A Lucky Break: A Modern Match-Maker Romance

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A Lucky Break: A Modern Match-Maker Romance Page 5

by Rocklyn Ryder

  My fingers don't touch around his base, and I'm forcing my gag reflex to relax before I even have half of him in my mouth. I'm wondering how the hell this monster is going to fit inside me at the same time my pussy is dripping in anticipation to find out.

  He's not going to keep me waiting.

  I've had a few minutes to enjoy Ryan's flavor on my tongue, the feel of the soft skin of his dick as it glides in and out of my mouth, the way the firmness pulses under my hand, when I feel his fingers tighten in my hair.

  "Baby," he rasps, "Kim, you can't keep doing that--"

  Hearing the strain in his voice makes me want to keep doing exactly that though.

  "--I want inside you too bad, Baby." Ryan pulls me up to him, rolling us over so that I'm trapped beneath his much larger body. His lips are on mine again, this time with a desperate sort of hunger that feels like raw need as he maneuvers between my thighs.

  I pull my knees up and spread my legs apart to give him room and then I feel him pressing against me. Bare skin to bare skin, his shaft still slick from my saliva and my pussy wet enough that it wouldn't matter anyway.

  Ryan's arms cage me in on either side of my head. Our eyes meet and I can't look away from him. All I can do is feel as the tip of his dick lines up at my entrance.

  He holds still, but he's pressed so firmly into me that I can feel my body already beginning to take him in.

  His eyes ask me a question and it takes me only a second to make my decision.

  I nod just a little, biting my bottom lip as I give him permission.

  Then he eases into me, forcing my body to open for him, wrap around him and make room for him as he pushes into me.

  He goes slowly, like he knows he's big for my smaller frame, or maybe he just enjoys watching my face as each inch of him disappears inside me.

  Then he's all the way in and I'm gasping for air, warring with the sting of being stretched so far and the euphoria of being so completely filled. But I can't stay still, my body insists that I move, tipping my hips up as if I could possibly take him any deeper.

  "Does that mean you're ready for me to fuck you?" Ryan's voice is hundred grit sandpaper against my ear. Combined with what he says, it makes something in me snap.

  My nails are in his shoulders as I cling to him and nod wildly, "Yes," I whisper harshly as he begins to move inside me, "fuck me now, Ryan."

  The sweet and tender caresses are forgotten. Ryan draws back till he's nearly completely free of me and then plunges back into me with a forceful thrust that rocks my body against the carpet.

  I hang on tighter, digging my nails into his back and my heels into the floor for leverage so I can meet every stroke.

  It takes no time at all for my body to adjust to his size and crave the force of his thrusts and the feel of having him so completely inside me. It also takes no time before I can feel the familiar tingle throughout my body as the climax builds and threatens to consume me.

  I hear Ryan's breathing change, his thrusts becoming frenzied and his grip tightening where his arms have wrapped around my shoulders. I'm pinned so tightly against him I'm surprised there's still space for him to move but he is.

  His face burrows into the crook of my neck and I can't make out much more of the words he seems to be saying than "fuck" and "God," but then, I'm not exactly in the right frame of mind to hold a conversation either.

  The orgasm washes over me and blots out my senses for what seems like forever and when I finally start to return to reality, it's just in time to witness Ryan going over the edge.

  He thrusts erratically for a second and I feel his cock tighten and throb and then the heat of his cum as it pumps inside me in endless jets before he goes slack in my arms and collapses over me.

  I'm going to marry this man, I think to myself as I kiss his shoulder and lightly caress his back.


  "You sure you want to do this shit?" Brent asks as he drains his beer and signals the tender for a refill.

  I'm not sure what he's talking about so I just sip my own beer casually and wait till he goes on.

  "Fuckin' wedding shit, man," he tells his new beer.

  Oh. We're doing this again. I get it.

  "What is it now?" I ask.

  Brent's been dragging me down to our favorite watering hole about twice a week for the last month now. Apparently the honeymoon phase is over and he realized he's getting married.

  Actually, getting married doesn't seem to be the issue. He's still smitten with Kay-- talks about the life he's looking forward to having with her "as soon as this thing's over" all the time.

  It's the wedding that he's not so much a fan of now.

  My buddy shakes his head and rolls his eyes, "Her fucking mom, dude," he says like it ought to be enough to answer my question.

  "What about her? I thought you got along with her folks?"

  "Yeah, I mean, usually, but since this wedding shit started her mom and her are at each other's throats all the time." Brent takes a pull of beer, "Like her mom is just all up in our business, telling us how to do every fucking thing, man."

  "Isn't that what mother in laws do?" I probably shouldn't give him such a hard time. The guy is clearly stressing the fuck out and I'm his best man. I think I'm supposed to keep him drunk until the whole thing's over and make sure he goes through with it or something.

  I dunno, I think I heard that was the best man's job on like Jeopardy or something.

  I just can't help give him some grief, "I mean, Kim and I are planning a wedding too, and you don't see me getting all bent out of shape."

  Brent gives me the evil eye, "Bro, you do not know what kind of hell you have gotten yourself into. You wait. You think Kimberly's cool now, she's rational and chill and shit, but give it a few months. You are not going to recognize her."

  Laughing with a shake of my head I reach over and give my buddy a pat on the back.

  "It's gonna be cool, man, trust me," I tell him.

  I've met Kay's mom, she's kinda high maintenance. I can totally see how she'd be trying to take over the wedding plans and make everything the way she thinks it oughta be.

  Brent and Kay's wedding is only a couple weeks away now, that's gotta be stressful to have someone up in your business this close to go time.

  Makes me grateful that my own future mother in law hasn't been bad at all. At least, not about the wedding plans.

  Thinking about Kim's mom has me finishing off my pint and calling for backup as well.

  Nah, Crystal's deal is that she won't shut up about grand babies. Which is cool, I mean, my mom's giving us hell about that too. And kids are part of the deal. Kim and I are on the same page about that-- we want 'em. We definitely plan on filling the house with babies.

  It just might be nice to have a house first, you know?

  Kim and I both rent our places. We've been house shopping for a few months, since we got engaged, but we figured we'd get through Kay and Brent's wedding first, then worry about our own wedding, then we can get serious about what neighborhood we want to raise our kids in and which school we want them to go to and shit.

  Fucking Crystal's already bringing us applications for day care places.

  Meanwhile, my mom is determined that she's going to be our full time baby sitter, since she doesn't work.

  I don't care either way, but dammit! Could we get through the getting married part first?

  Stacy. Kim's sister, Stacy, is the one that's driving us crazy about the wedding plans. It's all she talks about.

  I told Kim the wedding is all her decision. Anything she wants, just give me a tux and tell me where to stand.

  Watching Brent and Kay plan their wedding and all the hoops they're jumping through just to throw a big party and pay the bill for their friends and family to watch them get legal has been a huge eye opener.

  That's not what's important to me. All I want is Kim as my wife; license signed, ring on her finger, and-- after we get settled in-- my baby growing inside
her. How we get there isn't that big a deal to me.

  I see the arguments Brent and Kay are having over the dumbest shit, like, whether they're going to go with chocolate cake or white or whether they're going to take pictures before the ceremony or after.

  Who cares?

  Starting off fighting isn't my idea of a good plan though, so whatever Kim wants to do I'll stand back and let her plan her big day.

  My phone goes off and I read Kim's text asking if I know where Brent is.

  "Sitting next to me." I type out.

  I get a happy face in reply that doesn't look happy at all.

  "He's supposed to be at a tux fitting." She replies.

  Oh shit. Ordinarily it'd be my job to make sure he makes it to all those appointments, but I don't remember seeing it on the calendar.

  I type that out to Kim.

  "No prob...glad our wedding is going to be easier...luv you."

  She always makes me smile when she says that, even when it's just a quick text.

  "Don't do it, man," Brent's a beer past being good company now, "just shack up and live together forever. Getting married sucks."

  "Yeah well, it will when your tux doesn't fit right," I settle our bill and drag him off his barstool.

  "Shit dude, I totally spaced that," Brent wobbles on his feet and I give him a minute to find his balance before I drag his ass out of the bar and hope the tux shop will fit him in.


  I twist the ring on my finger and stare into space while Stacy's voice drones on in the background.

  Technically, I guess it's droning on in the foreground. I mean, she is talking to me, after all. I'm just so tired of hearing her go on that I've started tuning her out.

  It started before I even met Ryan. As soon as my sister found out I'd hired a match maker to find me a husband, Stacy started talking about wedding plans.

  At first it was kinda fun. I mean, I've been thinking about this since I was little. So sitting around my place after work on Friday nights sharing a bottle of wine with my sister while we looked at bridal magazines and planned a wedding that was still in the future with a groom that was still, at that point, largely imaginary, was a lot of fun.

  Then I actually met Ryan and-- I don't know-- it all became real. Suddenly Stacy's constant wedding talk didn't seem like a fun way to ignore a movie when we got together, it started feeling intrusive.

  "Hello? Earth to Kimberly?"

  "Huh?" I freeze with my engagement ring in mid-turn on my finger and bring my sister's face into focus.

  "You're like a million miles away, were you even listening?"

  Do I tell her the truth?

  "Yeah, of course I'm listening."

  No. The answer is no. I look down at the pictures that Stacy has in her hand and pretend like I know what they are.

  "Nice try," she says, sounding only a little perturbed with me. "Here. You can read through it later. I'm just saying, it's a really cool venue and I think you should go check it out because if you fall in love with it, you have to book it pronto or you'll have to push your wedding date back another year."

  The pictures are a series of brochures for some little venue upstate.

  "We already decided we want to get married locally," I mention as I set the brochures on the end table.

  "But you haven't booked anything yet," Stacy grabs her wine glass, takes a sip and sets it back on the other end table, "I just think you should at least look at it. Now, let's talk about your colors..."

  I tune out again and look down at the ring on my finger.

  We picked it out together 2 weeks after we met. We had to have it sized and Ryan surprised me with a real proposal a week later. He'd had the center stone upgraded while it was being sized for me.

  It's gorgeous. I love it and for the first few weeks it made me feel like a princess.

  I loved the way people seemed to look at my hand everywhere I went; the grocery store, the coffee shop, the fast food drive thru.

  It was like I belonged to someone. The ring made me feel like Ryan was with me even when we weren't together. Looking down at it like I am now made me so happy my eyes would fill up with tears because I couldn't process how amazing it all was.

  The closer we get to Kay and Brent's wedding, the more I find myself thinking about pushing back our own date.

  Kay's a wreck. She doesn't even get excited about her wedding day anymore, she just gets more stressed out.

  Her mom has been driving her crazy lately, trying to take over things and it's starting to make things tense between Kay and Brent.

  I keep telling myself that it's just the stress of trying to plan my own wedding while we're still trying to get through Kay's but lately I've been having second thoughts.

  Ryan's great, he really is, but maybe getting married isn't what I want after all? At least, not right away.

  Going back to my new nervous habit of twisting the ring on my finger, I look up and try to pay attention to what Stacy's saying.

  Maybe we should put off the wedding? Slow down, step back, get through Kay and Brent's first and then decide where we are about us?

  Sure, Ryan and I both went into the arrangement looking for a serious commitment. I'm not saying I want to call it off altogether-- I don't think-- we just went from zero to engaged so fast.

  These last few weeks I've been watching Kay and Brent discover things about each other that they didn't even know before they got engaged. It really makes me realize how fast Ryan and I have been moving.

  We don't really know each other that well. We haven't had our first fight, or seen each other through any sort of tragedy, or even any major celebration-- although I guess that's kinda what our friends' wedding is supposed to be. If they ever get through it.

  My sister keeps talking about her ideas for lighting and center pieces and I nod and force a smile when I think it might be appropriate but my fingers keep turning the platinum band on my finger.

  The more people talk to me about weddings and babies and houses and futures, the more sick to my stomach I get at the thought of having to go through with it all.

  Maybe Ryan and I could just live together for awhile? Take time to get to know each other the old fashioned way before we commit to going through with it?

  By the time Stacy pronounces me a lost cause and says good night, I'm so overwhelmed with the stack of brochures and magazines and printed pages from websites that she leaves on my table for me to "check out" that I'm seriously starting to wish I had never heard of Raven Swann or her match making business.

  Then Kay calls in tears.

  The baker she wanted to make her cake just crushed her hand in some sort of accident involving a horse-- or maybe a hearse? I can't really tell because Kay's crying so hard I can't understand her.

  While I listen to my bestie have a full on meltdown over the phone, doing my best to interject the appropriate "oh nos" and "no ways" at the appropriate times while I drain the last of the wine Stacy and I were having into my glass, I start seriously thinking I can't do this myself.

  I like Ryan. I might even love him-- I think I love him, but it's only been a few weeks. I've never loved anyone enough to consider marrying them. What if I'm fooling myself? What if I got carried away with Kay and Brent's wedding and my jealousy and my own stupid, romantic notions when I found out there was such a thing as a real life modern day match maker that would do all the work of finding the right man for me?

  When Kay has finally cried herself out and manages to drop the drama, I'm left with a truly devastated woman on the line who just sounds tired.

  "I don't even care about the fucking cake, Kim," she tells me in an exhausted voice, "We could just put out a bunch of Twinkies for all I care at this point."

  A sob catches in her throat that tugs at my heart. It's not the theatrics of her earlier melt down, it's a painful sound that's 100 percent genuine.

  "I don't even know if Brent still wants to go through with it," she tells me quietl
y, "he was so into it in the beginning and now every time I bring up the wedding he gets irritated and snaps at me."

  I hear her sniffle in the distance before she puts the phone back to her face, "He barely even talks to me lately. I think he's avoiding me. Kim? What if Brent doesn't love me anymore? What if this stupid wedding ends up ruining the best thing that ever happened to me?"

  Her words cut into my own heart. Both for how much I wish I could promise her that Brent still loves her and that everything is going to work out great, and because it's like she just read my mind about me and Ryan.

  Is Ryan the best thing that ever happened to me?

  I say all the comforting things I can think of until Kay calms down and gets off the phone while I twist my ring until my finger is sore.

  Kay and Brent seemed to know right from the beginning that they were in love. Kay says it was love at first sight-- their first date, chaperoned and all, was magic, she says.

  Ryan and I got off to kinda of an awkward start with our chaperons up in our business and already planning out our future before we even had a chance to get to know each other.

  Yeah, we clicked easily enough. But what if we're jumping in too fast? What if we're putting too much faith in Raven's ability to set people up? What if this is a huge mistake and a year from now we'll be married and maybe pregnant and stuck with each other?

  The last thought through my mind as my head hits my pillow is that I'll run it all by Ryan tomorrow.


  I've been making myself sick trying to think of how to bring this up but I know I have to. My folks are making me crazy, everyone's making me fucking crazy.

  I sat at the bar last week and listened to Brent and Jake bitch and moan about women and marriage for 5 hours. Five hours!

  By the time the bar kicked us out at closing time, Jake was so wound up about his ex that he was picking a fight with a girl at the bar.


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