Vegas Baby: A Bad Boy's Accidental Marriage Romance

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Vegas Baby: A Bad Boy's Accidental Marriage Romance Page 65

by Amy Brent

  “Just please come down.” He looked around the yard as if he were embarrassed.

  “Fine. Give me a minute!” I took a deep breath and went downstairs, passing Millie on the way. She’d heard everything and gave me an encouraging look.

  “Be easy on him and hear him out. Don’t let those twins knock you out of something wonderful. He came all this way.”

  “He’s playing games.” I wasn’t in the mood for more games, secrets, or lies.

  “How do you know that? He seems pretty serious to me.” She gave me a lingering glance and then turned to walk back upstairs.

  I walked to the front door and opened it, crossing my arms and leaning back against the jamb. “Where’s my ring?”

  He searched my eyes a moment and then looked to the ground. “I came because I want a chance to explain.”

  “I’ll give you a chance to talk, but I want my ring. And after you’ve said your piece, you can go.” I met his eyes and kept my tone hard. I wasn’t going to give him room to play any more games with me. My heart couldn’t take it.

  He reached into his pocket and stepped forward, offering it to me, but as I reached to take it, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me close. I tugged back, but couldn’t break loose of his grip.

  “Ella, don’t.” I searched his eyes, and he took my hand, then he lifted to his mouth and kissed it.

  Chapter 16


  She didn’t pull away from me kissing her hand, so I held it gently in mine and placed the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly in connection with the others there like the whole set had been custom-made just for her.

  “Ella, I’m sorry. I don’t know everything that was said because my mother pulled me away, but Zep told me what happened.”

  “They told me about your plans for after the party, so if you hurry, you can still make that date.” She turned to walk away, but I didn’t let go of her hand.

  Instead, I tugged it, holding her hostage. “Hear me out. I wasn’t going to do that.”

  “Yeah, right. Even your buddy didn’t deny you’d made those plans.” She glared at my sideways with narrowed eyes and tried to pull away once again.

  “No, he didn’t, and if you stop fighting me, I can tell you why.” I tugged her hand, and she lost her footing, stumbling into me.

  We were no more than a breath apart, but I didn’t dare kiss her. She was as angry as a wild animal, and there was no sense poking the bear.

  “Fine,” she said through gritted teeth. She tugged hard, so I let go not wanting to hurt her hand, so then she led me to a small room off the foyer, a music library from the collection of vinyl albums and gold records on the wall. She plopped down on a distressed leather couch that was so comfortable I wanted it for my bedroom and crossed her arms in front of her.

  She was closed up so tight I didn’t know if she’d ever let me into her space ever again, but I knew I owed her the truth and an explanation.

  “Zep couldn’t tell you that we didn’t plan that because he’d had given the real plan away and the twins would have been pissed off at him. You see, it’s his goal to have them both, but so far, Sadie’s not been cooperative to his plans.”

  “So you did make plans to go upstairs and have sex with them when the party was over, but only so your friend could score Sadie?” She shook her head like she wasn’t buying it. “How does that make any of this any better?”

  “No, I never planned to go up. We lied to them so they’d get started without me and I was going to be a no show.”

  “So you lied to them?”

  “Would you rather I had been telling the truth?” She was being irrational and missing the point.

  “No. I’d rather you not have anything to do with anything like that in the first place.”

  “And I just explained that I wasn’t. I don’t like the twins. In fact, I hate them. I think they’re spoiled, slutty, brats who are much too young for me, and I’ve tried to deter Zep from them more than once. But he’s got this fantasy in his head and...” I waved my hand around and let the explanation go. I didn’t want to get into Zep and his fantasies. I’d be there all night. “It was never going to happen. I only lied to them and went along with it so they’d leave me alone all night and I could have more time with you.”

  She raked her hand through her long blond hair and sat forward to rest her elbows on her knees. “I want to believe that.”

  “You can, Ella. It’s the truth. I swear you’re the only person I wanted to spend my night with. I wanted to get to know you.”

  “Are you sure the Twins didn’t put you up to all of this? As a way to get to me. If they did, just tell me. I’m tired of games.” She met my eyes, and I felt so bad for her.

  “They’ve done quite the number on you, haven’t they?”

  “You have no idea. They are awful.” She leaned back and seemed to relax a bit.

  “I didn’t even know you knew them until everything went down tonight. Which reminds me, you’re the girl from the club. You spilled your drink on me, why didn’t you say so?”

  Her cheeks turned bright red. “I’d hoped that with the mask you’d not remember me from that night. The twins had me so frazzled. They’d taken my contacts earlier that day and hid them, so I couldn’t see anything, and then they hid my flat iron so that I couldn’t get ready. They’re a real treat to work for.”

  “Oh no. Well, it’s obvious why they’d be that way. They’re jealous of you.”

  Her eyes met mine with a look that told me she might think I’m full of shit. “Why would they be? They’re the Blue Twins. They have their own reality show, they get to live in this palace, and they can have anyone they want.”

  “Not me. Besides that, you’re ten times prettier and an all-around better person than either of them.”

  “You say all the right things, but I don’t want just another rich guy player. If that’s all you are, then don’t waste your time with me.”

  The twins had done a number on her for sure. She was going to have trouble trusting anything from me if I didn’t take drastic measures. I wasn’t letting them take her from me. “How about we go for a drive and give me a chance to show you who I am?”

  She took a deep breath and glanced away as if she wasn’t sure, and when I thought she’d refuse me and send me out the door, she nodded and released the breath. “Fine. I’ll go for a drive, but only because I don’t want to be here when they get home.”

  I stood up and offered my hand, and she took it, letting me pull her up from the couch. She didn’t say a word as she led me out of the house and I stepped ahead of her to open the car door for her. She seemed to hesitate again before sliding into the passenger seat, so I hurried around the car to get us on the road before she could change her mind. I wanted to take her someplace where we could be alone, so I headed out to the beach. I had a house there with beach access and thought it might be just the place where we could take a private walk and spend some time getting to know one another.

  I was fascinated with her life and talent and wanted to hear more, but I was also fascinated with her body and wanted to learn more about it as well. I’d take things slow if she needed, but I was at the very least hoping for another kiss.

  I headed out on the main highway and took a few turns into the neighborhood to get to my house, and that’s when I noticed her leaning forward in her seat, looking out the window with narrowed eyes as if focusing to see in the dark.

  “I used to live on this street,” she said.

  “I bought a house here a few years ago when I thought I was going to be moving away from my parent’s home. My father was furious because I didn’t let him find it for me, but I had wanted to do things on my own then. I guess at some point we were neighbors and didn’t know it.”

  “There’s my house.” She pointed to a lovely two-story house that was painted such a bright white it seemed to glow in the dark. There was a for sale sign out front, and I noticed my company logo on the top of it. “
Looks like it’s for sale.” She sank down in her seat and looked forward as I drove to the other end of the street where my own house sat.

  “Maybe one day I can buy it back. For my mother. It would make the perfect place to work like my mother did. She made her studio in the garage.”

  “Why did she sell it?” I wondered if there had been any issues that maybe she didn’t want to deal with like housing regulations or repairs.

  “She didn’t. Days before she passed, the bank contacted Nola. I’d asked her to take over mom’s finances. I was too young, and I didn’t understand anything happening. I honestly didn’t even want to try. My mother’s insurance canceled on her and the loan she’d taken on the house defaulted, and so they took it. Nola hadn’t had the heart to tell me until after the funeral. I had hoped there was something we could do.”

  I really felt for her, and though I still had my suspicions about Nola, this story seemed legit. Her mother had borrowed against the house which wasn’t the best move, but probably her only one if her finances were suffering.

  “I’m sorry.” It was all I could say.

  “Thanks. One day, though, I’m going to earn it all back.” She lifted her chin, and there was a proud determination, a solemn vow that I had no doubt she’d make sure was fulfilled.

  I pulled into my drive, and her face lit up. “You own this house? I’ve always loved it!”

  “Yes. It’s my sanctuary. I still want to live here one day, but for now, I’m staying at the house with mom. I’ve got to keep an eye on her and how she tries to spend the money.” I didn’t go into my mother’s past issues. Maybe one day Ella would learn of them, but not today.

  I reached over and put my hand on her knee, and she covered it with her own but didn’t push me away. “Would you like to go inside and see it?”

  She smiled brightly and nodded. “I’d love to.”

  Chapter 17


  It’s funny how things turn out. I’d always wanted to go in this house growing up, but never knew anyone who lived in it. It was the finest house on the beach and had always been painted the most incredible shade of blue that it looked like an extension of the sky and ocean.

  I perused through each room of the house as Aiden toured me and then we made our way back to the front after going full circle. “It’s even more beautiful than I imagined. I don’t blame you for wanting to live here full-time. You should.”

  He gestured to the sofa. “Sit with me a while?”

  I didn’t hesitate as I lowered myself to the soft sofa. “This is nice.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  “I meant this, being here with you.” She lay her head back against the sofa and closed her eyes.

  “Are you tired?”

  “It has been a really interesting night. Eventful.” I shivered thinking about the twins being my sister and Scott Blue. Scott Blue was my father. I felt the throw blanket that had been across the arm of the sofa now across me.

  “You’re shivering,”

  “Thank you.” The blanket helped put me at ease. “I’m afraid I’m still trying to calm down.”

  “I’m sorry about all of that. I know it was ugly and bound to have rattled some nerves.” He rubbed his hand down my arms as if to warm me, soothe me.

  Laughter had spilled from my lips before I realized how it must sound. “You don’t know the half of it.” I rolled my head to the back of the couch to face him and met his eyes with an exhausted glance.

  He angled himself toward me. “Was there more?”

  I belted another laugh. “So much more.”

  “Okay, you’re going to have to explain, because your crazy laughter is starting to creep me out.” He laughed too and placed his arm on the back of the sofa. I leaned in toward him, resting myself back against his chest. We settled into one another, and he even placed his arm across me.

  “When I got back to the house I ran into Millie— also known as Mama Blue because she’s Scott Blue’s mother, and I told her I lost my ring, and then she let it slip out that she remembered when my father gave it to my mother.” I glanced up at him to see if he remembered what I’d told him earlier. I saw it the moment it registered, his eyes widened.

  “Wait, she knows your father?”

  I nodded. “Oh yeah, she knows him very well. She gave birth to him.”

  “No fucking way. Scott Blue is—that’s where you get those eyes!” Everyone knew Scott Blue’s trademark blue eyes. They were even bluer than Frank Sinatra’s.

  “Yeah, I’d always thought they seemed familiar.” My smile faded, and then I gave him another telling glance.

  “Shit. That means the twins are your sisters.” He closed his eyes and shook his head.

  “Yeah. So, again, it’s been a hell of a night. And the sad thing is, I’m not supposed to know because Nola doesn’t know. The twins don’t either, of course.”

  “Talk about family secrets.”

  “Yeah, so they fired me, earlier tonight. My little sisters.” We shared a laugh, but I wanted to cry. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m supposed to be moving out, per their orders, but Millie tells me since I’m her granddaughter and she owns the house, that I can stay as long as I want. But how do I live there with that secret?”

  “You could stay here if you need to.” My back stiffened, but I shook my head.

  “That’s generous, but I can’t do that.” I realized he’d left his party to come after me and wondered if he was going to hear about it from his mother. “Thanks for leaving your party for me.”

  “I’d rather be here with you than with anyone else.” His warm mouth landed on my neck, and the chills went straight to my core causing it to ache and throb.

  I turned my head and captured his mouth and then I shifted toward him, and him toward me until we were facing. His hands came around me, pulling me closer and my hand found his thigh. He matched my touch, placing his hand on my thigh and rubbing soft circles, inching his way between them, closer and closer to my sex. I nudged forward, helping his hand find its way and then in another minute I was grinding against him, and my hand was busy on his hard erection through his clothes.

  “We don’t have to if you want to take it slow. It’s not why I brought you here, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t want you right now, Ella.”

  “So, have me,” I whispered against his jawline making my way to his ear where I nipped his lobe.

  He pressed his hand firmly against me, rubbing with a soft pressure that had my tender bud swollen and ready for more attention. As if reading my mind, he obliged, slipping down off the couch to his knees and pushing up my dress. The blue silk bunched around my hips, and I lay back, lifting my ass so he could pull it up and over my hips. Then he slipped down my thin, lace panties and left them around my knees for a moment as he let his eyes linger on me. Then she slipped them down further, and they brushed my calves before slipping away from my feet.

  His hands parted my knees and then slipped up my thighs, his thumbs brushing against me, one parting my folds as the other found my clit. I bucked forward at the pleasure, and he smiled, liking the torture he inflicted. He pulled his hands away and then rubbed my soft, bare mound.

  “You’re so beautiful.” His head dipped down, and his mouth moved on me, caressing me softly as I rolled my hips against him. I was drenched between my legs, just an inch away from where he lapped and nibbled, and then his strong hand returned to my sex, as the other reached up and stroked my nipple.

  As his thumb worked across my tight pink bud, his finger slipped deep into my channel, caressing my walls which ached for his hard length.

  I’d only gotten a quick feel, but it was enough to know what he had waiting for me. It was long and thick, the bulbous head nice and fat with a defined rim.

  I wanted it so bad, and to give him the pleasure he was giving me. I writhed against him, his hand pulling back, but only to add another finger which he used to spread me wide so his tongue could fuck m
e deep into my wet hole.

  A soft moan escaped me, and he looked up, meeting my eyes, his hand still working. “You like that?” He curled his fingers, letting then work my most tender place as he stroked and I nodded and bit my lip as he drew his tongue across me, not breaking his stare.

  I lifted my foot and ran it against his hard cock. “I want to feel you.”

  “I can arrange that,” he said, getting to his feet and taking my hand. I sat up and then slipped down to my knees, and his eyes widened. “I was going to take you to the bed.”

  “Give me a moment?” I reached for his zipper, feeling my silk slip down over my hips as I lowered it, and tugged down his tuxedo pants.

  “Be my guest.” He smiled as I undressed him. He’d left his jacket and vest in the car, and his shirt was long untucked. He unbuttoned it as I slipped his pants down, and then it fell from his strong shoulders and to the floor. He stepped from his pants and kicked them aside. I stood up and turned around, lifting my hair so he could take down my zipper. I let the dress fall and then slipped off the fine lace strapless I’d wore to match my panties.

  Once we were both naked, I lowered myself back to my knees and took in his tight, muscular body on my way down. His strong shoulders, perfect arms, broad chest, and of course his rippled abs were impressive, and I wondered how long he spent a day keeping himself in such physical perfection.


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