The Heart of the Falcon: The Guardian Maidens Book 3

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The Heart of the Falcon: The Guardian Maidens Book 3 Page 10

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  The girls were giving Shaheen their full attention, and she went on saying, “Water. That’s our healer, the beautiful Valeera.”

  Harmony stood up and started taking her clothes off. I thought it was cute, and I didn’t stop her. In fact, after a few seconds, I joined her. Shaheen stopped talking as first Harmony and I undressed, and then Val and Dawn did the same.

  She said, “Um, what’s happening? Why are you all naked?”

  We sat back down, and Dawn said, “I don’t know. Harmony and Ronin took their clothes off, and you were naked already, so I thought it was part of the lesson.”

  They all looked at me and I smiled and said, “I just figured that since Falcon and Harmony were naked, it would be fun to be naked too, just in case.”

  Harmony grinned and said, “Well, I just got bored and sometimes that means I take my clothes off. Oh no, Shaheen, I don’t mean bored with the lesson. The lesson is wonderful and very important. I meant I got bored with my clothes. And the lesson kind of seemed like something sort of holy, and maybe it was best if we were naked. That’s all. I just like not wearing any clothes when we don’t have to. Do we need to be dressed for his? I can get dressed if I have to. Like if it’s better for the lesson.”

  Shaheen smiled and said, “Oh. No, naked is probably better.”

  Val said, “You said that I was Water.”

  Shaheen smiled and said, “Yes. Healing. Serenity. Flexibility. Cleansing. Fluidity. Refreshing.”

  I said, “She flows like water. She matches my movements. Not just in battle, but in all of our life. She sees the need in where I am taking us and helps everyone flow with it. Shaheen, you should see her. She is always beside me, and at my back, and my sword dances around her, and every target is hit as it should be. In battle and at home. She is our Water.”

  Shaheen said, “I see it. First Earth, grounding, solidity, purpose. Then Water, flowing with direction, healing and refreshing, cutting a canyon where we need to go. Then Fire. Dawn. You might think that Harmony was the fiery one, but it’s Dawn, isn’t it?”

  I said, “Her arrows are like lightning. Her anger, when necessary, is a protection around us. Her warmth drives away darkness and keeps us comforted.”

  Dawn smiled at the compliments as Shaheen said, “Harmony, what can you be but the Air?”

  Harmony said quietly, “The shadows. The silent death. The invisible hand. The movement far away.”

  I said, “And the whirlwind of passion. The tempestuous lover. The music of playmates.”

  Harmony stared at me and then grinned and said, “You stud. You incredible, wonderful husband. You absolute genius of a man.”

  Shaheen said, “Earth, Water, Fire, Wind.”

  I said, “And the fifth element. Emptiness.”

  Shaheen said, “All analogies break down at some point.”

  I said, “Perhaps they do, but this one doesn’t break down here. Shaheen is Emptiness. I know it in my spirit.”

  Shaheen said, “Emptiness is the mystery. The things that come from the Void. The wisdom of not thinking, and of not knowing. I am not that.”

  Val, Harmony, and Dawn looked at her, and then at me, and then at each other, and then back at Shaheen. It looked like all of them wanted to talk and none of them knew who it should be.

  Finally, Val said, “But you are. You always have been. Falcon, it’s you.”

  Shaheen said, “No, I have my talents, but Emptiness is special.”

  Harmony said, “More special than you are? I don’t think so. And besides, we have proof. Undeniable facts.”

  I said, “I am Earth. The center. Then Water, Fire, and Wind. And Falcon is the other end, Emptiness. Me at one end, and Our Shining White Falcon at the other.”

  Dawn said, “Of course! And us in the middle, protected but doing our part. Five elements. Growth, nourishment, warmth, breath, and wisdom. And comfort in all of them. A different comfort, but comfort in each. Even in fire.”

  Shaheen said, “You think too much of me.”

  Harmony said vehemently, “No! You think too little of yourself. Don’t insult me!”

  Shaheen was taken aback and said quickly, “Insult you? No! I would never insult you! Harmony, I’m your friend and so much more. I would die for you.”

  Harmony glared and said, “But would you live for me?”

  Shaheen said, “What do you mean?”

  Harmony frowned at me and said, “Ronin knows what I mean.”

  Shaheen looked at me and I said, gently, “Shaheen, do you love us?”

  She said, “Of course I do!”

  I said, “Then, do you give yourself to us, the way that we have all given ourselves to each other?”

  She said, “Yes, of course!”

  I said, “Then, when it comes to a choice, when you are faced with death, will you die for us, or will you live for us? Beyond all odds, will you refuse to be taken from us, never throwing your life away, because it belongs to me, and to them, not to you? I cannot let myself be killed. My life is not my own, and the choice is not mine to make. I cannot let myself be killed, even to save you. I belong to you, and my life is yours, not mine. If I let myself be killed, don’t I kill you at the same time? The only way to keep you alive is to stay alive myself.”

  Dawn said, “Oh, I just had a small orgasm.”

  Harmony said, “Me too.”

  Shaheen said, “So did I. Harmony, where did you learn about this? Did he teach you that already?”

  Harmony said, “Not with his words. But everything he does tells me that I am loved like that. That he will never let anything take him from me. Isn’t my own body his to do with as he pleases? And isn’t it my joy to be his? And isn’t my life precious to him? And if I give it away, don’t I take it from him, not from me?”

  Shaheen’s eyes were wide as she said, “Harmony, I will. I swear I will. I will live for you and not die for you! For all of us. I swear. My life is yours, not to sacrifice, but to serve. And to love. Yes, my body is not my own. That’s simple enough to understand because my feelings tell me it’s true. No, I see that my life is the same. But how did I insult you?”

  Harmony said, “Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Emptiness. I need them all. Ronin sees what he sees. He is no liar. He knows things that even you may not. Not because he is older or wiser or more experienced, but because he does. When you call him a liar, you call me twice the liar. He sees you. And because he does, I see you. We all do. You can hide in your cloak but think about it. Yesterday, you were there at the pools, hidden in your cloak and your fear. Yes, your fear. But Ronin saw you. He felt you and he saw you and he called to you. If he hadn’t called you, you would have stayed hidden and turned back in your fear. You wanted to come to us, but you had to have him call you. And he didn’t demand that you show yourself the way that I would have. He invited you to take courage and be loved and be part of a family. He saw the invisible girl and called to her and gave her his hand so that she wouldn’t be so afraid. You were naked, but not really. Today you are more so, but not fully. Not like I am. And it has nothing to do with your belt and your harness. You draw attention to your beauty, and you say that you love us, but you aren’t naked, and you insult me. And you insult my husband. He says that he sees you and that you are his fifth element, and you insult me by throwing away the gift of life that he offers you! I looked up to you! I wanted to be like you! Now you disgust me. Your fear smells like death.”

  I said gently, “Harmony, she needs time.”

  Shaheen said, “No. She’s right. The Elf-Girl is right. I deserve every word.”

  Then looking straight at Harmony, she stood up and said, “Stand up Elf-Girl.”

  Harmony looked surprised, but still angry and stood up and faced the older woman who now seemed a little scary to her suddenly.

  Shaheen said, “You say I’m a coward. Nobody calls me a coward.”

  Shaheen undid the harness that barely held her breasts and dropped it to the ground. Then she did the same with her

  She said, “No one has ever called me a coward and lived. But, until today, I never belonged to anyone else, and my life was my own. You have only said what you have seen, and you were right. I was a coward. I was afraid. I said it just a few minutes ago. I said that I was so afraid that I couldn’t walk. It came from my own mouth. Elf-Girl, you put me in my place. I did insult you. And under different circumstances, I might have been so ashamed of myself that I offered to let you kill me for it. I am ashamed. I have never been more ashamed. But I will not give you the option of ending my life. My life is my Master’s, and no one, not you, not anyone, not even He takes it away from him!”

  Harmony said harshly, “Apology accepted. Are you naked now?”

  Shaheen said more softly, “Harmony, I want to be. I think that I am. How can I know?”

  Harmony said, “Either you’ll know, or I’ll tell you. Your life is mine, Elf-Grandma.”

  Shaheen darkened and said menacingly, “Do you want to fight with me Elf-Girl?”

  I yelled “Wait, whoa, stop!”

  Harmony glared defiantly and said, “More than you can possibly imagine.”

  Shaheen bent down and took up her belt and said, “Buckle on your knives Tiny-Elf.”

  Harmony never took her eyes off Shaheen and buckled her belt around her waist and started to adjust her knives. She didn’t put on pants or vest, just the belt and the deadly razors.

  Shaheen said, “Then, this is how it will be. You will be the Wind That is Never Seen. And I will be the Dark Emptiness That Cannot be Lit.”

  I yelled, “Girls, stop this!”

  Shaheen said to Harmony, “Does he really believe it when we call him Master?”

  Harmony grinned wickedly and said, “He’s smarter than you think, most of the time. He knows it’s just when we feel especially sexual, and he has no real power the rest of the time.”

  Shaheen said, “Except for always, right?”

  Harmony said, “Well, sure, but don’t tell him that we will absolutely do whatever he tells us to, and probably get wet at just the thought of being his. But don’t tell him. I don’t want to disappoint him in those moments when he is as dense as a brick.”

  Shaheen said, “So, we’re doing this?”

  Harmony said, “Unless you’re all talk and tits and no power or pussy.”

  Shaheen picked up her sword and slung it over her back, and said, “I have everything I need Tiny-Elf. I’ll fight with you to the ends of the Earth. I look forward to schooling you in real combat techniques. You’ll learn quicker than you wanted to, I assure you.”

  Harmony said, “Teach me that death punch that Ronin used on Dawn’s kidnapper.”

  Shaheen said, “With pleasure.”

  Harmony looked at me and the others and said, “And, you old Elf-Grandma, I think that it’s you who’s going to be schooled in hard lessons that you can’t yet imagine. Living this way is going to be harder than you think. Somebody needs to carry the lamps.”

  I said in confusion, “What?”

  Harmony said, “The lamps. And our packs. Somebody has to carry them. Lady Darkness and I are ready to go. Someone needs to carry the lamps.” Then to Shaheen she said, “See, dense as a brick sometimes.”

  Shaheen said, “I’d laugh, but I’m too ready to go get started. Ronin, are you ready or not? We can’t have you make a plan until you at least see the entrance. I suggest that you let Harmony and I take the front until we know more about where we’re going. We’re ready for a fight, so let’s get going.”

  Harmony said, “And hope to heaven that I don’t get bored.”

  Val, Dawn, and I hurried to our feet, and I said, “Harmony, what about clothes?”

  Harmony looked at me like I was nuts and more or less ignored the question as if it were rhetorical.

  I said, “Well, I’m putting on my pants and shirt. You two wait right there. Do not go anywhere without me. I mean it.”

  Harmony and Shaheen said in unison, “Yes, your Majesty.”

  Chapter 11 - First Exploration

  The other girls and I got dressed, buckled on our weapons and packs, gathered Harmony and Shaheen’s discarded clothing, and Dawn and Val offered to carry the lamps until they were needed for something else.

  I rechecked our outfits and proclaimed us ready. Of course, there wasn’t much for me to check with two of them, just a belt and knives or short and long swords. That didn’t keep me from running my hands and fingers over various areas, eliciting fun little squeaks at various points.

  We stepped to the opening and looked down. I really didn’t expect any immediate threat. All we might see here was a squirrel or a snake that had moved in after the Kobolds had left. Maybe an owl. And as it was, we met absolutely nothing, as expected.

  What we did see was a small stairway, carved out of the stone at the opening. Dawn handed me her lamp, and I held it out in front of me to see how far we could see.

  I said, “Well, not an entirely natural cavern, at least. Someone with building skills has been here. Kobolds don’t make stone steps. Not like this. It looks like it goes down a way and then turns to the right. It doesn’t smell as bad as I thought that it might. And, remember that Delilah lived down here for several days, so there must be at least some way to light the place. Even Kobolds don’t live in complete darkness. They may not be great architects, but they do use fire. I think we got lucky. We’ll see. I think we let me go first. I’ll carry a lamp. The Wind and The Darkness at my back. Dawn and Val at the rear with another lamp. If something comes up, I will duck to the side and let you two get in front.”

  Dawn said, “I want a scary nickname, too.”

  Val said, “I’ll be Wet One. You can be Burning Lips.”

  Dawn said, “I like that. Well my squishy companion, let’s take up the rear. Since Brenda isn’t here.”

  Val said, “You mean Big Pillows. She and Thighs Delicious.”

  Dawn said, “And Baby Tits. Don’t forget our cute little Baby Tits.”

  We started down into the darkness, as Val said, “I don’t think she’ll be a baby for very long. My goodness, 27, but thinking she’s 15.”

  Dawn said, “And she scared the beans out of Ronin so much that he ran from the house in a panic. What did she do to make him react like that? I thought he said she just kissed him by mistake.”

  Val said, “Mistake my eye. She kissed him and knew full well what she was doing if my guess is correct. She’s going to grow up fast, and if she makes him quake with a ‘mistaken’ kiss, imagine the competition we’ll have when she gets a real body.”

  Dawn said, “Which one’s Thighs Delicious? Alice or Stacy?”

  Val said, “Oh, Alice. I forgot about Stacy.”

  Dawn said, “She can be Post Pouncer.”

  Val laughed and said, “Or Pole Pounder.”

  Dawn said, “Or Nude Runner.”

  Val said, "Or…"

  I cut them off and said, "Val is ‘Half-Rabbit’. Dawn is ‘Peeking Dove’. Brenda is ‘Love Muffin’. Alice is ‘Secret Kitten’. Stacy is ‘Twice Born’. And April is, well, April is ‘Baby Tits’. I kind of do like that one. But be quiet back there and be ready."

  Shaheen said, “Are they always like that?”

  Harmony said, “No. Never. I think you’re a good influence on them.”

  I said, “Come on, you girls, please. We’re trying to have an Adventure and you’re ruining the whole atmosphere.”

  Harmony said, “Whining doesn’t help make it more Adventure-like.”

  Shaheen said, “No, it sure doesn’t. Whine. Where’s my petticoats? Whine. I need a blanket. Are we there yet? Where’s my mommy? Oh whine.”

  I stopped and set my lamp down and turned slowly to face Shaheen and Harmony, who stood side by side a few steps above me. Shaheen a full six feet tall, and Harmony only five. I looked up at them, and without letting Dawn and Val see what I was doing, I put a hand on the inside of their thighs and slowly and firmly slid it upward toward their bare c
rotches. As my hand approached their uncovered sex, they both went silent, and I felt each of them stiffen a bit.

  I said, “Now, we’ve had some fun. And it has been intense. And we needed to relax and unwind. Me to.”

  By now, the ends of my fingers were just at the entrance between their slits. But I didn’t stop there. As I pushed firmly up into them, I said, “If we aren’t ready for this, we can turn back.”

  But I didn’t turn back. I felt for the sensitive nerve spot inside their vaginas and rubbed my thumb firmly over their clits. I spoke slowly, giving myself time to linger in the wet sweetness of their bodies.

  I said, “If we turn back, I’m going to go off by myself for the rest of the day to meditate.”

  I stroked the spots and their clits as rapidly as the position allowed, and both of them climaxed.

  Val said, “No fair! They just climaxed. I felt it. No fair! You have to do us now!”

  I sighed and pushed my way between the two women on the step above me and stood in front of the two behind them. I slid my hands up their legs and spent a moment giving them the same treatment, and Val and Dawn experienced nice orgasms as well.

  I stepped back to the front of our line and, facing them, I said, “Now. Be quiet and stay alert. If you can’t, we can turn back. I need peace and quiet.”

  Harmony said, “I’ll be quiet.”

  Shaheen immediately said, “I’ll be peace.”

  I grunted and started down the stairway again.

  The stairs went downward, turning occasionally. At the top, they were only wide enough for one person at a time, but that was because the surrounding walls had collapsed inward over time. After just a few yards, they widened to their natural constructed size and two at a time fit on each step. We continued downward for about 50 feet before we found the first obstruction of any kind. At the bottom of the stairs, we found a short hallway, about ten feet long, and a set of double doors at the far end. The doors stood open, in front of us.


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