Dragonfly of Venus

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Dragonfly of Venus Page 11

by Susan Ferrier MacKay

  Moira was delighted with the rabbit trophy, quickly skinning it and popping it in the cauldron for a delicious rabbit stew. She saved the skin and dried it. After several more rabbits, Declan had enough skins for a warm pair of gloves.

  Declan tramped with Callum across the island to beyond a boggy area where he helped Callum cut peat in preparation for winter fuel. After showing Declan how to form three-by-five rectanglesDeclan became adept at cutting the loamy black earth with a spade. As soon as two large sacks had been filled with peat the two men dragged them to the back of the house, allowing them to dry over several days before stacking them onto a growing pile. Callum indicated the pile had to be three times as big so when Callum was out fishing, Declan frequently set off alone. He gathered berries from brambles and ate them, enjoying their sharp fruity taste. His eye became keen, allowing him to spot partridges in the close, and even though he didn’t like going in the sea, he’d discovered a rocky ledge that was perfect for gathering small crabs and fish that he cooked over a peat fire.

  Declan hadn’t spent any time alone with Fionnaugh since she flashed him her snowy breast with the firm, pink bud of a nipple. The thought of it gave him pleasure and made him harden.

  One fine afternoon, as Declan was laying the last sack of peat onto the ground beside the potato patch, he thought he heard a strangled scream coming from the barn. Carrying his spade, he sprinted inside. Iain, the ginger-haired lad had Fionnaugh pinned against the back of the barn, one red-knuckled hand over her mouth, the other under her skirt. She was struggling and squirming in protest but her slight figure was no match for the overgrown boy.

  “Hey,” cried Declan. “Stop that. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  Iain let go of Fionnaugh and turned around. His face twisted into a nasty sneer. He muttered something Declan couldn’t understand although Declan clearly got the message that the words were filled with hate. Fionnaugh flew to Declan’s side but he pushed her out the door, not wanting her to witness what might happen next.

  Iain grabbed a wide-pronged pitchfork leaning against bales of hay and hurled it, with all his strength, at Declan. The light in the barn was muted but Declan saw the missile coming and moved deftly to one side. The prongs of the pitchfork sank two inches deep into the barn wood beside him. Iain made a move to retrieve it but Declan stepped in front of him, still carrying the sharp spade he’d used for cutting peat. He dropped it with a thud onto the mud floor. This fight was to be a fair one.

  Bellowing with anger, Iain charged with knuckles raised. He swung for Declan’s head but Declan ducked. Spinning on one foot, Declan kicked his other leg high into the air delivering a roundhouse blow to Ian’s solar plexus. Declan was surprised at himself. How on earth had he known how to execute such a slick maneuver? What else was he capable of?

  “Oof," grunted Iain as he dropped to the floor like a sack of peat. Immediately, Declan was on top of him. He grabbed the boys’ shirt and banged his head against the mud floor.

  “Stay away from her. Do you understand?” yelled Declan.

  Iain looked at him in fear, hiccupping little breaths of air back into his lungs. Then he let out a howl of anguish at some fresh new assault on his body. Declan turned in time to see Fionnaugh withdrawing her foot from Iain’s crotch.

  Iain curled up like a baby, sobbing and moaning in pain.

  “That was a low blow. Perhaps not entirely necessary,” muttered Declan.

  Fionnaugh stood over the quivering lump, a torrent of angry words pouring from her mouth. She pulled back her leg as if she was going to deliver another swift kick to the balls but Declan lifted a hand to restrain her. The thought of another blow to such a tender region made Declan nauseous. It was enough. Iain finally hefted himself onto all fours and crawled towards the door. With a sob he managed to stand before lumbering away.

  Fionnaugh smiled, running her hand down Declan’s cheek. She was clearly thanking him, and prepared to offer much more than words. She placed his hand on her breast, nibbling gently on his ear. Declan felt himself stiffen. His heart was still racing with the adrenaline of the fight. And he was aroused.

  Fionnaugh, caught in a shaft of light slanting through a crack in the barn wood, was a vision of youth and beauty. He drew her to him, kissing her first gently, then with increasing ferocity. She moaned, placing his hands on her breasts, wanting him to want her.

  Declan unbuttoned himself, letting his erection spring forth. Fionnaugh looked at it in amazement. It was a wonder to her, this man thing, this thing she’d first seen on the beach the day Declan had been washed ashore. She had thought of it over and over again but had no idea it could transform into something so big. She’d seen a ram with the sheep and a rooster mounting chickens, but this was something altogether new.

  She reached out, touching the man thing in wonder. Her caress made Declan moan. She was surprised and emboldened. The tip, with its tiny opening, was heavy and swollen. She squeezed it a little harder. Clearly this was a good thing because Declan moaned again. She wasn’t sure what to do next but she didn’t have to worry.

  Declan picked Fionnaugh up and carried her to some bales of hay where he laid her on her back. His fingers made their way to the secret space between her legs. How different this felt from Iain’s rough groping. Declan’s fingers were gentle as they made their way inside her. Moisture flooded her. She was ready. This was her first time with a man, and not just any man. This was a mythical creature, a man-God from the sea sent just for her. She opened her legs for Declan to make his way inside. It was a strange, rubbery feeling, not at all what she expected. Encountering the resistance of Fionnaugh’s hymen, Declan stopped, gazing in wonder at the young girl beneath him.

  “My God, you’re a virgin,” he whispered.

  Fionnaugh didn’t understand Declan’s words. All she knew was she wanted him to keep going. She wriggled her hips pulling him into her. Declan thrust again and again. She stared at his face, interested in the transformation taking place. Declan’s eyes were closed, the dark lashes set off by his pale complexion. He was smiling, a sort of smile but unlike one she’d seen before. His perfect teeth were showing as he moved against her. It was a look of ecstasy. She was responsible for it. This was mating and she loved it. She wanted to do it again and again.

  Fionnaugh pushed back against Declan in an instinctive rhythm. He gave a final shuddering thrust then collapsed against her. She felt his warm breath against her neck. He let out a deep sigh with a word she didn’t understand.



  By the time Elizabeth got to bed she was exhausted. That day she’d viewed ten different houses in different parts of the city. They’d been too big, or too small or ridiculously overpriced. The one house that truly interested her was a large stone duplex on wide and shady Palmerston Avenue in Toronto’s annex area but the taxes were outrageous. In order for the house to make financial sense she’d have to have a tenant and that didn’t appeal at all. She’d simply have to keep looking.

  After checking the twins were safely asleep, Elizabeth climbed under the bed covers in one of Joan’s guest bedrooms, grateful for the soft comforter and exquisite Egyptian cotton sheets that enveloped her in a soothing feeling of luxury. She closed her eyes. Her dreams had been disturbing of late. Declan frequently made an appearance telling her he was alive. That was impossible. Declan was gone and she would never see him again. Part of her would never stop grieving. She would never clamber from the depths of loss but she had to find a way to separate that side of herself from the demands of daily life.

  Elizabeth wondered if she should see a therapist. Oh how she ached for Declan. Was she doing herself a disservice by bringing him alive in her fantasies? No. She refused to give them up. But without Declan to share them, fantasies once again belonged to her secret world. It was nobody’s business but her own. She closed her eyes and began spinning a tale to excite her imagination.

  Declan Thomas’s imagin
ary penthouse was directly across from her own. He never bothered to close the blinds so Elizabeth frequently caught sight of him striding around naked. His long limbs and firm buttocks excited her, not to mention the sight of him occasionally fondling his own dick and jerking off.

  Elizabeth peeped shyly from behind her drapes, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. She felt guilty but was hopelessly intrigued. She didn’t have long to wait. Declan, wearing only a pair of loose track pants, appeared in his spacious living room with an exotic woman of mixed African and Asian descent. She had long black hair, long black gloves and thigh high black boots. Declan reclined on a lounger, as casually as if he was watching television, while the woman slowly stripped in front of him. The peeling off of her gloves was a slow sensual process. The woman used her teeth to release each finger while slowly undulating her hips. The woman kept her boots on. Elizabeth had no trouble seeing Declan getting harder and harder. When he removed his pants his erection stood up like a tent pole.

  Declan got up slowly and, with his back to the window, indicated the woman should suck him. She was happy to oblige. Since the woman was kneeling in front of Declan , Elizabeth could no longer see her face but it was evident what she was doing. Long red stripes appeared across Declan’s buttocks as the woman’s nails urged him deeper into her mouth.

  Elizabeth began to touch herself. She really shouldn’t be spying but she felt the telltale throbbing of blood pulsing into her clit and knew she needed release.

  Declan’s ass muscles clenched as he pulled out of the woman’s mouth. He turned around to face the window so Elizabeth got a full-on view of his enormous dick. He directed the woman to kneel in front of him, urging her to continue so now all Elizabeth could see was the back of the woman’s head as she continued sucking Declan.

  Declan tilted slightly backwards, eyes closed, clearly enjoying the hot tongue that was pleasuring him. Then, to Elizabeth’s shock, he opened his eyes, pointed two fingers at them then turned them towards her in the gesture that meant, ‘I’m watching you.’ Elizabeth shrank away in embarrassment. She’d been caught. What was she supposed to do now? Declan gave her a clue. Once again, he stopped the woman pleasuring him and gave her an instruction. She stood and turned to the window so Elizabeth could clearly see what she was doing. She began masturbating. Declan pointed to the woman’s actions then pointed to Elizabeth. He wanted her to do it as well.

  Elizabeth began touching herself timidly at first. As Declan nodded encouragement, she became bolder, parting her legs and enjoying Declan watching her pleasure herself.

  Declan told the woman to resume sucking him. She got back on her knees and did as he said. He was being sucked off while Elizabeth was publicly masturbating for his pleasure. God knows who else was watching.

  Elizabeth’s orgasm arrived with the force of a cavalry charge thundering over the hills. How sad the real Declan wasn’t there to share it. Sighing, she turned on her side and fell into a dreamless sleep.

  The next morning Elizabeth woke early before the twins were awake. She showered, made a cup of tea, and enjoyed the stillness of the morning. She thought of Effie and wondered what she was doing. She hadn’t heard from her friend in a month. Was the affair with Jimmy Mack still going strong or had they’d tired of each other?

  She looked at her watch. It read 6 a.m. That meant it was 11 a.m. in Scotland. Effie would likely be awake. Elizabeth thought she’d try Skyping, even though the internet in Kinlochbervie was notoriously unreliable. She turned on her computer, delighted to find Effie online.

  “Sweeeetie. How are you?” cried Effie, beaming at Elizabeth from three thousand miles away.

  “Well as can be expected.”

  “How’re the kids?”

  “Good. I’ve got them in school now. It gives me a break and they seem to like it. How’s things in good old Kinlochbervie?”

  Elizabeth saw Jimmy Mack in the kitchen behind Effie. Effie made a face, turning down her mouth.

  “Hi Jimmy,” called Elizabeth. He wiggled his fingers at the screen.

  “Hang on a minute,” said Effie. She turned away from the screen and gave Jimmy a quick kiss.

  “Bye hon. See you later.” Elizabeth heard the front door slam closed.

  Effie turned back to Elizabeth.

  “He’s gone. I can talk now”

  “What’s up?” said Elizabeth.

  “I have to get the fuck out of here,” moaned Effie. “I haven’t seen a single ray of sunshine in over a month. Nothing but rain and wind. I’m worried I’m going to get rickets.”

  “That’s from a lack of vitamin C,” said Elizabeth, “not D which you get from the sun.”

  “Whatever,” said Effie. “I’m deficient in the whole fucking alphabet.”

  Elizabeth grinned. “I do believe I mentioned the weather.”

  “You did,” said Effie. “I thought you were exaggerating. Plus, it’s impossible to get anything fixed.”

  “Tell me about it,” said Elizabeth.

  “The dishwasher’s not working. Jimmy took a look at it but he says we need a proper repairman. I have to do dishes by hand,” complained Effie.

  “Must be hell.”

  Effie continued her tirade. “I called a repair shop in Inverness. They said they could send someone up in six months. Six months! It’s ridiculous. Bridie and Tattie are having trouble with their toilet. They need a plumber. There isn’t one. There isn’t a fucking plumber for miles. And the one electrician here is worked to death. Somebody in the pub told me they’d been waiting for him to show up for over a year. And, if you can get someone to fix something they seem to charge by how much money they think you’ve got,” complained Effie. “It’s awful”

  “I know,” agreed Elizabeth. “Although in the Scottish way of looking at things, it seems almost fair.”

  “There’s no dentist either,” grumbled Effie. “The government sends around a fucking mobile screen machine so people can watch a movie but fuck their teeth and gums.”

  Elizabeth listened to Effie’s outpourings with some amusement. She knew all too well the difficulties that came with living in such a remote corner of Scotland.

  “So what’s the plan Eff?”

  “I am done,” said Effie. “No way I can last through another winter here. I’ll be a fucking basket case.”

  “Does Jimmy know?”

  “Not yet,” said Effie glumly. “I’m not looking forward to telling him either.”

  “He’ll miss you, that’s for sure,” said Elizabeth. “I think you might have stolen his heart.”

  “He’s a Libra,” said Effie. “He’s used to going with the flow. Besides, I can always visit.”

  “True enough. You’re only twelve hours away.”

  “There’s another reason I’d like to get back,” said Effie. “I’ve been in touch with a couple of investors and there’s some interest.”

  “In Rags ‘n’ Beats?”

  “Yeah,” said Effie. “There’s nothing like being there in person to get a commitment.”

  “I’ve been in touch with Solomon. He’s assured me he’ll help me get an entrée to musicians,” said Elizabeth.

  “Fabu,” said Effie. “I think we can make it work.”

  Just then, a golden lab came into view, his long pink tongue lolling out.

  “Oh, there’s Django,” cried Elizabeth. “How is he?”

  “He hears your voice,” said Effie patting the dog on the head. “He’s a good boy. Tattie and Bridie said they’d be happy to take him.”

  “Great,” said Elizabeth. “They love him and will give him a good home.”

  “Yeah, it’s all good.”

  “So when are you thinking of coming back?”

  “Soon as I possibly can,” replied Effie.

  “Give the keys to Bridie and ask her to close the cottage down,” said Elizabeth. “She’s done it before so there won’t be any problem.”

  “What about you?” asked Effie. “You still at Joan’s?”

>   “Yes, but I’ve been house hunting. We need a place of our own.”

  An idea popped into Elizabeth’s head.

  “I’ve seen a great house on Palmerston but it’s a duplex. Any interest in taking the upstairs? It’s gorgeous.”

  “Mark me down,” said Effie. “I’ll need a place to live so why not?”

  “It could also work as a temporary office. I’ll send you the link so you can take a look at it.”

  “Perf,” said Effie.

  Elizabeth could hear the twins stirring.

  “Okay Eff, I gotta go now. The kids are up and I have to get them ready for school. See you soon.”

  “Yes you will. Bye sweetie.”

  Effie’s face disappeared from the screen. Elizabeth’s brainwave of sharing a house with Effie made complete sense. They’d have their own private space but would be on hand to keep each other company. The arrangement would also make things convenient to talk about their magazine. For the first time in a long time Elizabeth felt buoyant.


  Fionnaugh spent the morning hanging out washing, feeding the hens and mucking out their droppings to spread as fertilizer on the garden. Her mother, Moira, had one of her spells during the night. They frequently occurred around the full moon when Moira took to dancing naked in the garden, claiming to see fairies and goblins. She and Callum had covered Moira in a blanket and eventually persuaded her back inside the house.

  When things settled down, and Callum and Moira gone to bed, Fionnaugh slipped into Declan’s room to watch him sleep. She could lose herself completely in his beauty. He lay on one side, his naked arm on top of the covers. Fionnaugh stared at the strange mark at the base of his left hand, a small half circle with a dot. She had pointed to it once, raising her eyebrows to inquire what it was.


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