Psyche Moon

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Psyche Moon Page 10

by Chrissie Buhr

  Laying in silence for a time, she gently stroked my arm. It didn’t even feel sexual at that moment, simply comforting. My libido had been drenched in ice water as soon as the conversation started, and I couldn’t even think about sex. But with her arms around me and her mind embracing me, I felt like I might actually be okay. Someday.

  At that moment, the pain felt survivable. I’d pushed it down into the depths of my thoughts for so long, and with her presence I almost felt like I could allow it to surface without killing me. Almost, but not quite.

  As submerged as I was in my thoughts, I didn’t hear the persistent beep of the kitchen timer. I felt her stir and whisper, “The chicken’s done,” before I heard it. Still, it took me a moment to sit up, unwilling at first to remove myself from her embrace.

  Tired of ruminating on the past, I switched mental gears and followed her to the kitchen.

  Chapter 6

  Hesitating in front of Billie’s house, I tried to contain my nervousness. The week with Billie had been extraordinary. The sex was phenomenal, of course. But the day-to-day stuff – cuddling and talking about anything and everything, grocery shopping, morning jogs – felt comfortable and exciting all at once. The world, seen through her eyes, was stimulating and beautiful. Billie lived for every moment and enjoyed life. On the occasions that some darkness haunted her, she didn’t dwell in it. She shifted back quickly.

  She talked about her family often, and I was anxious to meet them. They were a central part of her life, and I wanted to make a good impression.

  Breathing in deeply twice, I tried to calm my nervousness. Opening the car door, I walked towards Billie’s front porch. It was my first time visiting her home, and I took it all in. Her lawn was well kept but not manicured like those around it. Trees and bushes sprawled the grounds randomly, and wild patches of flowers speckled the lawn. Wild and beautiful, like Billie. I thought with pleasure.

  At the front steps, I turned and took it all in again, wondering what it would feel like here at dusk or dawn. Behind me the door opened, and I turned to see Billie’s smile. “Would you like to come in? Or would you rather wait outside a little longer?”

  “I should have known you’d know I was here. Can’t a girl get a little privacy?” I gave her a hard time.

  “Look who’s talking.” We greeted with a light but lingering kiss, and I ran my fingers through her fiery hair. She hadn’t even tried to subdue it. Curls poured around her face and down her back completely untamed. My favorite style. She wore a simple silk spaghetti strap top. It hung loosely against her body while showing off her curves with every movement. Black slacks hugged low at her hips, and when she raised her hand to touch my face, I could see skin at her waistline. For her this was simple and comfortable.

  “You look beautiful.” She beat me to the compliment. I’d pulled a violet halter top out of the back of the closet where I hadn’t even looked in a while. It tied around my neck and hung low in the front and back, showing off a fair amount of skin. My jeans were snug but not tight and flared a bit over heeled boots.

  “Thank you. So do you.” She took my hand and drew me inside. A mouthwatering aroma penetrated the air as I stepped into her entryway. I didn’t know what I’d been expecting from her home, but I took it all in and loved it. Classy but comfortable. Deep greens and rich browns dominated her décor. A few pieces of modern impressionistic paintings hung strategically on the wall, and I looked upon creatively captured nude women whose bodies blended into mountain landscapes and oak trees. The spacious living room was packed with gently worn couches and functional tables. It stretched into an open dining area with a large table, beyond which I could see a view of the desert foothills, untainted by a single building.

  “It’s so big.” I murmured my appreciation.

  “Anyone in the family can come by at any time. My home is theirs. That includes you, Sadie.” She led me by the hand through the dining room into an enormous kitchen. Billie stirred a simmering pan of vegetables and beef, inspecting it closely before removing it from the heat and covering it with a lid. Two refrigerators, a six-burner stove and a double-stacked oven only began to show how much effort she put into the room. The kitchen was meticulously clean, but cooking implements overflowed in a haphazard clutter.

  “Juice? Pepsi?” She asked, snatching a glass from a cupboard.

  “Juice, please. This is definitely your kitchen.” I took it all in appreciatively, running my fingers across the counters as I admired her home. She poured a glass of orange juice for me and I sipped gratefully. It had been a warm day and the cold drink was refreshing.

  “I’ll show you the rest of the house later.” She grinned. “If we get distracted and burn dinner, Richard will never let me forget it.”

  “When are they coming?” I tried not to show my nervousness, but of course she could see right through my façade.

  “Soon. Any time, actually. Quit worrying. They’re going to love you.”

  I sighed. “You keep saying that. I can’t help it.” She grabbed me from behind and buried her face in my neck, pressing her teeth below my ear.

  “Maybe I should bite you where everyone can see. Mark you so they don’t have any choice but to accept you into the family.” Her amusement made me chuckle, and I pretended to fight her.

  “So long as it heals by Monday.”

  “Deal.” She bit my ear and inspected it with mock seriousness. “The mark will be gone by tomorrow night.”

  “You didn’t just do that!” I laughed out loud. “They’re going to think we’re total pervs.” Checking my reflection in the oven door, I could see delicate teeth marks along my ear.

  “Nah. They’ll think I like you.” She admired the mark, very satisfied with it. Feeling devilish, I spun and pressed her against the counter. Her body went taught with anticipation, and her mouth parted in desire. Kissing her lips, she softened under me. My hands covered hers on the countertop, arms held back so that her breasts arched out for me. I traveled down the length of her neck, caressing her with my lips, until I reached the curve of her breasts. She dropped her head backwards under my touch. Breathing in her earthy scent, I enjoyed the way her panting made her chest rise and fall for me.

  Without warning, I bit her quick and hard between the curves of her breasts. Though I’d only intended to playfully get back at her for biting my ear, she erupted in orgasm under my bite. Feeding off of her response, I let go of her hands so that I could reach her breasts, brushing the nipples through her thin shirt. She cried out softly, her dilated eyes meeting mine. “Damn. I’m good.” I exclaimed in surprise.

  “Hell, yeah.” She replied shakily. “I knew that from day one.”

  “Oh, and that mark won’t be gone by Monday.” I fingered the deep teeth marks visible just above her shirt line. I’d broken the skin, unintentionally, but I was too satisfied by her response to be sorry. A bruise spread quickly outward from the mark, and somehow it was beautiful.

  “Sadie.” Billie whispered as she touched the mark lovingly. There was something she wanted to say, but instead she touched my face and brushed her lips softly against mine. We stood there for a few moments, barely touching and loving every minute. “I love you, Sadie.”

  “I love you too.”

  She sighed, breaking the moment. “Come on in.” She spoke towards the door, raising her voice only a bit. “They’ve been waiting patiently for a bit.” I coughed, choking at her words in embarrassment. How could they know?

  A middle-aged couple walked through the front door, exchanging knowing looks and smiling broadly at us. My face flushed in embarrassment and I could barely meet their eyes. A woman stepped forward and took my hand in greeting. “I’m so happy to meet you, Sadie. Billie has told us nothing about you. She’s been happier than I’ve ever seen her and the evil girl made us wait to get to know you in person.”

  “You must be Kathryn. It’s good to meet you.” I said awkwardly, my cheeks still flaming. Kathryn held herself like one born with th
e proverbial silver spoon but without any disdain. A genuinely warm person, she exuded tranquility like chamomile seeping from her skin. I relaxed quickly in her presence. She was fit and carried her age well. I couldn’t actually tell her age, but I sensed she was older than she appeared. Her light brown hair held no hint of grey, and only slight lines showed around her eyes.

  She patted my hand. “Don’t be embarrassed, child. We’re family. Seeing Billie all flushed and satisfied makes us happy.” She glanced at the teeth marks on my ear and winked. My blush deepened. Kathryn turned to Billie and touched the mark on her breast lovingly. “You are a very lucky girl.” Billie nodded, her eyes shining. Something unspoken passed between them, and I was overcome with curiosity.

  Richard put his arm around me, drawing me into an embrace. “Kathryn’s right. We’re very happy Billie and you found each other. Come, sit. Let’s eat and talk.”

  Richard and Billie retrieved the food, and Kathryn pulled a bottle of wine from a stylish wine bag. Opening it expertly, she let it breathe and the sweet scent filled the room. Food covered the table, enough for a small army, and all of it smelled delicious. Kathryn poured wine, passing a glass to each of us.

  “A toast.” Richard raised his glass and everyone else followed suit. “To the new couple. May the roads rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And the rain fall soft upon your fields.” I could tell it was a blessing of sorts, but I’d never heard it before. I sent an inquisitive thought to Billie and she replied silently. A Gaelic Blessing, or part of it anyway.

  Richard burst out laughing suddenly, causing me to jump. “You little brat!” He roared in laughter at Billie. “No wonder you were so secretive.”

  “I told you it would be fun watching them figure it out.” She said to me as we sat and filled our plates.

  I must have looked confused, because Richard explained. “She didn’t tell us you were a Sensitive.”

  Kathryn beamed at me. “It’s an honor to have you among us.”

  Startled, I didn’t know how to respond to her formal statement. Shocked but pleased at their response, I could only mutter, “Thank you.”

  Billie touched my arm and smiled deeply. “Welcome to my family.”

  And so Billie and I shared stories of how we met and of our time together. I quickly relaxed in their presence, finding them inviting and comfortable people to be around. I even mentioned the silk bed in the clearing and noticed a fond glance between Richard and Kathryn as they shared a memory of their own.

  We talked and laughed until little food remained. Richard and Kathryn ate nearly as much as Billie, and I watched the food disappear in wonder. Billie shared our experience at the bar and grill and I joined in Richard’s hilarious outburst when he discovered he had a husband. Kathryn mothered over the young waitress and I sensed her desire to meet the young woman.

  “We should take you there for lunch sometime.” I told Kathryn. “Maybe you can meet her.”

  Her eyes brightened. “Oh, yes! Let’s do it soon.” We agreed on a Sunday hike after lunch at the diner. We tried to come up with a man to take as Richard’s husband, laughing about the possibilities. Eventually we settled on a simple double date.

  I asked about Richard’s cases. “Billie said you’ve had some interesting ones over the years.”

  Richard’s eyes lit up, and Billie gave me a warning look. “When he gets started, he doesn’t stop.” But Richard was already launching into a story.

  The meal finally ended, and we moved to the living room with our wine. Richard and Kathryn nestled together in a couch across from Billie and I. Feeling quite content, I curled my feet under me and lay across Billie’s lap, my wine forgotten on the table nearby. A tiger-striped cat joined me, purring softly against my legs.

  I could tell when Billie’s thoughts shifted to the attack, and I tensed at the memory. Like Billie, Richard missed nothing and noticed my change of mood. “What’s wrong?” He turned serious in a heartbeat. He could sense my fear somehow.

  “I told you about the two boys who attacked us last week.” Billie put a protective arm over me at the memory.

  Kathryn spoke lovingly to me, reaching over to squeeze my calf. “There’s only one person in this entire city who can beat Billie in a fight. And he’ll always fight on her side. We all will. You have a family now that won’t let anything happen to you. You’re safe.”

  Smiling at her, I relaxed knowing that she spoke the truth. I’d seen how well Billie fought, but it surprised me to hear she was that good.

  “Have you come up with any ideas?” Billie asked Richard.

  “No. I asked my police contact, but age and description aren’t much to go on. Sadie? Did you pick up anything useful?”

  I thought back to the night of the attack and shook my head. “I froze up. I remember thinking they were a couple of rich brats pretending to be thugs. I’d say their parents are moderately wealthy. They’re used to getting whatever they want. And they live nearby, or at least one of them does. They were being territorial anyway. Nothing useful, I’m afraid.”

  Richard nodded appreciatively. “That’s very helpful. It gives us geography and demographic. Will they do it again?”

  “Yes.” I said without hesitating. “They’re afraid, insecure, and angry to the point of raging. Bullies with a sadistic streak who prey on the weak. People like that don’t change easily, if ever.” My voice came out cold, and I didn’t temper it.

  Kathryn didn’t speak, but concern radiated from her.

  That troubled Richard. “Hmmm. Trying to find them is going to be difficult, but not impossible. I’ll see what I can do. If they’re having any legal trouble I can, uh, help things along appropriately.” I had to smile at that remark. “Have you told Jason?”

  Billie replied. “No. He’s out of cell range still. I don’t think there’s anything to be done, but I’d be grateful if you proved me wrong.”

  “I’ll look into it. Sadie, if you see them or even think you sense them, call Billie or me. We can have help on the way in minutes.” I nodded appreciatively.

  Kathryn joined in the conversation, having observed everything. “We do things our own way, but we do it legally and ethically. We’re not vigilantes.”

  “Billie explained it a bit. She said involving the police causes complications for you.”

  Richard reassured her. “It does. But if we can do something about it, we will.”

  “I’m glad.” I said as Billie ran her fingers through my hair. I was ready to change the subject. “On a lighter note, I entered the race.”

  “What race?” Kathryn asked with interest.

  “It’s a 10K a few weeks from now.” I smiled nervously. “I’m going to have to step up my training.”

  “My girl’s got stamina.” Billie beamed.

  “My goal is to finish in the top 50%.” I expressed my excitement.

  “I’ll bet you’re in the top 5%.” She said.

  “What’s the wager?” I asked, my eyes lighting up in excitement.

  She thought for a moment. “A length of silk rope.”

  “Is that supposed to make me try harder or throw the race?” I asked, confused.

  “If you win the bet, you get to decide what to do with it. If I win, my choice.” Her wicked grin showed all her teeth.

  “Deal. I can’t lose!” I laughed. “Run the race with me.” I urged. The room stilled while Richard and Kathryn waited for Billie’s reply. They wanted her to say no.

  Billie anticipated my request. “It’s not my thing, beautiful. But I’ll train with you.”

  “Ok.” I conceded. “I’d like that. I don’t understand why not racing is a big deal, though.” She looked at me quizzically. Though I answered Billie, my eyes met Richard’s and Kathryn’s “Your friends practically quit breathing when I suggested it.”

  She bit her lip and considered her words. “I don’t want to draw attention to myself, and they know that.”

nbsp; I sighed. “One of those things I’m not supposed to pry about?”

  She smiled and nodded sadly. “Are you still okay with that?”

  I thought about it for a moment. “I guess it’s fair. Other people have to ask me what I’m thinking or feeling.” Richard laughed. “I didn’t say I like it.” I teased him.

  Billie pinched me, and I slugged her leg. Kathryn watched us with a glow about her. “More wine anyone?” She stood gracefully. Richard accepted and I declined, already feeling the alcohol’s effects. “Billie, would you pretend to help me with the wine so I can tell you privately how much I like her?” She smiled widely at me, showing off her perfect white teeth.

  I moved off of Billie’s lap so she could go with Kathryn, disturbing the feline sleeping next to me. Billie plucked the wine glasses off the table as she followed Kathryn into the kitchen.

  “You’re wife’s a pretty neat woman. I like her.”

  “Me too.” He sent an affectionate look towards the kitchen. “Have you ever been open about being a Sensitive before?”

  “I didn’t even have a name for it before Billie.” I shook my head. “No. Whenever people realize I know things I shouldn’t know about them, they get scared.”

  He nodded. “People fear what they don’t understand.”

  “And they’re afraid of being seen for who they are and not for who they pretend to be.”

  “True.” He looked at me with interest. “You seem to be courteous, though. Not getting nosey even when you want to.”

  I blushed. “I’m trying. But it’s like trying not to eavesdrop on a conversation two feet from me.”

  “I understand. It can’t be easy knowing we’re keeping something from you.” I raised my eyebrows at his admission. “You sense that we’re being truthful about why?”

  I nodded. “When you talk about it, you sound like mobsters, but I sense honesty and can tell you have good reasons. There’s something different about you. I thought it was just Billie, but you and Kathryn are different in the same way. I’m very curious, but I trust Billie. I’d like you to trust me too.”


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