Outlaw Kind of Love

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Outlaw Kind of Love Page 11

by Nicole Snow

  “Open this fucking door before I kick it down!”

  My wild motions forced Rachel to lay off me. Several brothers were running down the hall as the newly installed door completely collapsed.

  I was in before anybody could grab me. I found them sleeping together in one bed, passed out drunk in low tank tops and matching pink panties.

  My nose wrinkled. It smelled like sex – some brother had probably been fucking them both at the same time last night.

  “Get up! Both of you!” I growled, grabbing their hair.

  Their eyes flipped open. Michelle and Rita did a double take when they saw it was me, manhandling them over to the corner.

  “Jack! Whatever you're doing, man, just ease up. Surely these pretty little girls don't deserve to be jerked around like that.” Creeper appeared and approached me cautiously, his hands stretched out, like he was trying to tame a wild animal.

  “You have no idea. These whores betrayed us all.”

  “What are you talking about? Just tell us what happened, Prez!” Magus was next to him, tall and wiry as ever. “If there's something they deserve...then we'll vote on the punishment.”

  I snorted. Fucking democracy.

  I'd only been President for a few days and I already felt just like Pop. He'd lived in constant frustration waiting around for crucial votes, especially when we needed action instead.

  “They turned Voodoo over to those fucking bastards. That's what happened! Go on, whore, tell them yourself!”

  I picked Rita up off the floor. She was shaking, looking up at me, and then past my brothers to Rachel.

  “It's true.” Rach stepped into the room, taking her place in the middle when my guys cleared a spot for her. “Tell them.”

  My brothers looked surprised, and suddenly more open to the strange twist. They were willing to doubt me in my blind rage, but nobody believed the baby girl in front of them who nursed their wounds would ever lie.

  “Please,” Rita whispered, staring up into my eyes.

  She was begging. The MC had been her home, and now she faced a dishonorable discharge. I didn't give a fuck that she had no place to go. Bitch was lucky she wasn't getting a bullet in the head.

  “Spill it.” I nodded once, baring my teeth. “Or else I'll snap those fake fucking nails off one by one. And I should do a lot worse than that for damning my flesh and blood.”

  I saw her throat twitch as she swallowed. Felt like fucking forever as she slowly craned her head away from me and at the trio in front of her.

  “I did it. I had to. The Skulls weren't giving us any choice...they came for Voodoo and the girl here, but they could only take one.”

  “And you chose him to hurt me, Jack, and this club.” Rachel's voice surprised me with its cold certainty.

  Neither of us were offering the whore any mercy.

  I watched my brothers. Magus' jaw tightened, and he turned away, oddly saddened. Maybe he'd been the one in here sharing them last night. For an older guy, he had a voracious appetite for fucking.

  Creeper betrayed nothing. But I had a feeling his eyes were on fire behind those oversized shades perched on his nose.

  “Get up!” I yelled.

  The whores whimpered as I dragged them to their feet. My brothers didn't do anything as I smashed them up against the walls, both hands poised around their throats.

  We don't hurt women. Not seriously, anyway. Not even when they deserve every last thing that's coming to them.

  Fucking MC charter. What I wouldn't give to chance that part.

  It took every fiber in my body to hold back and live up to the Devils' charter. The club code was painfully clear, and not even the President was above it.

  “You sluts are done. Both of you. Have your shit cleared out of here by the end of the day.” Tears ran down their faces, smearing their makeup. “And don't think about taking anything that belongs to the club out of this room. If I find out you've hauled off as much as a roll of toilet paper, I'll have my guys track you down, wherever you are. You won't like what happens then.”

  I released their scrawny necks. I hadn't choked them, just held them in place, but damn if it hadn't been tempting.

  “Make sure they clean up this fucking mess,” I told my brothers.

  “You're the boss,” Creeper said. “Sorry I doubted you. This kind of shit...fuck the vote.”

  I nodded, satisfied, and pushed on. I was halfway down the hall when Rachel came running up to me, racing to catch up.

  “You did the right thing,” she said. “I was scared to tell you at first...didn't know what you'd do to them. They're total vipers, but they don't deserve to die. This club's seen so much bloodshed...”

  “Not my fucking problem anymore. They'll have to advertise their loose pussies somewhere else from now on. It won't be any charter under the Prairie Devils' flag. I'll make sure of that.”

  Rachel smiled and reached for my hand. That made me stop near the bar's entrance.

  “Look, I don't know how to help you with this.” She had that big, bright, beautiful stare that commanded all my attention as she spoke. “It's terrible. Worse than anything I could've imagined. I just need you to know I'm here for you...whatever it is you need. Don't push me out, Jack.”

  I smiled. Her skin was milky, warm, inviting.

  I squeezed her hand, leaned down, and landed a kiss on her perfect forehead. I needed that.

  Anything to remind me I was still a human being, more than a walking time bomb ready to slaughter everybody who fucking deserved it.

  “I won't, baby girl. Just hang tight. I'm gonna sweep this shit away or die trying.”

  Worry creased her face. She knew I wasn't just speaking rhetorically, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

  “I haven't been here that long, but I don't think this club can handle two dead Presidents in such a short time. You better stay safe, Jack.”

  “I'll do my best.”

  One more kiss, and I was gone. For a second, she'd given me that little piece of heaven that seemed lost forever from the time I found Pop's mutilated body.

  Maybe if I was wise and strong, one day I'd get it back.

  “It's D-Day tomorrow,” Warlock said.

  I looked at him sharply, more than a little annoyed. Damn it, did he need to give me another reminder?

  We'd been frantically getting ready to attack this past week. The bikes reminded me of chariots, lined up side by side in the garages, their steel sparkling like ruthless diamonds in the light.

  “You ready for this?” Warlock persisted.

  I didn't blame him. Since the vote and the blowout with the whores, I'd thrown myself into logistics shit and kept my distance.

  “More than ready,” I said. “We're going to kick their asses from here to Kansas City. Did you talk to the Snakes?”

  “Yeah. They'll be hitting the Skulls in Duluth tomorrow, along with the Minnesota charter. Further East, they'll be taking out their little outpost in Michigan too. With any luck, the Raging Skulls will be ash everywhere but Chicago and Kansas City by this time tomorrow.”

  “Good. You did your job, VP.”

  I stared out the open garage into the big red evening sun. Tomorrow, we were really gonna set the whole Dakota prairie on fire, bathing it in blood.

  “How about the girls?” I asked. “We good on closing this place up so that asshole Mayor doesn't try anything while we're gone?”

  “Yeah. Bolt said his guys are definitely watching us. The police aren't helping him, though. If anything, they're plenty suspicious of their own boss since he keeps those hired goons around all the time.”

  I nodded. Warlock flicked a cigarette at the ground and stomped it out.

  “I want you to tell Frannie to keep my girl close. Don't let her slip away unattended, even at the hotel in Fargo.”

  “You got nothing to worry about, Throttle. My old lady treats Rach like she's our own daughter. You know that.”

  I did. I slapped him on the shoulder
before I took off. No matter what happened, I was grateful that I had guys and gals I could count on.

  I felt Warlock's eyes following me inside the clubhouse. And I would've been concerned if they weren't.

  He was doing exactly what a VP should, making sure the club President didn't make stupid decisions that put people's asses at risk. I'd done enough of that for one lifetime, and I swore it was never happening again.

  I hadn't seen much of Rach the last few days.

  We'd been prepping like mad for the assault, leaving me little time to take her up on that sweet offer.

  Whenever I laid myself down for a couple hours of sleep, I thought about her offer, spoken with love. She wanted to help, but how?

  What the hell could she do for me?

  That question nagged like a sharp little splinter in my heel. Then the answer came late one night, just after I returned from Jonesy's place.

  We were unloading the supplies we'd piled up there when we were expecting an earlier attack. The fallback point hadn't paid off, and now we needed to put that shit to good use elsewhere.

  Lannie was there, a little bigger and brighter than I'd seen her before. Wouldn't be long at all until she popped out that baby boy.

  At least the stern talking to I'd given him earlier had made him clean up his act. And that made her happier. Jonesy's girl positively glowed as she served us waters and coffees.

  Come to think of it, Jonesy himself was a lot lighter too. He moved his skinny ass around, loading up the moving truck faster than guys three times his size. After watching him racing around like his life depended on it, all with a smile, I had to ask.

  “What's gotten into you, Jonesy? Never seen you work so hard for the club. Yeah, it's wartime, but is there something else I should know about? You're not using that pure shit we're sending up to Canada, are you?”

  Drug abuse was a serious offense in this MC. We made more than half our income on lucrative runs to push coke north and west. But we were strictly delivery boys – never manufacturers who sampled our goods.

  He stopped before picking up another ammo box. The dimples in his face pressed deep as he smiled.

  “That little chat we had snapped me out of my stupor, Prez. Can't thank you enough. I don't know what the fuck I was doing before...nothing seemed real to me. But after you left that day, I sat down with Lannie and took a good hard look at everything that's mine.”

  “Not sure I follow.”

  “Her, the baby, a good clean house...I'm living the dream, Throttle. Yeah, shit's not perfect and there's always some monster breathing down our necks. You know what? It doesn't fucking matter. I've never been happier.” He paused, grabbing that box with his skinny hands. “This is dad strength, man. I want my boy to look up to me, and Lannie too. Really puts a spring in a guy's step.”

  I watched him carry that heavy box up the truck's ramp and come back for another in record time.

  Dad strength? I rubbed my chin, trying to get what the hell that was all about.

  Later, everything clicked. I smiled so big and dumb a couple guys from Dickinson stared at me until I moved, probably wondering if I'd lost my marbles.

  Yeah, dad strength. He's got the best thing worth living for short of this club.


  Just like that, I knew exactly what I needed from Rach. And tonight, I wasn't gonna fucking stop until sunup, loving her the way a warrior should before he goes off to kill.

  I was at the bar sipping a whiskey when I saw her come in. Even in those scrubs Frannie had given her, Rachel looked damned sexy.

  “Hey! I didn't expect to see you here,” she gushed. “You've been so busy...”

  “Yeah, it's been rough. I'm taking the night off before the big job tomorrow. Why don't you get all cleaned up and join me? Or do you want to do both at once?”

  She flashed that big, hungry smile I loved to see when my words registered in her head. I never knew who reached for whose hand first.

  Laughing, we speed walked down the hall, heading for the master bathroom fixed to my room.

  “God, I've missed your kisses so fucking much!” The words hissed out her lips when we were inside.

  I pushed her against the tiled wall and kissed her neck, smothering her in pure heat. I wanted her – needed her sweet body – just as bad as I always did. Except this was worse, a thousand times hotter and hornier with the mission burning in my brain.

  “Throw those scrubs off, baby girl. Time for somebody to give your body some special attention.”

  She moaned softly at my words. I sank lower, helping her push the nurse's outfit off her shoulders, then went to work on her pants.

  When she was down to her panties, I started to undress too. I threw my cut onto the counter. Her hands were on my shoulders before I started undoing my shirt.

  “Let me help,” she whispered.

  I stood still and let her do exactly that. Fuck, it felt amazing to have her little hands on my body again. They were so soft and delicate, not yet hardened by all the hard work she was doing with them.

  I unclasped my jeans, allowing her to pull them to the floor.

  Rach giggled when she caught sight of my cock throbbing through my boxers. It was pressed tight to the fabric, swollen and ready to rampage, but I held it in check.

  “Let's go, baby. Shower time.”

  I helped her up and tugged on her panties, giving her ass a playful spank. I kicked off my boxers, chasing her into the shower.

  One twist of the knob and warm steam rained down on us, caressing our skin like sweet peppermint oil. Our bodies collided.

  I had her up against the wall again, playfully nudging my length against her soft belly. I ached like hell to slip inside her, raw and forceful.

  Soon. That kind of fucking doesn't come quick and easy.

  Or maybe it did, but I was sure as hell gonna make it irresistible first. I nipped at her bottom lip, stopping to swallow her sweet gasps.

  Her breath and voice sang to me. Each purr vibrating from her throat made me hotter, harder, fuller, and so much fucking hungrier to possess her to the core.

  “I love you, baby girl. You know nothing will ever change that.”

  She opened her mouth to answer, but I sank to her breast first. One hard nipple slipped past my lips and she tensed, crying louder. The bathroom echoed with her pleasure cries, the sweet song that was just an opening act to our flesh melding.

  I plumped her other breast while I sucked, loving the way her flesh pulsed against my tongue, a little softer and warmer with every lick.

  And those sweet little buds were just the tip. Literally.

  I kissed a trail down her wet stomach, urged on by the hot rain on my back. Rach gasped again, knowing what was coming. She braced herself on the wall and planted both her hands on my shoulders.

  I licked my lips once and stared up at her. She had to share my hunger, this crazy fucking urge spiking through me.


  I couldn't take it anymore. I buried my face between her legs, pushing against her thighs with both hands. I opened her up for the greatest pleasure of her life, running my tongue up through her folds.

  Her cream, her scent, I could've buried myself in both for a small eternity. My tongue flicked out, deepening its strokes up her opening.

  Each lick reverberated through her body. I enjoyed the aftershocks, never knowing which muscles would jerk in her arms and legs, becoming a little more unraveled as pleasure jolted through her.

  Those moans up above became shrill chirps. Her hands moved off my shoulders, wrapped around the back of my head, and squeezed when I started going at her clit.

  Fuck yeah, baby girl. Bring me home so I can bring you off.

  Scream for me.

  “Jack, that feels so good. Don't stop...don't!” One cluck of her tongue stopped her words.

  I doubled my circular strokes around her clit, pulling it past my teeth, then holding it bare for my tongue. I smothered her sweet nub in wet heat, w
inding her up like the prettiest toy I could imagine.

  When she came, her thighs convulsed in my hands, shaking along with her screams.

  My lips quirked, smiling even as I kept licking her. Tonight, she was all mine, even if it was for the very last time.

  Rachel's whole body went slack against the shower wall. My cue to pull away and look up.

  “Hold still and kiss me, baby girl.” She obeyed like I knew she would.

  I kissed her sweet lips as I turned her into the shower. Enjoying the view of her ass while I washed her skin. I soaped her skin up and massaged it, spending extra time on her nipples and between her legs.

  I still tasted her sweetness on my tongue. Rach insisted on washing me too.

  Turning my back, I let her fingers work all around my Devils' tattoo, scrubbing in deep. Fuck, that felt good.

  She swept around me, hugging my whole body, pushing soap and water over my hard abs. And her hands weren't done – not by a long shot.

  I lost it a little and tensed when she planted her hands on each muscular thigh. She washed up with her hands, circling closer and closer to my cock. It was raised and pointed like a dangerous arrow, so fucking ready to shoot.

  “Ah! Fucking A!” I closed my eyes and bit my tongue when she wrapped one hand around it.

  Hardest thing in the world to pry her mischievous little fingers off. I turned around, stifling a smile.

  “Don't. Looks like we're all done here. Let's dry off and save it for the bed.”

  She nodded. I never saw a girl dry herself so fast and run the towel up and down our wet bodies.

  Mission accomplished: she was just as eager as I was. Time to spill the beans.

  “Listen to me, Rach.” She looked up, toweling off my legs. “I've thought long and hard while my brothers and I have been getting ready for payback tomorrow. There's a way you can help me.”

  Surprised, she dropped the towel and stood up, pressing her pretty cheek to my chest. “I knew it. What do you need?”

  “I need you to give me what those fucking Skulls stole away from me.” I paused, searching for the right words as her eyes locked on mine. “You can help me rebuild the family I've lost, baby. Something to live for, something beautiful to cement our love.”


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