The Chronicles of Moxie

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The Chronicles of Moxie Page 13

by Z. B Heller


  I want to have dinner with you next weekend. I will make sure that Dillion is taken care of so there will be no distractions. There are some things that I want to explain to you.


  The mystery continued. I would have to get Scooby and the gang together. I was starting to convince myself that Miles was really a secret agent, maybe something like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible. And what did it mean that he was making sure Dillion was “taken care of”? Panic started to rumble deep in my stomach. Was he planning to “off” his kid in order to run away with his brunette? From my knowledge of the mob, when you “take care” of someone, you make sure their bodies are never found. Well, at least that was what I’d learned on the Sopranos.

  The letter bothered me all the way until I got to school. I dropped my things off in my classroom and headed to the teachers’ lounge. I was about to pour myself a cup of liquid shit when Amber walked in. Yes, it was official, God did have it out for me.

  “Well, Moxie, nice of you to dress up as Free Willy this morning.” She looked at me like a snake waiting to strike its prey.

  “Amber. I’m glad you were finally able to get your head out of your ass. I bet it smelled bad in there. Although, since you think your shit smells like roses, I suppose it wasn’t so bad,” I retaliated.

  “I had a chance to talk to Dillion’s dad at the school camp-out. He seriously has one tight ass. I bet you can bounce coins off that thing.”

  She was trying to hit me at the core and rile me up. Amber had probably seen me talking to him and wanted to stick her claws in him. I tried to play it cool. I looked at her nonchalantly as I replied, “I suppose, with your porn film history, he wanted to know if you spit or swallow.”

  I hit my mark. Her face turned beet red and she curled her lips into a sneer. “Do you think of anything besides sex?”

  I mixed my shit coffee with the spoon and said, “Sure I do. I have a daily diary of my bowel movements and rate them by color, size and fragrance.”

  “You are a horrible human being.” She pushed past me, storming through the door.

  I shouted behind her, “You should have seen today’s shit. Jagged, green and smelled like sewer. I named it after you.”

  At that exact moment Renee came wheezing through the door. “Amber causing trouble again?” she asked with sympathy.

  “Oh, no, we were just exchanging morning pleasantries. You know, like, how was your weekend? What did you do? Isn’t Sea World missing their whale?”

  Renee just shook her head, but then crossed her arms over her chest. “Where the fuck have you been? I called you and sent you a million texts.”

  “I moved to Amsterdam for the weekend and was working in the Red Light district. They’re very strict on cell phone usage.” I sipped my shit coffee and leaned against the counter.

  “Well, I hope that all worked out for you. Now tell me what the hell really happened.”

  She still had her arms crossed and was looking at me like a parent scolding their child.

  “My date with David was a clusterfuck and Miles came to my place when I was drunk and gave me a shower.”

  Renee stood there with her mouth hanging open. “There are so many parts of that sentence that we need to obsess over, I don’t know where to start.”

  “I’m meeting Ryan for coffee after school. Why don’t you join us for a lively discussion on how Moxie can self-detonate?” I pouted.

  “Dramatic much?” She switched her hands to her hips to continue her scolding.

  “It involves Martha and weight management.” I stared back.

  Renee stood up straight and the expression on her face changed to sympathy. She knew how Martha was constantly on me about my weight. “I’ll buy the cookies and extra espresso.”

  I nodded my head and we both left the teachers’ lounge to get to our classes. The kids came shuffling in like endangered servants ready to do my bidding. I saw Dillion and felt a sense of relief, knowing that someone hadn’t “taken care” of him. He came up to me, looking not quite himself.

  “Hi, Miss Summers,” he said so quietly that I could barely hear him. I bent down so we could talk eye to eye.

  “Everything ok, Dillion?” I rubbed his arm up and down in a sympathetic gesture.

  “Yeah, I haven’t been sleeping great. Dad gave me this note to give to you.”

  I took the piece of paper from him, but my mind immediately went to Miles humping his brunette so loud that they kept Dillion up all night. The bitch obviously had no sympathy for a young child’s growth development. Although, if I were with Miles, I didn’t think that I’d be doing a whole lot of sleeping either. I opened the note and quickly read the contents.

  Meet me at Dip It at 7:00 Saturday. – Miles

  Dip It was a fondue restaurant, with small intimate booths and romantic atmosphere. I was almost banned from there because I refused to let my pot of cheese go without scraping the bottom.

  “Go ahead and put your book bag away and go to the carpet for morning meeting.”

  My concern still loomed when Katie approached me.

  “What are you selling today, Katie?” I tried to keep my sarcasm to a minimum.

  She looked at me with what I could only describe as disgust. “I’m not selling anything, Miss Summers, but I want to talk about what we’re learning in science.”

  “You mean about the weather?” I replied dryly.

  “Yeah, you said when it gets so cold in winter, that you can stick your tongue on a pole and it will get stuck. I think that’s a stupid lie,” she said with a huff.

  “Katie, do you remember what I said about hypotheses?”

  “You mean ideas you can test?” she questioned.

  “That’s diffidently an idea you should test.”

  After school, Renee and I met Ryan at the coffee shop. My favorite barista wasn’t working, so I had to work my magic with the new guy to get a couple of extra shots of espresso. I hoped he didn’t actually believe I would blow him in the back of the store.

  We all sat at the table in the back of the café. Luckily, it was crowded, so no one else would be able to listen to the horror story that was my dating life. I took a nice long sip of my coffee and broke apart the chocolate donut I got as comfort food.

  Ryan, looking devastating handsome, patted his knees and cooed. “Come here and tell your Uncle Ryan what happened.”

  I glowered at him. “Unless Uncle Ryan feels like being castrated and using his own dick to fuck himself, I would advise cutting out the baby shit.”

  “That bad,” he said.

  I emptied my mouth, swallowing. “No, bad is when you eat White Castle at three a.m. and wake up in the morning with explosive diarrhea. What happened takes on a whole new meaning.”

  Renee gave me a sympathetic glance. “Did he have a small penis? That’s always devastating when that happens.”

  “No. Apparently David was using me for my body.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Ryan said as he sipped his green tea.

  “To make a disastrous story short, Martha conned him into dating me so I would drop some weight and try out for Miss Skinny Bitch Universe. He works with a sporting equipment company and they are trying to launch a new diet plan. He wanted me to be the guinea pig. Then Miles came over when I was piss-ass drunk, took a shower with me and put me naked in my bed.”

  “Wow. Does Miles have a nice body?” Ryan asked with excitement.

  “Focus,” I said to him.

  “Honey, I’m sorry that happened. Not about the Miles and the shower part, but David obviously has no penis and that’s why he can’t appreciate all of your awesomeness,” Ryan said as he threw his arm around me in a half-way hug.

  “So what are you going to do about Miles?” Renee asked.

  “That’s the other thing. He wants me to meet him Saturday at Dip It so we can talk.”

  “Weren’t you banned from there?” Ryan asked with a smirk.

/>   “It is not my fault that the chocolate fondue ended up down my shirt. I was trying to lick it clean and for some reason that seems to be too obscene for some people.”

  “Maybe this time Miles can lick it off your chest,” Ryan said with a wink.

  “Listen, perv, I’ll let Miles lick chocolate off me if you let Tom lick it off your asshole.”

  “That’s already happened,” he smiled proudly.

  “That’s vile!” Renee exclaimed.

  “Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it,” Ryan said.

  “But with Raj, he’ll probably want you to be slathered in curry,” I teased.

  “Moxie, that is such a stereotype. Just because Raj is Indian doesn’t mean he likes curry.”

  Ryan and I eyed each other, worried that we’d just pissed off Renee. But then she broke out in a smile.

  “Ok,” she said, blushing. “We already did that.”

  The three of us burst out with laughter. At that moment, I was grateful to have my best friends help me calm the nerves that were raging through my body.

  Chapter Fourteen

  At about three o’clock I was really beginning to panic. I had pulled at least a dozen outfits from my closet, ranging from modest teacher to fuck-me-on-the-table. Nothing seemed to work. I also questioned whether I should wear a cute matching bra and panty set or not. Wait, what was I thinking? I wasn’t going to let this man suck me into his Miles-like trance and get me on my back. He had a woman at home and I was his son’s teacher. But I couldn’t help but imagine Miles and how his eyes pierced right through my heart when he looked at me. Bastard.

  I pulled out my phone to text Ryan for some last-minute advice.

  Moxie: I have no clothes to wear and decided that I have a better chance going naked anyway.

  Ryan: Well, that’s one way to scare him off.

  Moxie: Dickhead.

  Ryan: Hmm, I can tell that you’re genuinely nervous if the only comeback you have is Dickhead.

  Moxie: I have no idea what to expect.

  Ryan: Sex. Lots of it.

  Moxie: You know it’s not that simple.

  Ryan: You’re right. Sex and a swag bag to thank him.

  Moxie: SERIOUS.

  Ryan: Ok, calm down. It will be fine. Just go in there with the sexy Moxie look and give him that Moxie attitude.

  Moxie: But I want him to talk to me again after tonight.

  Ryan: Good point. Go in black and don’t speak.

  I decided to be classy, yet sexy. I went with a black A-line dress and fire engine red heels. I am not the type of girl to obsess over shoes, but with 4 inches and a peep toe point, even I had to admit, they were hot. I left my hair down and added simple jewelry to complete the outfit.

  I was standing in front of Dip It, feeling like a girl ready to go down on a guy for the first time. My first time giving a blow job had been when I was 16, with Jordan Swartzman. We belonged to the same temple and we were in confirmation class together. He was a cute kid with brown shaggy hair that hid his brown eyes. He was on the track team at another high school, which meant he was tall and lean, which, for being a Jewish boy, was a Hanukah miracle. He had gotten a new car for his 16th birthday and, to celebrate this, he’d asked me to go with him to the local forest reserve.

  When we got there, he asked if I’d ever blown a guy before. I didn’t want to seem like a complete prude, and said that I had with fake enthusiasm. The last thing I wanted was him spreading a rumor around that I was anti-penis. We sat, parked, in a secluded spot of the reserve. Jordan undid his belt and pulled his jeans and boxers to his knees. I sat there frozen, because I’d never been face to face, or face to crotch, with the one-eyed snake. I proceeded to put his dick in my mouth and bobbed my head up and down like I had seen in videos. Right as Jordan was going to spread his seed down my throat, a police officer tapped the window. We got a stern lecture from the cop, with a side discussion of safe sex. Every time since then, I had to look around before I agreed to suck on the pickle.

  Coming out of the memory, I put my big girl panties on and opened the door of the restaurant. I loved the atmosphere of Dip It. It was warm and romantic, with booths, so you could lick your cheese in semi-privacy. I looked around the warm rich walls and the lush cushions of the waiting area, but I did not see Miles.

  The knot in my stomach tightened. If Miles was going to play his M.O. and ditch me at the restaurant, I was going to seriously take the fondue fork to stab someone’s eye out. That’s after I ate all their cheese fondue. There is no need to waste perfection.


  I turned around to see Miles walking through the door. The knot that was previously squeezing my stomach now reached my throat. Miles stood there in charcoal dress pants and a deep blue dress shirt that was rolled up to his fabulous biceps. To top it off, he sported my favorite five o’clock shadow.

  “Sorry I’m running a little behind, I had some trouble getting out the door.”

  Your brunette giving you shit about where you were going?

  He took a few strides to get to me. He stood so close, I could smell his cologne wafting through the air. It was intoxicating, a mix of musk and Miles. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to inhale his scent. I imagined us laying in bed together, my nose snuggled between his neck and his jaw, sucking in his sweet scent. I just wanted to lick my way across his neck and down his chest…

  “You ok?”

  I snapped my eyes open, realizing that I had my tongue sticking slightly out of my mouth.

  “Yeah, of course. I was just inhaling the…cheese. I could almost feel it on my tongue,” I lied.

  “Well, we certainly don’t want you to have to wait. You might dive into someone else’s booth and I’ll have to indulge on my own,” he said as he put his hand on my lower back to follow the hostess.

  Our hostess led us to the back of the restaurant, where there was a small intimate booth. It looked like it was made for only one person and I was interested to see how someone with healthy hips and a tall hunk of meat were going to fit. I slid in first and Miles scooted next to me, living little room between us.

  “You look beautiful,” he said as he handed me my menu.

  “Thanks. You look very G.Q.” I smiled shyly.

  “I especially like the shoes,” he pointed under the table. “They leave a lot to the imagination.”

  “They’re shoes, there’s not much to imagine.” I leaned in to whisper into his ear. “They have feet inside.”

  He turned his head so our lips almost touched. His eyes turned down to my lips. “I was imagining them swung over my shoulders while I have my head…”

  “Hello my name is Sam. I’ll be your waiter. What can I get you to drink?”

  Miles rotated to face the waiter. “I’ll just stick with water right now, thanks. Moxie?”

  I hadn’t moved. I was too stunned at what he was starting to say. I blinked a few times and looked at the waiter. “I’ll take a dirty martini. Extra dirty.”

  The waiter eyed me. “Haven’t you been here before?”

  “Nope! Never,” I quickly replied.

  The waiter looked at me for a few extra seconds, then walked away.

  Miles turned back to face me. “Nervous?” he asked.

  He’d seen me twisting the napkin in my hands. I threw it in my lap and rightened myself so I wouldn’t give my emotions away. “No. Is there any reason to be?”

  Of course I was nervous. First, I thought his brunette might find out that he was out with me, and second, I was afraid that the waiter was going to recognize me as the cheesy boob girl.

  Miles took my hand in his and ran his thumb over my knuckles. I had forgotten how that felt. The last time I could soberly remember was in the tent during the school camp-out. The night he gave me an orgasm to ruin all orgasms. The night he ditched me…again. That thought had me pulling my hands back to myself, and I could see his smile fall.

  “Thanks for meeting me tonight,” he said. “There�
��s a lot that I need to tell you.”

  Could it be that you are with someone else? That you’ve enjoyed having me be a plaything and now you want to make it up to me by stuffing me with glorious cheese?

  “Why do you keep disappearing?”

  It seems as though I wasn’t even going to let the steam start on the fondue pot before I started my interrogation.

  “Disappearing?” he asked.

  “Yeah. Like all the times you either get me completely worked up and disappear, or you give me an orgasm that breaks me in half and then you’re out of sight. I know you have someone waiting at home. So why are you playing this game with me? I’ve been played enough recently.”

  It was then I realized that meeting Miles here had been a bad idea. I was not a stupid girl, and the fact that I was letting men trample over me was starting to piss me off. To top it off, what the hell was I doing with a guy who was cheating on his girlfriend and was a parent of one of my students?

  “You’re right, I do have someone waiting for me at home.”

  My heart sank. Even though I mentally knew he had someone else, I was still hoping he felt the same attraction.

  “Then why did you have me meet you for dinner? Why would you do all those things to me?”

  Miles’s face turned to confusion. “I said I do have someone waiting for me at home. Dillion.”

  “I know you have Dillion. What about your other woman?”

  “What other woman?” he said.

  Oh, this was cliché, the whole I’m-going-to-pretend-there-isn’t-anyone-else-because-I’m-really-a-schizophrenic-asshole.

  “The brunette. The one at the park. I know you live with her and she calls you when we’re together. Is that when the bells go off in your head, remembering that you’ve got someone else who is probably waiting for you to come home and fuck her senseless? I know that if you were mine, I wouldn’t let you out of the fucking bed. I’d tie your ass up, and keep you there, afraid that there are other ho-bags like me trying to…”


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