Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3)

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Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3) Page 15

by G. Bailey

"Alexandria, how are you? You’re not still upset over that fighting dog, are you? I believe you’re smarter than that," He asks and my hand tightens around the hot coffee. The urge to punch my dad is high right now and I'm glad he is on the phone.

  "Yes, I am upset, still." I ground out.

  "Well don't be. Elliot was always quick to find girls, so I'm sure he has moved on by now. I remember the first girl he kissed. My girlfriend at the time and he couldn't keep his hands off her. Now you understand why I wouldn't want my sweet daughter with trash like that," he tells me, acting like he is a caring father.

  "I'm not that sweet, dad and Elliot isn't trash," I tell him, my anger is coming throughout my words and I realise I might have just shouted that at him.

  "Don't forget my warning, Alexandria. I'm not a man to go back on my word and I would like an excuse. Those King boys are asking for me to teach them who is in charge," he says in almost a bored tone.

  "Sorry dad, I didn't mean it," I say quickly. I glance up as Emilia scowls at me before holding my free hand in an attempt to comfort me.

  "Yes, I am aware. So how is university? And that brother of yours? He isn't answering my calls." He tells me.

  "He is your son, too, and I will call him. Tris must be busy. University is great," I say in a plain tone. I can hardly stand to answer him.

  "Good. Yes, do get him to call me," he replies.

  "I have to go, dad," I say.

  "Alright. I will be back home in two weeks. Business was great here," he says in a happy tone. Knowing what kind of business he does, I can't help but be worried what he thinks is great. Call me a coward but I don’t want to know.

  "Bye dad, I guess I will see you soon," I eventually reply.

  "Bye Alexandria," dad says before ending the call.

  I pull my hand away from Emilia to rub my face so I can calm down. I spend a few minutes looking out the window. Everything is going wrong, I don’t know what I’m doing and risking Elliot like this is crazy.

  "What's going on, Allie?" Emilia asks trying to get my attention.

  "Nothing," I mutter, knowing I can't talk to Emilia about this. I need to tell Elliot really but I don't want him to worry. This is so fucked up.

  "Allie, the last few weeks you looked so happy, happier than I ever seen you. Then your dad is mentioned and then you freeze up. Allie, I can help if you…," I cut her off with my hand raised in the air.

  "No, you can't. My dad is well, fucked up and please I don't want to talk about him," I say.

  "Alright but I know how to help you if you ask," she says quietly.

  "Trust me, there's nothing you can do, so how about we buy you some new clothes? I love you Em but you’re so hot. Wearing jeans and hoodies all the time doesn't show that off," I tell her.

  Emilia glares at me, pulling her hoodie up over her messy brown curls.

  "I like them."

  "Why?" I have to ask because I've never seen her in much else. I have no idea why she hides her body with those oversized clothes. I know it's not a money issue because she drives a Porsche. The rent on our apartment isn’t cheap and I know she has a job but it wouldn’t pay for her car.

  "No reason," she says looking away.

  "We both have secrets, huh?" I laugh and I see Emilia’s big grin.

  "True but I love you anyway," she laughs this time with me.

  "Well if you’re not buying new stuff, I am. I saw this hot red dress I want to buy to wear at the twin’s party," I wink. Ten minutes later we leave our coffees and walk out. The dress fits perfectly and I can't wait for Elliot to see his present wrapped up in red.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  "Holy shit, I look good," I say to myself looking at my stunning red dress in the mirror. It fits me perfectly and falls to the floor with a slit all the way up to my hip without showing my lack of underwear. The top is a halter, making my boobs look bigger than they are. I turn to see Izzy tying the bow on the back of her purple dress. It's really cute but simple and is longer at the back. My hair is down tonight with tonight with soft curls that Izzy has done for me. Izzy's hair is up in a messy bun with little curls coming out around her face.

  "You’ll do," Izzy's says snapping me out of my thoughts.

  "I have something to show you but you can't tell anyone until I show Elliot tonight," I say and Izzy’s eyebrows rise up in a silent question. I lift my dress on the other side so she can see the four stars that start at my hip going down to my knee. They are beautiful and simple but I love them.

  "Wow they’re lovely. What made you get those done?" She asks as I pull down my dress and straightening it out.

  "It's a present for Elliot," I say.

  "Why stars?"

  "Long story," I mutter not really wanting to tell Izzy that kind of story.

  "So you love him," she muses.

  "I don't know. Maybe" I say looking away.

  "You do," she giggles before grabbing her bag throwing in her phone.

  “I'll show you mine, just don’t tell the boys. Blake and Luke know I had it done but I doubt Elliot, Seb or Harley would be cool about it,” she says and I glare at her.

  “You had a tattoo done and didn’t tell me?”

  “Only a few months ago and you’ve been busy,” she grins. She is right, I have been busy. Between the two dance classes, university ending and starting again soon I haven’t been able to stop. In the last two months, I took on more classes in the week at the gym, like Harley offered. I don’t want to go back to university, I barely passed the first year and I’m getting paid so much for dance that I don’t think I need to. I just have to find a way to tell my father and Elliot what I want. I know Harley will support me, he made that clear and I would love the new job.

  “What do you think?” Izzy has pulled her dress down on the one side so I can see a tattoo just over her ribs. Her bra blocks a bit of it but I can see its four different coloured roses, they are on a vine going across her ribs and her mother’s name is written just under it in fancy writing.

  “It’s lovely, did Luke design it? It looks like one of his.” I say because I saw all his designs at the tattoo shop in town. I was lucky Luke wasn’t in when I had my tattoo done. I would have to owe him another favour. He hasn’t collected the first one yet and it worries me. The youngest King brother is definitely the sneakiest.

  “Yes, he did it actually. Hurt like hell but worth it. Blake loves it.” She winks and I laugh.

  “I bet he did, I want the same reaction from Elliot, tonight,” I say feeling a little nervous. What if he doesn’t like it or its going too far, too soon?

  She laughs and shakes her head at me as she sorts her dress out.

  I sort my phone and small purse bag out before putting on my new leather jacket. I totally bought this because it reminded me of Elliot. I really don’t know how but that man is making me crazier than I thought I’d ever been.

  Blake is waiting in the kitchen at our apartment when we come out and I see his eyes basically devour Izzy. I roll my eyes when he pulls her into a hot kiss.

  "Guys, we should be leaving," I mutter knowing they’re both ignoring me. Harley is hosting a party for Sebastian and Elliot at his house, so Blake is driving us both.

  "Sure, sorry, but I had to do that," Blake says throwing a wink at my blushing friend.

  "Yes, she looks hot, but we have got to go," I repeat myself.

  "Come on beauty. Allie can't wait to see the birthday boy," Blake teases as we walk out and I hit him on the arm when he walks past. We all get into Blake's large jeep, which is difficult with my dress but I manage it without help. It makes me think back to Harley’s truck that Elliot borrowed. That thing was a nightmare to get into.

  It takes around thirty minutes to get to his house and it's packed with cars filling the long driveway. We have to park a little away from the house because we can't get close.

  "Man, it's busy," Blake says turning off the car.

  "My brothers are popular. Well, the
y used to be with the ladies," Izzy says.

  I don't reply because I don't like to think of Elliot's past with girls. I know since his breakup with his ex-girlfriend Lily that he slept around a bit.

  "Come on," Izzy shouts, noticing me walking a little behind them. Izzy stops to grab my hand and we all walk in the house together. I can't see much between the number of people in the kitchen and the hallways. I say hello to a few friends from school as we go past. I do manage to grab an unopened bottle of wine off the side and find a glass. Unlucky for me, I lost Blake and Izzy somewhere. I'm guessing they are in the large lounge, where the music is blasting from. I push past a few people in the hallway before I make it into the lounge. I can't see anyone I know but just as I'm about to leave, a hand touches my arm and making to me look to the grinning face of Gage.

  "Hey gorgeous, wow that dress," he whistles a hello and steps closer to me.

  "Hey, Gage have you seen Elliot?" I ask him.

  "No. Anyway, how have you been? I've not seen you in a while," he asks placing a hand on my upper arm, which makes me a little uncomfortable.

  "I've been good, you?" I say moving away from him a little but he doesn't notice.

  “Better now I don’t have that bug. I’m glad you’re better, I did try to see you but your boyfriend wasn’t keen on that idea.” He grins and I smile.

  “That’s Elliot.” I reply looking around the room.

  "Hey angel," a voice whispers in my ear and an arm snakes around my waist, pulling me back to a hard chest I know very well.

  "Hey, Cookie," I grin when he kisses my neck.

  "It's my birthday, can we lose the nickname as a present for me?" he whispers in my ear.

  "Nope," I say loud enough for him to hear me. It’s only then that I notice Gage has gone, so I turn to look at the handsome birthday boy. Elliot's black hair is slightly styled but still has that messy sexy look because it’s growing out. He is wearing a tight black shirt that shows off his muscular build and has black jeans with his usual boots. Holy cows, he looks sexy.

  "Wow Allie I thought you looked good from behind but fuck me," Elliot says more to himself as his eyes look over every part of the dress, making me insanely turned on. I take a sip of my drink before Elliot takes it off me, putting it down on the desk near us and pulling me into a smouldering kiss. Elliot lifts me enough that I can run my fingers through his soft hair which causes him to gently bite my lower lip.

  "I want to show you your birthday present," I say pulling away from him a little.

  “I liked the presents you have already gave me, including the wake-up call this morning,” he looks down at me in confusion. I turned up in his room at ten in the morning, dressed in a lacy black bra and crotch-less panties. Elliot thought they were a great invention, as much as I did. I had to blindfold Elliot so he wouldn’t see the tattoo, and I kept the covers over me until he went to the bathroom. It was so much work to make sure he didn’t touch the tattoo by accident.

  "Can we go to your room?" I say.

  "I like that sound of this," Elliot instantly grins, taking my hand and leading me through the people that try to stop him to talk.

  I don't see many people I know but they all say hello to Elliot or happy birthday. We finally make our way upstairs. As we walk past Sebastian's door it opens to messy- haired Maisy who smiles.

  "Alliecat," she throws herself at me in a big hug.

  "Maisybear, I missed you," I say remembering that between dance class and dating Elliot it's been two weeks since I've been able to see her. I know she is busy with interviews for university and Jake. Jake is getting so big now and loves to say daddy all the time.

  "Me, too. Can you come to mine next week?" she asks and sorting out her dress out as Sebastian walks out the room with a grin, which matches his twin’s.

  "Allie, Elliot now where were you guys sneaking off to?" Sebastian winks.

  "To have sex like you guys clearly did," I say bluntly and Maisy goes red. I sigh thinking I must have a said something a little rude, again.

  "At least you’re honest," Sebastian laughs and putting an arm around Maisy who laughs too.

  "Where's Jake?" I ask picturing the cute little boy who looks so much like his mum.

  "With my dad for the night. I miss him," Maisy sighs.

  "Come on, let's get some drinks before I take you back to bed, again." Sebastian says making Maisy giggle and they walk off saying bye.

  "My twin has the right idea," Elliot whispers in my ear before putting his arm around my waist and leading me into his room. I walk in as he shuts the door and raises an eyebrow at me.

  "Close your eyes," I say gently.

  "Alright," he mutters before doing as I asked. I kind of get goosebumps that he trusts me enough to do as I ask.

  I quickly take my dress off so I'm standing only in my heels and bra. I can’t put any knickers on under this dress or you would be able to see it.

  "Okay. Open your eyes" I say a little breathless because I’m so nervous. I see his eyes widen as he looks me over and I turn to the side slightly so he can see the tattoo.

  "Allie," he says my name softly with his eyes locked on the tattoo on my leg.

  Elliot kneels in front of me and gently kisses the tattoo. I sigh a little because it's a little sore still and he is so sweet.

  "Happy birthday. Do you like them?" I ask feeling a little nervous.

  "Allie I…" he stops, standing up taking my face between his large hands.

  "I love you," he says shocking the hell out of me and his eyes never leave mine as he kisses me.

  I pull away to reply but I'm not sure what to say but Elliot kisses me again.

  "Don't say anything. Just know that I God damn love you Allie,"

  My eyes water with happiness as he kisses me again, this time I'm more aware that I only have a bra on and Elliot's hands go down to my bare ass squeezing.

  Bang, bang, bang,

  Elliot’s door is knocked and Elliot drops his head to my shoulder before letting me slide down his front.

  "Elliot unless you want your birthday cake gone, you best get down here," Luke shouts before Elliot shouts.

  "Fine," he shouts back and I grin at him.

  "It’s chocolate fudge, I should I know because I made it," I say. Elliot face turns into a grin.

  "My favourite, how did you know?"

  "Sebastian talks about my cakes a lot. In fact, everyone tells me their favourite cakes flavours when I’m cooking. Gage is really annoying for it, I haven’t actually cooked him one yet," I say with a grin.

  "No talking about other guys while you’re naked and I know it sounds crazy but your cakes are for me," he grins.

  I roll my eyes while pulling on my dress.

  "We will continue this later," Elliot promises before leading me out his room with a sigh.

  Elliot stops to turn to me and push my hair behind my ear. He leans forwards and whispers,

  "By the way, I'm taking the dress off you next time,"

  I shiver as he gives me a knowing look before tugging my hand so I snap out of my daydream of what Elliot is going to do to me later and follow him down the stairs. We find Harley in the kitchen and we walk over.

  "Hey you two," he says taking a sip of his beer. Harley looks younger tonight wearing a blue jumper and jeans. I can see his hair is braided back into his usual knot at the back of his head but looks really nice. Long hair really suits Harley; his hair is almost black like Elliot's but it's a tad lighter.

  "Hey, enjoying the party?" Elliot asks.

  "I guess," Harley mutters looking bored. It's odd because Harley is only twenty-three but acts forty. I can guess it’s because of looking after everyone all the time, he has forgotten how to have fun.

  "Want a drink, sweetheart?" Elliot asks distracting me from my thoughts.

  "Yes, please," I say with a smile.

  "Okay, I will be right back," Elliot says,

  "You’re good for him. Elliot was always so quiet and serious but
with you, he looks happy," Harley comments watching Elliot walk away.

  "Thanks. Elliot's a good man," I say.

  "He is. How's uni?" He asks.

  "I wanted to talk to you about that. I’m dropping out, and I want the job you offered. I want a job that I enjoy and dancing is that, for me," I tell him and his eyes widen a little bit but that’s all the reaction I get.

  "It's good to like what you do and I am happy you have accepted my offer. You will need an assistant," he says for a reply and I nod, agreeing with him.

  "How's the expansion? I can't wait to use the new sauna," I laugh with Harley.

  "I'm sure I could let you in when it's done before anyone else. It should be another month, they are just painting now and then the checks will be done," he replies.

  "I would like that and I can’t wait," I laugh.

  "All the new rooms have been booked out for classes. Don’t worry, I kept yours open. I had a feeling you would accept. The children are going to be happy; the waiting list for a new dance class is over a hundred now."

  "Here you go," Elliot hands me a glass of wine and moving to stand close to me.

  "Alliecat, there you are, Sebastian has already found his cake and well, I thought the two of them could use some time together," Maisy says as she stands next to Harley.

  "You might want to go and save your cake, it's in the dining room with Sebastian and Luke," she says to Elliot who nods giving me a kiss on the cheek before quickly leaving. I can't help but chuckle.

  "Jake pulled himself up on the sofa today," Maisy smiles widely and I see Harley’s whole face light up.

  "That's amazing. I can't wait to see him tomorrow," I tell her.

  "He loves his Uncle Harley. Or Har, Har as Jake says," Maisy laughs.

  "I think it's going to be awhile before he learns to say Auntie Allie," I smile at her.

  "He is growing so fast. Sebastian already wants another but I've just started applying for university, so we will wait. Well if I can convince him to," she laughs with us.

  "I'm going to find the boys," I say with a wave and wind my way past people to the dining room. What I find in there really doesn't surprise me. It should but it doesn’t.


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