Me and My Ghoulfriends

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Me and My Ghoulfriends Page 20

by Rose Pressey

  "What do you think she's doing?"

  "I think she is up to something not good at all.” I frowned. I didn't like what I was seeing. “And deep down, I feel Callahan has become a victim in her bizarre world."

  "Unfortunately, I think you're right. I knew Brianna was spiteful all along. I got that vibe from her instantly, you know?"

  I shook my head, ‘yes.’ “I know."

  I handed the binoculars back to Mindy so she could watch, I had seen enough. I felt my stomach turn.

  Mindy stared across the street at Brianna as I became lost in thought.

  "I have an idea."

  Mindy looked at me.

  "I'll send Abe over and the others to do some up-close spying. Maybe they can discover what she's up to?"

  "Actually, that's not a bad idea.” Mindy had a wicked little smirk. “I like the way you think."

  I giggled, proud of myself.

  Intently, I watched as Abe and the others glided across the street. I was anxious to see what would happen. Mindy and I were huddled together, hovering in the corner of the store hidden amongst the many books. We had been taking turns passing the binoculars to each other, while the scene unfolded across the street in Brianna's boutique.

  Brianna had a strange-looking bowl that she had been adding unknown ingredients to for some time. All the while, she appeared to be repeating words out loud. The strange-looking bowl was dark in color, wooden with muted blue, green, red and yellow symbols on the sides. Symbols I'd never seen before, but then again, it was difficult to see that far away, even with the aid of the binoculars. If only I could have heard what she was saying, it looked as if she was in an almost hypnotic state. Actually, not at all unlike the way Callahan had looked lately. Sullen eyes with a far off look to them.

  Hastily, Brianna finally blew out her candles, and we watched as she packed away her things, carefully placing the bowl and candles into the odd-looking purple bag. She kept glancing around as if she'd seen or heard something, and I wondered if it had been my dead friends doling out their little high jinks on her.

  Finally, I saw Abe come into view and knew they had to be playing tricks on her. Once delicate southern belle, Vivian, lifted up clothing from a rack and threw it with all her might across the room. She had developed a very strong dislike for Brianna, and she had a great throw, as well. It had been about forty minutes since we'd first begun watching Brianna. My band of ghostly friends still circled around Brianna and I could tell she was definitely spooked as she swiveled her head around the room, looking for the invisible source of the flying items.

  Finally, after she'd had enough, she grabbed her bag and scampered out of the store, barely taking time to lock the door behind her. She did, however, throw a malicious glance toward my store. More than likely she thought I was involved again.

  Mindy and I couldn't control our laughter at the sight of Brianna running off down the sidewalk to the security of her car. She deserved every bit of what they'd handed out to her. Now I couldn't wait for the gang to return and let me know what they'd discovered, if anything.

  "I can't wait until they come back over and report what they found out,” Mindy said. “Or are they back already?"

  "Not yet,” I said.

  Mindy and I were still huddled by the window as if more action might take place. But Brianna was long gone and probably not coming back for the rest of the day.

  "I'm afraid I have a bit of sad news. She has put a spell on your Mr. Callahan.” The voice rang out from behind my head. Abe had popped up behind me, and I jumped. I hated it when they did that.

  "What?” I was confused. “She put a spell on him? Are you kidding? What kind of spell?"

  Abe didn't respond. I supposed he didn't feel that was a valid question.

  "She put a spell on him?” Mindy asked bemused.

  "Apparently so."

  "How do they know this? What are they saying?"

  "Hold on and let me find out."

  "What happened? Please tell me everything you know."

  "The words she chanted aloud were definitely a magical love spell,” Mr. Haynes said.

  "How do you know? What were the words?"

  Mindy was hanging onto every word I said, trying to understand a one-sided conversation. Poor thing, that must have been hard to tolerate.

  "I can't remember the words exactly. Maybe the others do."

  He glanced around at the others, but they remained silent.

  He continued. “It was something like: true love is mine forever. We will be joined in marriage. Something about that he will love and obey her every whim."

  "Oh My God!"

  "What? What, please? I can't handle the suspense."

  "They were just telling me Brianna was placing some kind of a magical spell on Callahan that he must obey her every whim. I don't know what to think. Could it really be possible?"

  "That's it, I'm going after her,” Mindy said as she made a dash for the door.

  I grabbed her by the arm.

  "What, so she can turn you into a cat or something? No way, you'll stay put right here. We'll just have to figure something out."

  As I sat in the comfy chair, I was too glum for words. I couldn't believe what I'd heard from the gang.

  "How is any of this possible?” Mr. Haynes asked with a frown.

  "I don't know, Mr. Haynes. I wish I did. There are a lot of evil people in the world."

  "It's possible. It happens more than you'd think,” Mrs. Williams said dryly.

  I eyed her suspiciously. “How do you know?"

  "I just do,” she said.

  "So, what now? I can't just let Callahan marry a woman he's been tricked into loving. That is wrong on so many levels.” My mouth dried like Death Valley at the thought of Brianna manipulating Callahan that way.

  How mean did a person have to be to do such a thing? Apparently really evil, and it didn't seem to bother her in the least. She was getting great pleasure out of it.

  How the heck was I going to break a love spell?

  I didn't even know you could really cast them. I thought it was all just made up hocus-pocus. Now I was stuck with trying to reverse one.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 25

  The gang and I were all gathered inside the store. Mindy was standing next to me and to the outside world it was just the two of us. But, to my eyes, there were six of us all huddled together planning our strategy.

  "There's got to be a way for us to break the spell,” Mindy said as she tapped her red lacquered fingernails on the counter. Vivian fidgeted her hands while Abe began to pace. Mrs. Williams stood with her arms crossed in her usual dismal fashion, and Mr. Haynes stood to my left, deep in thought. So there I was, with all my friends, crowded together in the comforts of Book Nook. How sad was my life when I only had one living friend?

  The store darkened as the sky filled with dark clouds and rain started coming down in sheets, a perfect setting for the eerie scene of trying to outsmart a witch. A real live witch. Ghosts, witchcraft, and it wasn't even Halloween yet.

  "I just don't know what to do guys.” I released a deep sigh. “I feel so bad for him. After the way he acted on our dates, it hurts to see the way he is right now. It's not the real Callahan.” I slumped my shoulders in defeat.

  "I wish she'd just leave town,” Mr. Haynes said with a frown.

  "Me too."

  "What?” Mindy asked.

  "Oh, sorry. Mr. Haynes said he wished Brianna would leave town."

  Mindy looked in the wrong direction and raised her voice, as if being a spirit made you hard of hearing. She said, “Yeah, me too!"

  "Yeah, but if she does that he'll just go with her. It doesn't matter if I am with him or not, what matters is he should have a choice in who he loves. Right now, he has no choice. I can just imagine how I would feel to be forced to love someone I wouldn't normally love. How would you feel Mindy, if you were forced to love Vinnie?"

  "Oh, don't say such
things. No way.” She shook her head vigorously.

  "Exactly!” I said.

  Vinnie Martin had had a crush on Mindy for about ten years. He was a car salesman now, but he'd followed Mindy around like a lovesick puppy in high school. I'm sure he was right for some gal, but definitely not for Mindy. I was pretty sure he'd developed a nervous tic as a result of his never-ending love for Mindy.

  For several minutes, we all sat around contemplating the situation. I picked up a piece of chocolate and nibbled on the decadent candy to ease my nerves. Luckily, that bad box of chocolates hadn't turned me off from the delicious sweets for good. I doubted anything could make me stop loving chocolate.

  "Do you know witchcraft?” I asked, turning my gaze on Mindy.

  "No, do you?” she laughed. “Are you kidding? Don't you think you'd know by now if I did? If I could work spells, I'd have a ring on my finger, and I would have turned Brianna into a donkey."

  I laughed. “Good point."

  We all collapsed into silence again. Hopeless feelings were weighing me down. Everyone was staring at me, waiting to hear my next idea, and I was feeling the pressure. I didn't have an idea.

  After a few more minutes had passed, I said, “Wait."

  I paused a second, trying to get my thoughts in order and confirm in my mind what I thought, before I spoke the words. “I have some books on witchcraft. Maybe there are antidotes to spells in those."

  As I carefully navigated the aisles of books, everyone looked at me anxiously until I finally came to the section marked Metaphysical. I scanned the area, searching for what I thought was there. I eyed the rows of books: Occult Philosophy? I shook my head, “No.” Books of Mystery? “No.” I placed my hand on the next one and pulled it out, Encyclopedia of the Occult? I studied the contents, and then placed it back on the shelf.

  "No.” I moved on down the line.

  Then I saw what I was looking for. I pulled a couple of the books from the shelf.

  "Ah ha!” I said, with a click of my tongue.

  I held up the books for everyone to see. “I'm sure one of these has to have something in it about breaking spells."

  "I don't know, Larue. Do you think it'll be that easy? You just pick up a book and the answer to your problems will be right there?” Mindy said, eyeing me doubtfully.

  "No, but it's a start.” I marched back to the counter and sat the books down in front of me.

  Both books were hardback, with shiny jackets promising spells for just about anything imaginable.

  "I don't know what else to do. Maybe something in these books will give me some clue. If not, I'm out of ideas.” I ran my finger over the cover of one of the books.

  "I think you have to be knowledgeable in the occult for any of those to work,” Mr. Haynes said, pointing to the books with a nod of his head.

  "I think you just have to follow the steps laid out, that's all,” I said.

  "Witchcraft is evil, it's from the devil. It's the work of the devil, I tell you."

  "Well, it's not all from the devil, Vivian. We've discovered that since you died. But yes, Brianna is not using it in the most pleasant of ways."

  The first book I picked up was blue with the word Spells written across the front; I leafed through the pages, and then turned to the Contents page.

  "Nothing in that book.” I set it down with a sigh. My hope was fading. I had no idea what to do after that if the books didn't offer a clue. I grabbed the next and final book up. If it had nothing in it, it looked as if there'd be a wedding soon. This book was black with purple scrolls encircling the text. I took in a deep breath and peered around at the apprehensive faces staring back at me.

  Slowly, I opened the book, turning directly to the Contents page. With my index finger, I scanned the page, going through each entry. My heart was pounding. Finally, there, at the end of the page, were the words I was looking for: How to break a magic spell. Excitement ran through my body. I felt like jumping for joy.

  "Here it is!” I yelled.

  "You're kidding. It's there? Oh. My. God,” Mindy said peering over my shoulder.

  Mr. Haynes was beaming with joy. “Now, I hope it works."

  The others circled around taking a peek at the book themselves.

  "I hope it works too,” Vivian said, in her delicate southern voice.

  "We should pray,” Abe said.

  "We will.” I encouraged him. “I promise. But later."

  Hurriedly I shuffled to page 164. To myself I read the page, looking for any mention of how to break a love spell. I flipped to the next page and then the next.

  "What if it's not there?” Mindy asked.

  I didn't answer. It had to be there; it was my only hope. I didn't want to think about it not being there.

  Finally, as I moved to the next page, there were the words I'd been looking for. How to break a love spell.

  "Here it is,” I said breathlessly.

  "Thank God,” Mindy said.

  "It says we need fabric from the clothing of the person affected by the spell, a white candle, a piece of their hair and a small amount of rosemary."

  Mindy frowned. “How the heck are we supposed to get fabric and a piece of his hair? That is just creepy and stalkerish."

  "Follow him to the laundry and when he gets a haircut?"

  I chuckled. No one else laughed. Tough crowd. I'd thought it was funny.

  "There is no way this is going to work. How are you possibly going to get fabric and hair from him? He doesn't even want you in his store according to Brianna,” Mrs. Williams said with the familiar scowl on her face.

  She'd been even less friendly the past few days. Negative Nancy.

  "Thanks for the optimism,” I said.

  Silence once again fell upon the store as we were all deep in thought. I assume everyone was trying to figure out a way to collect the items needed. Maybe I was the only one, though. Mr. Haynes had a troubled look stretched across his face that led me to believe he cared. He was sweet for being so concerned.

  Finally I broke the silence. “Well, I can't get it. They'd probably take out a restraining order against me and then throw me in jail.” I chuckled.

  Mindy laughed. “That's true. I can't do it either. They would recognize me for sure. Maybe we could sort through his trash."

  "That sounds like a lot of fun. Are you volunteering?"

  Mindy shook her head ‘no.'

  "Besides, I doubt we would find fabric in there anyway."

  I rested my hand on my cheek as I contemplated our options. Which weren't many.

  "There is one way it could work,” Mr. Haynes said.

  We all turned to look at him, well except for Mindy.

  "Really?” My interest was sparked. “Do tell."

  "What? What did they say?” Mindy was eyeing me impatiently.

  "Well ... What if we sent someone that was invisible to retrieve the items? He can't see any of us. We could sneak over and take what we need and he would never know."

  I looked at Mindy. “Mr. Haynes said that one of them should sneak over and grab what we need because Callahan can't see them."

  "Oh. My. God. Yes, that's a brilliant idea! If I could see you Mr. Haynes, I would give you a big kiss,” Mindy said into the air.

  Mr. Haynes smiled slyly, “I wish she could."

  I laughed. “He says he wishes you could."

  Mindy laughed, too.

  "I'm not sure you should be doing that.” Clearly, Abe wanted no part in this mission.

  "Oh no, I don't know if I like the sound of this. I'm not going to do it.” Vivian gave a nod, letting me know that she wouldn't be the one to go, either.

  Needless to say, Mrs. Williams wouldn't go, so I didn't even ask. I couldn't blame them at all. It wasn't right to be sneaky like that, but it was for his own good. I really had no other alternative.

  "Mr. Haynes, will you do this for me?” I prayed he would say yes.

  "Of course, dear, I wouldn't have suggested it if I hadn't been willi
ng. Now tell me what I need to get."

  "All right, we need fabric that has touched his skin.” Hmm, that's a nice thought. A flash of Callahan's muscular physique ran through my mind. Focus, Larue.

  "Maybe go to his home and take a shirt from his closet. Then we need hair. Look for his brush and grab some from that."

  Mr. Haynes nodded.

  Mindy watched as I spoke into thin air.

  "You know, this may actually work."

  I rolled my eyes at Mindy, “You had any doubts?” I laughed.

  Mr. Haynes didn't know where Callahan lived, so Mindy and I jumped in the car to drive him. The others stayed behind, patiently waiting for our return. Spoil sports. Too bad they couldn't run the store while I was gone. I could have left it open.

  We rolled up to Callahan's street and I parked along the curb. He had told me exactly where he lived and I was glad he had now. Little had I known then the info would come in handy. Mercifully, he was at work and wouldn't see me parked next to his house. He would have thought I was stalking him for sure if he'd seen me driving my car outside his front window.

  I turned around and gave Mr. Haynes a nod to let him know it was safe for him to go ahead with the mission. With a poof, he was gone. Mindy and I waited in nervous silence for Mr. Haynes to return. I was trying not to bite my fingernails. Luckily I'd put on a fresh coat of polish to ward off my gnawing. Mindy spent her time twisting the dial on the radio.

  After a short time, Mr. Haynes popped up again in the backseat. I must have been in a worried trance, because I jumped when he reappeared, letting out a shrill screech. All that time and I still hadn't gotten used to that pop up act they all performed.

  "How'd it go? Did you get the items?” I asked. I turned to face him. I was nervous, and wanted to rush and get the heck out of there.

  Mr. Haynes produced a shirt and a wad of hair in his hand. Okay, that was kind of gross. I had no idea how he'd done it. How had he carried that stuff out of the house? At the end of the day, I still didn't understand how all this ghost stuff worked. Mr. Haynes was smiling, obviously very proud of his feat.

  "Did he get it?” Mindy asked, before turning to look into the backseat. She'd been too busy with the radio to notice the floating hair and shirt.


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