Old Hollywood

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Old Hollywood Page 2

by Suzanne Steele

  “Ah, you know me too well, hermano. I’ve been hearing rumors about her agent and what I saw today adds credence to them. I need to do some discreet checking to make sure all is well with the future Mrs. Ramirez. It’s probably nothing. But if the little weasel is up to something, I’m going to need to move faster than I had planned.”

  Chapter One

  “Valentina, the series is almost finished. You need to be thinking about where to go from here.” Luis leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest as he watched his prize client prepare for her next scene. Valentina Vargas was a rare beauty and he had big plans for her, plans that would fund his retirement and then some. “Have you thought about the offers from the other producers? It’s important that you branch out, perhaps show your fans something new.”

  Valentina looked past her reflection in the mirror and into the eyes of her agent. “I want more.” Three simple words that carried more meaning than a long speech ever could.

  “More?” he scoffed, not wanting to make her feel over-confident. A little humility would go a long way if he was going to groom her for the roles he had in mind. “How so? You already get direct offers with no need to go to casting calls. You’re already famous, what more could any actress want?”

  “International fame,” she answered with no hesitation.

  For an instant she thought she saw a look of sympathy pass over his features, almost as if he pitied her naiveté. She bristled at the sight, for beneath all that supposed naiveté was a fiercely independent, ambitious woman. If he expected the compassionate look to weaken her resolve, it wasn’t working.

  She slowly set her pearl handled hairbrush on the marble vanity and turned to face him, struggling to keep her voice level. She was seething with fury at being underestimated, but there was no need to let him see that. “Luis, you’re a good agent, an agent I respect. I expect the same in return. I’m a big girl. I know how to handle my career.”

  His eyes widened and he spoke quickly, “I do respect you, Valentina. I only want what’s best for you.”

  “No…you underestimate me because I’m a woman. Does the fact that I’m of the female persuasion mean I shouldn’t dream as big as my male counterparts?”

  “Of course not, my mistake. I meant no disrespect. It’s just that, well, when is it ever enough? It’s good to want more, of course, but we need to think more specifically about the kinds of roles that are going to get you more visibility, really get your name out there.” A small smile teased his lips. “To get the kind of money you want, you need roles that will take you out of your comfort zone…that will give people something to talk about.”

  “It isn’t about the money, or even the fame, Luis, not really. It’s about the art itself. An artist must never stop creating, no matter what pinnacle of success they achieve. True writers can’t stop writing, because it’s in them. It’s no different for actors or singers; it’s a plight all artists of any form suffer. I do what I do because it’s in me. I have no choice.”

  He released a sigh of resignation that spoke much more than any words could say. “You’re fortunate to be able to do what you love. I’m trying to help you continue to be able to do that. But how can I argue with such wise words?” He stepped away from the wall and sat in a wingback chair next to the vanity. “That’s why I want to discuss something with you. I’ve been watching you closely, Valentina, because, well, when I first signed you as a client I wasn’t certain this day would ever come. But you know how I feel about you and your talent. I think you’re ready, I really do. I just need your signature on this addendum to our contractual agreement. It’s of no real significance, it just gives me a little more freedom to seek out fresh opportunities for you.”

  “Oh? What kind of opportunities?”

  “Well,” he continued smoothly, holding the document just out of her reach, “it just affords me a bit of leeway to help you broaden your reach as an artist, to allow me to secure the kind of roles for you that will let your fans see you in a more…sophisticated…light.”

  “Oh. Well, should I have someone look it over before I sign?” she asked awkwardly.

  “What, don’t you trust me? When have I ever had anything but your best interests at heart? We’re a great team. C’mon,” he said softly. “Sign it and we can get back to business.”

  She smiled at him graciously. “Of course, you’re right. Give it to me, I’ll sign it right now.” And she did.

  “Wonderful, darling. I already have a few irons in the fire, so let me get back to it.” He stood and they exchanged cheek-to-cheek air kisses before he walked to the door.

  “I had thought I’d take more acting classes after the series wraps. I want to be sure I’m prepared--”

  His hand on the doorknob, he turned back to look at her with a frown. “It’s time to leave the world of telenovelas behind, Valentina. In fact, I have my eye on some movie roles that will be perfect for you.”

  “A movie! Really? Tell me more.”

  “Ah, now, nothing is definite and I’d hate to get your hopes up. Let me handle the details. If I’m as good as I think I am, I’ll be bringing you your first movie script and you’ll be on set in a matter of weeks. You must strike while the iron’s hot, isn’t that what the Americans say? We can’t wait too long, Valentina. Time waits for no man, and it most certainly doesn’t cut any slack for women in this business. You won’t be young and beautiful forever, you know.”

  His words stabbed with their blade of truth somewhere deep inside of her. Even though he hadn’t meant them with any malice, they still hurt. But isn’t that what the truth did all too often?

  She tilted her chin defiantly and returned her attention to her cosmetics, giving his reflection a cold glance. “Luis, you of all people should know Latin women never lose their ability to be sexy. We don’t kowtow to society’s standards of wearing sensible shoes after a certain age.”

  “Exactly, exactly,” he said in his most soothing voice. “That is exactly why I want to build on the progress you’ve already made with your career. The roles I have in mind for you will showcase your more sensual qualities, really show the world what you’re made of.”

  “Well, get on with it,” she said tartly, still smarting from his hints about the inevitable ravages of age. “The art, the creativity, the true gifts I’ve been given will never age, Luis. In all the ways that matter, I’m forever young. Now, leave me. It’s been a long day.”

  Chapter Two

  Ricardo Ramirez sat in his opulent office and considered his brother Antonio Wayne, who was sitting across from his desk.

  “He wants her—the telenovela star. I know my boy, and he’ll stop at nothing to get her now that he’s established himself within the cartel. I imagine he’ll wage one hell of a campaign to win her.”

  “He’s proven himself in matters of business; he should have her as a reward. Nothing wrong with that.” Antonio Wayne crossed his legs, one ankle resting casually on the opposite knee as he toyed with the tassel on his Italian leather shoe. “He could have just gone in there and gotten her. Brought her home. Made her stay. It’s not like it’s never been done,” Antonio Wayne observed with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

  “Too proud.”

  “I believe it. Well, he’s just wasting time if he waits. He’ll be distracted if you don’t send him to Colombia soon to get her. A distracted man in our line of work is a man with a death wish. Far be it from me or you to ever allow Victor to become collateral damage.”

  “He’s not a boy anymore and she’s not in Colombia, she’s in Guatemala. I’ll talk to him.” Ricardo grimaced at the bittersweet nature of it all. He was proud of the man Victor had become—and yet his sons were a constant reminder that time was moving on and aging was inevitable. The best he could hope for was to leave a legacy for future Ramirez generations, and the surest way to do that was to get some grandchildren. And Valentina Vargas seemed to be the perfect choice.

  “This man, Luis, who manages her
career, he thinks he’s slick. But I hear things, things that cause me concern,” Ricardo mused with a frown. “She is a strong-willed woman and while she can probably handle this Luis with no problem, I’ve come to believe that her time as his protegee has run its course, regardless of any contractual obligations she may have agreed to.”

  “Victor has come into his own; he’s ready. Hell, he’s earned this. I see no reason for him to wait.”

  “Neither does he.” Ricardo arched an eyebrow and shook his head. “The boy is consumed with this woman, wants to ‘storm the castle’ and bring her home.”

  Antonio Wayne laughed, a full-on belly laugh that tilted his head back and had his shoulders shaking with mirth. “I see! So, your boy will be carrying on a fine family tradition, is that it? Well, why the hell not? After all, he has the element of surprise on his side. Catching her unaware in a third world country where we have high ranking officials on payroll almost guarantees success. We have the house in Guatemala should he require it. Everything he could possibly need is in place.”

  “I don’t like that word—almost,” Ricardo mused as he brushed an imaginary piece of lint from his slacks. “How can I possibly bank the life of my son on a word society says only counts in the game of horseshoes and the destruction of hand grenades, hmm?”

  “Fuck society. We both know nothing in our line of work is guaranteed. The element of risk will keep him sharp, keep him on his toes.” A slow smile warmed Antonio Wayne’s face. “And adrenaline is a wonderful aphrodisiac; with enough of it pumping through our veins, we can pull off the impossible -- or go all night long, as the case may be. We both know the twins thrive on it; send them together and they’ll do fine.”

  “Perhaps, but I’ll do you one better. If it comes to that, I plan on playing my ace.”

  Antonio Wayne chuckled and shook his head. “I’m not even going to ask.”

  Chapter Three

  Luis Manuel Jimenez had done well for himself, due in no small part to his stewardship of the success of Valentina Vargas. Colombian women were rumored to be some of the most beautiful women in the world and Valentina definitely fit the bill. Her beauty, coupled with her fiery spirit and the fact that the camera loved her, had made her an instant success with the Latin American community. Factor in her natural acting ability and she was a surefire ticket to prosperity.

  But, unbeknownst to Valentina, the Ramirez family, especially the oldest son, Victor, had long had other plans for her. Those men were really from the Middle Ages in how they approached matters of love -- or lust. Luis didn’t care what the man’s intentions were toward Valentina, he just knew he needed to make the most of the time he had left with her. The clock was ticking -- and it was costing him money.

  Luis was pleased with himself for persuading her to sign the ironclad addendum that gave him authority to sign her for roles in straight-to-video movies that would be little more than softcore porn. Of course, he wouldn’t present them to her that way. No, as far as she was concerned, she would be taking on more artistic roles, and every actress worth a damn knew nudity was okay in the name of art.

  He had had a hell of a time over the years convincing the telenovela director to keep her onscreen love interests at bay. Her sultry brand of innocence was part of her appeal. She was a stunningly beautiful, sensual beauty whose sexuality simmered just below the surface; however, he had always insisted on keeping love scenes more suggestive than outright sexual, leaving it all to the audience’s imagination.

  But those days were over. How long would her adoring fans put up with that? In this day and age, you had better give the viewers what they wanted, and what they wanted was to see touch-me-not-Valentina-Vargas get hot and bothered at a man’s touch. She didn’t know the particulars and there would be no need for her to know until everything was in place. Next week, the telenovela would go on hiatus, so while viewers were enjoying re-runs Valentina would be hard at work filming, getting up close and personal with her new, yet-to-be-named male co-star.

  Luis couldn’t help but feel a little smug that he’d been a savvy enough businessman to lock her into a commitment. These actors were flighty at best and he wasn’t going to take a chance on another agent coming in and undercutting him. He didn’t want to pull the control card just yet, but if it came down to him losing the hefty portion of his income that she represented, then all bets would be off. If he needed to be a hard ass and remind her that she’d signed a contract, then in the name of greed, so be it. She was a big girl now, and she would damn well do what had to be done -- or he’d sue her for everything she had.

  Luis twirled the Graf von Faber-Castel pen between two fingers. It had been a gift from Valentina when he had landed her the starring role in the telenovela. Cuentos de Amor had shot to the top of the ratings, taking both of them to heights of success they had never imagined. Whether Luis wanted to admit it or not, she had him over a barrel and he didn’t like it one bit. It was taking all the self-control he had to hide his true feelings, to mask the depth of his resentment. Hell, maybe he was the one who needed acting classes.

  And yet, as talented as she was, Valentina didn’t have the connections he did. In this business, it wasn’t what you knew, it was who you knew. She had no family, no man, no friends. She was a workaholic who typically worked 12-hour days. It wasn’t like she had anyone watching her back either. Yes…television was a cutthroat industry and egocentric machismo ran rampant, fueled by the ambitions of women who would do anything to be the next ‘it girl’, who would stop at nothing to climb the ladder of success.

  Of course, the task at hand would be much easier if she wasn’t so fucking strong-willed. Yes…it was good that he had a cutthroat lawyer on retainer. Valentina might have big dreams but he had big guns and if she pushed him into a corner, he wouldn’t hesitate to use them.

  He stretched his legs out in front of him and leaned back in his chair, crossing his ankles and interlocking his fingers behind his head. As he idly looked down at the pen he’d tossed onto his desk, he felt a twinge of guilt that was gone as quick as it had come. The girl had a good heart, it was true. And he had every intention of using it against her.

  She had no idea it was Victor Ramirez who had paid for her English language tutor and self-defense lessons, and been the heart and soul of her rise to stardom. The man’s fascination with her was more than a passing interest. The poor guy had loved her from a distance and Luis had capitalized on that sentiment, giving Valentina the impression that it was he who had masterminded her rise to stardom. Valentina was nothing if not loyal and he needed her to remain loyal; he was banking on it.

  Luis pushed away the nagging thought of what Victor Ramirez would do to him if he ever found out he had been playing both sides of the fence. If this game played out as Luis intended, he would be long gone, basking in the sun on a tropical island somewhere. Better to keep her in the dark as long as possible.

  But he had to tread carefully. He didn’t want Valentina to ever view Victor as her generous benefactor or, even worse, her hero. No, he couldn’t allow that to happen. Why? Because he was a sneaky bastard—an incredibly greedy, sneaky bastard.

  Valentina gave herself a final once-over in the mirror before heading back out to shoot another scene. She’d have to talk to the wardrobe girl about the clothes she’d been given this week. Too little fabric showing too much skin. She was no prude, but after shooting that shower scene earlier in the month, she was more critical of changes to her usual wardrobe choices. This cocktail dress was strapless and sexy, but far too lowcut for her tastes. Her breasts were showed off to advantage, but one deep breath and she would be treating the cast and crew to a ‘nip slip’. No way did she need something like that finding its way onto the internet for depraved men to jerk off to for all eternity.

  Luis was supposed to have final wardrobe approval. He was really getting sloppy about this sort of thing. She couldn’t shake the feeling that her agent might not be all he was cracked up to be. She’d spent he
r life surviving on gut instinct and it had never failed her. When she had signed the original contract with him she hadn’t foreseen ever being able to seek fame beyond her home country. Even though she’d learned to speak English fluently with the help of the tutor Luis had provided, she never thought she’d leave Guatemala after making it her home.

  She had left Colombia to do television work and had never looked back. But now her ambitions and her ability to fulfill those ambitions were being stifled; by a man, no less. Knowing she had done this to herself didn’t make it any easier. Hindsight really was a bitch—an unforgiving, smirking, and laughing-in-your-face bitch! It wasn’t easy to look in the mirror and admit you were the one to blame.

  Well, now she had two choices: she could wallow in her regret, or she could pull up her big girl panties and make the best of a bad situation. Valentina was never one to indulge in self-pity. With one final adjustment of her precariously positioned cleavage, she headed out the door to the soundstage.

  She was so fucking beautiful. Under the studio lights, her long black hair had a blue sheen, causing the tint of her hair and depth of her blue eyes to meld together and hold him captive. Her beauty was something so unusual, so perfect, that he couldn’t resist staring.

  He’d seen the way other men leered at her. She was even more beautiful because she didn’t see herself as the exquisite creature she was. Most of the women he’d seen on television thought they were God’s gift to men. Not Valentina Vargas though; she was accessible and easy to talk to. She was always nice to him.

  She didn’t know the depth of his devotion to her but that was because he was smart enough to blend in. He’d done well so far flying under the radar. She had no idea who was stealing her personal items, moving things around in her dressing room, and taking pictures when she didn’t realize she was being watched. And he preferred it that way. There was no sense in giving her any warning of the depravity he had in store for her.


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