Caribbean Threesome Part 1

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Caribbean Threesome Part 1 Page 2

by Lance Greencastle

  "We can't lock him out of his own bathroom."

  "I meant the bathroom door into our room."

  "I'm not that concerned with him sneaking into our rooms to attack us in our sleep," Liz snorted.

  "So want are you concerned with?" Beth stuffed the vouchers into her bag.

  "Oh, nothing, I suppose," Liz sighed. "I just expected to have a private bathroom."

  "Cheer up, Liz. It's not the end of our holiday."

  "No, I guess not," Liz tried to sound more sure than she felt.

  "And now we know that the hotel is booked solid for this sales conference thingy there should be plenty of talent for us to trawl through."

  Liz stopped walking. Beth trundled on for a couple of steps before coming to a halt and looking back at her.

  "It's a cosmetics sales conference," Liz reminded her.

  "So," Beth shrugged.

  Liz opened her arms to demonstrate the hotel lobby, packed solid with the attendees of the annual hot girl cosmetics global sales networking event, and waited for the proverbial penny to drop.

  "Oh," Beth looked at all the women in the lobby.

  "Yes," Liz agreed.

  "Cosmetics," Beth did a full 360 degree turn to end up facing Liz once more. "Not very many boys attend cosmetics sales conferences, do they?"

  "No," Liz agreed. "Not very many." She looked around. Even the hotel staff seemed to be completely female in composition. "Let's get breakfast. I can never think straight on an empty stomach."

  "OK," Beth said and the two girls turned towards the hotel restaurant. Only to come to an immediate halt.

  "Shit," Liz gestured to the long line snaking its way out of the restaurant.

  "Have all the conference attendees come for breakfast at exactly the same time?" Beth asked.

  "Looks that way," Liz replied.

  "Are we going to have to join long queues of girls for everything on this holiday?" Beth asked.

  But before Liz could reply a male voice spoke from behind the two girls, "Hi, Liz. Hi, Beth,"

  Liz jumped a little and turned just as Beth said, "Oh hi, Jim."

  "Did you know that this resort is full of hot babes?" Jim said.

  "Gee, thanks," Liz replied before getting a good look at him. But instead of the smug look Liz was expecting, Jim looked worried. "What am I going to do alone with 99 million hot babes?" he half whispered, looking around as if expecting some sudden female attack.

  "Don't worry, you can hang out with us," Beth replied.

  Liz looked at Beth, but before Liz could object Jim said, "Really? That would be cool."

  Beth looked at Jim, "We were just going to get some breakfast."

  "Great," Jim said

  Liz shot Beth a look from behind Jim's head.

  "Come on it'll be fun," Beth smiled back at her.

  "What, breakfast?" Jim asked, then he turned to look at Liz and his face dropped. "You're not going to..." Jim ran out of words.

  "What?" Liz exaggerated the question. "Drop to my knees and give you a blow-job right here in the middle of the hotel lobby."

  "No," a blush came on Jim's cheeks. "I mean, tease me and... stuff, again. Are you?"

  He looked so cute the Liz couldn't help but melt a little. "Listen, Jim," she told him. "If you stick with us you are going to be merciless teased 24/7. That is if we ever get any breakfast." Liz waved towards the hotel restaurant with its seemingly endless queue.

  "There's a nice restaurant just across the street," Jim suggested.

  "How do you know?" Liz looked at him.

  "I've been here three days already," he said.

  "So, what have you been doing for three days?" Beth asked.

  Jim shrugged, "Just hanging out by the pool, reading books."

  Liz looked at Beth. "Sounds like we had more fun in the one night that we've been here that you've had in three days."

  "Well, normally I hang with my friends and do what they do. This is the first time I've ever gone on holiday alone," Jim explained.

  "Oh, don't worry," Beth smiled. "Now you're with us we'll make sure you have lots of fun." She looked at Liz, "Won't we?"

  Liz rolled her eyes at Beth, but then smiled at Jim. "Well, let's go eat. Shall we?"

  "Ok," Jim smiled and started towards the door.

  The girls walked behind him.

  "The things you get me into," Liz said to Beth.

  "You know you love it," Beth smiled.

  "Hmmm," Liz replied.

  # # #

  The restaurant was just across the street from the hotel, sandwiched between a hardware store and a hair Solon, on the main street of what would still have been a sleepy village if developers hadn't decided to build an international resort along its pristine beach. Though it was unclear whether it was due to its colonial past or the influx of tourists that the restaurant boasted a large sign in the window that simply said "Full English Breakfast".

  "Now that's what I'm looking for," Liz said with glee as they crossed the road.

  Beth looked sideways at her friend. "I can never figure out how someone who loves greasy food so much can have such clear skin."

  "Genetics my dear girl, genetics," Liz opened the door and went inside, smiling as the smell of a fry-up filled her nose.

  Inside was dark after the morning sunshine. Liz and Beth took off their sunglasses, Jim standing close behind them as the door bumped closed.

  "Humph," Liz nodded to Beth. "I wonder where all these girls came from."

  "Yes," Beth grimaced as she looked at all the perfectly made up young ladies who occupied every table in the place.

  "Oh, no, don't tell me they're over here as well," Jim sighed as he saw all the cosmetic sales girls, who had nabbed every table in the place and every stool at the counter.

  "Hi, Jim!" a female voice called out in an English accent.

  All three turned to look and saw a petite, blond girl standing behind the counter, her hair tied back in a ponytail under a green and yellow baseball cap. She looked at Jim, "I see you've found some friends."

  "Hi, Katie," Jim smiled at the girl. "This is Liz and Beth."

  "Hi," she smiled at them. "Welcome to Carl's."

  "Thanks," Beth replied.

  "Yeah, Thanks," Liz looked around the restaurant. "But it looks like we might not be staying." She waved at all the full tables.

  "That's OK," Katie smiled at Jim, "I guessed you'd be in again today so I saved you a table at the back." She pointed at the back of the restaurant where there was a little alcove with a table and four chairs crammed into it.

  A shout of, "Order up!" came from the serving hatch behind the counter and Katie turned to collect three plates piled high with assorted fried eggs, sausages, black and white pudding and toast. Liz felt her stomach rumble.

  Katie scooped up the plates. "Have a seat," she said as she passed. "And I'll be over in a minute to take your order."

  "Thanks," Jim said and started towards the free table, Liz and Beth following. Although Jim's felt somewhat unsure of himself as every eye in the place seemed to be trained on him. He could feel a blush forming on his cheeks. If it hadn't been for Liz and Beth following behind he would have just turned around and left. He glanced over his shoulder, Liz and Beth were still there.


  Jim had bumped into a chair. A chair with a pretty girl sitting on it.

  "I'm terribly sorry," he looked down at a pair of sky blue eyes.

  "That's alright, sweet cheeks," the girl smiled up at him. "You can bump me anytime." And the other girls at the table, and the surrounding tables, started to giggle.

  Jim looked at the floor and made his way to the free table as quickly as he could. He was still blushing as Liz and Beth sat opposite him, smirks on their faces, and a trail of giggles in their wake.

  "Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance," Liz nodded over her shoulder.

  "Em," Jim couldn't bring himself to look around.

  "Yes," Beth added. "Every girl in the
place was checking you out as we walked passed them."

  Jim tried to smile, but he looked more worried than complimented.

  "It's OK, Jim," Liz said. "That's a good thing. It means they're all jealous of me and Beth."

  "Jealous?" Jim asked.

  "Because we've got a boy and they don't," Beth picked up a menu. "Not many boys come to cosmetic sales conferences, don't you know."

  "I had noticed that they were all girls," Jim said.

  "And what do girls want when the go on holiday?" Liz asked.

  "What?" Jim replied.

  "A bit of fun in the sun," Liz said.

  "A holiday romance," Beth said.

  Liz and Beth glanced at each other.

  "Either way," Liz continued, "we've got a boy to play with and they don't."

  "I see," said Jim, in a tone of voice that suggested that he didn't.

  "Does that mean we have to share him between us?" Liz asked Beth.

  "I'll let you have my scraps," Beth replied.

  "Well, maybe I'll just help myself to one of these hot cuties," Liz surveyed the restaurant.

  "Huh?" Jim's jaw dropped.

  "Liz prides herself on being Bi-sexual," Beth explained.

  "Really?" Jim looked at Liz in surprise.

  "Oh, don't worry," Liz smiled at him. "I do boys too."

  "That's good to know," Jim tried to laugh, but couldn't quite bring it off.

  "But there's no need for you to worry, Jim," Beth assured him. "I'm straight."

  "As the day is long," Liz sighed.

  "Maybe I'm just teasing you."

  "Since we were ten years old!"

  "Ten years old?" Jim asked.

  "We went to school together," Beth explained.

  "And been BFFs ever since," Liz smiled.

  "OK," Jim nods.

  "We've shared a lot," Beth looks at Liz.

  "Quite a bit," Liz looks at Jim.

  Jim swallows, hard.

  "But we wouldn't have it any other way," Beth concludes, returning to reading her menu.

  Liz glanced at her own menu.

  "So what's good here?" Beth scanned her menu.

  "Well, everything," Jim said.

  "Really?" laughed Beth.

  "Are you flirting with us?" Liz asked.

  "No," Jim said. "I mean the food." He looked down at his menu, "All the food I've eaten here has been good."

  "She's just toying with you," Beth said to him.

  "I did warn him," Liz her menu down.

  "Oh, right," Jim made himself smile.

  "So what are you having?" Beth asked.

  "Full English, of course," Liz put her menu down.

  "And you keep a figure like that," Beth shook her head.

  At the front of the restaurant a girl leaned over from her table to whisper to the girls at the next table and they all burst out laughing while glancing over at Jim.

  Liz and Beth exchanged glances, as Jim blushed.

  "Still, it must be great to be the centre of attention," Beth teased Jim.

  "What?" Jim asked.

  Another gaggle of girls burst into a fit of giggles, glancing back towards Jim and then leaning close to each other to whisper something else that resulted in another fit of giggles.

  "All these girls are giggling at you," Beth explained.

  "They're not," Jim's face flushed red.

  "Oh, yes they are," Beth replied.

  "And if they are," Jim shrugged.

  "We all know what giggling girls do to men," Beth smiled.


  "It makes them hard."

  "No, it doesn't," Jim started to cross his legs, but then stopped himself.

  Beth and Liz smiled at each other.

  "So, "Liz turned to Jim, "have you enjoyed looking at all these pretty girls for the past few days?"

  "Well, no," Jim shrugged. "They only arrived yesterday."

  "Really?" Liz said.

  "And who was here before?" Beth asked.

  "The hotel was full of old yuppies with trophy wives," Jim said.

  "Trophy wives?" Liz smiled.

  "So how did you spend your days?" Beth asked.

  Jim shrugged again, "I was keeping myself to myself until now."

  "Keeping yourself to yourself?" Liz asked. "Doing what?"

  "Just reading and chilling out," Jim said. "Oh, and seeing some of the sights."

  "Seeing the sights?" Beth smiled. "The island is full of hot girls, aren't they the sights you should be looking at?"

  "Em... well..." Jim stuttered.

  "And what about the people you had to share the bathroom with?" Liz asked.

  "Well, up onto this morning your room was empty, so luckily I had the place to myself."

  "So now you're complaining about having to share a bathroom?" Liz raised her eyebrows.

  "No. That's not what I meant, at all," Jim looked to Beth for support, but she was busy looking around at all the other tables.

  "You do know," Beth turned to Jim, "that you could have your pick of any these girls."

  "What?" Jim looked around.

  "Absolutely," Beth nodded. "Remember, you're the only boy in the place."

  "Well..." Jim didn't know what to make of this. "So?"

  "You know she's right," Liz said.

  Jim tried to shrug it off.

  "And not a single one of them has their boyfriend with them. Think of that, Jim," Liz had a gleam in her eye. "All these hot, nubile young ladies for you to choose from."


  "A hotel full of hot girls on holiday," Liz teased. "All of them horny."


  "Every boy's fantasy come true," she smiled at him.

  "Huh?" Jim face flushed red once more.

  But Jim was saved by the arrival of the waitress.

  "Hi, again," Katie stood beside their table. "Complementary juice," she said as she put a jug of juice and three glasses onto the table.

  "Cool, juice," Beth started to fill the glasses. "I'm parched."

  "So, are you two girls taking good care of Jim?" Katie asked.

  "Oh, yeah," Beth smiled across at Jim. "We've been taking good care of him ever since we met this morning."

  "Cool," Katie looked at him. "I was thinking that Jim was feeling a bit lonely since he had to come on holiday alone."

  "Oh, yes," Liz grinned. "He told us all about how his friend couldn't make it."

  "Anyway," Jim cleared his throat. "I'll have the full English, please."

  "Sure." Katie looked at the girls, "And what can I get you?"

  "I'll have the full English, as well," Liz said.

  "Poached eggs and toast," Beth ordered.

  "Tea or coffee?" Katie asked

  "Tea," all three spoke at once.

  "Three of the best breakfasts you'll ever eat coming right up," Katie turned on her heels and headed back behind the counter.

  "You did get yourself a girlfriend, you sly dog," Liz smiled at Jim.

  "What? No," Jim reached for his glass of juice.

  "Do you come here often?" Beth teased.

  "It's not like that," Jim replied. "She's just being nice to me because I'm a customer."

  "But I'd still bet that you're hard," Beth said.

  "What?" Jim blushed.

  "Oh, he is," Liz grinned.

  Jim's gave a startled yelp as he felt something brush against the inside of his thigh. He looked down and saw that Beth had slipped her foot out of its sandal and stretched her leg out under the table.

  "Yep, hard as steel," Beth planted her toes firmly in Jim's crotch.

  "OK," Jim tried to wiggle back in his chair, "You've had your fun." But Beth pressed her toes against his hard cock. "Now stop before anyone sees what you're doing."

  "What am I doing?" Beth asked, all innocent.

  Liz laughed, glancing down at her friend's lap to confirm what Beth was doing.

  Jim tried to close his legs, but Beth just pressed more firmly against him. He glanced acros
s at the group of girls sitting at the table beside them, then looked back at Beth. "Please," he hissed.

  "Please this?" Beth wiggled her toes against the length of his cock, pressing it against his inner thigh.

  Jim started to moan, but changed it to a slow intake of breath as his hands balled into fists on the table. Just when he looked like he might explode Beth eased off, leaving her foot resting on the chair between his legs, not pressing against him, too much.

  The three girls at the table beside them burst into laughter. Jim glanced across, but none of them were looking at him

  "Please," Jim nodded at the girls at the next table. "Someone might see."

  "See?" one of the girls at the next table looked around at Jim. "What's to see?"

  Jim looked at her opened mouthed for a moment.

  "That's the exact question we were just asking?" Liz turned to the girl. "What is there to see on the island."

  "We're not too sure," another girl said. "We're at this sales conference thingy and we only had a few hours of sightseeing scheduled."

  "Yes," the third girl at the table said. "They herd us onto buses, drive us somewhere historical, walk us around for an hour or two and then bring us back for our next workshop."

  "Sounds like fun," Liz said.

  "Yeah," the girl rolled her eyes.

  "Hey," the second girl said, "Aren't you the boy who's staying at our hotel?"

  "Yes. Yes, he is," Beth smiled at her. "He's in the room next to ours."

  "The one that shares the bathroom?" the third girl asked.

  "Yes," Beth said.

  "You have to share a bathroom with a boy," the first girl made a face, but the other two girls seemed more intrigued than disgusted. "Isn't that a little awkward?"

  "Well, so far we're walked in on him while he was in the shower, but he hasn't walked in on us," Beth explained.

  "So what did you do?" the third girl asked.

  "We made him jerk off for us and then sent him packing so we could have the bathroom to ourselves," Liz said.

  Jim just looked at her.

  "Really?" the third girl's mouth hung open in shock.

  "Don't be silly, Gaby," the first girl snapped.

  "Oh, right," the third girl, Gaby, said.

  "Anyway," the second girl asked. "What are you going to do when you're not, em, sharing a bathroom together?"

  "That's what we've been trying to decide," Liz replied.


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