Taming the Omega (The Rogue Pack Book 4)

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Taming the Omega (The Rogue Pack Book 4) Page 11

by Samantha Cayto

  As he scraped his plate clean, Caleb leaned over and spoke softly into his ear. “Are you ready to retire? It’s been a long day even with that nap you took. I think we should call it a night.”

  Translation—we’re going back to the shed now whether you like it or not.

  Seth tamped down his instant resentment. This was what he’d agreed to. His year of running wild was over. Now he belonged to a gamma, only the mating bite and a thorough mounting was left to seal his fate. Resisting Caleb’s authority, especially when he was feeling a bit tired and really wanted to go back, would be foolish. And pointless. There was no reason to egg Caleb into disciplining him, either. The guy was so easy-going, Seth suspected he’d be slow to anger and would probably feel bad about any punishment he administered. Seth liked Caleb and didn’t want to do that to him.

  He gave him a tight smile. “Yeah, that sounds good.”

  They pushed back their chairs together, and Caleb said good night for the both of them. Taking Seth’s hand, he led the way to the shed. The night was quiet and warm, but the sudden prick of sweat along the back of Seth’s neck had nothing to do with the temperature. The closer they got to their mating bed, the more his heart raced and his wolf paced. The urge to shift and run was almost overwhelming.

  Caleb pulled him in tight to his side. “You know, we don’t have to do anything tonight if you’re not feeling up to it. It hasn’t been that long since you were attacked.”

  The temptation to put off the inevitable was strong, but that would only mean worrying about it longer. Better to get it over with. “I’m fine, really.”

  “Good.” Caleb was quiet for a second before adding, “I know you must be nervous and frankly, so am I.”

  Seth blinked up at him. “You are?”

  “Sure. I’ve never mated with anyone, and this is your first time being mounted, too. I want to get it right.”

  He trained his gaze on the ground before him. “That’s okay. I know it’s going to hurt pretty badly.” He hunched in his shoulders. “It’s part of being an omega. I promise I’ll be good and not fight you.”

  Caleb brought them to an abrupt halt and turned into him. “Who says it’s going to be painful?”

  Seth stared up at him from under his lashes. “I don’t know. Everybody?”

  “Huh. What I’ve heard is that if a guy’s not careful, he can cause his mate pain.” The gamma cupped Seth’s chin and lifted his head. “I intend to be very careful with you. I promise that other than the bite, which is unavoidable, I will stop doing anything you say hurts. But, you have to be honest with me. No suffering in silence because you were told that’s what good omegas do. Deal?”

  Seth smiled, some of his worry easing up. “Yes, it’s a deal.”

  He’d made the pledge and intended to keep it. At the same time, he doubted he would enjoy the mounting or the mating. It might not be as awful as he feared, but he didn’t think he’d like it, either. Maybe Caleb would help him get off using that big, warm gamma hand of his. Seth really liked what that hand could do.

  When they reached the shed, Caleb opened the door and ushered Seth in first. As soon as he caught sight of the interior, he gasped. The basic pallet and rug were still in place, yet someone had come in during dinner and spruced up the small space even more. There was new pretty bedding and a small, low table now stood in the corner. On top of that was a squat pottery vase filled with wildflowers. The electric lantern they’d been using had been turned on a dim setting so that it bathed the shed in a soft amber glow.

  “Oh,” Seth breathed. “It’s beautiful.”

  Caleb came in behind him and wrapped his arms around Seth’s waist. “I guess Lorcan must have told Kyle and he orchestrated a make-over for our mating chamber.” He placed a kiss on Seth’s temple. “This is temporary you know. We’ll have our own cabin like the other mated pairs at some point.”

  Part of Seth would miss the little shed, but the idea of having his own private home thrilled him. This was what came from being mated to a powerful pack member. He reminded himself that he’d asked Caleb to claim him to get that kind of security and privilege within the pack. He owed it to his future pups to give them the best upbringing he could. No matter how romantic this place looked for their mating night, his pairing with Caleb was a practical decision. The gamma probably would never have the kind of tender feelings toward him that he craved. Of course, Caleb was too nice a guy to say so, but Seth knew the score.

  “Come on, let’s get comfortable.” Releasing his hold on Seth, the gamma closed the door, making the shed even cozier.

  Those nerves came back with a roar, making Seth’s palms sweat. He walked slowly to the edge of the pallet and forced his hand to grab the hem of his T-shirt. Whipping that off, he tossed it aside, keeping his gaze on the ground and trying not to hear how Caleb’s breath had already quickened. He knew the gamma found him arousing. They’d broken that barrier already. The rest of this was not much different.

  Before his nerves overtook him, he kicked off the flip-flops Caleb had brought him to wear inside the longhouse, then unsnapped his jeans. The sound was like a tree branch snapping off to his sensitive ears. Before he could slide the pants down, however, a large hand covered his. He looked up at Caleb.

  “I think we should take this slow, don’t you?” The gamma gave Seth a reassuring smile. “We have all night and don’t have to jump into things right away. Why don’t we warm up to the main event? Okay?”

  Unable to force words out of his dry mouth, Seth simply nodded and let go of the snap. Caleb was also wearing his jeans and nothing more. The sight of the broad, naked chest and all the rippling muscles sent a flurry of nervousness that was different than before. This one was more excitement than fear. For the first time that evening, he felt a sense of arousal. His cock stirred and his wolf started pacing restlessly.

  “Let’s sit down.”

  Caleb guided him onto the pallet so that they sat facing each other. The gamma ran his fingers through Seth’s hair, pulling the strands free from the braid he’d woven in an effort to look neat and tidy before the pack. Those long, blunt fingers combed through and swept the hair over both of Seth’s shoulders.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Caleb remarked in a hushed tone. “Everything about you is silky smooth.”

  Seth didn’t know what to say in response. He’d never received compliments before. Not ones that he liked in any event. The shifters he’d serviced in his old pack had liked how prettily he’d sucked their cocks. Their crude assessment of him had made him sick and mad in equal measure. This was different somehow. Caleb appreciated him in a way that didn’t make him feel debased or used.

  Looking down at his own body, he didn’t understand how Caleb could like what he saw. “I’m too skinny. I was always thin, and after existing on small game when I could catch it, I’ve lost a lot of weight.”

  Caleb spanned his hands across Seth’s tiny waist. “You need fattening up for sure.” He leaned in so that his lips brushed up against Seth’s mouth. “That doesn’t change the fact that you’re beautiful. I want you so much.

  “Here. Feel it for yourself if you doubt me.” So saying, Caleb took one of Seth’s hands and pressed it against the front of Caleb’s jeans. The hardness of the gamma’s cock strained hot and heavy through the fabric.

  “Oh.” Seth couldn’t stop the exclamation from coming out. Nor, did he need to.

  Caleb’s face broke into a wide smile. “That’s what you do to me. And, it’s not only my dick. My wolf is losing his mind. I can barely hold him back, he wants in you so badly.”

  The declaration should have scared the crap out of him. Instead, his own cock responded by rising up and pushing against its confines. His wolf liked the idea of Caleb’s wanting him, too. It pranced inside him, yipping in encouragement, determined to make itself heard by the gamma. And that wasn’t all. That hot slick coated his ass with a suddenness that made him squirm.

  Caleb’s nostrils flared. “You
want me. I can scent your arousal.”

  He snorted in response, unable to even pretend that wasn’t true. “I guess so.” Lifting his gaze to stare into Caleb’s intensely blue eyes, he added, “It scares me. This need to be mounted. I’ve never felt it before.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, it’s okay.” Caleb dragged him in close and kissed him softly on the lips. “You were too young before. You’ve matured now and can handle what comes naturally to us all. Don’t be afraid,” he added, giving him another, longer kiss. “It’s a good sign that you’re getting ready for me.”

  His lips pressed against Seth’s once more, and this time, his tongue probed for entrance. On a sigh, Seth opened up and let it in. It started chasing his own, entwining with it to do a slow dance that increased in speed and pressure. By the time they broke apart to grab a breath, their bodies were as entwined as their tongues had been. They breathed heavily into each other’s embrace, hands roaming, exploring the naked parts of their torsos.

  It wasn’t enough. The pants that had been only moments ago a kind of shield against the anticipated assault now felt overly confining. Seth wanted to be rid of them. His dick wanted to be liberated. Letting go of Caleb, he scrambled to get them off.

  The gamma chuckled. “I’ve got it, baby.”

  Pushing Seth gently down, he unzipped the jeans and pulled them off in one long movement. Seth lay panting on his back, his rod standing stiffly away from his body. He didn’t give it much notice, however. What he really wanted to see was Caleb’s heavy shaft. He didn’t have long to wait. Seconds after tossing Seth’s jeans aside, the gamma knelt naked beside him.

  All that gamma masculine beauty was on full display, and Caleb let Seth lie there and stare. The guy didn’t even seem shy, and why should he be? He was the magnificent one. His body was large and thick with bulging muscles that shouted out his power. A shudder ran through Seth. Soon that power would claim him, his body, his virginity. If Caleb didn’t use it carefully, it could break Seth into a million pieces. But that wouldn’t happen. Caleb had vowed to be careful with him, and after all the gamma had done, he trusted him.

  Caleb gazed at him, his emotions clearly written upon his face. “I don’t want you to be afraid of me.”

  “I’m not.” He quirked his lips at the guy’s dubious expression. “Not of you. It’s the act itself.”

  “You don’t have to be worried about that, either. We’re going take this nice and slow. We won’t do anything until you’re ready.”

  Seth stifled an almost hysterical laugh. “We’re going to be here all night then.” Even as he said it, though, more slick descended and his hole clenched viciously as if trying to hold it in. He shuddered.

  Once more, Caleb’s nostrils flared and he inhaled deeply. “I love the scent of you,” he said in a husky voice. He stretched out beside Seth, his big, warm body brushing up against him in various places. Each point of contact felt branded and forced more quivering out of him.

  Caleb leaned over and slowly lowered his face until their lips touched. At first, the kiss was little more than a brushing of his mouth against Seth’s. Back and forth to a point that left him wanting more. When he began to squirm in frustration, Caleb deepened the caress, his tongue demanding entrance. Even then, the gamma kept his attention light, licking his mouth with deliberate exploration before twining with his tongue.

  A groan escaped them both, the sounds echoing down his throat and sending his hips bucking up. Caleb’s hand covered Seth’s abdomen, holding him until he settled. Then the hand slid downward, avoiding his hard cock, something that made him whimper in protest. Caleb ignored him, merely increased the depth of his tongue, dominating Seth with that one piece of him alone.

  The gamma’s goal made itself known when his fingers flitted across Seth’s balls before caressing them. That bit of contact caused him to moan and move his legs as if trying to escape his own reaction. There was nowhere to go. No one but Caleb had ever touched him there, and until that moment, he hadn’t even considered that there was pleasure to be had from it.

  Rolling Seth’s balls within his palm, Caleb slipped a finger down. It slid past the puckered ring of Seth’s hole with surprising ease. He’d always expected being breached would hurt, but this was a sweet ache that caused his hole to tighten around it in reaction. His dick jerked, as well, and dribbled a little pre-cum. The invasion continued deeper.

  Caleb broke off the kiss, leaving Seth heaving with much-needed breaths. The gamma moved his mouth to Seth’s throat, raining small kisses and licks underneath the jawline and down to the base. The pleasurable feasting was sufficiently distracting that when the finger pressed against the wall of his wet channel, he barely noticed. He wasn’t prepared for the sensation it caused, either.

  “Oh!” He arched up as if having been shocked from the inside.

  Caleb chuckled against Seth’s neck where it met his shoulder, the sound sending a slight reverberation through his body. “Like that, do you?”

  “Wha-what is it?” More pressure elicited the same response. He felt as if he’d lost all control of himself.

  “I call it the sweet spot.” Caleb licked a trail down Seth’s chest, all the while keeping up that probing. “You’re so wet for me.”

  Caleb pulled his finger back, but before Seth could register his disappointment, the finger came back—with a friend. Two fingers now probed him, twice the pressure and twice the pleasure. Seth writhed as they stroked that mysterious sweet spot over and over. All the while, Caleb kept sliding farther down Seth’s body, using his tongue to equally distract him. It seemed like every inch of his body was capable of being lighted on fire simply from the gamma’s touch.

  His thoughts scattered and he couldn’t keep his eyes open as the relentless assault continued. So he didn’t realize what Caleb intended to do until his mouth enveloped Seth’s leaking dick. His eyes flew open and looking down the length of his torso, he saw that shock of red hair hanging over his groin.

  He reached for it. “Caleb, what are you doing?” His voice rose up to a squeak with his last word, so intense was the feeling of being sucked.

  This was why higher-ranked shifters demanded blowjobs. The pleasure was astounding. He’d never appreciated the way a throat could close around the hard flesh and milk it to near-mindless climax. Caleb was doing it to him, swallowing him whole, and working those wet, warm muscles up and down the shaft. All the while, those fingers kept thrusting and stroking.

  Seth writhed and bucked, no longer capable of keeping his eyes open. He fisted his hand into the short strands of Caleb’s hair and held on as if it were some kind of lifeline. He could feel his balls tightening. A deep throbbing warned him that his release was near. His cries rose above them, an ever higher pitch of desperation.

  Then suddenly his world turned upside down—literally. Emptied of Caleb’s fingers and with his cock flopping freely, he found himself with his face planted against the pallet and his ass in the air. Caleb breached his hole once more, except this time, it wasn’t with fingers. Seth’s channel was being stretched by something thicker and longer and so much hotter. He yelled, partly from the expected pain, but mostly because that same sweet spot was rammed and stroked by Caleb’s cock.

  He came in a rush that had him gasping even before Caleb reached around and jerked him with a firm grip. His hole clenched around the invading shaft, forcing Caleb to push harder to get all the way in. As soon as the gamma bottomed out, he used his larger body to flatten Seth. He knew what was coming before he felt the sting of teeth against the back of his neck. He stiffened in response. Not even the lingering spasms of his climax could blunt the pain of being bitten deep.

  All the fear that Caleb’s amazing love-making had chased away came back full force. He howled at the claiming, thrashing within Caleb’s embrace. His mate’s embrace. His wolf whimpered and howled with him, then went instantly silent when an answering growl echoed inside his head.

  Chapter Twelve

  Caleb tried to
hold himself in check. His dick wanted to pound away at the newly breached hole that now belonged to him, while his wolf got all domineering with the timid omega wolf whimpering inside his head. Shit, this was way more intense than he’d been expecting. As Seth’s blood filled his mouth, he could feel the connection forming between them. He was no longer a single male, he was now part of a mated pair. There was someone else inside his head if only in the form of the primitive connection between his wolf and Seth’s.

  He sank his teeth in deeper, the instinct to do so far stronger than his rational mind. He pulled back his hips and thrust forward hard and deep, another biological demand he couldn’t ignore. But, he could rein his wolf in. He forced him to settle down, lower his energy level and stop that growling. Seth’s wolf needed coaxing, not demands. The fear the poor thing felt was simply an echo of Seth’s about being mated and controlled.

  Comfort him, you asshole.

  He and his wolf both got with the program, dialing down the gamma aggression and gentling the boy. His wolf yipped in encouragement, while he stilled his hips and let saliva first pool in his mouth, then seep into the puncture marks. He could feel the moment the omega went limp beneath him. At the same time, the little wolf offered up a tentative yip in reply.

  Once he was sure the boy had settled, Caleb began drilling him with sure, long strokes. As primed as he’d been, it didn’t take long for his climax to crest and crash. His cock jerked violently within Seth’s swollen channel. He thought of how he was the first to take this journey and the mere idea of it caused him to shudder. His thrusts sputtered as he released so much cum the way became slick enough to throw his rhythm off.


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