Monsters and Creatures - Jim Zub & Stacy King & Andrew Wheeler

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Monsters and Creatures - Jim Zub & Stacy King & Andrew Wheeler Page 7

by Dungeons

  Don’t underestimate them. Black dragons would rather die than surrender. In the final stages of a battle, a black dragon may lash out with desperation, so be careful!


  Blue dragons are the most patient and methodical of all the evil chromatic dragons. They build their lairs patiently and hunt prey slowly and tactfully. A blue dragon knows that time is on its side, and its power will overtake almost any foe in the long run.

  These dragons are the most likely to hire evil minions to help enact their schemes. They may covet gemstones and jewelry, but they know the value of a good servant too, and are willing to sacrifice from their treasure hoard to reward loyal service.

  LAIR Blue dragons tend to live in desolate areas—badlands, broken steppes, and deserts. They build elaborate caves of crystal by using their lightning breath to fuse sand into shimmering caverns beneath the earth.

  Thunder and lightning tend to gather near the lairs of older blue dragons, as do sand storms and tornados. The loud wind and booming air make for perfect cover when a blue dragon attacks unwary visitors.



  Blue dragons can exhale bolts of lightning that scorch and blind foes.


  Older blue dragons can summon clouds of stinging sand to blind and confuse their enemies.


  Check the weather. Storm clouds or whipping winds in a desert may be signs that a blue dragon lives nearby.

  Close the gap. Blue dragons have an advantage if they avoid close combat, so they keep their distance and pummel enemies with powerful bolts of lightning. Move in as soon as you can and don’t let them escape!


  Don’t show your bling. Blue dragons collect gemstones—the larger and more valuable, the better. If they see you have pretty gemstones, they might just make you their next target.

  Don’t lose your temper. Blue dragons are patient and methodical in both schemes and battles. They expect their enemies to get emotional and make mistakes. Stay focused and try not to let the dragon control the flow of battle.


  Red dragons are the most greedy and vain of all the evil chromatic dragons. They gather huge treasure hoards and possess huge egos to match. They remember every item they’ve plundered and can recall every foe who dared to stand against them.

  Arrogant, possessive, and sometimes quite impulsive, red dragons prove their superiority by gathering information on enemies before striking with ruthless fury. They see themselves as the kings of dragonkind, with lesser dragons and all other creatures as mere slaves for them to command.

  LAIR Red dragons frequently build lairs in mountains or hills, sometimes within deep mines or former dwarven strongholds. Volcanic caves are the most prized by red dragons, as these provide warm gasses that the reptiles find enjoyable and add protection against any intruders foolish enough to trespass.

  Unnatural earthquakes may occur in the area around the lair of an older red dragon. Sources of water tend to be warmer than normal and may even be contaminated by sulfur.



  Older red dragons can make the ground shake with their roar or summon spouts of burning magma from beneath the earth. Losing in a battle against a red dragon means being burned alive or crushed beneath giant steaming rocks.


  Red dragons exhale gouts of deadly flame from deep within their bodies. The heat generated can easily melt flesh and burn clothes and even armor.


  Watch out for tremors! If you feel the earth shaking, you may be getting close to a red dragon’s lair!

  Flatter them. Red dragons have tremendous egos. If you get caught by a red dragon, heaping praise on them might give you extra time needed to devise an escape plan!


  Don’t get burned. Red dragons are creatures of fire. Confronting one means you’d better be prepared, with lots of armor and protective magic to keep from getting burned.

  Don’t steal! Red dragons are obsessed with their treasure hoards and will hunt thieves to the ends of the earth. If you take something that’s theirs, you better know what you’re doing!



  Tiamat is the legendary and terrifying Queen of Evil Dragons. Her five heads, one for each of the evil dragon types, all share the same mind and have the same goal—to rule over all creatures and mortals, bringing about an apocalyptic Age of Dragons that would plunge the world into destructive chaos.

  A regular dragon is one of the most terrifying opponents an adventurer can ever face, and Tiamat terrifies even other dragons. Just being in her presence can be enough to send most heroes running away screaming. Only the most courageous or foolhardy would ever fight the dragon queen and hope to succeed.

  LAIR Tiamat lives in Avernus, a desolate dimension of war where devils battle each other in forsaken lands while fiery comets streak through the sky. In this foreboding realm stands Tiamat’s temple, which has five separate spires—one for each evil dragon color.

  Despite her incredible power, Tiamat is trapped in Avernus by an ancient curse. Her many followers strive to break the curse and set her free, so she may destroy all who oppose her. If they succeed, no one is safe!

  SIZE Tiamat is approximately sixty feet long, which means she’s one-third longer and taller than even the largest ancient chromatic dragon.

  FIGHTING TIAMAT Tiamat is a massive multiheaded dragon with huge wings, powerful claws, and a vicious stinging tail. She cannot be hurt by non-magical weapons, and heals quickly from damage. Her five heads can each unleash a deadly breath weapon based on its dragon type.

  Black: Burning acid sprays

  Blue: Crackling lightning bolts

  Green: Poisonous gas clouds

  Red: Gouts of burning fire

  White: Freezing ice blasts

  Tiamat is one of the most dangerous creatures in all of existence. She is ancient, cunning, powerful, and merciless. Defeating the Queen of Evil Dragons would take an incredible amount of power or an army, or both.



  “Get ready, Boo!”

  Boo the hamster squee’ed in a manner that made it abundantly clear he was not ready and probably never would be.

  “Bones behind us and water below, it’s time to jump!”

  Minsc bombastically leapt off the top of the tower as the arrows of undead archers zipped past his face and skeletal hands grasped his tattered cloak.

  As gravity quick took hold and they started to plummet toward the waves, the legendary ranger wondered if he’d make it back to Baldur’s Gate in time for breakfast.

  Reading about monsters kick-starts your imagination, doesn’t it? With each entry, with every illustration, you start to create little stories in your mind. What happened before, what happens right after? These questions create an exciting daydream that can’t stay contained.

  All those wandering thoughts about action and adventure, they’re the perfect way to begin building your own stories!

  Your idea might start with a monster, but it can go anywhere: the creature’s lair, the village nearby, cities and dungeons, caverns or skyscapes. You get to choose all the ingredients and stir them together. To help you as you develop your story, here are some questions to keep in mind:

  Who are your characters?

  Are your heroes like you or different? Young or old, human or something else? Think about the foes you must face. Great heroes require great challenges. What makes your villains memorable and powerful, and what brings them into conflict with your adventurers?

  Where does your story take place?

  At the top of a m
ountain, in a serene forest, deep underwater, or in a creepy boneyard?

  When does the story happen?

  At night or during the day, in the middle of a thunderstorm or right before the bells toll to ring in the new year? Think about time passing as your story unfolds.

  How do things change as the story proceeds?

  Do your heroes succeed or fail? Do they find somewhere new or explore someplace old?

  What should someone feel as they experience your story?

  Do you want them to laugh or get scared? Cheer or be grossed out?

  Why are your heroes going on this adventure?

  Knowing what their goals are will help you create a compelling tale of heroism and exploration.

  Remember, you don’t have to answer all these questions by yourself! Dungeons & Dragons is a collaborative game where you work with your friends to create your own stories. One person acts as a narrator, called a Dungeon Master, and the other players each take on the role of a hero, called a Player Character, in the adventuring party in a story. The Dungeon Master sets up a scene by describing a place and any threats that may exist, and then each player contributes ideas by explaining their own character’s actions. With each scene created by the group, the story moves forward in unexpected and entertaining ways.

  If you don’t feel confident starting from scratch, you can go to your local gaming store and play a Dungeons & Dragons demonstration session. Demos can be a quick way to learn how the game is played and an opportunity to possibly make some brand-new friends at the same time.

  After you’ve read through all the creatures in this little monster manual, there’s even more Dungeons & Dragons material to ignite your imagination, the Warriors & Weapons guide is packed with character ideas and equipment to outfit your courageous adventurer. You know what dangers lurk in the darkness, now figure out who your hero will be and fight them back!

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