Psyche Moon

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Psyche Moon Page 4

by Chrissie Buhr

  I reluctantly moved my hand, feeling the ache in my own stomach. She practically jumped to her feet, making her muscles flex and her breasts bounce. I tucked my hand under my head and watched the show.

  She didn’t dress, thank God, but made her preparations completely naked, frequently enjoying her own view of where I lay. “Fires aren’t allowed here right now, so it’ll be cold. But it will still taste good.” She pulled out carton after carton of Thai food, followed by a bottle of wine and two wine glasses wrapped carefully in soft green cloth. I looked at the label on the bottle: merlot of course.

  She knew how much I was enjoying the attention and the show, and it warmed me to be treated like a queen. She wanted to join me again but was biding her time, building the same kind of anticipation we’d enjoyed before.

  I took the offered glass of wine, and she clinked her glass against mine. “To beginnings.” We sipped, and my body warmed. Despite my empty stomach I wanted her beside me again. Reaching for her waist, I tried to pull her back into bed, but she squirmed out of my grip easily. “After lunch, I’m all yours.” She whispered as her lips brushed mine.

  The amount of food she’d brought didn’t shock me as much as the amount Billie ate. As delicate as a cat, but with the appetite of a bear, she consumed several platefuls of the delicious food. I ate more than usual after the active day, yet only one carton remained when we’d sated ourselves. The food was quality, and I enjoyed it, but not as much as watching her eat cross-legged in the nude.

  She knew the effect it had on me and shifted as if the ground was uncomfortable a few times. I didn’t believe her motives.

  I made myself look away before I jumped her with her plate still in her hands. “What’s the bear population in this area? Should we worry about the food?” I asked, recognizing that her experience in these woods superseded mine. My own wilderness experience was far from laughable, but I didn’t know that area well.

  “We shouldn’t have any problems.” She was sure of that, and so I didn’t worry. I felt safe with her, and if she said we were safe I knew it to be true. I placed my near-empty plate away from the bed while she finished her wine, reaching out to run my fingers down her calf while I waited.

  “I’m guessing you’re not a heels kind of girl, but you’d look amazing in them.”

  She smirked. “I hate heels, they’re too limiting. But I do wear them on occasion when it’s appropriate. I could model them sometime.” I stowed away the promise to remind her later.

  Remembering something I’d meant to ask earlier, I brought it up. “There doesn’t seem to be many animals around: squirrels, chipmunks, birds. There used to be more.”

  She hesitated a moment, and something without definite form crossed her mind. “There’s probably just a predator around. They’re there, even if you don’t see them.”

  “Like a bear?” I started to worry despite my earlier surety. That forest contained many things bigger than me.

  She set her glass aside and smoothed her hands over my hips, whispering, “Nothing can hurt you out here when you’re with me.” And I felt utter truth in her statement, though I couldn’t explain why even to myself.

  We touched as we talked, hands moving slowly, caressing each other. We held our libidos in check, wanting to get to know each other. “Tell me about Iowa.”

  She lingered around my navel. “Too much rain, not enough wilderness. It has its own beauty: fields and forests as far as the eye can see. But I like the wilds of the mountains. I was there less than a year, working at a firm right out of college. Then I met my family and moved here.”

  “How did you meet them?” Instant discomfort rose in her and I was sorry I asked the question, but I couldn’t take it back.

  She struggled for words. “A man I worked with introduced me to them.” The statement sounded false, as if she was twisting the story. I wondered what happened, but I didn’t feel pain behind the memory. I wasn’t sure what I felt. I knew if I pushed her any further, I would receive a lie, so I changed the subject.

  I traced a finger over a nipple, causing her breath to quicken. “What did you do for the firm?”

  Comfortable again, she responded. “I’m an accountant.”

  This exciting passionate woman jumbled numbers for a living. I couldn’t help but laugh – few people ever surprised me. “You’re an accountant. Let me guess, you wear your hair in a bun and put on a dress suit every morning for work.”

  Mock offended but intensely feeling my fingers on her tits, she replied haughtily. “Pants suits, and I assure you I have never worn a bun in my life.” Her tone became serious again. “Numbers are solid and real.” She tried to explain while moving her hand slowly from my thigh to the front and downwards. My breath hitched. “They’re not exciting, but what’s behind them is: people, businesses, life.” Her finger grazed my clit, and my body tingled all over as my back stiffened.

  I could barely concentrate on her words, but she didn’t let my mind stray. “Behind every business is a person, and behind that person is desire. Sometimes that person’s desire touches me, and if I can help bring that desire to fruition, my life is more complete.” Her massage of such a sensitive area would have brought me to my knees if I’d been standing. “There are more important things in life than desire – love, friendship, honor – but passion is a part of us. When the world tilts on its axis for a moment or an hour or a day, life is made more beautiful.”

  Her fingers entered me suddenly, and my world tilted for a while. Gentle strokes interspersed with well-timed thrusts, and I was captured. The previous rough play had left me hypersensitive, enhancing her soft touch. When her tongue joined her fingers, with her head between my thighs, my only regret was that I couldn’t reach her with my hands in this position. But she made up for it. With one hand her fingers slid over my leg and inner thigh, leaving a trail of fire behind. With the other, she complimented her tongue, teasing my labia and occasionally peeking inside a little further.

  Her tongue in me and her hands on me raised my soul to heights I’d never experienced before. Her thoughts contained only the passion she felt for me and the desire to please me. She enjoyed eating me out, and she loved what it did for me.

  She could feel it somehow, and knew exactly what to do to me. Her timing was exquisite, every stroke, every lick, and every thrust was perfection. I held off my orgasm as long as I could, feeling the burn inside me intensify with the delay.

  Moments before I came, she pulled her fingers from inside me and gripped my ass. With amazing strength she lifted me towards her, pulling my hips off the bed entirely, intensifying the motions of her tongue. Powerless within her grasp, I twisted my legs around her back. Fingers spreading me, tongue inside me, and teeth grazing my clit … waves of painful ecstasy surged through me. Her hands held me hostage against her mouth and I relished the feeling of being trapped within her hold. I climaxed with the silk clutched in my fists, trapping her head between my legs where she worked her magic. The orgasm lasted for an eternity, and as the spasms started to fade, I expected her to emerge.

  But she didn’t stop and only slowed for a brief moment before resuming with increased fervor, torturing me into further heights. I didn’t know anyone could do that with just a tongue! And her grip on my ass shifted until her fingers found a place to fondle that made me pant out loud. I could feel her arousal as she did this to me, taking me beyond my limits. I couldn’t think, only feel. It was torture, almost too much to endure.

  All I knew at that moment was this woman, and she felt so good within me, body and mind. I came and still she consumed me. The final orgasm stole my lungs’ ability to breathe, sinking deeper and lasting longer than any in my life. My body spasmed around her, trapping her to me as she held me firm.

  The spasms slowed and my body hiccupped uncontrollably. She released me slowly and eased me to the ground. The retreat of her touch was both an agony and a relief – I didn’t know if I could survive another round. Somehow she knew this and s
ettled in beside me, a couple inches away while I recovered.

  My legs were numb and my groin still burned hot, spasming uncontrollably, but movement slowly returned to me. When my mind worked again, I tried to speak, stumbled, and started again. “Billie.” I couldn’t continue yet.

  “I love the way you say my name. You moaned it several times while I had you, and at the end screamed it so loud that the birds flew from the trees.” She leaned towards me and blew on my skin, sending goose bumps down my body. “I love the way you smell, of lavender and sex.” Another breath. How did she know what I wanted before I even knew? That was my trick. “I love the way you know exactly what I want when I want it and I know that about you, too.”

  She paused, and I tried to speak, but she silenced me with her finger, barely touching my lips. “And I want to know more. You’ve captivated me, Sadie, mind and body. I want to seduce you with tiger lilies and wake up in your bed. I want to explore the wilds with you and make love under the stars. I want to bring you into my life and share everything I can with you. I want to know you. Sex with you is more amazing than I’ve ever had it before. That’s great, but I want more.”

  I looked at her and knew she meant it. “I want that too. All of it. I’ve never met anyone else like you.” I kissed her, and we made love again. This time it was her turn to scare the birds.

  Finally dressed, we gathered our scattered belongings, stowing it all in Billie’s pack. Every time we passed within two feet of each other, we had to make contact: a kiss, a grasp of hands, a caress. But we both knew the day was growing late. One more tryst and we’d be hiking out in the dark.

  Something at the edge of my vision made me look up, and fear clutched suddenly at my throat. A large wolf stood no more than twenty yards away, gray and black with silver highlights glinting in the sun. I turned to warn Billie, but she was already staring at the wolf – without fear or worry. They simply looked into each other’s eyes until the wolf bowed its head, turned and trotted off. It was almost as if they’d spoken.

  I couldn’t believe what had just happened and how calm she was about it, the question apparent on my face and in my tense body.

  Billie looked at me with amusement, hesitation and sadness hidden behind the smile. “She wouldn’t have hurt us. She just wanted to see who was in her territory. They don’t usually show themselves to humans, but I can guarantee that if you’re in their territory they’re checking you out.”

  “She could have killed us.” I whispered.

  She shrugged. “A wolf can kill, but it doesn’t except to survive. Wolves only kill for food or to defend their pack. She only would have attacked you if you’d threatened her or her pack. I told you, you’re safe with me.”

  “How do you know it was a female?”

  She grinned. “No balls.” I laughed, feeling the tension ease from my body, and we finished loading up our gear.

  We walked in silence for a while, both of us imprinting our first afternoon together in our minds. But my thoughts kept straying to the wolf and the loving way Billie spoke of her. I ruminated over the experience and couldn’t understand it. “Billie, I’ve always been told that wolves are dangerous. Maybe I read Little Red Riding Hood too many times, but I thought they were savage creatures.”

  She had expected this question. “The wolf is dangerous, but not savage.”

  “What’s the difference?” I wanted to understand. It was clearly important to her, though I didn’t know why.

  She turned to me, more serious than I’d seen her yet. She spoke slowly, choosing her words carefully. “Dangerous is being able to maim or kill. Savage is acting on it without cause or remorse. Even a dangerous creature hesitates to attack because they understand the natural balance of the world. When they kill because of need, such as to eat, it complements the natural order. Vegetation feeds herbivores, herbivores feed carnivores, and when carnivores die they feed the earth. It’s a perfect cycle. When a predator attacks because of loyalty or honor, they do it out of a need to protect. A savage enjoys it.” She searched my eyes for understanding, but I was still processing. She allowed me that and we continued down the path.

  A few steps later I realized something in what she said was a lie. Unable to comprehend why she would lie about something so seemingly trivial, I stowed away the knowledge. It certainly wasn’t trivial to her – the entire conversation had touched something very core within her, and the emotions she hid about it were raw.

  She spoke very personally of the wolf, and it surprised me to realize that she considered herself dangerous. I knew she could hold her own, but I’d never thought of her as dangerous. I had much to process and a great deal to learn about my new girlfriend.

  Girlfriend. The word filled me with contentment. Billie and I were starting a relationship, one we were both excited about. I would see her again, and the prospect filled me with life and joy.

  The rest of the hike, though mostly silent, was uneventful. Billie had drawn into herself, but it didn’t feel like a rejection. I knew I could be introspective and moody at times, so I couldn't complain. The mental connection we shared remained, but something stood between us. Spending a few minutes trying to understand this, I came up blank and didn’t have the nerve to dip into her mind obtrusively.

  After we reached the jeep and she’d stowed her pack, I snagged a short length of rope lying beside the seat. Trapping her between my arms and the vehicle, I pushed her arms behind her and tied her wrists snugly. Locking my eyes with hers, I knew by her thoughts that she understood. I would not unbind her until I was done.

  Pushing her against the jeep with my body, I lifted her shirt high, exposing her breasts. She stared at me, warring between defiance and supplication, but she said nothing. Against her nature, she allowed me to take control. She allowed herself to submit to me.

  Reading what she needed and more than willing to give it, I gave no foreplay. I squeezed a nipple hard, and she called out my name. “Sadie. Jesus, Sadie.” I took her whole breast in my hand and squeezed, causing her to cry out in pain and ecstasy, my other hand tracing down her side. She writhed and I bit her ear, then tweaked her other nipple until she cried out. Bound and trapped, she started to relax into it, letting her steadfast control soften.

  A little more was all she needed. I pressed my hips firmly against her. Needing my hands free for a moment, I held her against the jeep with my hips. I pulled my shirt over my head, and her eyes widened in surprise. Immediately, however, I wrapped the shirt around her face, covering her eyes and ears and leaving only her mouth free.

  She began to protest. “Trust me.” I said, softly. She stilled beneath me, her breath coming in gasps. A tail of rope remained at her wrists, and I slipped this through the door handle, securing her even more. “Sadie?” Her voice came soft, again protesting her vulnerability. “Trust me.” I said again, and she nodded.

  Hands secured and blinded, she felt helpless before me. I touched her face gently, watching her lean her cheek into my hand. Her shirt had fallen back into place, and I slipped my hands underneath to caress her breasts, I gave her soft pleasure before pain. Pinching a nipple until she cried out, I ran my other hand around her back, gripping her jeans. I tormented her body with pleasure until she relaxed into me.

  Only then did I push her jeans down around her ankles, replicating the technique she used on me. One knee wedged between hers, I forced her legs apart and disrupted her balance. She struggled to remain upright, moaning in protest but not asking to be released. She only had to ask and she knew it. Kneeling a bit, I wrapped one arm around her backside and shoved my thumb inside her pussy, fingers digging painfully into her cheek. With the other hand I reached above my head, gripping one breast while pushing her body against the vehicle.

  Her whole body seized as I worked her hard with my thumb, fingers gripping her ass tighter with every thrust. Gasping rhythmically, the whole jeep shook under my ministrations. I used my teeth on her, grazing and biting her thighs and groin until red.
She let out a scream as her orgasm rattled the vehicle violently. Her mouth hung open, panting, as the contractions waned. Releasing her, I rose and kissed her gently. As we kissed, I touched her with all gentleness: hips, breasts, stomach. I caressed her ass and rubbed her back. Finally she’d given herself over to me, vulnerable.

  Slowly I zipped and buttoned her jeans before releasing her hands. Lastly, I pulled my shirt from her face to gaze into a pair of glazed and wondering eyes. I leaned my head against hers, exhausted from the day and finally feeling it. Meeting her eyes, I stated firmly. “I’m not going to let you push me away because you don’t know if you can trust me.” Or because you see yourself as a savage. But I didn’t complete that thought aloud.

  Her voice almost squeaked, a sound completely out of character for her. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  My tone turned low and belligerent. “Don’t underestimate me. I’m stronger than I look.”

  “I see that.” She whispered and slapped my ass as she darted around the jeep.

  We drove without speaking for several minutes, a comfortable silence that didn’t need piercing. Needing a few minutes to compose herself, I gave her some space. Her mind worked over what she intended to say, and finally prepared, she spoke. “Pain has its place. In a fight it raises your adrenaline and makes you faster and stronger. When you’re injured it can bring clarity to your mind. If you embrace pain, it doesn’t control you. I’m very much a masochist, but I don’t give up control easily, and it’s kind of hard on relationships. What you did to me, I never would have asked for it.” Thank you.

  The mental gratitude shocked me more than her confession. Certain I didn’t pluck that out of her head, the only other option was that she’d sent it to me; and that had never happened before. I knew nothing about my ability. Sure, I’d met the random psychic, but most were just good students of human nature. The few who had any real ability couldn’t hold a candle to me. They could read emotions, see auras, and some could even see the past or the future.


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