Claimed By The Fae King (Mated To The Fae King Book 4)

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Claimed By The Fae King (Mated To The Fae King Book 4) Page 6

by Bailey Dark

  His hands reach for me, brushing over my arms before I can pull away. “I thought it was for the best.”

  I laugh bitterly. “You had no right. You forfeited that right when you chose her! You chose her after I – after we – ”

  Altair cups my cheeks, his eyes blazing. My breath catches in my throat as he locks his gaze on mine. “Never think such a thing,” he says fiercely. “Never.”

  “But, it’s true,” I whisper, tears brimming in my eyes. “You chose her. You let me – and then you chose her.”

  “I had to.” Altair sounds weak, broken. “I had no choice.”

  “You could have told me,” I whisper. “You could have told me everything; about my parents, about Erzur, all of it.”

  He clutches his forehead, clenching his eyes shut. “I know. I’m sorry.”

  I let him pull me towards him, sagging into his chest. His warmth draws me to him, a silent, comforting sensation that eases my pain. I feel a single tear slip down my cheek and wipe it away roughly. Altair strokes my hair lovingly despite the dirt and grease from a week of rough travel. When his hand plays against my waist I feel like my heart might burst. For a week, I’ve pushed away any and all thoughts of him. It’s been too painful. I spent weeks stoking the flames of my love for him in Sadal’s captivity. I felt hope for the first time in months when Altair made love to me so gently that day. And then it was dashed. Dashed and now he’s spit upon me, as if I’m a child in need of protecting.

  I push away from him, breathing hard as I feel my anger anew. His brows furrow with confusion. “I’m sorry, Verity, for all of it,” he says.

  I know he’s sincere. I can hear it in the lilt of his voice. And that only makes it worse. “I hate you,” I breathe, dropping my gaze to his scuffed boots.

  I don’t. I don’t. I could never. And he knows it. He knows how much I hurt. He must. We stand in silence, the short distance between us is overwhelming. Suddenly, his arms close around me again, strong like tree trunks. I squirm, scowling, but he holds fast. My anger flares again and I revel in its power. I open my mouth to curse at him, to curse him, but his lips fall over mine before I can speak.

  He kisses me with the fervor of a starving man, and I kiss him back. Shocked for only an instant, every cell in my body leans into him. I throw my arms around him, nails digging into the thin fabric of his tunic. His lips tug at mine, tongue sweeping across my bottom lip sensually. I inhale sharply, desire mingling with my anger to birth a passion in me I’ve never felt before.

  Altair has me up against the wall, my back pressed against the cold stone. I arch into him, rolling my groin against his instinctively. He groans, deepening the kiss. Altair’s tongue darts between my lips, tangling with my own. Heat washes through me and I feel my nipples stiffen in response to my desire. God, I need him.

  Without thinking, I wrap my legs around his waist. He hoists me off the ground effortlessly, his fingers curling against my ass and caressing it. I pull him closer to me, desperate need fueling my kisses and searching fingers. I can feel his stiff member against my core, and I relish it, desire flooding through me. I feel addicted to him already and I know this will only make it harder to let him go. But I don’t want to. I want to stay here, in his arms, feeling his heat, for the rest of my days.

  I moan into his lips and he chuckles. The sound sends a thrill through me. I feel him grin as his elegant fingers play over my chest. There’s little he can do with the leather armor I wear, but I relish his soft touch anyway. Altair nibbles my bottom lip sweetly, teasingly, and I moan as he tugs on it. I want him every single way.

  My fingers tangle in his hair, mussing it. He growls into me and I feel the reverberation in my entire body. A pleasant shiver trails down my spine at the sensation and I press tighter against him. He rolls his hips, hands holding me tightly at the waist. Pleasure sweeps through me and I suddenly desperately wish I was wearing less clothes. As if he can read my thoughts, Altair’s fingers dance over the laces holding my leather breeches in place. I inhale sharply, realizing his intentions.

  I push him away, dropping to the ground as his hands fall away from my hips. Breathing heavily, I wipe away any traces of his kisses with the back of my hand. Hurt flashes across his face and I feel a sharp pain in my chest at the sight. But I can’t let myself feel guilty. I need to protect myself. I can’t let another mistake between us hurt me further. I can’t give him more pieces of my heart and soul when I’ll receive nothing but secret kisses in return.

  “I can’t,” I whisper. My only explanation.

  He nods, his eyes shadowed. I know he understands. “I’m sorry,” he says simply, and I know he means it. Altair doesn’t apologize unless he’s sincere in it. The thought is the only comfort I have.

  “I should go back,” I mumble, adjusting my clothes.

  “You should,” he agrees. His eyes flash, as if he would ask me to stay. I swallow hard, hoping half-heartedly that he doesn’t.

  I pause at the door. “Will you tell me?” I ask hesitantly. “Will you tell me everything?”

  His hand brushes a stray hair away from my face and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from running back into his arms. “I will, when we have more time.”

  “I’ll see you later then,” I say, trying to sound unbothered.

  “We’re going to the wastelands,” he says quickly, as if to convince me to stay longer.

  I furrow my brows. “Why?”

  “There will be answers there, about a new enemy.” His voice is low, dark. My thoughts flash to the Shades and I swallow hard. The last thing I want is for Altair to endanger himself.

  “Then I’m coming too,” I say insistently.

  A smile spreads across his face and his eyes flash with amusement. “I thought you might say that.”

  Altair takes my hand and brings it to his lips before I can swipe it away. His lips brush over my knuckles, like a gentle kiss of wind. I leave him then, before his hazel eyes and soft touch can convince me to stay. My heart aches as I use my magic to travel swiftly back to Thal. I miss him already, perhaps even more than I did before.

  It’s night now, and Thal and the soldiers have made camp outside the farmhouse. When I appear on the fringe of their campsite, Thal is the first to notice me. He leaps to his feet, moving more quickly than my eyes can register, and wraps me in a fierce hug.

  “What were you thinking?” He snaps, pulling away to glower at me. “We thought the worst. The others are furious.”

  “Pissed,” Syren agrees from her seat at the fire.

  I grimace apologetically. “I had to know if what you said was true.”

  “Altair,” Thal says grimly. He closes his eyes, exasperated. “I hope you found your answers.”

  “Not yet. But I might.” I bite my lip nervously. “He’s going to the wastelands. I want to go.”

  “The wastelands?” Thal cocks a brow. “You’re joking.”

  I shake my head. “I’m going.”

  Thal groans, rubbing his temples as if they’re smarting with pain. “Gods. I suppose I have to go with you.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter,” I quip. I pause, meeting his gaze. “But I could use a friend.”

  He nods, sighing. “Friend. I’ll go with you, Verity Chastain.” He levels a finger at my nose. “But you owe me.”

  Chapter 9


  I dreamt of Verity all night. She occupied my thoughts until sleep took me, and then made an appearance in every dream. It isn't often that I remember such night visions, but in this case, they still haunt me. I shiver, thinking of the softness of her lips on mine, of the sweet noises she made when we kissed. It's all I can do to resist taking myself in hand and thinking of her body pressed against mine.

  When she left a week ago, I didn’t think I would see her so soon. I thought perhaps we would cross paths in the winter. Erzur will insist on inviting her to the wedding, and Verity will likely go because she’s polite. But I thought she might disapp
ear from my life until then. I pause as I lace up my trousers and stare at myself in the mirror. There’s color in my cheeks that wasn’t there before, and for the first time in weeks, I feel the urge to shave and tame my beard. I smile, knowing it’s only due to Verity’s unexpected visit last night.

  I wish I had been in my bedroom when she magicked herself to me. But it’s probably for the best that I wasn’t. If I had been, I would have led her to the bed almost immediately and I certainly wouldn’t have been able to stop myself from tearing her leather armor off her supple body.

  I finish dressing in light leather and head out of my room. Today we ride for the wastelands, a place most Fae have never dared go for thousands of years. The gate looms ahead of me and all I can think of is a woman in a red cloak, riding through it and away from me. We said our goodbyes then; I gave her my last parting gift – a token of what I will always feel in my heart. But somehow, I don’t feel as if our parting will last. A smile twitches at my lips. I hope it won’t be. I hope for many more visits for thousands of years to come. If Verity can be satisfied with that.

  Guilt weighs like stones on my shoulders and I inhale sharply. Would I betray Erzur for the rest of my life just so I can be with the woman I love? I know in my heart I would, despite my feelings on the importance of loyalty and fidelity. For Verity, I would. But she deserves more than that. She deserves a love she doesn’t have to hide. A life without looking over her shoulder before we kiss. She deserves children that won’t be known as bastards. She should be happy. And I can’t give her that.

  As I swing onto my black stallion, I resolve to stay loyal to Erzur. I won’t let myself forget who I made promises to. I feel a flash of pain in my heart at the decision. I never thought of this when Verity first left, I think unconsciously I wanted something like last night to happen without feeling guilty. But that can no longer be. Sometimes, people that are loved are best left forgotten.

  “Ready?” Moritz asks me as he rides to my side.

  I nod. “Quite. Haru will arrive with the refugees in a few days. When she does, Navi and my councilors will take over in my absence.”

  “Let’s hope it’s a short trip then,” Moritz says, tossing a scarf around his neck.

  I glance up at the cloudy sky, Fall is indeed upon us and the days grow cold. “I trust you and Erzur will keep your distance from each other.”

  Moritz scowls. “It’s unfortunate the Warrior-Queen feels compelled to join her future husband.”

  I grunt in response, but a wicked grin tugs at my lips. It’s unfortunate indeed. Behind us, I hear the squeaking of wooden wheels on the courtyard stone. A sick feeling squeezes my stomach. A horse, ridden by a soldier, stops beside me. Behind it, a cage mounted on wheels rolls to a slow halt.

  Sadal grins maniacally. “It’s good to see the sun again.”

  “What is he doing here?” A sharp, lilting voice barks.

  “He’ll join us and tell us what he knows of the Shades. He’s no danger to us,” I say, turning towards Cleo. I’m struck again by how similar her eyes are to Verity’s. The fierce blue orbs, otherwise so plain, are narrowed on Sadal.

  “It’s not my safety I’m worried about.” She leans forward, hands straying to a dagger at her waist; the only weapon I’ve permitted her. “It’s his.”

  “You won’t touch him,” I say commandingly. “He is my prisoner. Not yours.”

  She curls her lip at me but the old Bloodbane witch arrives and pats her genially on the shoulder. “Come, dear,” she says, smiling. “Let’s ride near the handsome Fae King.”

  Cleo follows her reluctantly and they take up a position beside a bored-looking Moritz. I cock a brow at him as the old witch coos over his nicely-combed locks and he glowers at me. Suppressing a snort, I turn back towards the stables. We still wait for one party member, and I’m not surprised she’s decided to arrive late. It’s a typical power move from Erzur. If she can make us wait, what else can she make us do? I shift agitatedly in my saddle, itching to be on the road.

  I hear the soft clopping of horse hooves echo towards me and then Erzur comes into view. Riding a magnificent white stallion and dressed in light, flowing riding clothes, Erzur looks every bit the Warrior-Queen. She looks beautiful and regal, but I know the ugliness within. I turn my head, pretending to study the open road, as she stops beside me.

  “Shall we?” She asks, smiling prettily.

  I sigh. “Onward.”

  We gallop out of the fortress and onto the rocky road that leads towards the mountains and the wastelands beyond. I let Moritz take the lead so I can bring up the rear. For a time, Erzur rides beside Moritz, goading him with her sweet smiles and innocent, biting remarks. I sigh, watching the way his shoulders stiffen, and the anger radiates off of him. He doesn’t take the bait though, and eventually Erzur grows bored. I grimace as she slows to take up a spot at my side.

  “What an adventure this will be,” she quips, smiling broadly.

  Her dark eyes glitter with malicious glee as she stares at Moritz’s back. “It will certainly be eventful,” I muse, trying to sound impassive.

  “It’s too bad that little Bloodbane minx couldn’t attend,” she says snidely. “I’m sure she would revel in a chance to be beside you again. Or not.”

  “Erzur,” I say, warning lacing my voice.

  She doesn’t seem to care. “You know, I bet she would just jump at the opportunity to be your mistress. Your whore.”

  I wrench back on the reins abruptly and Erzur swivels in her saddle, surprise painting her delicate features. “That’s enough,” I say, keeping my voice low. “I would remind you of the sacrifices she made for this kingdom, a kingdom of which you will soon be part. She is beloved by the people for these sacrifices. And her importance will never be forgotten. Take care in what you say, because my patience grows thin.”

  Her eyes, wide with surprise, narrow as a scowl twists her pretty lips. “Thank you for the gentle reminder, my love,” she sneers.

  Erzur kicks her heels into her mount’s side and rides forward, keeping to herself. I scowl at her back, watching her go. We may call each other as many pet names as she likes, but Erzur will never be anymore than a treaty to me. A means to an end. And I will never forgive her for her coldness to Verity, for taking such pleasure in her humiliation.

  I move again, catching up with the rest of the group. Sadal lounges in his wooden cage, munching on a carrot. His black eyes twinkle as he stares at the scowl on my face. “Trouble in paradise?” He calls. I ignore him, hoping he’ll grow bored. “Verity gave me trouble too. New wives can be so needy, don’t you think?”

  Rage boils in my gut and I question myself for bringing Sadal and Erzur on this trip. But I can’t trust either of them out of my sight. My knuckles are white as I hold tightly to the reins. “With as many brides as you have, I would think you would do better keeping them happy,” I say icily.

  “It’s more about them keeping me happy.” He grins wickedly.

  My scowl deepens. “Pig,” I mutter under my breath.

  Sadal leans forward, a far-away gleam in his eyes. “Do you know what I did before I became the dark god?”

  “Some form of dark torture,” I snap.

  “Wrong,” Sadal says, practically singing. He wags a finger at me. “Carnival tricks and slight of hand.”

  I look doubtfully at him. “Card tricks?”

  “Among other things.” He lifts a hand, stroking the wooden bars. “It’s been a long, long time. But there are some things I haven’t forgotten.”

  Suddenly, there’s a flash of blinding, white light, and a puff of smoke. I cough, blocking the bright light with my arm. “The cage!” I shout, smoke filling my lungs. “Circle the cage!”

  There’s a chorus of confusion and as the smoke clears, the cage comes into view. The door swings open, creaking on its hinges. I grit my teeth furiously, twisting in my saddle to search for the lithe Fae man across the landscape. I hear a wicked cackle and see Cleo gallop off towards the s

  “Cleo!” I shout, urging my horse after her.

  When I clear the smoke, I see her query. Sadal is sprinting down a gentle slope, glancing nervously over his shoulder from time to time. He’s quick, as all Fae are, but on her horse Cleo is faster. I watch as she catches up to him and he lashes out at her horse. She swerves to the side and leaps nimbly from the saddle to the ground. I force my horse faster, eyes locked onto the two Fae wrestling in the grass.

  When I slip off my mount, Cleo is straddling Sadal. Her hand is raised above his head, a dagger poised to plunge straight into his neck. Sadal laughs, his eyes wide with mania. He doesn’t even bother to try to wrestle the blade from her. Cleo trembles, her face and lips white. I can see the strain in her, her desperate need to drive that blade into him and be done with it.

  “Cleo,” I whisper, holding out a steadying hand. “Drop the knife.”

  Sadal laughs. “You think she can do it?” Spittle flies from his lips. “She can’t – she’s still mine even if my immortality has been stripped from me.”

  His words strike true and Cleo grimaces with pain. “Did you know?” Cleo hisses. “Did you know she was my daughter? The one you forced me to hide?”

  Sadal’s smile broadens. “Of course I did.”

  Cleo howls, rolling off of him into the grass. She plunges the dagger into the soil again and again while Sadal chuckles gleefully. I stare, eyes wide with shock as the scene unfolds before me. A woman, crippled with anger and hurt, and a man losing himself to his own mania and evil nature. My stomach turns and I force myself forward.

  I hoist Sadal to his feet and drive my fist into his jaw. I may not be able to kill him, but that won’t stop me from giving him half of what he deserves. Blood flies from his split lips as I feel bone crunch under my knuckles. He almost drops, but I squeeze his arm tighter, holding him in place. He turns furious eyes on me, but I stare coldly at him. Sadal is quiet as I force him back into the wooden cage. I bind it with a chain and tie his wrists together.

  “A nice parlor trick,” I say, mocking him.


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