Prison Break - True Stories of the World's Greatest Escapes

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Prison Break - True Stories of the World's Greatest Escapes Page 24

by Paul Buck

  Sade, Marquis de 1

  Salamanca, Ricardo Palma 1

  Salmon, Mickey 1

  Schaarschmidt, Karl 1

  Schneider, Jeanne 1

  Schubert, Ingrid 1

  Scott, John Paul 1

  Seabourne, Paul 12

  Sheppard, Jack 1, 2, 3, 4

  Sherry, Peter 1

  Sloan, Anthony 1

  Sloan, Gerard 1

  Smith, Beryl 1, 2

  Smith, Jesse Glenn 1

  Smith, Noel ‘Razor’ 1, 2, 3

  Smith, Teddy 1

  Smith, Terry 1, 2

  Soffel, Katherine 1

  Solomons, Ikey 1

  Spaggiari, Albert 1

  Sparks, Ruby 1

  Staggs, Gary 1

  Stanton, Alan 1

  Steele, Joseph 1

  Still, Reginald 1

  Stirling, Peter 1

  Stone, Brian 1

  Straffen, John 1, 2

  Straight, Rudolf 1

  Sullivan, Johnny 1

  Sutton, Willie 1, 2

  Tapia, Jose M. Rojas 1

  Taylor, Martin 1

  Thompson, Charles Victor 1

  Thompson, Stan 1

  Toland, Tommy 1

  Tuggle, Lem 1

  Tuite, Gerard 1

  Twomey, Seamus 1

  Vail, Timothy 1

  Valero, Michel 1

  Vaujour, Michel 1, 2, 3

  Vaujour, Nadine 1

  Vento Sr, Stephen 1

  Walkington, Georgie 1

  Ward, Christopher 1

  Warwick, Stewart 1

  Waters, John 1

  Webb, Roy 1

  Welch, Bobby 1

  West, Allen 1

  Wilkins, Joe 1

  Wilkinson, Jimmy 1

  Williams, Henry 1

  Williams, Matthew 1

  Wilson, Charlie 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Wisbey, Marilyn 1

  Wisbey, Tommy 1, 2

  Woods, Dennis 1

  Youngblood, Herbert 1


  Published by John Blake Publishing Ltd,

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  ePub ISBN 978 1 85782 760 6

  Mobi ISBN 978 1 85782 761 3

  PDF ISBN 978 1 85782 762 0

  First published as the E-List for Pennant Books in 2008.

  This edition published in paperback in 2012

  ISBN: 978–1–84358–960–0

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