Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3)

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Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3) Page 11

by G. Bailey

  Chapter Sixteen


  "Oh god," I moan as Elliot’s fingers play with my breasts as I wake up. I push myself back against his solid chest and I feel his hard on, pushed against my ass.

  "Morning, angel," Elliot chuckles before sliding one of his hands down to find me already wet for him. I gasp as he enters two fingers inside me making me moan as he draws them in and out.

  "That's all I can handle," he mutters before pulling his fingers out and rolling me onto my stomach. I don't get a second to think before he grabs my hips and sinks into me, pushing as deep as he can.

  "Elliot," I moan loudly, not caring if the whole damn house hears and he starts pumping into me like a crazy man with his fingers holding my hips tightly.

  "Fuck," Elliot groans next to my ear before he bites my shoulder lightly, making me moan louder.

  "Touch yourself," Elliot orders and I know from last night to do as I'm told or he won't let me come. I move my fingers over my clit as he pumps into me harder.

  "Elliot, I’m coming," I say in a moan as I explode and I feel Elliot follow straight after me. We both fall onto the bed breathlessly and he pulls me onto his chest.

  "Are you hungry?" Elliot asks, playing with my hair.

  "Yes," I whisper.

  "I've never seen you without smart comebacks. Who knew making you come would make you be quiet," Elliot jokes and I grin at him.

  "No one but you," I say gently while looking up at Elliot, who face lights up.

  "You mean I'm the only guy that's made you come? How is that possible?" He asks.

  “I've only been with you and one other guy when I was sixteen but he was crap. I just didn't want anyone," I say truthfully.

  "I remember. Did you know how jealous I was when I hear you had slept with someone? I was an idiot back then. I'm surprised you don't hate me," Elliot says looking serious now and his green eyes devouring my own.

  I push back Elliot's black hair that's growing back, it’s slightly falling over his forehead now.

  "I do forgive you because I understand. What my dad did, you had to be angry at someone and I was around. If someone’s dad had done that to my family, I get how mad you were but you never actually went too far. Yes you called me names and stopped me getting dates but that was it.”

  “Honestly it was always you I wanted, even when you were being horrible to me. I think I always like that you were a dickhead in a way but only I could get a reaction out of you." I say quietly to him.

  "I used to make myself believe you were never worth it and I'm sorry for all the times I said that because it was a lie. You were the only girl in my mind that was worth it all." He tells me.

  My heart tightens as he says this knowing how those words haunted my life. I understand them more now and I get that he wanted to be with me more than his hate for my father.

  "I wish we had just talked to each other rather than fight," I mutter.

  "Do you know how much you turned me on when you argued back with me? That you were never scared, you just glared at me and told me to fuck myself. It was so hot, I had trouble not bending you over my knee and spanking your ass for some of the things you said," Elliot grins then kisses my shocked face before pulling away.

  "I'm going to shower, you coming?" He smirks, knowing my answer.

  "Yep," I say jumping up and running into his bathroom while I hear his laugh behind me. I don’t need an excuse to see Elliot all soapy and naked. Holy cow, just the thought is turning me on. I’m surprised that I can even get any more turned on after the amount of orgasms I’ve had in the last twelve hours.

  Elliot comes in and switches the shower on before taking my hand and leading me in. The shower is massive with two shower heads on either side.

  "Let me wash you," I say as Elliot stands under the shower staring into my eyes. He looks amazing with water dripping down the front of his hard chest and towards that amazing six-pack he has.

  "Sure," he says, clearly not sure. I grab the shower gel pouring some on my hands before running them over his chest and I make my way around to his front. I stop on his back as he goes tense when I feel the countless scars under the tattoo.

  "I love this tattoo," I whisper, wishing I could have taken the pain away from these scars. I quietly run my fingers over each one, wanting to know how many he has. There are twenty altogether. So many, so much pain.

  "What caused these?" I ask while I wash his back and trying to admire the huge angel wings. They are so detailed, that you can't see the scars in the wings. The person who tattooed this must have been amazing at their job.

  "My father, he wasn't a good man, Allie. The scars are my past," he says with a slight warning in his tone, I don’t think he means it. I move around his body to look up into his eyes. So much pain shows in them and it makes my heart clench with a need to fix it.

  "I'm sorry," I say before kissing his chest and then running my soapy hands over his chest.

  "Can I wash your hair?" He asks in a quiet voice. One look in his eyes shows how much he is trying not to run from me. I think he ran from everyone else, I know I’m the first one he is letting get close to him other than his brothers.

  "Yes," I say before simply turning around for him. Elliot makes me moan as he pays attention to my hair, the smell of mint fills the shower as he uses his shampoo on me. I stop when I hear him finish and I turn to see him clean his own hair rinse it under the shower making me feel very vulnerable sharing a sweet moment like this with him. Elliot kisses me gently seeming to feel the same way before turning off the shower and getting out. Elliot hands me a big towel and then wraps one around his waist before taking my hand and sitting me on the closed toilet.

  "Will you let me brush your hair?" He asks and I nod at him. Elliot spends time blow drying my hair before surprising me by doing a long French plait that runs down my back.

  "Where did you learn to do this?" I ask.

  "One of my dad’s long term girlfriends liked to have her hair done. Dad told us we had to do whatever she wanted but luckily for me and Sebastian it was just hair styles. She liked Luke to cook for her, she wasn’t like a mother to us," He says in an even voice, not a hint of emotion in it.

  "What about Harley?"

  "Harley was sixteen when dad made him do whatever his girlfriends wanted. I think that's why Harley doesn't date, he doesn't like women. I was made to help some of his friend’s wives when I turned fifteen. I hated it." he says emotionlessly and I feel sick with the knowledge of what he is telling me.

  "That's terrible," I whisper.

  "Our past is bad but it's the past. I've moved past it now but I hope Harley will one day, he had to deal with it all a lot longer than I did." Elliot says, kneeling in front of me wiping away my tears.

  “Don’t cry for me.”

  “It’s why you were so angry all the time; I always thought you just were like that.”

  “Yes, I was angry with the world. I was a kid and I didn’t cope with it well. I’m no kid now, Allie, and I have you, I’m happier than I’ve ever been because of you. So, don’t cry for me, I finally have a future and it’s you I have to thank.” He says and kisses my forehead.

  "Let's get dressed, I will go to Izzy’s room and ask for some clothes for you, unless you want to wear the dress from last night," he chuckles with a mischievous grin.

  "I don't think I can, considering you ripped it off me last night after the wedding," I laugh while Elliot looks proud.

  "You sure letting everyone know about us is a safe idea?" I ask

  "Angel, if they didn't hear you last night, they sure did this morning," he smirks when I shake my head. I follow Elliot into his room and sit on his large bed, watching him as he puts on jeans and a blue shirt. I glance around the room; it’s neat and mainly blue in colour. There’s a pile of papers on a desk in the corner with his laptop. There is a picture of him with all his brothers on the window still but nothing else.

  "Back in a sec," he says shutting the door be
hind him. I lay back on the bed feeling around on the bedside table for my phone; remember I put in the drawer last night. I open the drawer and pull my phone out when I see a picture underneath it. It’s one taken of me and Elliot just before prom. I remember how Harley made us take a picture and Elliot surprised me by pulling me into his arms. This picture is of me looking up at him; even then my feelings are all over my face. I smile thinking that he kept this picture of us. My smile fades when I remember he still chased after Lily after this picture and danced with her all night. Would he choose me over her again? He says he always wanted me but he was with her so long. I shake my head, I’m being stupid. If Elliot wanted Lily, he could have her that night at Blake's party. He chose me then. I check the time seeing I have three hours until my dance class. My phone beeps with a message and I quickly put the picture back.

  Tristan: you okay?

  I smile at him checking up on me, he has been watching me since the restaurant and I like that we don't have many secrets now. I've missed being close to my brother, we were growing up. We didn’t have a choice when mum was AWOL and dad was working. Dad’s working now has a different meaning; I now dread knowing what kind of work he was doing. He isn't a car dealer like he told me, that is for damn sure.

  "Hey, wake up twin! I'm off on my honeymoon and I wanted to thank you for that speech, it was…," Sebastian cuts off as he sees me on Elliot's bed in just a towel. Maisy comes in behind Sebastian and a shocked face.

  "Don't you knock?" I shout as I pull the bedding around me, I see Sebastian has turned around jumping up and down fist pumping the air.

  "Why are you so happy?" I say with a frown, while Maisy is laughing so loud she is holding herself up by the door.

  "This is the best weekend ever, first I get to marry the hottest women alive and now I get cakes for a month. A whole month of the best cakes ever and I win the fucking bet. My poor car is safe from her crazy driving," Sebastian grins as he turns around to answer, while I groan falling back on the bed.

  "Sebastian, we have to go or we will miss our flight," Maisy says.

  "Right, you can start cooking for me in a week," he grins at me.

  Maisy comes over to me after shaking her head at Sebastian with a smile. She is practically glowing with happiness, which makes me smile. They didn’t have an easy ride getting to where they are now and it’s so nice to see them so happy. Even if I have to make the bastard cakes for a month, there is no way he isn’t going to get me to do ridiculously large cakes.

  "I’ll call you Thursday to see how Jake has been for you on your day of having him. Please don't forget to check in on Harley, even if he says he can look after Jake on his own," Maisy says, clearing worrying for no reason. Jake loves Harley and acts like an angel around him.

  "I can't believe he offered. Harley is mad to want to look after a teething baby on his own but I understand, Jake is cute like his father," Sebastian says with a grin and I laugh.

  “Like his mother, you mean,” I say and he smirks at me, looking way too much like his twin.

  "Go on and have an amazing week of sex and sun, in Greece," I say and Maisy goes to hug me but thinks twice about it when I only have a bed sheet on. She takes my free hand and squeezes it instead.

  "We will," Sebastian says,

  "So, you and Elliot? I want to know everything when I'm back, Alliecat," she winks, walking to the door.

  "Bye Allie," Sebastian shouts as he smacks Maisy’s bum, as she walks out.

  "Sebby," she shouts and he laughs. I hear him chatting with Elliot in the hallway as they left the door open, clearly not caring if anyone sees me in here but I'm glad they know about us. Elliot trusts all his family and I do too.

  "I am sorry about them," Elliot says coming into the room and shutting the door.

  "I'm used to you all by now," I laugh while Elliot smirks.

  "Here," he hands me a bundle with jeans, white top and a hoodie. I pull them on with my underwear from last night before winking at Elliot.

  "I need food, and I remember how good you are cooking," I say taking his hand and he pulls me to his chest.

  “I guess I could sort you out some food before I drag you back to bed.” He kisses me and we walk out his room together. I see Luke as we pass his room and he winks at me before Elliot pulls me along. The corridors in this house are filled with really nice artwork and the modern painted wall and old wooden floors give it a cosy feel.

  “How many rooms does this place have?” I ask Elliot as we walk down the stairs.

  “Don’t know, around seven bedrooms. There are four floors but the top is only a study for Harley. The basement has our gym and swimming pool. Despite all the room, you don’t get much time alone,” He tells me.

  “You have a pool?” I ask.

  “You can join me in it later; the door to the basement has a lock. We can…”

  “Oh, skinny dipping! I’ve always wanted to do that!” I interrupt him loudly as we walk into the kitchen. Izzy and Blake hide their laughs but Harley doesn’t as he says dryly,

  “I guess I won’t be using the pool until it’s cleaned next week.”

  I just wink at him and sit next to where Izzy and Blake are sitting eating cereal, while Harley is giving Jake fruit on his high chair.

  "Morning," I say as I look over at Blake.

  "Not so loud," Blake groans and pulls his hoodie hood over his head, while Izzy chuckles,

  "He may be a little hung-over," she giggles as I slide into the seat next to her instead of Mr. Grumps.

  Elliot hands me an orange juice from the fridge and starts making bacon, while I ignore everyone to watch him.

  "You’re drooling," Izzy whispers to me, making me jump while she laughs. I wipe my chin even though I know she was joking. A girl has to check when she is staring at someone as hot as Elliot, it’s worse now I know what he looks like under his clothes.

  "So you two finally worked out that you are crazy for each other," Harley points out with a smirk while wiping a messy- faced Jake who giggles.

  "Yeah, we did," Elliot answers for me, making me blush.

  "The sex is not bad either," I say and then eat a strawberry from the selection of fruit Harley got out for Jake.

  "We heard," Harley deadpans, but I see the little smile while Elliot glares at me.

  "Not bad?"

  "Yes, It. was. Not. Bad." I wink while he comes over and kisses me. The kiss is passionate and deep, making me inwardly moan holding onto his shirt.

  "Guys, they’re children here," Harley shouts and Elliot pulls away leaving me dazed.

  "I would say I'm sorry but I'm not and Jake’s a baby, he won't remember," Elliot says going back to his cooking.

  "His parents are just as bad," Blake points out with his head lying on his arms on the table.

  "Let's go back to bed, babe," Izzy sighs running her hand though Blake's blonde hair.

  "Sure," he yawns taking her hand and they wave goodbye.

  I walk over waving Harley away as I pick up Jake, blowing a kiss on his tummy making him laugh.

  "There's my little heartbreaker,” I say as he wraps his little arms around my neck.

  "Heartbreaker?" Harley questions, eating an apple.

  "Yeah, he is so good-looking now that I know he will break a lot of hearts when he is older," I wink which causes Harley to laugh. I cuddle Jake for a bit and he makes a lot of gah, gah noises. I’m sure it won’t be long until he starts talking. Hopefully, his first word is Auntie Allie, or just Allie.

  "I'm taking him to play toys for a bit," Harley takes Jake from me and walking out.

  "Here you go," Elliot slides a plate of bacon, eggs and toast out in front of me.

  "Thanks," I say taking a bite and moaning, while I notice Elliot staring at me.

  "This is so tasty, honestly, you've got me forever if you cook for me," I joke with a smile.

  "Then I will never stop cooking for you, angel," Elliot says seriously, making my heart skip a beat before he goes back to cooki

  Chapter Seventeen


  "So where are we going?" Allie asks, sitting next to me in my truck. I chose the truck for a reason and fuck, even if I didn't, it was fun to watch Allie get in and refuse my help. It took her around five minutes before I lifted her by her bum and put her in. She glared at me until I gave her the rose I had picked out earlier for her. This girl has sent me to the damn flower shop twice in one month, Harley thinks it’s hilarious.

  "Bowling and then a surprise," I say with a smirk.

  "You might want to rethink that, I’m awesome at bowling," she winks at me. I take her hand in mine while I say,

  "So am I but this is our third date. The one I had planned for us before…," I stop, not needing to finish that sentence.

  “You wouldn’t have wanted to date me if you took me bowling before we had sex. Please remember how good I am in bed when I kick your ass.” She winks at me and I look back at the road with a chuckle. I'm a little competitive but hearing Allie thinking she can beat me is just turning me on. I hate to lose but there's no way she can beat me.

  “You can’t beat me,” I put my hand on her knee as she laughs.

  "We will see, Blake and Tristan refuse to go with me again. Izzy doesn't care if I beat her but the boys seem to have trouble losing," she mutters, clearly annoyed with them.

  I laugh and kiss her hand before letting go to drive. We chat a little before I pull up at the bowling place. We rent our shoes and chose a lane. I order us some glasses of Coke as we decide to eat after a game.

  "Ladies first," I smirk and my jaw drops as she bends over, throwing the ball and knocks down every single fucking pin. That has to be first time luck, there is no fucking way she can do that again.

  "This should be fun," she laughs as I tickle her before rolling my own ball.

  Half an hour later, I'm not sure how, but I've lost by quite a bit. Allie just looks way too pleased with herself.

  "Don't say anything, angel," I say, grinding my jaw.


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