The Chronicles of Moxie

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The Chronicles of Moxie Page 11

by Z. B Heller

  He decided to take both nipples between his fingers and pinch, hard. The sensation went straight to my groin and again I let out a little yelp.

  “Shhh,” he said. “Or I will have to find something big and long to silence you,” he said, smiling against my mouth.

  I squeezed my mouth shut. Although I liked the idea of him using his something big and long to shut me up.

  Miles changed his mind and took a nipple in his mouth while sliding his other hand down my bare abdomen. The trail he left sent shivers up my back. My breath started to come fast in anticipation of what he was going to do next.

  Removing his mouth from my nipple, he whispered in my ear, “I wonder what I would find if my hands were to slide into these sexy pants.”

  A mental note to myself, buy out Lululemon’s yoga pants section.

  He continued, “Will there be hair covering your pussy or is it nice and smooth? Will it be slick and wet for me or will I have to use my tongue, swirl it around, to get it ready?”

  I didn’t want to tell him that I was so wet that Noah would have had to build another ark to avoid the flood in my pants. He slid his hand into my pants and into my silk panties. When he reached my hot spot I heard him suck in a breath.

  “A combination of hair and smooth. Just the way I like it,” he growled softy.

  I either had to stop breathing or take my pillow to cover my mouth with, because I wanted to scream out in pleasure.

  “So soft and wet. Do you like your clit rubbed or do you want my fingers to fuck you?”

  Miles was right, I did have to bite down on the pillow to stop screaming in pleasure.

  Miles decided that both options would be a perfect choice. He slipped two fingers in me while he rubbed my clit with his thumb in slow perfect motion. But he quickly picked up the pace. His rotations were going to make me lose it. I squeezed my eyes shut and threw my head back on the pillow. My hips bucked up, trying to meet the pace of his hand.

  He scraped his teeth along my jaw and said something into my cheek, just loud enough for me to hear. “When you come, you won’t be able to shout my name, but I want you to think it and burn it onto your brain.”

  I turned my head to bury my mouth into the pillow, biting again onto the fabric so hard I could have ripped it. With his words and the rhythm of his hands I came, hard. I felt dizzy, and when my eyes opened, all I could see was the ceiling of the tent moving. However, I couldn’t keep my eyes open for long, and before I knew it, Miles kissed my forehead and I fell into a very deep sleep.

  “Mmm Miles, I love playing footies with you, but I don’t remember your legs being so hairy,” I said in a groggy morning voice.

  I lay there with my eyes closed, reveling in the afterglow of a magnificent orgasm. I reached my hand over to touch Miles, but there was nothing but air. I opened my eyes, trying to remember if I’d forgotten to shave my legs. I sat up and looked under the sleeping bag.

  Holy shit…

  A scream rocked through me as I came face to face with a skunk. When the skunk realized that I was not a cozy place to rest, he turned around, lifted his tail and fucking sprayed me. I started gagging, trying to reach for the flap of the tent.

  “Oh my God!” Renee said, as she threw her hand over her face. Mr. Pepe La Pew went scurrying off, knowing that his job was complete. “Holy crap, what happened?” she said, coving her nose and mouth.

  I threw my body out of the tent, struggling for fresh air. “No…fucking…idea,” I tried to say while gasping for air. Mrs. James came running over, along with several other parents and kids.

  “Miss Summers, you stink!” Katie yelled.

  The kids started laughing and pointing at me.

  “Miss Summers smells like poo,” Austin chimed in.

  “No, she smells like shit,” said Kylie, as her mother sacked her arm and bore holes into her head with her eyes.

  “Ok, everyone, back to your tent. We’ll make sure this gets cleaned up,” Mrs. James said with authority. She turned to me, holding her nose. “Well, I suppose you were due for a raise anyways.”

  I glanced up at her while I still lay on the ground. “I would like you to know that this gets me off bus duty for life!” I retorted.

  She went to check if the skunk had left the area and to see what she could do for me, to ease the smell. Renee looked at me, still with her hand over her mouth and nose. But I could see her eyes, and they were smiling. She was trying her best not to laugh.

  “You know, if you were looking for another perfume, we could have gone to Macy’s to pick something out that was a little less offensive,” she snickered behind her hand. “How did a skunk get into your tent?

  Before I answered her question, I wanted to know where the hell my other nighttime visitor went.

  “Where’s Miles?”

  “Oh, honey, if you think that stink will act as an aphrodisiac, we need to have a serious discussion.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “He was in my tent.”

  “No, that was a skunk. Unless Miles started radiating new pheromones,” she said.

  “Earlier, asshole. He was in there earlier,” I seethed.

  “Miles is gone. He had to take Dillion home.”

  I hung my head down and rocked it side to side. Why am I not surprised? He escaped before he could reject me face to face. I suppose he liked the little game he was playing. I was never one to feel used before, but at that moment I felt more used then a whore at a brothel. This crap had to stop with him immediately. I could not take another ding dong ditch orgasm edition anymore.

  “Why the hell was Miles in your tent?”

  “It’s something I’d rather not talk about here or while smelling like a horse’s ass,” I said with my teeth clenched.

  “Nope, you definitely smell like skunk, not a horse’s ass,” she said as she nodded.

  “I’m supposed to meet David later.”

  “Then we’d better get your ass into a tomato bath ASAP.”

  “I’m not a fucking sandwich,” I barked.

  Renee couldn’t help but laugh. “No, dumb ass. You’re supposed to soak in tomato juice when you get sprayed by a skunk.”

  “Great, so I’ll smell like V-8 throughout my date. I can just say, hey, David, did you get your daily intake of vegetables? If not you can just lick me all over.”

  “There’s a come-on for you,” she said.

  I moaned.

  “Come on. I’ll go to the store and pick up the tomato juice and meet you at your place. Then you can tell me what the hell happened in that tent.”

  “Thanks,” I said, as I tried to salvage what I could of the camping material.

  An hour later I lay in my bathtub, in what seemed to be forty bottles of tomato juice. If I only had celery and some vodka, I could have made a fantastic Bloody Mary. I lay in my tomato haze and thought about last night and what the hell had happened. There was no question that Miles and I shared an attraction to each other. But why did he keep running away? Did it have to do with this mystery woman he talked to on the phone, or was it that he didn’t want anyone to know he was attracted to a girl with a little more junk in her trunk? I would have to end this thing.

  I then thought about my upcoming date with David. Part of me was slightly embarrassed about going on a date after what had happened last night. But, last time I checked, Miles was MIA, so I needed to move full steam ahead. My baby-making parts were talking.

  “Here,” Renee barged into the bathroom. “I read that if you mix hydrogen peroxide and vinegar together, that’s supposed to get rid of the smell.”

  “Great, so I’ll smell like a salad, between the tomatoes and vinegar. When I’d tell him to eat me, that’s not what I had in my mind.”

  Renee laughed and mixed the solution together. I drained the tomato bath and poured the solution over myself, all while planning the destruction of the skunk species. I rinsed and repeated a few times before I finally came out and dried myself off. I threw on some sweats and a t-s
hirt, since I didn’t have to meet David for a while.

  “You smell much better,” Renee commented. “Although, now I have a strong urge for a salad.”

  “You’re hilarious. You should quit teaching and become a comedian,” I sneered.

  “But then you wouldn’t have anyone to protect you from crotch-rotting Amber and her masterful plans to destroy you,” she said, while batting her eyelashes at me.

  “True,” I said. “I can use your skinny ass as a shank for protection.”

  I heard my phone chirp, and it was a text from Ryan.

  Ryan: Roses are red, violets are blue. These flowers smell like shit and so do you.

  “You told him!” I looked at Renee with exasperation.

  “He wanted to know how the overnight went,” she said and threw her hands up in a defensive move.

  Moxie: Rose are red, violets are blue. I told Renee to fuck off and I’ll tell you too.

  Ryan: Now is that any way to treat your loving bestie?

  Moxie: I don’t think you’ll feel that way after I give back your sleeping bag.

  Ryan: Keep it. Consider it a Hanukkah gift.

  Moxie: While I’m thoroughly enjoying this stimulating conversation, I have to get ready for my date.

  Ryan: Hope it doesn’t stink ;)

  I threw my phone onto my bed and walked into my closet, trying to figure out what the hell I was going to wear for this date. I wanted to wear something flirty, but not over the top. What the hell was I talking about? I always went over the top, but the thought of last night’s rendezvous had left me feeling confused.

  Renee broke my thoughts. “So what are you wearing, hooker?” She followed me into my closet.

  “I thought I might borrow your stripper outfit you wore during your days at Lenny’s Lounge of Ladies,” I smirked.

  “Your talent for rebuttals is impressive.”

  “I think I’ll go with a skirt, top and flats,” I said as I rifled throughout the clothes. I ended up with a flirty flower print skirt, a t-shirt and a cardigan.

  “Aiming for the virginal tactic, I see,” Renee snorted.

  “After last night’s adventures, I could use a little bit of tame in my life. But I am wearing a skirt for easy access.”

  We both smiled and laughed. I heard another ping on my phone and rolled my eyes, thinking Ryan was going for some more cheap shots. But, when I grabbed the phone, I didn’t recognize the number.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Who the hell is this?” I actually knew exactly who it was by his voice, but I was playing dumb.

  “It’s Miles. We need to talk about last night.”

  “How did you get my number? Are you officially becoming my stalker?”

  “I got it from Ryan.”

  Next time Ryan and I saw each other was going to be his last, because I was going to chop up his body and hide it in little pieces all over the desert.

  “We’ve got nothing to talk about,” I huffed.

  “The hell we don’t. I need to explain…”

  “There is nothing to explain. You like to get girls off and run. It’s like your own form of ding dong ditch.”

  “Moxie, that’s not what happened.” I could hear him getting frustrated.

  “I don’t have time for this. I have a date and I’m going to be late.” What the hell did I just say? Why did I let it slip to Miles that I was going on a date?

  “What, with that dickhead from the other night? You’ve got to be kidding!” he snarled.

  “No, if fact I’m not kidding. Maybe he has the balls to finish something you started.”

  “Moxie, don’t.” Now I could really hear the irritation in his voice.

  “Sorry, can’t hear you. The sound of my pussy screaming for a real man is causing phone interference.” I knew that was a low blow, but I was pissed.

  “Moxie!” I heard him yell as I closed the phone.

  I’d had it with Miles’s act of leaving me high and dry. It was a bad idea from the start and I needed someone who was going to give me everything I wanted and needed. Primarily, an orgasm without ditching me afterwards.

  “Your Rabbi calling you again?” Renee asked, trying to repress a smile. I just flung her a middle finger and continued to get ready.

  “Don’t you think maybe you should hear him out?”

  I spun to look at her. “Are you kidding me? Whose side are you on?”

  “I didn’t know we were picking teams again, but if that’s the case, I pick peanut butter and jelly.”

  “Don’t be stupid,” I said. “Everyone knows that peanut butter and fluff is a better option.”

  Chapter Twelve

  I stood looking straight up at a Bean. A giant metal bean that showed me my reflection as I looked right into it. The Cloud was supposed to be an art piece in Chicago’s Millennium Park, but quickly became known as The Bean because of its bean-shaped appearance. I looked at all the people passing under its large archway, taking pictures of their own reflections.


  I whirled around with my purse in my hand, ready to whip the shit out of the person I thought was trying to mug me, but immediately dropped it when I saw David carrying a grocery bag.

  “Down there, Cujo,” he said with one hand in front of his chest.

  “Sorry, you kind of scared me,” I said.

  “Well, with you looking as good as you do, I can definitely become lethal,” he smiled.

  Ok, I gave him one point for attempting to be cute, but minus three points for execution.

  “Thanks,” I said. “Not looking so bad yourself.” And it was true. He was wearing jeans and a navy polo. It screamed prep school boy, but I could definitely appreciate the bulging muscles on his arms.

  “Should we pick a spot to set up?” he said as he pointed his thumb behind his shoulder.

  “Sure,” I replied. We started to walk around the park and found a spot on the grass. David pulled a blanket out of the grocery bag and laid it down for us to sit on. Considering I was wearing a skirt, I tried to figure out the most ladylike position to sit in. I ended up with my bottom on the blanket and legs swung to my side.

  David sat and started taking some food out of the bag. Salads, water and a pint of fruit. I smiled politely, but thought of stopping at McDonalds for some real food on the way home.

  “I bet eating healthily is part of your routine, working for a sports equipment company and teaching tennis.”

  “Well, if it was a requirement, then Bob in marketing would have to become bulimic to fit in with the rest of the team,” he joked.

  But I didn’t laugh. Suddenly, I felt self-conscious. Usually, I didn’t have an issue with my weight, but something felt uncomfortable about his comment. I looked down and ran a hand over the little roll of my belly.

  “So, are you getting to know the city?” I attempted to change subjects.

  “Definitely,” he said. “The weather here isn’t always conducive to going out for a jog whenever you feel like it.” He took a big bite of his salad. “What kind of workouts do you like to do?”

  I paused before taking a drink of water. Workouts? Who was he kidding? But I figured I should make something up for the sake of conversation. It was getting a little irritated that our conversations somehow revolved around food or working out. With the type of business David was in, it should be expected.

  “Jazzercise,” I said, thinking quickly.

  He laughed. “Jazzercise? I didn’t know that was still around. I thought they left that behind with the eighties and leg warmers.”

  “Oh, no, there’s a whole group dedicated to twenty-somethings and they incorporate twerking into the dance routine,” I said, sounding very sincere.

  “What the hell is twerking?” he asked with a sour look on his face.

  So he wasn’t attuned to pop culture. I was sure he had other attributes to make up for it. I tried to change subjects again. “So what was life like in

  “Fine,” he said, looking down to his salad.

  “Fine? Just fine? I would imagine that the scenery itself was amazing. I always picture the sun setting behind a cactus and the sky radiating hues of orange and reds.”

  “Now you’re a poet?” he smirked. Something about the conversation was starting to annoy me, but I was sure I was just still feeling irritated with Miles and my nerves were raw. I kept eating my salad, running out of things to say, which for me was quite the feat.

  “You have beautiful hair,” David said. Ok, now he was trying to play kiss-up. “I’ll bet it looks beautiful spread out on a pillow.” Oh, shit, he was bringing out the moves. “You and I could get quite the workout together.” He winked at me. “I could get those thighs of yours tight and firm in no time.”

  I stopped chewing and my eyes went wide. Partially because I couldn’t believe those words came out of his mouth, but it was what I saw behind his shoulder that threw me into a panic. A few yards away, I saw Miles, Dillion and a beautiful brunette standing by the ice cream cart. The brunette, his other woman. The one he kept going back to when he left me high and dry. What were the chances they would be here? Well, lately luck hadn’t been on my side.

  “Are you ok?” asked David.

  “Yeah, fine. I just saw one of my students.”

  He turned to look over his shoulder in the direction I was staring. “Isn’t that the guy you puked on in the bar when we first went out? Is that his kid with him? I can’t stand kids.”

  I stopped to look at him, wondering what the hell I was doing sitting there with a guy who made comments about my thighs and his hatred of kids. I was a teacher, for Christ’s sake. David’s dating score was sinking by the second.

  Not a minute later, Dillion spotted me. “Miss Summers!” he screamed. He broke his hand away from Miles and came shooting towards me like a missile. No, no, no. I wanted to yell at him to heel, sit and stay like a dog, so I could hightail it out of there. But it was too late. He flew at me with a hug that knocked me over.


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