The Heart of the Falcon: The Guardian Maidens Book 3

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The Heart of the Falcon: The Guardian Maidens Book 3 Page 26

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Harmony agreed to take the children to their bedrooms and get them situated for the night. I carried Nova toward the stairs and Brenda said that she would quickly clean the kitchen while Alice went to stay with the girl in my arms. Stacy and Dawn eagerly insisted on helping Brenda, but I asked Val to come with me and the others upstairs.

  When we got to the landing on the upper floor, no one undressed. There was no need. The girls all wore what were essentially night dresses anyway, and I was wearing just the lounging tunic. We took Nova to the bedroom that she had been using for the past several days and undressed her and put her under the covers. Val examined her and assured us that she was fine, but just exhausted from everything that was happening to her. Val would prepare some potions and we would bring milk for Nova before we all went to sleep. I reiterated that I felt that she should be given as much as she could be encouraged to drink.

  When Nova was resting comfortably, I asked Shaheena to go find Brenda, and when they were ready, to meet me in my bedroom. I asked Val and Alice to stay and talk to me where we were for a moment.

  When Shaheena was gone, I said, “I’m so in love with both of you. You two are my wives in ways that are unique. I wanted to talk about something. I would have talked to Alice alone, but this has to involve Val as well. Actually, it involves all of us, but I want only the three of us to know it for now. I don’t know what you will think of it. Let’s sit down for a moment.”

  There was a chair in the room and I pulled it up and the girls sat on the edge of the bed close to me.

  I said, “Um, here’s the thing. Alice says that she feels like a change happened to her yesterday. I think it was yesterday. Or maybe the day before. Anyway, when these things happen to us, I think that we should encourage them. Like the changes in Nova and Shaheena and Brenda. Like we say about deferring to whoever is the right one to lead us at any particular time. If we have a change taking place in us, we should, as a family, let it happen in the way that benefits all of us, and the one it is happening to especially.”

  Val said, “We should call Tanya.”

  Alice said, “It seems so.”

  I said, “Why? Tanya shouldn’t know about this yet.”

  Val said, “Apparently neither should we. Otherwise you’d just tell us about it. But, if we ask Tanya, she’ll explain to us what you want to say but don’t.”

  I laughed and said, “Ah, I see. Well, if Tanya were here, she would probably tell you that Alice says she got gems in her baby area and that’s why. And we would ask why what, and she would say that’s why Alice shouldn’t take the mating potion anymore if she wants a baby because Ronin loves her and now April is gone, and she should do wifely things all lovey-dovey with her husband and get pregnant with Daddy’s baby now. If she wants to, because she has the blue Elf-spots in her lady-womb anyway.”

  Alice looked at me and started to cry. Val looked lovingly at me and then at Alice and started to cry.

  I pulled Alice into my lap in the chair and held her and said, “It’s the scariest Adventure that I have ever faced, but if you are ready for it, we could have that Adventure together. We have a big family and we have so much love for you and I wondered if you wanted to. You seemed like it was exciting to you and you felt like maybe you aren’t barren anymore.”

  Val said softly, “Oh Alice, if this is what you want, you will have the love and help of all of us.”

  I said, “You won’t be alone or a little girl with a baby like you were with our wonderful April. And we’re so happy that you were willing to go through all of the hardship necessary to raise her and keep her safe and taught her to be such a fine young woman and that she is with us and loved so much now. But times have changed. If you want to have a child of your own, a child with me, you will have a house full of love and family and help and support. I can’t give up Adventuring, but I won’t stay away for very long at a time and I will be a good father if I can.”

  Alice wept, “You are a wonderful father. Look at Jack and Tanya, and even April before you and she were told the truth. I don’t have to be first. What about the others? Shaheena is oldest. And Dawn and Val were before me. And Stacy might want a child now.”

  I held her close and whispered loud enough for Val to hear as well, “We don’t pay attention to ages or rights or priorities or positions. We do what is right at each moment. Shaheena and Stacy are older. Val and Dawn were with me first. Harmony is shorter and Shaheena is very tall. None of those things matter in how we make decisions as a family. Shaheena is 300 years old, but she is a complete novice today. Oh, by the way, tomorrow is Nova’s birthday, assuming that she is awake to enjoy it. We should do something special. And get her a gift. But anyway, Alice, if anyone is going to stop taking the mating potion and have a child, it has to be you because you are the one who has been blessed by that change in your body right now. But I’m not trying to convince you to do it. I’m only trying to convince you that you can if you want it. You have no obligation. You can wait a hundred years or even decide that you never want to have a child at all. I love you always. You don’t have a duty to me. But I have a duty to you to make your dreams come true and to make your life sweet. And don’t say that you have the same duty toward me. You make my life sweeter every day, and I could never dream the wonders that I have in our lives now.”

  Val was sitting forward and stroking Alice’s arm while I held her. We both waited for Alice to tell us what she was feeling. She cried softly with her eyes closed for several minutes, but suddenly grabbed my neck and kissed me passionately. But instead of speaking as we had expected her to, she broke the kiss and turned in my lap to face the bed and put her feet up on each side of Val’s knees.

  Alice spread her legs and grabbed my right hand and pushed it to her groin. She grabbed my left hand and pushed it onto her breast and made me squeeze her.

  She said huskily, “Rub me!”

  I did as she asked and started rubbing up and down the slit of her vagina and felt an immediate wetness. My other hand played with her breast and nipple and within just a few seconds, Alice climaxed and her legs fell limply to the side, leaving her wide-open on my lap.

  She closed her eyes and relaxed against me. Val looked at me for a second, and without any prompting on my part bent her head forward and used the flat of her tongue to quickly lick Alice’s juices from her vulva.

  Alice didn’t open her eyes as she said, “I feel so loved. That feels nice.”

  Alice did open her eyes and rearranged herself so that she sat across my lap where I could cradle her again.

  After another minute, she said, “My Lord and My Love, I want a child with you. As soon as we can do it. Val, my wonderful Val, Princess Valeera, how long will it take?”

  Val smiled and said tenderly, “Alice, the potion will be out of your system in about ten days. Then it depends on your cycles and I think to some degree your eagerness and desires.”

  Alice said, “Oh, my eagerness and desires are growing rapidly now that we have opened the door for it. Ronin, I needed you to rub me. Thank you.”

  I kissed her face and she said, “I needed it because I was so aroused by what we were deciding and how you expressed your love for me and I know that you won’t be coming to bed with me tonight. And Val, this is our secret for now, so I wanted to share a bed with you and our prince to celebrate. So, we did. Thank you. I will need you.”

  Val said, “Of course. I will be with you through all of it.”

  Alice said, “I need you because you are the only one who will know for now. I need to talk to you and tell you how I feel and what I’m afraid of and how aroused I become because of my feelings.”

  Val said, “Alice may know already, but Ronin, a girl who is pregnant will often become even more easily aroused and may desire lovemaking very often. I think that Alice is one of those women. We will need to make sure that you are getting all of the nutrients you need so that you will be able to satisfy her.”

  We paused and looked at Val. Sh
e went on, “Well, if you’re gone for even a few hours, you might expect that when you come through the door to the house that she will want you immediately. She may feel that she has needs that are as strong as her need for food. She will need good food often, and good love just as often. Our bodies change when we’re pregnant, and the body wants love as well as food. Ronin, she may need you more than once a day. And just like food, if she goes hungry, she will not be happy.”

  Val grinned a bit and said, “I have seen women who are not happy at all if their husbands can’t care for them during the pregnancy. You will be safest if you feed her before she gets ravenous.”

  Alice said, “I am starting to feel hungry already. But you gave me a little morsel just now and that will have to be enough for tonight. Go take care of the others.”

  Val helped Alice to her feet and said, “I’ll change your potions tonight. But from now on, I need you to help me. We have to prepare individual potions for eleven people now. Two times every day. We can prepare them for several days at a time, but when I’m not here, you will need to make sure that the proper ones are set out for the proper people. I will train Stacy as well, but for now, we won’t let her know about the changes to your recipe.”

  I said, “I am very excited and happy. Alice, you are very special to me. I am so happy about this.”

  I kissed both girls and headed down the hall to my own bedroom. Wow, I was going to have a child. Wow. I wondered if it would be a son or a daughter. I wanted both. Maybe it would be twins. Maybe another of the girls would be ready for child at the same time.

  Maybe Stacy would want a child now. Why hadn’t she had one before? Had she not wanted one, or was she also prevented by some infertility or emotional blockage. Oh, this was great. If I stopped to think about some aspects of it, it might be worrisome, but not right now. Right now, I was thrilled. Who else could have a child soon? The only real possibilities were Alice, Stacy, and Brenda; the Home-Wives as April had called them. The others would be busy Adventuring, but if one of them wanted it, they could stay home instead. I needed them all, but I also wanted all of them to have the opportunity. And not just the opportunity, but I felt now like I wanted children from every one of them without exception. Of course, not too many at the same time. We would live a long time, so there was no reason to hurry. Except that I was excited now and wanted it. But I had to be rational. Oh, this was wonderful.

  Chapter 27 - Mug, Pitcher, and Bowl

  When I got to my new bedroom, Brenda and Shaheena were already there sitting on the sofa next to the bed.

  Shaheena immediately said, “Ronin, Master, we will do what you want, but we’re learning about you and want to suggest a course of action for this. The truth is that we think that you’ll be too timid and feel that somehow you’ll make us feel that we aren’t loved in this. But we are. I’m not trying to take control. I am naked, I swear it. And I know that if I had been allowed to explain my feelings as your pet instead of Tanya, that I would have said that I was your devoted puppy rather than a tamed magical unicorn, and that you and perhaps others would be uncomfortable to have me call myself no more than your dog. That was never what I meant, and the way that Tanya helped me was perfect. But I am afraid that you will still deny me what I feel and how I see it. I am your tamed magical unicorn and I decided it unconsciously weeks before you saw me. Ronin, let me be what I am. I’m afraid that you will force me to deny myself because you feel that it dishonors me. It doesn’t. I am a very strong half-elf princess in your house, transformed into such because I was a wild unicorn and you tamed me. If I belonged to the child, I would sit beside her at dinner and eat from her hand. Let me do the same with you. Not every night, but when we feel that we want to. Don’t I throw myself on my back with my knees at my shoulders when you want me, and doesn’t Brenda present her pretty rump in submission because we love and desire you and it pleases us to beg you to let us comfort you and express our love and desire and attraction and arousal? And don’t you pleasure us for our benefit even at the expense of your own comfort sometimes? Brenda and I belong to you. Maybe more than the others, we don’t know. All of your women long for your love and your lordship as our prince. It seems strange that I would be like Brenda, but I am. Please, I am an Adventure-Wife and Brenda is a Home-Wife and it couldn’t be more perfect that one of us would be with you always no matter where you go.”

  Shaheena was almost crying for some reason as she paused in frustration.

  Brenda took up her cause saying, “Sweet Master, we want you to be bold with us regarding our milk. And if you force us, we will do what we must to convince you and to demand that you take us as we are. We have choices as you tell us always. We don’t have to do what you want, but we choose to. And now, in this, it is Shaheena and I who need to lead, not you. We’re sorry and afraid, but we know what we want, and we know that you will give it to us, but we have never done anything like this, defying you for your good and for ours. Please, learn from us.”

  Shaheena said, “Master, forgive us but Shoshin must apply to even he greatest king.”

  I had been standing in front of the women as they pleaded with me for something that I didn’t understand yet, but I knelt between them and held out my hands to them.

  I said, “Ladies, you’re breaking my heart. I don’t want to be a tyrant in anything. I know that you don’t think of me that way. What do I need to do for you?”

  Brenda said, “Take off your clothes to start with.”

  I stood up humbly and pulled my tunic over my head and laid it on the bed.

  Brenda said, “Now Beloved, wait while we get ready. Sheena will go first.”

  I said, “I thought that you would go first since you know what we need to do, and you would show us.”

  Brenda yelled, “Harmony, I need you up here!” and she glared at me.

  I said quickly, “OK, I’m sorry. I’ll do what you say. Harmony doesn’t have to come.”

  Brenda called out again, “Harmony, never mind. Sheena, stand at the end of the sofa with your waist against the arm of it.”

  Shaheena did as instructed, but Brenda frowned.

  She said, “You’re too tall Sweetie. Here, move the sofa away from the wall.”

  Shaheena and I took hold of the furniture and moved it to where Brenda indicated so that it sat up against the edge of the bed.

  She said, “Now, stand behind it and put your waist against the edge of the back of it. Ronin, are you ready for this? No questions? Naked like Sheena?”

  I said, “Yes, I’ll do my best. I swear to try. Are you calling Shaheena ‘Sheena’?”

  Brenda said, “I am. Out on your Adventures, she may be Shaheena, the Tender Falconess, but here, in my house, she is Sheena, the Gift From The Heavens. Are you shocked at me?”

  I had never seen Brenda be like this, so assured and forceful. So in charge.

  I said, “No Mistress. You are in charge because your magick is called for now.”

  She said sternly, “By calling me mistress, do you mean that you are my slave? That you have no will of your own or that you can’t decide for yourself what to do? Do you mean that you are my plaything and no longer the ruler of my house?”

  I smiled just slightly and said gently, “No Mistress. I mean that in every house there is a Lord, and if he is blessed then one or more royal Ladies. You are the Lady and Mistress of this family at this moment and I am humbled but not humiliated that you sit beside me as my Queen.”

  Brenda said, “And, why do you obey me?”

  I said, “I don’t obey you Mistress, because you don’t command me. You offer me choices because you love me. Even if they sound like a command, I am able to choose. But right now, I don’t know what to do to keep us safe and get us the thing that we need. I am happy to follow your leadership because you love me.”

  She said, “Are you afraid of what may happen?”

  I said, “No. I have no reason to fear anything. Everything you have me do is for my benefit and for the
others of your house that you love beyond measure. I am not in any danger and neither is your beloved Sheena. I have no fear. Mistress I am learning a great lesson from you.”

  Brenda got very soft and said, “Oh Ronin, I had hoped that you would. I have never acted like this, not ever. But I see how you do what’s best for us, and I know that this is best. You are worthy of the honors and titles that we give you. Even as Sheena and I and all of the others continually say how our own bodies are yours, it isn’t too much. Do you see that now?”

  I said, “I think I do see it better than I did. My body is yours to do with as you please. If I say that I will sit at your feet, you would forbid me I think, but I would have no shame in doing it. I think that I am understanding. You didn’t demand that I call you Mistress or even suggest it. And there is no humiliation between true lovers for words like that. It was in my heart and I said it because it was true.”

  Brenda smiled and said, “Oh Ronin, you are wonderful. But we have to hurry now. Sheena is in a great deal of discomfort and a minor amount of pain.”

  I turned toward Sheena who stood next to me at the back of the sofa and she nodded at me and bit her lip.

  Brenda said, “Master, you have brought her milk to her breasts out of love for you. She has increased it every moment as you showed your love this evening. Arousal fills us with milk. That’s why when I climax, I shoot streams of it. Poor Sheena has been ready for hours, even though she didn’t understand it, and now because you understand us better, she feels even more accepted by you and therefore more loved.”

  During this time, Brenda was busy putting down a towel and positioning a large bowl on the seat of the sofa in front of the tall Elf-girl.

  She said, “Sheena, bend over the sofa and let your breasts be close to the bowl. Brace yourself with your hands.”

  Sheena leaned over so that her shoulders were lower than her hips and her arms were straight. Her breasts hung over the bowl, coming to about four inches from the rim. The bowl itself was big enough that both breasts were above it at the same time.


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