red embedded around the nails. Shit. “I’ll get cleaned up. Be waiting on you.” She opened her mouth to protest, and he leaned close, touching his mouth to hers again. “Promise, I’ll be here.” He slipped his hand off, dangling it next to his side. He remembered the chill touch of the dew from earlier in the night, but that was followed directly by the vision of Sallabrook choking to death on half-chewed pieces of dead opossum. He pulled in a deliberate breath, biting down on the inside of his cheek until he tasted blood. “Right here, baby.”

  She must have let go of Marian, because both Myrt’s hands cradled his face, pulling him closer as she leaned her forehead against his, mirroring the pose he’d taken with her so many times. “We’re all here. We’re safe with you. You saved the boys.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, and cheek to cheek spoke into his ear. “Saved me. I’m right here too…” The pause was long, so long he thought she was done talking. “Baby,” she finished finally, and he thought it was the sweeter for having to wait.

  He stood and she rose from the chair, nestling her shoulder against his ribs, fitting underneath his arm as if she’d always been there with him. Marian watched them carefully, caution keeping her features blank. “I’m going to stay over here.” He thumbed over his shoulder. “Gunny’s put himself across the hallway.” Bane ran his hand up and down Myrt’s arm, slow and sweet. “You trusted us once, Marian. You can still trust us. You’re safe.”

  “I know.” She turned sideways and took a step until she was next to the wall. He recognized Myrt’s move of trying to melt into the furniture, blend with the wall—escape.

  “Help your sister.” He kissed the top of Myrt’s head. “Come back to me when you’re ready.”

  A minute later, both women were through the connecting door, the one from that side closed but not locked. He tested the knob quietly, turning it so slowly the women wouldn’t notice. Next he went to the hall door, ensuring it was locked, and slipped the chain into place. Pausing in front of the bathroom, he returned to the connecting door, testin
g the knob again, only retreating to the bathroom when he was confident he wasn’t locked away from Myrt.

  Stripped down to skin, he made the trip a final time, hand hovering over the knob before he settled his palm on the metal and twisted slowly. The vibration through his fingers told him what he needed to know.

  The water was hot, already steaming up the small bathroom, when he stepped into the shower. Forearms against the wall, he leaned underneath the stream, letting the flow of heat sluice away the stress. He grabbed and unwrapped a bar of soap, scrubbing it across his face and chest. Working it between his hands, he flexed and rubbed until he had a fistful of suds. Dunking his head under the water, he scrubbed it through his hair, ensuring he washed away any remains of his efforts from the night’s activities.

  Eyes closed, he ran his hands down his chest, turning to put his back to the deluge of hot water. The feel of Myrt in his hands was a memory he never wanted to lose, the soft giving touch of her skin against his. Bane stroked along his cock, root to tip and back again, fingers curling loosely in the kind of touch he liked best. Tipping his head back, he stretched his neck and tightened his abs, feeling that damned welcome tingle low in his belly. Keeping the slow pace on his dick, he reached low, cupping and gripping his balls, stretching his sack for that second welcome burn, the pain revving up the tension.

  In his imagination, Myrt was moving through the room, slow and quiet, losing clothing as she came towards him. Her hand reached out, fingers trailing down his belly to his cock.

  The wet slide of flesh against flesh filled the shower, the sound of his fingers bumping over the head loud with every satisfying touch.

  Myrt’s hands landed on his hips, pulling him towards her mouth as she sank gracefully to her knees. She looked up at him from underneath her lashes, mouth in the damned tiny, quiet smile he loved so much.

  One hand tugging his sack, the other a blur on his cock, he pushed himself to the edge.

  Myrt nuzzled along his cock, burying her nose in the curls near the root, in no hurry to take him in her mouth. Her tongue flicked out, teasing across the slit, dipping in to get a taste she was sure to make a show with, curling her tongue and moaning softly. He sank his fingers into her hair, loose now, a curtain around her naked body as he thrust into her mouth.

  Bane groaned and froze, muscles locking in place as he painted the wall with stripes of white.

  Even in my mind, she’s the best I’ll ever have.

  He’d tested the doorknob twice since getting out of the shower, each time finding it easy to turn, unlocked, the other room accessible. After extinguishing the lights in the room, he took a chance and pulled the door open an inch. His caution was unnecessary; all four occupants of the room were snoozing. The boys had migrated towards the center of their bed, cheeks resting on the same pillow and Thad’s hand covering the back of Luke’s head protectively, even in his sleep.

  Myrt and Marian were on the other bed in the room, Marian under the covers, her thin wrists sticking out the shirtsleeves of a shirt he didn’t recognize. Slumped to one side, Myrt was half propped against the headboard, Marian’s head in her lap, fingers tangled in the woman’s long hair as if she’d gone to sleep combing it.

  Bane glided closer, bare feet making no sound, hovering over Myrt, his hand out in a tentative and aborted caress. Waking her now would be selfish. With the sun breaking the horizon outside, letting her sleep, allowing her to find comfort in having her family all around her, that was the gift he could give her now. He retreated to the other room and grabbed a blanket off the foot of one of the beds. Back in the room with the Threadgill siblings, he draped the fabric over Myrt, tucking it closely around her bare legs and feet.

  Those were the last thoughts flashing through his mind before he fell asleep, how small and vulnerable Myrt’s feet had felt in his hands. How precious she felt in his arms. How much he wanted her in his life.

  Gonna keep her safe.



  Sounds rushed over him, pulling Bane from sleep. He kept still, eyes closed, running available information through his head. Everything slipped into place within a breath. The sounds were from the connecting room, a low and pleasant chatter of the boys and Gunny, along with Marian’s bright laughter.

  Most important wasn’t what he could hear, but what he felt.

  The mattress at his hip had settled, and there was heat all along his side.

  Bane lifted his head, staring down along his body. He’d fallen asleep hips still wound round with the towel, but it had come undone at some point during the night, now angled only across his groin. Myrt was curled up beside him, legs tucked close, her head resting on his ribs. She had one arm stretched across his belly, her hand resting along the edge of the towel.

  He dropped his head back onto the pillow with a silent groan. But not before his dick took notice, stiffening and tenting the towel, drawing it in a slow crawl across his skin. It took willpower, but he reached down and cradled her hand, bringing it up to rest against his chest. It was another minute before he could talk himself into giving up what she’d offered him, this moment where he could see the future he wanted with such clarity he could almost taste her pussy, nearly hear the kids they’d birth and raise.

  None of which was helping with the situation underneath the towel.

  “Myrt.” He bent his head to look at her, stroking along one cheek. “Time to wake up, baby.” She sighed deeply, turning her head into him. Her fingers clenched and then spread, flattening against his chest. “Time to get up. Boys are awake.”


  He curled an arm around her, dragging his fingers up and down the bare skin of her arm. “Food and coffee.” One thing he’d learned about her while still at Truck’s place, his Myrt did love her coffee. “Hot, delicious coffee.”

  “Instant coffee isn’t delicious.” She tipped her chin up to look at him, sleepy eyes blinking slowly. “The stuff in the lobby isn’t bad, but what passes for coffee in the rooms is terrible.”

  He stroked his hand over her head, realizing her hair was down. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen it uncontained by a tie or a braid, but something about the intimacy of having her in bed with him like this made it profound, and he found himself sliding fingers through it, over and over. She groaned and rolled her neck when he started massaging her scalp. “Feel good, baby?”

  “Mmffph.” Her head moved, and he felt a different heat on his belly. She’d either licked him or kissed him, or both.

  “That feels good, too.”

  Her chin lifted again, half-hooded eyes no longer sleepy but filled with something else. “Yeah?”

  “Oh, yeah.” The towel started tenting again, and he remembered his state of undress. “We should probably get out of bed before something happens.”

  She squirmed closer. “Something good?”

  He took a moment to remind himself she wasn’t innocent or inexperienced when it came to the mechanics of sex. But she’d never had the kind of emotional intimacy he wanted for their first time. Threading his fingers between hers, he pressed their hands flat against his chest while he stroked her cheek with his other hand. “It would be beyond good, Myrt. But not something I want with you while the door between us and your brothers and sister is partly open. When we go there, baby.” He took a gentle grip of her hair, arching her neck backwards as he crunched his way into a partial sit-up. “I want.” He brushed his lips across hers. “To take.” And back the other way, loving how she fought his hold to chase his mouth. “My time.” Covering her mouth with his, he dove deep, tongue stroking and twisting as he kissed her slowly.

  She pushed him away and covered her mouth with the hand he wasn’t holding. “My breath.”

  “Don’t care.” He pushed past her fingers to kiss her again, long and wet, until she was gasping for breath and had forgotten her concerns. Ending with a series of gentle, closed-mouth kisses against the corner of her lips, he smiled. “Now, sweetheart. Coffee and
food, in that order.”

  He swung his legs to dangle from the edge of the bed and looked back at her over his shoulder. Myrt remained still for a moment, lips in a cute pout, which made him want to climb back in beside her. He grabbed the towel as he stood, not trying to hide anything as he wound the fabric back around his hips. Gratifyingly, her attention stayed fixed south, cheeks pinking in the gorgeous way she had. Then, she licked her lips and her legs shifted as her ass wiggled. Holy shit.

  Oh, yeah, they definitely shared a common interest.

  And wasn’t that glorious to see.

  “We’re up, brother,” he called towards the barely open connecting door as he walked to the bathroom, scooping up clothing as he went. “Myrt wants some coffee, man.”

  “Got that covered.”

  Myrt stirred as Gunny responded, rolling to sit on the bed, her legs in a half circle around her. Her gaze stayed fixed on Bane—and right before he went out of sight through the door, he gave her a show. Stopping and dropping the towel to the floor, he reached back and smacked his own ass lightly. “All yours, any time you want it, Myrt.”

  “Yeah?” Jesus. Her tone was breathy and low, filled with what he hoped was arousal.

  “Yeap.” Door closed, he leaned back against it, head thudding silently against the surface. He’d meant to tease her a little, see how much interest she had, draw out those intimate moments they hadn’t been afforded many of, take them when he could. Glancing down, he chuckled at himself. Instead, he’d been teasing himself, and his cock stood out from his body, head a dark angry red. “I hear ya, little man.” Root to tip, he stroked slowly, drawing out each touch until it was a tiny bit of agony with wanting more.

  “Bane?” The door behind him rattled and he startled, staring at his reflection in the mirror. “Can I come in a minute?”

  A hundred scenarios ran through his head in an instant, but what he chose to focus on was the reminder she wasn’t innocent, and she’d clearly seen something she liked. She enjoyed their make-out sessions a lot, and she knew he was naked in here.


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