Prime Selection

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Prime Selection Page 23

by Monette Michaels

  Nadia snorted. “You won’t need to test. The couples will know.”

  Lia nodded and smiled her agreement.

  “This thing between me and Huw was instantaneous. I just accepted the reality sooner than he did. It isn’t comfortable, dammit, and that needs to be made clear. Staying away from the person connecting with you shouldn’t be encouraged.”

  “I agree.” Wulf braced his elbows on his knees and leaned toward her. “Huw wouldn’t have lost control of his emotions and endangered himself and others if he’d accepted the courting phase from the beginning.” Wulf leaned back against the sofa and Mel snuggled into his side. “My brother understands that now. He knows he’s hurt you on many levels.”

  Wulf paused and what Nadia could only describe as a naughty grin crossed his lips.

  “I think once you calm him down and achieve the marking, you should make him pay.”

  Nadia choked, the sound between a laugh and a sob. “That’s what Royce and Aeron suggested … I’d already made the decision to confront him.”

  “Ahh. And if he hadn’t come to terms?” Wulf arched one dark brow, his amber-colored eyes glittering.

  “I would have asked for a transfer to Blue Squadron.”

  Mel and Lia gasped. Nadia shuddered at the thought now, not sure she would’ve been able to go through with it … but she damn well would have tried.

  Wulf nodded and hummed under his breath. “It wouldn’t have worked, but it would have driven the point home. I chased Melina all the way from Tooh 10 to Obam IV. I would have followed her across the universe if I’d had to in order to make her mine. The urge was that strong.”

  Mel rubbed her cheek against her mate’s arm. “And you took your damn time, too.

  By the time you found me, we were both hurting badly. I never want to feel that kind of torment again.”

  “God, Mel, when you first described that time to me, I didn’t believe you.” Nadia shook her head at the folly of it all now. “But this feeling … of being separated from Huw, especially when he lost control and needed me … well, it was like losing a part of me. I have this big hole in my heart. My mind can’t seem to focus on anything else. The only thing that’s keeping me in this seat and not going to Huw is I knew you were hiding something.”

  Lia touched her on the arm. “I didn’t have the turmoil you and Mel went through since Joen made it his business to be near me as much as he could without drawing too much attention to ourselves.” The doctor’s lips twisted. “Joen was very inventive at finding ways of getting me alone. It was … arousing … fun. You definitely need to make Huw chase you. No moving in with him until you get to know each other.”

  “Okay, since we’re all on the same page as to how Huw needs to chase or court or woo me … would somebody tell me when the mark appears?” Nadia knew she sounded irritated, but they were jawing at her and she wanted to be with Huw.

  “After sex, Nadia,” Lia said.

  They all laughed as Wulf snarled under his breath, “Be blunt, why don’t you?”

  Mel kissed Wulf’s red cheek. “Lia’s mark appeared after she and Joen had intercourse for the first time.” She poked Wulf in the stomach with a finger. “My gemat doesn’t like to discuss his crew’s sex lives. Who’d have thought big strong Prime males were such wusses when it came to being frank about intimacy?”

  “I’m not a wuss whatever that is,” grumbled Wulf. “We’re talking about my brother and my new sister-kin. Huw, for one, would knock me on my ass again if he knew we were discussing his sex life.”

  Nadia laughed. “I won’t tell him.” A thought crossed her mind. “Does Huw know about the mark?”

  Wulf grinned evilly. “No. He had already decided to declare his interest in you when you returned from the planet. He told me his honor prevented him before this last stop on the mission. He didn’t want to declare himself if there was a chance he would mark a hither-to-unknown Prime female. He didn’t want to hurt you by beginning a relationship that might later have to be ended.”

  “He stayed away from me because of honor?” Nadia scowled. “On the outside chance he might find a woman he could mark?”

  “Yes.” Wulf’s expression was solemn. “His reasoning was sound, but it was narrow-minded in light of the intense attraction between the two of you and the mental connection. He was so busy looking at the big picture, he missed all the fine details that demonstrated he had already found his mate.”

  Nadia huffed out a breath and touched Huw’s mind, digging deeply and found that everything Wulf had said was true. Her thickheaded Huw had avoided her to keep from hurting her. And, he was right, dammit. If he had dated her, courted her, taken her to bed, and then later found a Prime female who took his mark, she would’ve been very hurt.

  “I see his reasoning,” she said, “but it doesn’t make the pain of the last few weeks any less hurtful.” She sighed. “Aeron told me Huw needed me for more than just the biological urges…”

  “Aeron is correct.” Wulf’s eyes turned warmer; his expression became more gentle and understanding. “Nadia … sister-kin … Prime males desire and need their mates on all levels. Never doubt, you will be the center of his universe from now until death. No other will ever love you as he does.”

  Wulf sighed and frowned. “You need to understand why he reasoned it out as he did.

  My idiot brother has always had this skewed outlook about why Iolyn and I had markings and he, none. He felt lesser than us, wanted to be like us … so he searched for the perfect gemate and missed her when she was right in front of him. He forgot to listen to his instincts.”

  “And Prime males are all about instincts.” Mel laughed. “Wulf is correct. Once that man beds you and completes the bonding, he’ll want to be near you every second to make sure you’re safe, happy, and well loved. You’ll have to stand up to him and fight for your breathing space, or he’ll smother you with his adoration.”

  “You’re saying he loved me, instinctively, since he was first attracted? That to Prime males, attraction, biological or whatever it is, is the key to love for them? That the bond would’ve gone no further if love couldn’t be found in the relationship?”

  Wulf nodded. “There is an old Prime saying: The One does not make mistakes. The mating bond is considered a gift from the One.”

  Nadia stood and stared at the closed door to Huw’s bedroom and then glanced back at Mel. “I’ve watched you and Wulf dance around for a level playing field since you’ve been together. I know what to expect. I can handle him.” She shot them a naughty grin.

  “But can the big, bad Prime handle me?”

  Wulf threw back his head and roared with laughter as Lia and Mel joined in.

  Oh, yeah. Huw would have to dance to her tune for a bit—and it would be fun.

  “When do you need us back on duty, Wulf?” Nadia asked. Her pussy tightened with need and flushed with dampness as she anticipated the hours of pleasure promised by Huw’s thoughts.

  “Forty-eight standard hours should do it. Aeron can handle the data from Ursa 345

  and make the reports.” Wulf stood and ushered Lia and Mel toward the exit door. “I can guarantee my brother won’t want to leave his bed if you’re in it. Plus, you could use a break after your encounter with the worm creature on the planet.”

  Nadia shuddered. “Don’t remind me. Bre can assist Aeron with the report from our team and run the lab in my absence.”

  “That should work.” Wulf paused in the open doorway. “My brother loves you, Nadia, never doubt it. He was devastated when he realized how blind he’d been, how much he’d hurt you.” Wulf angled his head toward the bedroom. “We had to sedate him to keep him from hurting others in his drive to get to you. So, please, take that into consideration. Don’t lead him on too much of a dance.” He winked. “Prime males will only be led by the nose so far.”

  Nadia laughed. “I know. I’ve watched you and Mel, remember?”

  “Then you won’t make our mistakes.” Wulf l
eft and closed the door.

  For all intents and purposes, she and Huw were secure in their own little world for the next forty-eight standard hours. Two days to come to terms with the physical side of the relationship and how they would proceed afterward.

  Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and entered the bedchamber. The room was similar in layout to hers, but the colors more masculine, all navy blues and silver grays with chrome accents.

  Huw lay on his back, his bare chest glistening with sweat from the excess of stress hormones undoubtedly flooding his system. While he was still deeply unconscious, his sleep wasn’t restful. His mind was filled with intense sexual needs aimed at her and living nightmares of losing her. The strong emotions colored the aura she saw through their connection. Deep creases on his forehead confirmed the turmoil she sensed.

  Nadia moved to the bed and sat on the edge. She soothed the deep furrows on his forehead with a finger. He inhaled and then sighed, “Nadia.” All the tension left him like a deflating balloon.

  Tears welled in her eyes. “God, Huw.” Just a touch and all his rage was gone. For the first time, Nadia realized the power she had over this man. With such great power came great responsibility.

  Then she noted all her pain was gone as well—well, not all. Her lower abdomen still throbbed. But this time the feeling was more sexual and akin to pleasure. The light skin-to-skin touch and his scent had her clit aching and her pussy flooding.

  Since Nadia didn’t consider herself easily stimulated, the quick and intense arousal scared her. Huw had a lot of power over her as well.

  Trust … it all came down to trust. And it would be a learning process between two strong-willed individuals.

  Huw turned his face into her hand, nuzzling it and then kissing her palm before settling into a deeper, more natural, and less restless sleep.

  “No guts, no glory, Nadia,” she muttered as she stood.

  Stripping down to a tank top and panties, she climbed into bed with Huw. As she snuggled next to his arm, she realized he was naked from top to bottom. She gasped and tried to put some distance between them when his arm went around her shoulders and anchored her firmly against his side.

  God, the feel of his warm skin against hers was aphrodisiacal.

  She peeked at his face as she tested his mind. He was definitely asleep. His action had been instinctive. She rubbed her cheek against the light smattering of black hair on his chest and inhaled deeply. His scent was calming to her soul and heart while at the same time, arousing to her body. She snuggled against him, one arm going under the pillow her head was on, the other over his chest. She covered the place over his heart where his gemat mark would appear.

  Comfortable and suddenly sleepy now that the stress of the last few weeks had dissipated, Nadia turned her face enough to kiss his bare chest. “Sweet dreams, zaychik.”

  She snickered as she closed her eyes. Huw would freak when he found out what the endearment meant. “Little rabbit” was the loose translation of the Russian. Her mother had always called her father that … well, that or sladkie, sweetie. Huw wouldn’t like that one, either. Tough, he’d learn to like them.

  Nadia went to sleep with a smile on her face, thinking about him snarling over the too cute endearments.

  Chapter 20

  Huw woke slowly, his mind swimming through a thick, drug-induced fog. The rage that had overtaken him earlier was gone as if it had never happened. He felt … calm … at peace … and then he realized the reason why was the armful of sweet-smelling woman cuddled to his chest.

  “Nadia?” he whispered against the blonde head lying on his chest. He raised a hand to cover hers covering his heart. “Diew! Lubha, you came to me.”

  Love unlike anything he’d ever felt saturated every pore in his body. The area of his chest she touched throbbed. His cock hardened as he breathed in her sweet female musk.

  Huw pressed urgent light kisses against her silky, blonde curls. He battled the urge to kiss her entire body, to rouse her to the same level of sexual urgency he felt. He brushed her mind with a soft mental touch. She was completely open to him—and she was exhausted. He could wait. Ansu bhau, he deserved to wait after acting like an inconsiderate, blind brute toward her for weeks.

  Settling her more closely against him, he idly stroked the arm holding onto him. He wallowed in the comfort holding her gave him and wondered how he’d ever existed without such closeness. A woman was a wondrous creature.

  Nadia’s first sexual experience with him had to be special, a merging of heart, soul, and body, and not the act of a dominant Prime male thumping his chest and claiming his mate.

  A few more hours wouldn’t make Nadia any less his.

  Huw breathed deeply and took in her scent; the musk of her arousal overlaid with the sweet floral and vanilla fragrance of her skin made his mouth water and his loins throb.

  Patience, asshole. She doesn’t need to be awakened by a rutting male.

  There was no denying the unique bond between them now—his body, heart, and soul had always known she was the one for him; it had been his damn thick brain holding him back.

  Huw nuzzled Nadia’s forehead. She lay against him so sweetly. “Sleep, lubha. I’ll guard you and keep you safe … even from my lustful self.” He brushed another kiss over her brow and closed his eyes.

  Huw awoke to the sensation of a mouth around his cock. He leaned up on his elbows and glanced down his body, and growled at a sight any red-blooded male would appreciate: his woman’s head moving rhythmically up and down above his hips as she slowly sucked his cock.

  “Ahh, Nadia,” he breathed out her name. Her mouth was warm and luscious—and doing far too good of a job. He would come soon if she didn’t stop. “Lubha, you…”

  Nadia paused. His cock slipped from her mouth with an audible pop. “Yes, Huw?

  Am I doing it wrong, zaychik?”

  “No … you’re doing it too well. Would you have me shoot my seed before I give you pleasure?” He gently grasped her smoothly muscled shoulders and pulled her nearly naked body up his. He relished the feeling as her body rubbed against his steely member every inch of the way.

  When he had her face-to-face, he tore her tank top off and then skimmed his hands lower and ripped away her panties. He tossed the remnants of her underwear to the floor.

  If he had his way, she would never wear underclothing again.

  “Ahh, skin to skin is much better.” He anchored Nadia above him by wrapping an arm around her waist. He smoothed a hand over her toned buttocks and back. Her purring response as she arched into him indicated she liked being petted. Good, because he loved petting her. Her skin was so soft, and though golden, so much paler than his bronzed skin—a light gold to his dark bronze.

  Nadia’s forearms braced on his chest, she lowered her face and nipped his chin.

  He inhaled sharply and then snarled. “You, my mate, are asking for trouble.”

  Her eyes, the pure blue of Cejuru Prime’s midday sky, twinkled. “Have I found it?”

  She followed her words by taking his lower lip between her teeth and gently nipping it and then licking away the slight pain with her lushly pink tongue. “I hope so.”

  Nadia lazily nuzzled and kissed along his jawline until she reached his ear. She spent several long seconds licking the lobe delicately like a mother she-cat cleaning her kitten.

  When she took the lobe between her teeth and gently tugged, shards of pleasure shot straight to his cock.

  With a patience he could not have managed hours earlier, Huw lay under her, enjoying her sensual ministrations.

  “I ache, sladkie.” She purred; her warm breath whispered over his now-sensitized lobe and caused him to shudder with pleasure. “Make love to me. I need your cock in me.”

  Huw couldn’t stifle the animalistic growls rumbling from his chest. He rolled her over onto her back, careful not to hurt her. Now on top, he caged her between his forearms. His brain kicked in and he paused, his torso not quit
e touching hers; she’d been attacked not so long ago and he didn’t want to trigger any bad memories. “You okay, lubha?”

  “I’m fine, sladkie.” Nadia smoothed a hand down his back. “Make love to me.”

  Huw touched her mind and found no fear—only desire. He breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the One as she opened her legs for him. He brushed a tender kiss across her lips. “You are my miracle.”

  “Damn right.” She lifted her head and kissed one of his nipples as she stroked a hand down his flank. He shuddered and restrained the need to plunge his needy cock into her heat.

  Instead, Huw settled more comfortably between her leanly muscled thighs; the sensation was that of being surrounded by warm, living silk. He groaned as she tightened her legs against him as if to hold him even closer. He caught a fleeting image from Nadia’s mind of them making love with her long, strong legs hugging his waist, her hands gripping the headboard, as he took her fast and hard. He embellished her fantasy and imagined holding her legs toward her shoulders as he thrust his cock deeper into her tight, wet warmth.

  Gritting his teeth, he fought the urge to move the few millimeters it would take for him to thrust inside her and make the images reality. He swore he could feel her clit pulsing with need against him. They fit perfectly as if they were made for one another.

  It was pure joy having Nadia willingly under him. She freely touched her mind to his, showing him in thoughts and images what she wanted, needed … demanded from him as a lover.

  A wide smile curved his lips. His little Terran was bold in her wishes and he would be more than happy to make them all come true. The rough taking his nature demanded and her fantasies desired would be for later. But for now, his mate deserved to be shown he worshipped her and cared for her feelings.


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