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Boondocks Page 7

by Casey Peeler

  Ally, Beth, and I jump up in delight and begin to hug each other. I turn to Walker, and without thinking, hug him, too. He doesn’t move, and I realize what I’m doing. I slowly unwrap myself from his body and quickly apologize.

  “It’s all good, Chauna. I just can’t hoot and holler like a girl.” He winks.

  “That’s probably a good thing,” I reply and then turn to the girls and continue squealing.

  As soon as the field is cleared and the players begin to make their way from the dugout, I sprint toward Logan. He sees me coming and drops his bat bag as I jump into his arms. He holds on to me as I wrap my arms and legs around him as he spins me around.

  “Y’all did it, Lo!” I say.

  “’Cause I had my good luck charm,” he says as he places me back onto the ground. He picks up his bag, and we make our way toward our friends. He gives Walker a friendly nod.

  “Nice game, Logan,” Walker says.

  “Thanks, man. Now it’s time to relax and enjoy some time off,” Logan says.

  “Sounds perfect to me,” I say.

  “I think it’s time to go to the lake. What y’all think?” Logan asks.

  We all look at each other. “I’m game,” I say as I look to Walker. “Meet y’all there in twenty.”

  Walker and I walk toward my truck. “You’re coming, right?” I ask.

  “Yeah. Want to ride together?”

  “As long as you’re the one to take me home this time.”

  He walks toward me, places his hand on my cheek, and says, “You better damn believe it.” He kisses my cheek and takes a step backward. “Better hurry home. I’ll be there in a few,” he says as he walks backward toward his bike. I smile at him as I unlock my truck and quickly make my way home.

  Walker is at my house within fifteen minutes. I already have my suit on, so I leave Daddy a note and hurry to the bike. Straddling the bike behind him, I wrap my arms around him, and my heart melts as he glances over his shoulder and smiles that perfect smile.

  “You ready?” he asks.

  “Hell yeah,” I say as we pull out of the driveway.


  I get excited knowing that we are the first ones here, and I get a little alone time with her before her friends arrive. She lays her towel out on a chair, and I sit on the one beside her.

  “Gosh, it’s hot out here,” she says.

  “Yeah, I’m about to jump in. Whatcha think?” I ask.

  “I’m game,” she says as she stands.

  Within seconds, she’s diving into the water, and I’m right behind her. After a few minutes of splashing around, she swims toward the ladder. I have no choice but to follow her. Once we’re back on the dock, she dries herself off, and I just stare. Her perfectly curvy body, in a bikini, is bad enough, but she is dripping wet and purposely drying off slowly to torture me.

  “Can you do that any slower?” I question her.

  She looks at me and does exactly that. I waste no time taking two steps toward her, scoop her into my arms, and she begins to squeal with laughter. She knows what’s next as we approach the edge of the dock. I jump in with her in my arms, and she never lets go of me as we surface.

  “What was that, Walker?” she asks.

  “The way you slowly dried off was getting me pretty hot so I thought we needed to cool off again.”

  “Oh, really?” she says with her arms still around my neck.

  “Yup. That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” I admit. Just as I’m about to lean in for a kiss, I hear a car door slam, and she pulls away. Looking toward the driveway, it’s none other than Logan. Go figure.

  She quickly lets go of me and swims toward the ladder. This time she wraps the towel around her as he approaches and another car pulls in behind him with everyone else. Logan takes a seat on the chair I had been using, but before long he takes the Jet Ski out for a ride. Chauna looks my direction, and she moves toward the other one.

  “Wanna ride?” she asks. Hell yeah, I do.

  “Sure,” I say calmly.

  We ride for at least half an hour then park ourselves on the dock to soak in some sun. I have to say it’s been a very long time since I’ve had fun like this. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I was at a beach or just hanging out at a pool. I can tell you this much, sunshine is good for the soul, and I can’t wait to spend my summer out here.

  As the sun fades in the sky, everyone begins to leave. Logan asks Chauna if she needs a ride, and I hold my breath waiting for her answer. When she politely tells him I’m taking her home, I can see the muscles in his jaw tighten, but he nods and tells her he’ll call her later. Once everyone leaves, we sit and talk.

  “You said you found the lake earlier. What part?” she asks.

  “I’m not sure. It was like some dirt road not far off the bridge. Wanna go check it out?” I ask.

  “Sure,” she says as we stand. She slides on her cut-offs and tank top while I pull on my shirt. As Chauna wraps her arms around me with her wet swimsuit soaking through my T-shirt, I have a very hard time concentrating on the road, but quickly find the dirt path and we walk toward the lake.

  “So, this is it, huh?” she says with a smirk.


  “You’ve found the old fishin’ hole. I don’t think I’ve ever been here,” she says with a wink.

  “I find that hard to believe,” I say as I turn to her and place my hand against her cheek. “I’m going to kiss you now,” I say, not asking permission. Slowly, she closes her eyes and leans into me. When her lips touch mine, I feel peace within my soul. Not wanting to ruin this moment, I kiss her gently, slowly, and softly. As I pull away from her, she opens her eyes and smiles.

  “Walker Bentley, can you kiss me again?” she whispers, and I do just that.

  Chapter 17


  The moment Walker’s lips touched mine I knew there was no turning back. This boy rode into my life for a reason, and I’m ready to enjoy the ride. I hope he’s feeling the same way, or my heart is going to be obliterated.

  Walker and I sit side by side and enjoy the peacefulness. Every moment I’ve spent with him, in this short time, I find myself wanting more. I want to know him more, learn about who he is, and what he plans to do for the future.

  Pulling a piece of grass from the earth, I begin to tear it between my fingers.

  “If you had one wish, what would it be?” I ask.

  Pausing for a moment, he gathers his words. “I’d wish that I was brought up in a family that puts others first, is honest, respectful of each other, but most important, I’d wish I was born into a family that valued making something of yourself. Not just getting by. What about you?” he asks.

  My heart begins to pound as I think about the one wish I have in my life, but I also know if I share this secret he could look at me differently.

  “I wish that I could relive November 4, 2011 over again,” I whisper as tears begin to fill in my eyes.

  He turns to look at me. “Why that day?”

  “It’s the day I lost my best friend.” I leave it at that with no other details.

  “I’m so sorry, Chauna. I had no idea.”

  “I know you didn’t,” I say as he pulls me into his shoulder, and a few tears fall from my eyes.


  I’m such an ass. Why did I have to ask her the same damn question? I could have asked a million other questions. Now, I have the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen crying on my shoulder. I just hold her and tell her it will be okay, but honestly I don’t know if she will be since I don’t know what happened. I want to ask, but right now isn’t the time.

  “How about you tell me something people don’t know about you?” I ask.

  She wipes her tears, sits back, and thinks for a moment. “I am absolutely terrified that I will cut my hand on the rim of a can after it’s been opened.” She looks at me and asks, “What’s your favorite color?”

  “Orange,” I say.

ere do you see yourself in ten years?” she asks.

  “I hope that I have graduated college and own my own body shop. If I were married, that would be good, too. What about you?”

  “I’ll be working at Boondocks, and hopefully, I’ll be the proud owner of it. Being married with a little boy would be nice, too.”

  “Do you think you’ll go to college?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. I know I want to stay around here. If I did, it would be the community college to major in business, but honestly, I’ve learned so much through the years going to Boondocks with Daddy that if he or Darren were to show me the ropes, I could easily take over.” The mention of Darren brings a bad taste in my mouth. The fact that they are selling shine out of Boondocks will probably break Chauna’s heart. I think for a minute about telling her, but quickly change my mind.

  Chauna looks at her phone for the time. “It’s getting late. I better get home.”

  “Sure,” I say as we stand. I lace my fingers through hers and start to walk toward the bike, but then I pause. “Can we do this again? I mean, you and me?”

  “I’d like that, Walker,” she says, and I pull her close so our lips can dance with each other.

  Chapter 18

  Fourth of July 2015


  For the past month and a half, Walker and I have been inseparable except when he leaves for a few days at a time. I’m not exactly sure what is going on, but I’ve learned that his family is different. I don’t ask questions, but I also know that I don’t like him being involved in whatever it is. He always comes back a little off. I’m just glad that he gets to spend the day with me at the lake celebrating the Fourth of July.

  Daddy and I have breakfast like we do each and every Saturday morning. He asks me about my plans for the day, even though he knows they typically involve Walker. Daddy and I have had long talks about him, his family, and what he expects from me. I’ve assured him that I haven’t gone to his house alone or at night, and that so far he’s been a perfect gentleman with me. He’s not naïve enough to think I’m a complete prude, but there are some things daddies don’t want to discuss with their little girls. I know he wishes Mama were here for talks like that.

  As I hear the sound of Walker’s bike approach, I slide away from the table and put my plate in the sink. Walker knocks on the door, and Daddy gives him a pleasant greeting. They have a brief conversation about our plans for today and when he expects me to be home. I give Daddy a hug, and out the door we go.

  Riding today is hotter than normal, but that could be due to the fact that Walker is wearing shorts and a fitted T-shirt that shows off every muscle. I try to feel as many as I can as we ride to the lake.

  Turning down the drive, we can already hear the sounds of music, Jet Skis, and people talking. I know today is going to be amazing. Not only do I get to spend the entire day with Walker, but I also get to enjoy time with our friends.

  Walking hand in hand toward the water, Walker and I can see that Mark, Logan, Beth, and Ally are already here, and I give them a wave. We each take a spot on the dock and soak up the sun until it’s too much to bear. One by one we jump in and cool off.

  At lunchtime, we go inside the house to make sandwiches and grab chips and drinks. While eating on the dock, we laugh, talk about what’s been going on, and make plans for after the fireworks tonight. When we all finish our lunch, we decide to take a ride on the pontoon. It’s crowded on the lake, as the Fourth brings everyone and their mama to the water.

  Walker sits toward the front, and I follow him and sit between his legs as the sun shines on us. As we approach the island in the lake, Mark kills the engine and drops the anchor. Beth and Ally waste no time jumping overboard to cool off. I stand to do the same. Walker grabs my hand.

  “Are you sure this is safe?” he asks.

  “Whatcha mean?” I ask.

  “I mean, no one’s going to drive by too close, are they? There are a lot of drunks out here today.”

  “Nah, but you might want to watch out for the snakes and fish. They like to nibble,” I say with a wink.

  “Okay, any chance you had of me jumping in is out,” he says.

  “Aw, is Walker scared of a few critters?” I say in a baby voice.

  I’ve struck a nerve, and I know he’s not going to look like a baby in front of everyone. He stands, and I know I better move fast. I hurry to the edge of the boat, and just as I’m about to jump, he grabs my hand and pulls me to him. I squeal as he tosses me over his shoulder and walks to the edge. He pulls me into his arms and jumps in. He lets go of me as we enter the water. The cool water is a shock after being in the sun for so long. As we surface, I begin to tread water, and he does the same.

  “You know you’re dead, right?” I question him.

  “Oh, yeah? Let’s see what ya got,” he says with a smirk. As soon as those words leave his mouth, I move to push him under, but he pulls the string on the back of my bikini and swims away. Oh my gosh! I’m gonna kill him! I quickly tie it and then haul ass after him.

  “You are so dead, Walker Bentley!” I yell. He swims toward the back of the boat and begins to climb out of the water. Oh, no. That’s not happening. I hurry and grab his foot just as he’s about to stand, pulling him off balance. He falls backward. I begin to laugh as he surfaces, but the look on his face says that I’m in deep trouble. Quickly, I stop laughing and begin to smile.

  He swims to me and invades my personal space. “You thought that was funny, huh?” I bite my lips and nod my head yes. He grabs my waist and pulls me to him as his lips collide with mine. I wrap my legs around him as he grabs the edge of the boat. Our hands begin to roam, and just as things are about to get out of hand, I hear Logan yelling for us to get a room. I pause and giggle briefly as Walker kisses me long and hard one more time before we climb back on board.

  The moment my feet are inside the boat, I’m getting stares from Logan. Really? I haven’t done anything wrong. I shake it off and make my way to Ally and Beth who are singing along with the local country station. I follow right in with them. Before long, several other boats are attached to ours, and we have our own party barge going on. We spend most of the afternoon near the island, but as the evening approaches, we go back toward the house to fire up the grill for a good burger.


  Once we are back at the house, Logan and I follow Mark to the grill to help, but we don’t really do anything but stand and watch. Before long, Mark brings out the Yeti cooler full of beer. We each take one and just shoot the shit for a little while. We watch the girls at a distance, and it’s obvious we all are enjoying the view.

  Mark excuses himself, and when he returns, my mouth begins to water. Shine.

  “Dude, where did you get that?” Logan asks.

  “My dad got it from Ivan, but you didn’t hear that from me,” Mark says.

  “Is it any good?” Logan asks, and Mark hands him the jar.

  “Dang, that’s smooth,” he says as he passes it to me. I take the jar and drink a large gulp. I know for a fact how potent that stuff is. I also know that if I’m driving Chauna that I won’t be drinking any more tonight, especially after this beer.

  “Y’all better watch out. That will bite you later,” I say.

  “How do you know about this stuff, Walker?” Logan asks.

  “I come from a different side of the tracks from y’all, and I hear things. Be careful is all I’m saying. With that stuff, you’ll be fine one minute and on your ass the next. Take it easy, especially if you’re driving.”

  “Well, looks like the badass has a sweet side being all worried about us,” Logan says, and it pisses me off.

  “I just don’t want anyone to get hurt. You said that came from Ivan?” I ask Mark to turn the heat off me.

  “Yeah. Dad was getting his oil changed, and Ivan was telling him about a new product he had.”

  “Really? I wouldn’t think that your parents associated with people on that side of town,” I say, unsure
of their reaction.

  “Ivan grew up next door to my dad. They’ve been friends forever, but when he started doing shit that Dad wasn’t down with, they quit hanging out. He still works on Dad’s car and keeps him in the loop of what’s going on.”

  “I see. So, what about you, Logan? Are your parents friends with them, too?” I ask.

  “They get their cars worked on there, but that’s about it. I grew up next to Chauna, but we moved a few years ago,” he says.

  “Why’s that?” I ask, and Logan’s face goes pale.

  “Just needed to get away from that house. Bad memories there,” he says.

  “Hey, I totally understand that. I swear, if I thought back to some of the places we’ve stayed and what happened within those walls, I could have nightmares every night. Everyone’s got a story, and what you do to overcome your past makes you a better person.”

  Mark begins to laugh. “Dude, you sound like you’re preaching a sermon.” We all start to laugh, and we each take a swig of our beers as we watch three of the most beautiful girls make their way toward us.

  “Food ready yet?” Beth asks.

  “Almost,” Mark says as she walks up to him. It’s obvious she’s into him, and I don’t know what he’s waiting on.

  “What’s that?” she asks, pointing to the jar on the cooler.

  “Pineapple shine. Want some?” he asks.

  “Heck yeah, I do! Chauna… Ally, they’ve been holding out on us!” she says as she reaches for the jar. Mark quickly grabs it and tells her to go easy. They each take turns, and I have to say watching Chauna put that jar to her lips is one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.


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