Jack of Hearts (Aces & Eights Book 1)

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Jack of Hearts (Aces & Eights Book 1) Page 25

by Sandra Owens


  He gave her ass a light spank. “Go on and do whatever you need to. I’ll be waiting for you.”

  She grabbed her bag, and at the bathroom door, she glanced over her shoulder. “I’m so happy to be here with you, Alex. Just want you to know that.”

  Before he could answer, she shut the door behind her, and he stared at the space where she’d been. “No happier than me,” he said to no one.

  He heard water running in the shower and decided to get comfortable. Since he’d showered before kidnapping her, he pulled out a pair of white silk lounge pants he’d gone and bought right after deciding to abduct her, putting them on and nothing else.

  By the time she found him out on the veranda, he had set up a table with the champagne and food and was leaning against the railing. His heart figuratively—and almost literally—stopped. Right then and there at seeing her wearing nearly sheer green silk pajamas that were a perfect match to her green eyes.

  “Wow,” he said, stupidly.

  She ducked her head, but a smile curved her lips. “I didn’t buy this.”

  “Lauren did.” He stalked toward her. “I asked her to find something that would make you feel sexy but not slutty.”

  “You have a problem with slutty?” Her eyes lifted to his, daring him to deny it.

  “Not a thing.” He slipped his thumb under the collar, sliding his hand down until he could touch her breasts. “Not a damn thing.”

  If she knew he would crawl on his hands and knees over hot coals to get to her, she would own him. He thought about whether that would bother him. It didn’t. She owned him, and he was good with that.

  Keeping his fingers curled around the edge of the sexy green top, he tugged her out onto the veranda, and down in front of him on a lounge chair. After pouring champagne, he clinked his glass against hers. “To the most beautiful lady on the planet.”

  She lifted her head and smiled, and he had the thought that the first thing he wanted to see every morning when he opened his eyes was that smile. They sipped champagne and fed each other morsels of food as they watched the moonlight dance over the water. With only a few questions, she had him telling her how their mother had left them in the hands of an abusive father.

  “I sensed you were close to your brothers. Now I understand why.” She lifted her glass, and he refilled it.

  “I’m not sure I would have survived my father’s cruelty without them.”

  “When I hear stories like yours, it makes me thankful for the parents I was blessed with. Have you ever tried to find your mother?”

  “A little, but she seems to have disappeared the day she walked down that road. Nate doesn’t like it when I talk about looking for her.”

  She peered up at him, her eyebrows scrunched together. “Why not?”

  “I don’t know. He refuses to talk about it.” He took her empty glass away. “And I don’t want to talk about it right now. Can we go to bed, please?”

  “To sleep?” She grinned, mischief filling her eyes.

  “Silly girl.” He stood, bringing her up with him.

  “Jeez, you’re strong.”

  “It pays to be strong when you’re in the kidnapping business.”

  At the edge of the bed, he stilled and stared down at the woman he held in his arms. She cupped his cheek with her palm, sending warmth straight to his heart.

  “Make love to me, Alex.”

  “God yes.” He turned, falling onto the bed with her on top of him. “I can’t get enough of you,” he whispered, pulling her mouth down to his, greedy for her taste. “Champagne and berries,” he said. “That’s what you taste like.”

  From her mouth, he kissed his way down to her neck, and as he licked his tongue over her skin, and nipped at her with his teeth, he unbuttoned the silk top. He slipped his hand under the material, brushing his thumb over her nipple, feeling it harden at his touch. Her soft moan shot an electrical current of need straight to his groin. Leaving her top on, he hooked his fingers under the waistband of her pants, tugging them down.

  She lifted, and kicked them off. “Now you.”

  “In a minute.” He flipped them, putting her under him. “Do you feel the magic?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I want you. Desperately.” He spread the two sides of her top apart, soaking in the beauty of her body. “I want my mouth on every inch of you, Mad.” He started with her mouth, kissing her deeply. He kissed each of her eyes, her cheeks, her neck and shoulders, and proceeded to make good on his promise of having his mouth on every part of her. When she screamed his name, he almost lost it.

  He grabbed the condom he’d put on the table while she was showering, rolling it on. “This might not last long,” he muttered after he slid into her warm heat.

  “You didn’t see anyone else after you broke up with me?”

  “No, and I didn’t break up with you. I just made you think I did.”

  She let out a sigh that sounded pleased, then put her hands on his upper arms. “Love me.”

  “I do. God, I do.” He pushed into her, deep and hard, filling her. As he took them to a world he’d only ever visited with her, she dug her fingers into his arms, matching his rhythm. The sound of their breaths and the slapping together of their bodies filled the air around them. When he felt her muscles clench around him, and knew she was close, he lifted onto his elbows, wanting to watch her face when she came for him.

  “AlexAlexAlexAlex,” she chanted as shudders racked her body.

  “Sweet Jesus,” he gasped as he followed her into oblivion. He managed to stay on his elbows and not crush her, even though his arms shook from the force of his climax. Brushing her damp hair away from her face, he stared at his beautiful girl.


  He chuckled. “What what?”

  “Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “Because you’re beautiful. Because I love you.” He rolled over, taking her with him. “Say it back, Mad.”

  “Say what?” Madison lifted onto her elbow and blinked innocently at Alex. “Did you just growl?” She loved teasing him. To hear him say he loved her sent her heart soaring into the stratosphere. But he’d played his little game with her, and he deserved to sweat some.

  “Say it.”

  She looked into his eyes, and seeing the love he had for her, she let the last of her resentment go. Even though she didn’t like that he hadn’t been honest with her, she understood his reasons. The days without him had been torture, and she couldn’t bear the thought of not being with him.

  “I love you, Special Agent Alex Gentry. I love who you are and what you stand for. My heart belongs to you. No conditions. No if, ands, or buts. I love you.”

  “That’s my girl.” His mouth came down on hers, and he kissed her with such tenderness that tears burned her eyes. He made love to her again, worshipping her body with every soft touch of his hands, showing her with his lips, tongue, and mouth over every inch of her skin how much he wanted her. By the time he finished with her, she felt cherished and thoroughly loved, and as she fell asleep with her back tucked against his chest, listening to the gentle splash of water hitting the veranda’s foundation, she sighed with contentment.

  Early the next morning he woke her up with lazy morning sex, and when she snuggled up against him afterward, she smiled against his chest. “You’re insatiable.”

  He hugged her. “I never was before you, so it’s your fault.”

  “Oh, blame me, will you?” she teased, although it thrilled her to hear him say that.

  “Definitely.” He slapped her butt. “Put your bathing suit on, and let’s go play.”

  After a delicious breakfast delivered to their veranda, they spent the day exploring the small island and playing in the water. All too soon, the sun was setting, and they headed back to their suite. She couldn’t wait to take a shower and wash her salt-encrusted skin.

  “Thank you for kidnapping me,” she said as they walked into t
he room, hand in hand. “Feel free to do it again anytime.”

  He tilted his head and smiled down at her. “Maybe next time you should kidnap me.”

  “I might just do that. Want to join me in the shower?” There was a large soaking tub in the bathroom, but the shower was outdoors, surrounded by a bamboo fence and lush foliage.

  He snorted. “Silly question, Mad.”

  They kept their bathing suits on long enough to rinse them off, and then Alex removed hers. “About my insatiable problem . . . I feel it coming on again.”

  “Oh dear. Anything I can do to help?”

  “Uh-huh.” He pushed his board shorts down, kicking them away.

  Sweet Lord, he was magnificent. She would never get enough of looking at him, and that wicked smile of his made her toes curl. As she swept her gaze over him, she paused on the scar where Ramon had shot him.

  “I was so scared,” she said, tears stinging her eyes as she gently touched her finger to the healing wound. “I thought . . .” She shook her head, not able to say it.

  “Hush, baby. I’m here.” He wrapped his arms around her, rocking them under the warm spray of the water. “Why didn’t you want me to know you stayed at my bedside?”

  “Who told you?” She pressed the side of her face against his chest, listening to his heart beat strong and steady.

  “Nate, but only because he said I was being a dumbass. Tell me why you didn’t want me to know.”

  “Because you’d broken up with me. I didn’t think you would want me there.”

  He leaned away, his eyes locked on hers. “I heard you talking to me, but when I woke up and you weren’t there, I thought I was dreaming. I didn’t see a white light or anything like that, but your voice kept me from leaving.”

  At that, she burst into tears. What if she hadn’t gone to the hospital, or what if she hadn’t agreed to sit in that room and talk to him for hours? Would he have died? She couldn’t bear to think of a world without Alex in it.

  “Don’t cry, Mad. I’m here and not going anywhere.” He cupped her chin, tipping her face up, and kissed away her tears. “Have I told you how much I love your hair?”

  It hadn’t been until she’d reached adulthood that she’d come to terms with having red hair. As a young girl, she’d been teased unmercifully. Alex was only the second man to say that, the first being her father.

  “It reminds me of the flames of a fire. Lean your head back so I can rinse the shampoo out. There you go.” He poured conditioner into his palm. “The first time I saw you, I wanted to wrap my fist around this beautiful hair of yours, pull your head back, and kiss you so hard you wouldn’t know what day it was. You own me, Madison. Heart, body, and soul.”

  “Can I just melt at your feet?”

  “No. If you’re a puddle I can’t do this.” He trailed soapy hands down her belly until he reached her sex, and then he cupped her mound as his warm breath tickled her ear. “Or this.” He slid a finger inside her, and she put her hands on his lean hips for support as he played with her. His thumb found all the right places, while his finger slid in and out of her until she called out his name, falling against him as exquisite pleasure exploded throughout her body.

  “I think I lost all the feeling in my legs.”

  “You’re so beautiful when you come,” he murmured. Reaching over, he turned off the shower and then lifted her into his arms. “I didn’t bring a condom in with us or I’d have your legs wrapped around me right now while I buried myself to my balls inside you.”

  He carried her to bed, and an hour later, she lay across his body, as limp as a noodle. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to move again.”

  “Are you complaining?” He combed his fingers through her hair.

  “Never. Just stating a fact.”

  “I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to move. We have dinner reservations.”

  She groaned. “Can’t we just have something delivered?”

  “Nope.” He rolled them over and smiled down at her. “I love you. Now go get dressed. I’ve got something special planned for us.”

  And did he ever, she thought later as she sat at the beautifully set private table on the sand. Lit torches surrounded them, the warm tropical breeze making the flames dance.

  “Happy?” Alex asked, putting his hand over hers.

  She turned her hand over, lacing their fingers. “Yes. Can we live here forever?”

  “I’ll have to rob a bank, but if that’s what you want, sure.”

  A waiter appeared, setting a plate in front of each of them. “Prime beef chateaubriand, Caribbean lobster, and grilled asparagus with a hint of lemon,” he said. He refilled their wine glasses before bowing and walking away.

  “Oh my God, this is amazing,” she said after taking a bite of the chateaubriand. She smiled at Alex. “You, this magical night, and this food. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  He set down his knife and fork. “You take my breath away, Madison. Sitting there with your gorgeous hair blowing in the breeze and the moonlight on your face . . . How did I get so lucky?” He put his hand over hers again. “I want to wake up with you every morning and fall asleep with you in my arms each night. Move in with me.”

  That was a question she hadn’t expected.


  She needed to think about it? What the hell was there to think about? He loved her. She loved him. Moving in together was the logical next step, right? It wasn’t like he’d proposed marriage. Although he’d considered it, Alex didn’t think either one of them was ready for that.

  A week had passed since he’d asked her to move in with him, and even though they’d spent every night together since returning from the Keys, she was still thinking. How long did it take to make a decision, anyway? Between his job as a federal agent and the long hours he put in at Aces & Eights, he wanted to make sure that Madison could deal with who and what he was before she found herself trapped in a marriage that made her miserable.

  This morning she’d left his place to go home and change before she met her mother for breakfast. Today was Michael Parker’s birthday, and Madison and her mother were going to church and then to the cemetery. He was to meet them in a few hours for a late lunch, the first occasion he would spend time with Angelina so she could get to know him better.

  He held up the remote, channel surfing. Not much on of interest on a Sunday morning, and he finally left it on an ESPN sports show while he dressed. After a few minutes of indecision, he settled on a pair of gray pants and a dark purple silk shirt. It was his first time to be in the position of having to impress a girl’s mother, and it was irritating that he was nervous.

  The few occasions he’d seen Angelina in the bookstore, she had been politely pleasant toward him, but privately, she’d expressed her concern to Madison that he was the part owner of a biker bar. He’d talked it over with Madison, and they had decided it was time to tell Angelina that he was FBI. That could go either way. It would either improve her opinion of him, or not, considering it was the FBI who’d arrested her twin and killed her nephew.

  It was a bit disconcerting how much he wanted Madison’s mother to approve of him, although he thought he’d rather go one-on-one with Menace, the meanest son-of-a-bitch member of the Demons. Shaved, bathed, and dressed, he slapped a little of his favorite cologne on his face, put his gun in his boot, and headed for the door. He was a little early, but he wanted to stop and purchase some flowers for mother and daughter.

  Since the flower shop was closed on Sunday, he headed for the grocery store. For Madison, he chose a bouquet that looked like wildflowers. He had no idea what they were, but they suited her. For Angelina, he took longer to decide, finally going with a dozen yellow roses.

  He was headed to his car when his cell phone buzzed, Nate’s name coming up.


  “Where are you?”

  “On the way to Angelina Parker’s house.” Nate and Court both knew it was Impress the
Mother Day.

  “Jose Alonzo escaped from jail.”

  “How the hell did that happen?” He unlocked his door and tossed the flowers onto the passenger seat.

  “He pretended to be having a heart attack, and when the night guard went into the cell —alone, I might add—Alonzo kicked him in the balls and managed to get his gun away. He forced the guard to hand over his uniform and then tied him up with strips he’d made from his pillow.”

  “So he walked right out?”

  “Yep. Wearing the guard’s clothes and packing his gun. They’re a similar height and weight, and he averted his face from the cameras. It was an hour before anyone discovered the switch. I just got the call a minute ago.”

  “He’ll go for his sister.”

  “That’s what I’m thinking. Where are the ladies right now?”

  Alex glanced at his watch. “They should be at Angelina’s. I’m five minutes away.” He started the engine. “SWAT on the way?” He knew Nate would have called in the FBI’s team, not the police department’s.

  “The call just went out, so they should be there in thirty minutes or so. Court and I are leaving now.”

  “See you there.”

  “Dammit, Alex, don’t go in until we get there.”

  Alex disconnected. He could only go so fast on the narrow residential streets, but he pulled up in front of Angelina’s house in just under three minutes. The blinds were closed, which he didn’t like. Maybe Angelina preferred her house dark, but most people liked sunshine brightening their rooms.

  There was no place in his clothes he could put his gun that wouldn’t be obvious, so he left it in his boot. Fortunately, he’d worn a long-sleeved shirt. He opened the middle console and took out the knife in an arm holster. Unbuttoning his sleeve, he strapped the knife onto his lower arm, and then rebuttoned the cuff. It would be fifteen minutes before his brothers could get here. He wasn’t leaving Madison and her mother alone in that house with Alonzo. The man would be desperate, and who knew what he’d do?

  Alex grabbed the flowers as he exited the car. Alonzo didn’t know he was FBI and would have no reason to think Alex was there for any purpose other than to see his girlfriend. He rang the doorbell and waited a full minute before ringing it again. Maybe they weren’t home yet. He pushed the button one last time. When all stayed quiet, he stepped back, catching the sight of a window blind dropping back into place.


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