Confessions Of Gemini

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Confessions Of Gemini Page 3

by Logan Tyler

  Melissa, however, was prepared. She was stronger than Sarah, and easily held her tightly, not allowing her to fall. “Oh, no miss, this isn’t the time for tantrums. In fact, up. You’re going to fetch Ms. Olivia for me.”

  “Please?” Sarah tried, her lip turning into a pout. She tried to turn to meet Melissa’s eyes, but her Top was having none of it. She merely gave Sarah another heavy swat, forcing her up off her lap and into a standing position.

  Sarah’s hands went to her backside, but Melissa caught them and swatted them away. “Don’t you dare and move it. You don’t want me to count.”

  Sarah’s lip quivered, but Melissa was right. She didn’t want her to count. That never ended well. With a sigh, she stepped around the bed and reached for the bedside drawer. With a shaking hand, she opened it to retrieve Ms. Olivia, their 14-inch, over the knee, looped strap.

  She then handed Melissa the dreaded implement, only to groan as Melissa put it on the bed next to her and pulled Sarah right back over her lap. It seemed only seconds later when Melissa started to rub the cool leather across her still warm cheeks.

  “Tell me, Sarahbell, how many swats do you think Ms. Olivia should grace you with for lying to me?”

  Sarah curled her feet up attempting to cover her bum and groaned at the feeling of the strap resting across her bottom. “I don’t know! You know I hate having to tell you a number!”

  Melissa raised the strap and brought it down in a quick snap of her wrist across the center of Sarah’s bottom. It was clearly a warning, but it also stung. “You tell me a number, or I’ll give you a strapping, and then have you tell me a number. The choice is yours.”

  Sarah hissed and bounced across Melissa’s lap as the burn settled into her muscles. Her eyes were stinging, not from pain, but with angry tears. Everything had gotten so... messed up today! Why did Beth have to see her? Why did she even have to go to the bookstore anyway? It was so stupid. Why, oh why? Another firm snap of the strap interrupted her inner turmoil causing her to bite her lip roughly in an attempt not to cry out.

  “A number please.” Melissa trailed the strap lower down her body now to rest on Sarah’s left thigh in warning.

  “Please, Melissa... baby...” Sarah tried but was quickly interrupted by a third pop which landed much harder and this time across her sit spots. It made Sarah yelp loudly and attempt to throw her hand back to protect delicate skin.

  “Begging or trying to be cutesy isn’t going to help you now, young lady. I’m going to continue until you give me a number, a satisfactory number.”

  Sarah bit her lip. She couldn’t say a number that was too low but going too high was also a risk. Searching in her head for the right answer, she felt two more stripes decorate her too-sore posterior. “Alright! Twenty! Twenty is enough, right?”

  “Is it?” Melissa asked, pausing for a moment. “Are you sure?”

  “Twenty-five?” Sarah squeaked.

  “Hmmm,” Melissa contemplated. “That sounds better. I think I’d like you to count.”

  “Count? Oh God, really?”

  “Yes, really,” Melissa encouraged with a half-hearted swat. “And no, that one didn’t count.”

  “Ugh,” Sarah groaned. “Okay, just remember I’m really, really sorry already.”

  “I’m sure,” Melissa said before pulling back the strap and giving Sarah her first real lick.

  “Ow! One.”

  “Yep, I’m gonna pick up the pace a bit. Pay attention,” she then warned before giving Sarah three more licks in rapid succession.

  “Jaysus, Melissa! Please, owie! Two, three and four.” Sarah’s bottom was burning, her cheeks bouncing quickly as she wiggled and squirmed all over her top’s lap.

  “You will not lie to me, young lady, ever! It breaks the trust we have in each other and our relationship is above that.” Melissa’s lecture was accented perfectly by the next three swats that were hastily being applied in the same fashion but on the undersides of her cheeks.

  “Melissa! Please, not so hard,” Sarah begged the woman holding what currently felt like a branding iron.

  Melissa tapped her bum again in the same place the swats landed. “Count, you.”

  “Oh yes, ma’am, sorry ma’am. That’s ah, five, six, and ah... seven!” Please, ma’am, it’s hurts so much. Please go a little easier on me.”

  Melissa, however, ignored her pleas and pulled her right arm higher into the air before swatting the center of Sarah’s bottom with a loud pop. “I am not going to go easy on you, young lady. You deserve every swat I give you. I want you to think about this every time you sit for the next few days.”

  “Yes, ma’am… ow! Yes, ma’am, I’m thinking about it. Oh, and eight!” Sarah replied as she reached for the only place, she could find purchase, which was Melissa’s ankle. Holding tightly, she willed her backside to relax. She had to be able to continue to accept the strokes, and they still had a long way to go.

  She felt Melissa raise the strap again. It came crashing down, this time solidly on her right cheek. All she could do is squeeze tighter to the ankle in her hands and gasp out, “Nine.”

  Melissa took a moment, and flipped the strap over, allowing the cool leather to slide across the stripes decorating delicate skin. “What should I do if we ever find ourselves in this position again? Hmm? Should I wash your mouth out and then make you write lines perhaps?” Melissa didn’t give Sarah the opportunity to answer before she brought the strap down two more times.

  “Ohhh… Owie! Ten and eleven… I think, yeah, eleven!” Sarah said shaking her head and trying to wiggle the sting away.

  It was getting harder now, and Sarah’s voice breaking with emotion. She’d really done it this time. She felt horrible for causing Melissa to lose trust with her.

  Her chest was heavy with regret, and she found it increasingly difficult to keep the tears at bay. Her eyes were already stinging. “I’m sorry, ma’am. So sorry.”

  Melissa nodded. “I know you are, love.” She pulled Sarah a bit closer before placing two quick licks, one on each cheek.

  Sarah responded with a hiss, the lesson scorching her lower cheeks and her memory for days to come. “Twelve and thirteen, ma’am,” Sarah managed to get out. The wetness was pooling in her eyes now, the burning intensifying as she clutched for dear life onto the ankle of the woman she loved.

  Melissa again paused, this time, Sarah felt her lover’s palm caress her heated rear. “I’m sorry, love, but I can’t back down now.” Melissa pulled back again, but this time the licks came so fast and close together, Sarah could only protest with a long squeal of surprise. “That was ten more,” Melissa mercifully offered when Sarah’s feet stopped dancing and her face moistened with honest tears.

  “Oh, that’s... that’s…” Sarah stumbled. “Twenty…twenty…”

  “Three. Twenty-three,” Melissa again supplied.

  “Twenty-three,” Sarah echoed. “Oh, Melissa… please.”

  “Two more, baby. You can do it.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Sarah sniffled, as Melissa pulled back the strap again. This time it hit hard and only once. It seared across the full of Sarah’s cheeks, and Sarah bucked in response before practically yelling out, “Twenty-four.”

  “Good girl,” Melissa said before bringing back the strap a final time.

  Sarah pushed out the last number, “Twenty-five… that’s twenty-five,” she repeated in relief.

  Melissa dropped the strap beside them and lowered her leg to allow her brat to be level across her lap. Soothingly, she rubbed Sarah’s bottom, giving her a minute to catch her breath. “You did good, Sarahbell.”

  Sarah closed her eyes and simply enjoyed the feeling of her lover’s tender palm soothing her cheeks.

  “Why don’t you come up here and get a cuddle?”

  Sarah jerkily nodded as Melissa assisted her into a standing position and then allowed her to crawl onto her lap. There she was rocked gently and couldn’t help being pulled in to the scent of Melissa’s perfum
e. It was light, with just a hint of lavender, but also mixed her natural scent, a sort of wood and leather which always reminded Sarah of the forest on a clear, spring day.

  In Melissa’s soft embrace, time slowed. Sarah could hear Melissa’s heartbeat and ended up focusing on her breathing—in and out in a slow, but steady rhythm. The motion both calmed and steadied Sarah, but after a few minutes, she found herself seeking out Melissa’s deep-blue eyes. “I am really sorry about today, all of it. It won’t happen again, I promise.”

  Melissa kissed her forehead and whispered, “I believe you.”

  The words were enough, and now forgiven, Sarah was able to bury her face in the soft cotton of Melissa's shirt once more, as they continued to reconnect with one another.

  Melissa rubbed Sarah’s arm, and slowly ran her hand up to her chin. There she used two fingers to encourage Sarah to lift it. Their eyes met, and then their lips. The kiss was soft but lingered. It was also enough to make Sarah want more. She shifted, turning to face her partner moving to straddle her lap.

  Melissa smirked at her and ran her hands down to Sarah’s still warm naked backside. “I should make you take a nap,” she teased. “Naughty girls shouldn’t be rewarded.”

  Sarah gave Melissa a little shrug. “You could take a nap with me.”

  Melissa chuckled. “Naughty, naughty girl.” Melissa then shifted them both. She half-pushed and half-picked Sarah up, encouraging her to lay on the bed before she crawled up next to her.

  Their lips met again, this time longer and more desperate. Melissa’s hand went to the front of Sarah’s shirt, massaging her left breast through the material. “We should take this off,” she encouraged.

  Sarah smiled and happily let Melissa help her off with not only her shirt but also her bra. Now nude, she lay back down on the bed. She looked up and raked her eyes up and down Melissa’s still clothed body, the very idea of what was under those clothes making her middle begin to stir.

  Sarah bit the corner of her lip. “You know, I’m not sure this is fair. You’re up there fully dressed, and me, I’m still naked.” Sarah reached for her girlfriend pulling her body closer and enjoying the weight which settled over her.

  “Oh, and what do you suggest we do about such unfairness, Sarahbell?” Melissa whispered nuzzling into her neck against soft skin. She’d found Sarah’s ear, nipping at her lobe, while allowing her other hand to roam.

  “I think you should have to strip for me,” Sarah suggested moving her head allowing Melissa access. Sarah held onto strong shoulders relishing in the message her breast was currently receiving.

  Melissa growled. “That’s an interesting suggestion you have there, little brat. Why should I do such a thing?”

  Sarah’s hands moved south, squeezing Melissa’s firm cheeks before allowing them to find their way under her shirt and onto her bare back. “Because I love you, that’s why.” Melissa thrust her jean-clad pelvis against Sarah’s nude body eliciting a moan of approval.

  “Please?” Sarah whimpered.

  Melissa caught her chin bringing their faces nose to nose. “Please what, Bell?”

  Sarah’s eyes darkened at Melissa’s commanding tone. “Strip for me.”

  Melissa growled again. She grinded her body into Sarah’s, focusing on putting pressure just above her sensitive pearl with the rough material of her jeans.

  “Your wish is my command.” She pulled away leaving Sarah wanting for more. Standing just in front of her naked lover, she blushed red as she reached for the bottom button of her blouse. Slowly she began to strip, one button at a time.

  Once open, she slipped each arm out, stopping to smirk as she met Sarah’s eyes once more. Now with only her bra on her chest, she pulled back, not letting Sarah touch her as she unhooked and let it drop to the floor. Melissa smiled and waved a finger at Sarah forbidding her to touch as she stepped back to give herself a little room.

  Sarah propped herself up using her elbows for support. Melissa wasn’t letting her help, but watching was interesting, nevertheless.

  Melissa’s hands went to her fly, where she very deliberately unbuttoned, unzipped, and started to shimmy down her jeans ever so slowly.

  Sarah’s eyebrow rose in interest as she noticed Melissa was wearing a rather risqué pair of black, satin panties. “Really? How convenient.”

  Melissa’s eyes darted downward, following Sarah’s leer. “What? We need to do laundry, and it sounds like a good job for you. After all, you are grounded.”

  “And you say I’m the brat. Well, go on. All the way. I’m expecting a show,” Sarah chided her lover itching to see the rest of her naked skin.

  “Maybe I should have put on music.”

  “See, I’m not the only brat in this house. Get those pants off so I can ravage you,” Sarah demanded.

  “Maybe I didn’t spank you long enough, or maybe not hard enough?” Melissa’s eyebrow rose in challenge.

  “Ah, no ma’am. Please continue?”

  “Better,” Melissa nodded before turning her attention back to her tease. Slowly her pants were shimmied down. She stepped out of them, and then put her hands into the waistband of her panties.

  Sarah whimpered, making Melissa smile. Instead of removing them she again crawled up on the bed. “You know, I think you need to work on your self-control. Perhaps, you need a little help?”

  “Help?” Sarah echoed, suddenly becoming nervous. “I… ah…” she continued to stammer as Melissa reached across the bed and opened the drawer that Sarah had opened earlier. From it, she pulled a long, red, silk scarf.

  “Hands above your head,” Melissa quietly ordered.

  Sarah’s eyes went wide, but she quickly obeyed. The scarf was long, and they’d played this game before.

  Melissa looped the middle of the scarf around both of Sarah’s wrists before she shifted high and then secured the ends of the scarf to one of the metal rods on their headboard. Sarah was now helpless; she couldn’t use her hands or even pull them away. They’d be securely above her head until Melissa decided otherwise.

  “Now that I have you just where I want you, what am I to do with you?”

  Sarah answered with a smile. She spread her legs, revealing her damp sex, hoping that would be enough to beg her lover to touch her where she needed most.

  “Tut tut, miss. As much as I would enjoy sucking that little clit of yours until you couldn’t come again, I have another idea in mind,” she told her gleefully.

  Reaching for the drawer again, Melissa riffled through until her hand touched cold metal. Smiling evilly at her girlfriend, she ordered, “Close your eyes and do not open them until given permission.”

  Sarah chewed her lip but hesitatingly and did as told. Her mind wandered through everything in that drawer. There was nothing she didn’t completely trust her partner to use and nothing that didn't make her center ache with longing either.


  With Sarah’s eyes now closed, Melissa pulled the Wartenberg wheel from the drawer. Moving down Sarah’s body she brushed the cold metal handle along her inner thigh then leg, watching goosebumps rise where she touched.

  “Can you guess what I have, love?”

  Sarah’s body wriggled against the soft sheets hoping to find purchase but mewing desperately when she found none. “The wheel?” she asked hopefully.

  “Very good, Sarahbell. Now, we are going to play a little game. I’m going to tease you with this for ten minutes or until you say mercy. If you say mercy before times up, I’m going to give you one stroke with the cane for every minute short you are and two if you open your eyes before you are allowed. Do you understand?”

  Sarah whimpered and pulled at the scarf trapping her hands again, only to growl in defeat when she couldn’t move.

  Melissa rolled the pinwheel across the center arch of her foot, lightly tickling it, before asking once more, “Do you understand?”

  Sarah thrashed from side to side, the bonds keeping her safely unable to move or escape. “Yes! I und
erstand!” Her breathing was coming in short puffs of air as she added, “You are evil. You know how ticklish I am!”

  “Evil huh?” Melissa grinned and again ran the wheel lightly across the arch of her girlfriend's foot following her as she jerked away.

  Kneeling onto the end of the bed, Melissa watched Sarah’s face as she very slowly rounded to the inside of her foot with the wheel rolling back and forth across the sensitive skin of her instep. Melissa grinned as Sarah clenched her eyes tightly.

  “Tickles… Melissa,” Sarah gasped out, her entire body squirming with each word.

  “Does it?” Melissa grinned. She was thoroughly enjoying torturing her little brat. Continuing with the wheel, she let it travel up Sarah’s leg, making sure to trace up the side, and then toward her inner thigh. There she knew Sarah was especially ticklish, and it was there that she decided to play.

  Melissa flipped the wheel in her hand leaving the cold steel ready to tease. She didn’t take her eyes off Sarah’s face as she traced the cold metal across the fleshy inside of her knee. She then continued north, running the wheel back and forth horizontally and in a zigzag pattern as she moved. The touch was light, but Sarah whimpered and wiggled back and forth, all the while pulling on the scarf.

  “Ready to give up yet?” Melissa chuckled.

  “No, I’m too sore for a caning!”

  “Are you?” Melissa asked as she pressed the spiked wheel a little harder into Sarah’s flesh. She knew it was just enough to get Sarah’s attention and change the sensation, making it not quite painful, but definitely uncomfortable.

  Sarah whimpered in response, but then Melissa again changed her strategy. Once more, lightening the touch, running the wheel back and forth on the inside of Sarah’s upper thigh. The movements were small and made Sarah squirm, especially as she kept changing the angle, pausing, and again moving at random intervals.

  “Ugh, how long has it been?” Sarah whined, clearly struggling to keep her eyes closed.

  “How fair would it be if I told you?” Melissa returned. With a smile, she shifted up a bit higher. The wheel still working its magic, she turned her attention to Sarah’s more interesting parts. Now with the wheel just on the inside of where Sarah’s thigh turned into her buttocks, she rolled it even slower, lighter, and just enough to drive Sarah crazy. With her free hand, however, she started stroking along Sarah’s lower lips.


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