Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3)

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Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3) Page 4

by G. Bailey

"Ah, Roddy's daughter," he mumbles, looking her over.

  "Yes, I've seen you with my dad before at the...,"

  My dad cuts her off by rudely interrupting saying,

  "At the pub, yes."

  "Lovely to see you dear, Alexandria, we have dinner plans." I flinch at his use of my full name. I hate it because it's my mother’s name and thinking of her only brings pain.

  "Em, can you take my shopping bags in?" I ask Emilia who nods, not looking at me before walking away.

  "What was Blake saying about only ten fights left?" I ask following my dad back to his car. I noticed straight away how tense he goes before he laughs it off.

  "I have no idea, baby girl."

  I know he is lying to me but I decide to not press it. My dad has a short temper and pissing him of would only mean a very long night.

  "Right. Is Tristan coming?" I ask as I get in the car and do my seatbelt.

  "No," my dad says curtly before driving off. The whole meal is tense and I'm not sure what's wrong with my dad. Tristan is all over the place and I need answers, which I know my dad has but won’t give me. Sebastian once told me that Elliot knows something about my brother. The phone call a few days ago pops into my head, when Tristan told me to stay away from Elliot. So maybe Elliot does know something. If only I can have a whole conversation with him without wanting to kill him.

  Chapter Four


  "I don't get why you hate her so much," my girlfriend Lily says as I glare at Allie chatting to a classmate of ours, Daniel. I watch as he holds her hand and despite the fact that I can't stand her, I want to go over and rip his hand off of her.

  "Baby, are you listening to me?" Lily asks me and kissing my neck, drawing my attention to her. Honestly, I'm only dating her to piss of Allie. I’ve broken up her countless times now and then somehow we end up back together. Lily has dated other guys while we split up; I know she slept with at least one of them. I haven’t gone that far with her yet because of my fucking father. I don’t want to take it further and be forced to sleep with whoever my father finds for me.

  "Yeah," I mutter kissing her on the lips, she does taste nice and I am a guy. Lily is a beauty, with long red hair and a great body. Being fifteen and a man does make me want her in a way but every time I kiss her I see the older womens faces, stopping me from going further. I pull away thinking of my stitches on my back. My dad stitched me up after cutting me for not listening when he made me and Luke fight. It wasn't that I wasn't listening but I refused to kick the crap out of Luke like he wanted. In the end, he punched me knocking me out again and drew another cut along my back to match my others. I screamed until I passed out it again but what was worse was when I woke up to see him cutting Luke in the same place because he refused to do the same to me.

  "You’re still not listening to me," Lily whispers in anger. I walk off towards Allie and Daniel ignoring Lily because she is getting annoying.

  "Hey, man can I chat to you?" I step in between Allie and Daniel so my back in facing her and to my relief, he lets go of her hand.

  "Sure," Daniel says, looking annoyed at me but follows me into the empty classroom I go to.

  "What do you want, dude? I need to get laid and Allie was totally into me," he grins dropping his bag onto the desk.

  I lose my temper quickly landing a punch to his face before picking him up by his coat and slamming him into the wall.

  "Listen to me stay away from Allie. She is off-limits to everyone here," I say in his face before letting him drop to the floor.

  "Fine dude, she isn't that hot," he mutters and for that, I punch him again before walking out the classroom. The thing is she is that hot but I can't let her near me because of her dad. I find Lily in the library and kiss her, thinking at least I can annoy Allie for now.

  I drop a glass as stop fucking daydreaming about Allie and our past.

  "Shit" I mutter looking down at the mess on the new shiny floors. I go run my fingers through my hair when I realise I had it cut. It’s short now, a little more on the top but it’s out of my face. I just wanted a change.

  I grumble to myself before going to get the broom. I check my phone as I walk and see I have a message from Allie about the wedding. I feel like shit about how I reacted the last time I saw her. Fuck, even I will admit I was jealous seeing that prick Gage kiss her cheek and I lost it.

  I quickly clean up my mess and start reloading the bottles of spirits. The club opens next Saturday and nearly everything is done. I look around the bar in the middle of the room, there is a stage in the one corner and the upstairs level looks over the dance floor in front of it. The floors are all black and the walls have mirrors on them, reflecting the bar and dance floor. There are seats all around the edges and a stupid amount of little lights all over the ceiling. When they are on, it looks like stars. Exactly what I wanted it too. I don’t want to be the one who has to replace the three hundred or so bulbs there are.

  I have hired my staff and I plan to work some nights myself, I do want to be involved in this place. It feels like a step in the right direction. A way to have a future, instead of just a fucked up past and a fuck load of money.

  "Holy cow, what did you do to your hair?" I hear Allie shout as she comes into the bar. She slides onto one of the bar stools, looking as hot as ever. She has on a tiny leather jacket and black skinny jeans that look moulded onto her skin. Her hair is down today, which I kind of like more. It just stops at her shoulders.

  “Wanted a change.” I shrug as she stares at me.

  “It looks good.” She says clearing her throat and looking a little red.

  I don't reply as she takes her time looking around and I'm nervous if she likes it. Fuck, I’m really lost if I actually care what she thinks. I pick up another bottle and put it away.

  "This place is really something, Kings, huh? I like it,” she says and I turn to see her grin at me. I can't help but smile back at her happy face. We both watch each other; the urge to lean over the counter and kiss her is becoming stronger.

  "Right cookie, I came to see you because we need to plan this reception. I had the idea of hiring a marquee to put in your back garden. It's big enough and we could buy tables and decorations, hire a band and someone to do food." she says and waits for my answer. The garden is big enough and we have the space for the cars. It would work for Jake as well; he could go in for a sleep when he gets tired. We even have enough room to invite some guests to stay if they need to.

  "Sounds good. I will sort the marquee, food and tables. You can sort the rest." I say putting another bottle on the shelf. I watch a little in shock as Allie comes around the bar and starts helping me put bottles away.

  “I know Maisy loves roses and birds. I know she is having roses as her wedding bouquet. So I'll buy lots for the tables and I'll have a look at different decorations. I text you if I need help.” She says and I nod at her.

  "Thanks. Look I'm really fucking sorry about the other day. I overreacted." I say gulping at her shocked face. I aware I've never said sorry to her before.

  "Thanks. I mean, holy cow, I've never heard you say nice things to me. I so wasn't expecting an apology," she laughs.

  Her laughs stop as I move closer boxing her into the bar.

  "Allie, I don’t apologise to anyone but for you, I will," I say leaning into her space and stop only a breath away from her lips.

  "I will say sorry to you a million times if it helps but it won't. Give me a chance or I'm going to take one," I whisper as her eyes widen. I don't give her a chance to say a witty resort and I kiss her. She resists me for a second before parting her lips and letting me in. I run my hand through her soft blonde hair pulling her head to the side to gain more access. She moans as I bite her lip, pulling away, it kills me not to undress her and fuck her over my bar, but I want Allie forever not just a quick fuck.

  "Let go," She pushes me away and walking off to give us some distance. I can see how annoyed she is with herself and it makes me smile.
  She looks all flustered with messy hair and swollen lips. I’ve waited years for my first kiss with her, and she did not disappoint. She tastes better than I ever thought she would. I lick my lips as I watch her glare at me. I like that she doesn’t give in easily.

  "You can't just decide you want me and then… then kiss me," she stutters out while sorting her hair out. I’ve never seen her stutter over anything.

  I lean against the bar and smirk at her.

  "I just did."

  She looks so hot when she stomps her feet and walks out the door, that I can't help but laugh. I get that she is going to try and stop me from having her but she hasn't realised that she is mine yet.

  "Hey, bro, what did you do to piss off Allie, this time?" Sebastian asks with a smirk as he walks in and stops in the middle of the room.

  "Nothing she won't forget anytime soon." I laugh picking up more bottles to put in the fridge.

  Sebastian whistles low before saying,

  "This place looks great bro."

  He walks over and stops in his tracks as he looks at my hair. He looks beyond fucking shocked. I smirk at him as he shakes his head.

  “Fuck you look like me now. I like it.” he grins.

  "Thanks, how are Jake and Maisy?" I ask thinking of my little nephew who makes me smile when he isn't being sick on me. I’m sure the kid likes to ruin my clothes on purpose. I know he is sick on other people but he throws up on me every time I hold him. Maisy says it’s because he eats too much but I’m sure the little man is doing it to piss me off.

  "All good. I'm meeting Maisy in a bit to see the vicar for the wedding and Harley has Jake."

  "Harley always has Jake and that's why you’re so dressed up" I laugh remembering how much Harley loves to help out with Jake. Harley is my oldest brother, the one that always looks after us. I don’t respect anyone as much as I respect him. The amount of times I would have lost my fucking mind over the things my dad did if he didn’t stop me. Harley was there, picking my ass off the floor and telling me it’s alright every fucking time. I know Seb feels the same way, his son’s name is Jake Harley King.

  I look over my brother in his suit with a few buttons undone at the top. It’s weird to see him in a suit but he wears them more now as he is a partner in the gym Harley owns.

  "I know my poor son is spoilt with attention. Jake always has someone holding him or taking him shopping."

  I smile at Sebastian as he continues,

  "We need another kid in the family to help distract us from Jake. I tried asking Maisy for another but that's a no for a while."

  "Yeah, well the rest of us are single so no luck there," I laugh.

  "That's true and if Blake got Izzy pregnant before he marries her, I’d have to beat the shit out of him," Sebastian laughs as we both know that wouldn't happen. I doubt Blake is crazy enough to risk the over protective brothers coming onto to him. He damn well knows we are protective of Izzy. The fucker didn’t tell us about dating our sister until Seb found out and by then it was too late. They both loved each other.

  "Talking of which how is my wedding reception plans going?" He asks reaching over the bar and getting a packet of nuts. They aren’t meant to be eaten yet but I’m not telling him that.

  "We have it all sorted and we are having it in our back garden," I tell him as he opens the nuts and eats a handful. I have been messaging Allie so we can sort out the wedding. It was a great excuse to get her number. We both think it would be good to have the party at home. Harley loves gardening so the house has an amazing garden, it looks great this time of year and we wouldn’t have to do much work on it.

  "I like the idea and Maisy will too," Sebastian says and finishes the bag of nuts.

  "Don't worry I will sort Allie out. We can work together." I smirk.

  "Work together or sleep together? I know you want her." Seb laughs, playing with the cuffs on his shirt.

  "You’re right," I mutter noticing how happy Sebastian looks, I laugh.

  "Fucking hell, I thought you'd never admit it,” he says with a wide-eyed expression.

  "Things change," I tell him.

  “I’m happy for you man. Just be careful, not all things change,” He says.

  “Like what?” I narrow my eyes at him.

  "Like her dad? You should be careful. We know he is pissed that we are all walking away from the fights soon. He tried fucking with me recently. It wouldn’t surprise me if he tries something with you. He needs one of us on his side." Sebastian warns, looking worried.

  "Yeah, I know," I say patting Sebastian’s shoulder as I sit next to him.

  "Look, can you babysit this Saturday? I want to take Maisy out and Harley is busy," he asks with a grin. I know he likes it when I babysit because I always end up going home with sick on me.

  "Alright, I want to see Jake. I've been busy with the club and I haven't been able to get around much."

  "He misses his uncle I'm sure." Sebastian laughs.

  "Jake can't tell you yet but I'm his favourite uncle," I smirk; at least I hope I am with the amount of sick he has given me. Sebastian helps me clean up a little before going to off to meet Maisy. I’m just sitting on my bike, ready to put my helmet on when I get a text. It’s from Arthur saying there is a fight next weekend that he wants me to fight. It's Harley's turn but whatever, we only have ten fights left and this will make nine. I pull on my helmet and drive back home.

  Chapter Five


  "Answer your damn phone," I mutter to myself as Tristan doesn't answer my fourth call today. I said to dad that I would check on him. I'm driving over to see him as it’s just easier. I know that focusing on my brother is my way of forgetting what happened yesterday. Elliot’s demanding kiss is seared into my head and I can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve heard of people having chemistry, I’ve read about it lots in my smutty books but I didn’t realise what it’s really liked to be kissed like that. I grab my keys and make my way to my car before making the long drive back to my old home. I love my new Hummer, it’s red and my dad bought it for me after I crashed my last two cars. I really didn’t see the telephone pole the second time and I’m lucky I didn’t get hurt. No one will drive with me anymore, I really don’t understand why. An asshole beeps at me while I’m driving nicely down an empty lane; I glance at my speed and see I’m going a little too fast. Ah well, I haven’t crashed this one in the last few months. My dad said it’s the safest car for me.

  I pull up at my old home that Tristan lives in alone now. I don’t know why he doesn’t move, he has the same inheritance that I have and it’s enough to buy a few apartments or houses around here. The cottage is very old with its grey stone and a thatched roof. It has two levels and a newer garage built near it. It looks homely from the outside but honestly, it never felt like home to me. I notice a black jeep that I don't recognise in the driveway next to Tristan’s car. Maybe he must have a friend over and that’s why he isn’t answering me.

  I unlock the door with my key, wondering in my head why it's locked, if he has someone over. I quickly walk into the lounge and scream at the sight of Lily fucking my brother on the couch.

  "Oh my fucking god, I wish I didn't see that. My mind will never recover. I need something fucking strong to drink. Holy cows, the image is burning me." I say loudly, and walking into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water to stop myself from being sick. There are images you never want in your head and this is one of them.

  "Sorry Al, I wasn't expecting you to come home," my brother Tristan says as he comes into the kitchen and pulling a top on. A moment later Lily comes in, sitting by him in a red dress that shows too much.

  "How long has this been going on?" I ask glaring at Lily, who shrugs wrapping an arm around my brother.

  "A while. Look it's serious and I was going to tell you." Tristan says with a grin. Holy cows, he looks so happy that I don't want to say this.

  "So when I interrupted you trying to sleep with Elliot last night, you w
ere serious with my brother?" I ask Lily, who turns redder than her dress.

  "What? You said you would never go back to him. Fucking hell Lily, we have been dating for a year." Tristan shouts and moves away from her. She grabs onto his arm, shaking her head.

  "While she was dating Elliot? Are you crazy, Tris?" I shout at him. He pulls his arm away from Lily giving his back to her.

  "Get out, Lily," Tris says looking at me. I want to tell him how much of idiot he is being but I don’t when I see how upset he is. I know how close he was to Lily but I never thought it was anything other than friendship. I kind of should have known better.

  "No, I love you, last night I was just drunk," Lily says throwing herself at Tristan back trying to turn him.

  "She wasn't,” I tell Tris, I’m not having this shit anymore.

  “My brother asked you to leave, Lily," I walk over to her, pushing my brother behind me.

  "It's always you ruining everything. First me and Elliot, now my relationship with Tristan. Why can't you go away?" she shouts at me, she comes to stand right in front of me. I brace myself as she slaps me, knocking my head to the side and I taste blood in my mouth. I grab her hand the second time she tries to hit me and push her away.

  "Don’t try that again, Lily. What happened was your fault, not mine. We used to be friends and I don’t know what the hell happened to you," I tell her as she starts crying. The part of me that used to be friends with her wants to hug her and the other part wants to hit her over the head for hurting Tris. There might even be a tiny bit of me that wants to hate her for what she did to Elliot. I don’t know much about their relationship but no one should be cheated on. That was uncalled for.

  "Get out," Tristan says coming to stand next to me. I see the tears in his eyes and I grab his hand which tightens on mine.

  "Fine, your loss." She mutters throwing her hair over her shoulder and slamming the door on the way out.

  "I'm sorry," I say glancing over at my brother as he opens one of the kitchen cupboards and bringing out a bottle of Jack Daniels. I watch as he pours himself a large drink before downing it in one go. My brother’s black hair is curly and very much unlike my own blonde hair. He is covered in tattoos that peek out of his clothes and he is a lot taller than me, his right eyebrow and lip are pierced also. He plays rugby for the local team and it’s good for his anger, I think. The one thing we have in common is our blue eyes; both our parents have blue eyes but mine and Tris’ look more like our mothers. Well, from the few times I’ve seen her over the years.


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