Never, Never

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Never, Never Page 2

by Michelle Areaux

  “I understand,” I state, as I refuse to look up at my brother. What do you want to do?” I ask.

  “We need to take her to our house in the woods. Find out what she knows,” Micah says, his voice calming as I begin to fall in line with his demands.

  “And then what?” I ask, fearing his answer.

  “Let’s just take this one step at a time,” he says. “Look, I need to get back to the funeral. Take the girl to our house. Slip out the backdoor and make sure you aren’t seen,” he finishes.

  “Her family will notice she is gone,” I argue. This girl has a family. People who love her and who will miss her. I wonder briefly what that must feel like.

  “I will take care of it. I’ll just say I saw her walk out the door upset. When she doesn’t come home, they will think she got lost or something. But, we can’t worry about that right now. Just do as I say and let me handle the rest,” Micah says, before turning around and leaving me alone with the girl again.

  I take a few moments to just admire her beauty, knowing that what I am doing is wrong. Carefully, I scoop her up in my arms; her body feeling as light as a feather in my embrace, and after checking outside, I escape into the night with the girl in my arms.

  Chapter 3


  I feel a wave of cool air attack my body.

  My head hurts and I feel as though I am flying. But that can’t be right. I’m at my grandmother’s funeral. Right?

  As my eyes slowly peel open, I realize I am outside. The darkness of the night blankets the world around me. Bright, silver stars sprinkle the sky above and a light wind brushes through my hair. I feel hands around my legs and waist.

  Suddenly, my heart begins to beat rapidly inside of my chest. Someone is holding me; and we are moving so fast, the world seems like a blur around me.

  Am I dreaming? This has to be a dream because we aren’t just moving fast...we are flying!

  “What are you doing with me?” I suddenly ask, my own voice sounding foreign to me.

  A face glances down at me, his eyes wide with confusion and something else--fear maybe? He looks at me as though he can’t believe I just spoke. I must have spooked him because we begin to slow; and before I know it, we are quickly descending to the ground below.

  With a thud, we fall onto the cool, wet grass and once again, my body screams out in pain.

  “Ouch!” I cry out as I roll to a stop. I clutch the long blades of grass in my hands as I struggle to crawl to my knees.

  “You are awake,” the guy states. He is crouched on his feet, his body in a defense stance as he stares at me with bewilderment.

  “Yes, I am awake!” I lash out. “Who are you and what are you doing with me?” I demand.

  “Just calm down,” he says, holding his hands up in defense.

  I glance around and realize we are somewhere in a forest. Trees surround us and the sounds of the city we just left are long gone and replaced now by the noises of the deep forest.

  All of my life I had been told never to enter the forests that surround Shady Oaks. Stories of monsters, demons, and creatures lurking in the night kept me from ever daring to set foot through the tree line. Now, I am in the middle of the very woods I had feared my entire life--with a stranger.

  “Calm down!” I scream. “You just kidnapped me and were flying me somewhere,” I spit out. “What are you?” I demand.

  This all feels like I should be waking up any minute from a freakishly real nightmare. But, no matter how many times I will myself to wake up, I am realizing that I am awake.

  “I understand that you are scared. Once I get you back to my house, I will explain everything. I just need you to calm down or you will awaken them,” he says, glancing around him.

  I go to scream something else, but the way he is looking around has me spooked. It is almost like he is afraid of something. That scared me more than his presence does.

  “What are you?” I ask, realizing screaming and fighting him is no use. He is clearly more powerful than I am and something unworldly. I sit with my face turned up toward his, the moonlight glowing behind his head gives him a soft glow against the black backdrop around us.

  In this light, he almost appears beautiful.

  “That will also be explained when we get to my house, but for now, just know that I am not going to hurt you,” he assured me.

  There was something in his voice that allowed me to calm down just a little bit.

  Standing, he reaches his hand out for me to take and, against my better judgment, I take his hand.

  “Can you at least tell me your name?” I ask, as he helps me to stand.

  He towers over me and for some strange reason, I feel safe being this close to him.

  “My name is Emmett,” he says, before scooping me up in his arms and launching us off the ground.

  I barely have a chance to catch my breath as the wind rushes around me.


  I knew I had heard his name before, but now it all comes crashing down on me.

  We are once again flying through the air and, this time. I am not as afraid as I had been. Instead, I marvel at the beauty and wonderment around me. I am transfixed by the beauty and majesty of the night. We are so high in the sky; I feel like I could touch the stars. The moon seems only a kiss away as we cut through the clouds gracefully, the silky-smooth caress against my arms sending chills down my spine.

  My arms are wrapped tightly around Emmett’s neck, and I keep stealing glances at his face as we soar above the world.

  He looks so intense, so serious that I feel like I can’t look away.

  Suddenly, we begin to descend to the ground below, and the cool air swirls around my body one last time as our feet carefully touch the cool, damp grass. A much different landing than my first time.

  I release my hold on Emmett and take in my surroundings. We are back inside the forest, but a large house sits before me. It appears to be built a long time ago, certainly around the sixteen or seventeen hundreds. It has been kept up and you can tell someone lives here.

  “This is my house,” Emmett states, as he watches me eyeing the house.

  I nod, unable to say anything else.

  Emmett begins to walk toward a large, wrap-around porch. Somewhere in the distance, wolves howl and trees move along with the rhythm of the wind. A chill runs down my spine and I run to catch up with Emmett.

  He leads me into his house; and as we pass through the heavy, wooden door I spot a warm fire sparkling in a large den. Two massive leather couches sit facing the stone fireplace and a massive flat screen television sits on top. I almost laugh at how out of place the television seems in this house.

  “This is where I live with my brother, Micah,” Emmett says.

  He closes the door behind me and the sound has a sense of finality.

  I gulp and try my best to remain calm. Everything about this seems insane; but at the same time, it is so normal to Emmett.

  “Just the two of you?” I ask, noticing no photos visible anywhere in the halls or den area.

  “Yes,” Emmett states.

  He watches me as I walk about the house, peaking into the large industrial size kitchen and then heading back into the den.

  “What about your parents? Or family?” I ask.

  I know I am prying into his life; but to be fair, he sort of kidnapped me and brought me to his house. I don’t think I have crossed any more lines than he has.

  “I don’t have parents or a family,” Emmett states, his voice never changing.

  His omission breaks my heart and I can’t imagine not growing up with a family to love and to be loved by.

  “I’m sorry.”

  I don’t know what else to say. My heart breaks for him.

  “It’s ok. You can’t miss something you never had,” Emmett states, and it seems like there is no emotion in his voice.

  All I can do is nod.

  “You told me you would tell me everything once we got here. Well,”
I say, waving my arms around the house. “We are at your house. Please tell me what you are and please, please, explain what I saw back at the funeral home. And… tell me how you were able to fly me here.”

  The words rush out of my mouth and I have to catch my breath when I am done.

  Emmett chuckles and walks to sit on one of the couches. “Are you always this anxious?” he asks.

  I move to stand in front of him. “No, but it’s not every day that I am kidnapped,” I argue.

  Emmett smiles and I swear, I see a twinkle of gold in his eyes. It almost steals my breath away.

  “You are right, I do owe you an explanation. As you have already guessed, I am different. What you saw back at the funeral home was…”

  Before Emmett can get the words out, the front door burst open and a tall, dark haired guy with the same features as Emmett comes bounding into the house.

  Emmett jumps up and appears nervous.

  The guy looks at me and it is then that I realize he is the other guy from the funeral home. His voice also resonates with me. He was arguing with Emmett too.

  “You brought her inside the house?” the guy yells. “I told you to bring her here, not inside.”

  Emmett holds up his hands in defense. “What did you want me to do, Micah? She is Evelyn’s granddaughter. I couldn’t just put her in the shed and hold her captive,” he argues.

  My heart begins to race and for the first time since being here, I feel terrified.

  “You both know that I am standing right here,” I say.

  “You need to sit down, right now,” Micah yells, and I stumble to sit down. His voice carries throughout the room and I am afraid not to follow his orders.

  “Don’t yell at her like that,” Emmett defends me.

  I watch with wide eyes locked on the two brothers. They are so angry.

  “You caused this mess, little brother. Don’t try to tell me how to handle it,” he sneers.

  Turning his attention to me, Micah glares at me like I am filth. “I need you to tell me exactly what you saw tonight,” he demands.

  Emmett watches me, his eyes pleading with me, but for what, I have no idea. All I know is that my answer to this question could be the answer to my fate.

  Chapter 4


  I sat on the couch, watching Emmett and Micah have a stare off.

  Looking around, I searched for an escape. Other than the front door, I don’t see any more doors. The windows are large, but the glass looks thick and heavy and I am sure I am not fast enough to outrun either of these guys.

  My captors.

  “I asked you a question,” Micah prompts, turning his eyes back on me again.

  I gulp and I can feel perspiration begin to form on my forehead.

  “I didn’t see anything,” I lied.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, moving closer to me. His face was only inches away from mine, and I could feel his hot breaths against my cheeks.

  “Yes, I fell and hit my head. When I woke up, I was here,” I say, feeling his intense stare on me.

  Micah looks back to Emmett who looks about nervous as I am sure I look right now.

  “This isn’t over,” Micah snaps, and then storms out of the room.

  I release a breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding. Once I realize he is gone, I stand on wobbly legs.

  “I can explain,” Emmett stammers. He takes a step toward me, but I put up a hand to stop him.

  “Yes, you will. Right now. Remember, I have a family who will begin to wonder where I am. They will come looking for me. And, from how your brother just reacted, you all don’t want anyone knowing about whatever it is you are,” I say.

  My voice is filled with a braveness I am not sure I truly have inside. But, I have to do something.

  Emmett takes a step closer to me this time, and I don’t stop him. The way he is looking at me-- he seems conflicted and torn.

  I’m not sure why, but I feel sorry for him. Almost like it wasn’t his choice to bring me here.

  “I will, but not right here,” he says, extending his hand to me.

  Reluctantly, I place my hand in his and allow him to lead me out of the living room. He leads me down a long, narrow hallway that is dimly lit. To my left, something is silhouetted in a corner by a door. I can’t make out what it is, but it gives me the creeps.

  The whole house has an ominous feel to it, and I sense there is more history to the house than I could imagine.

  A small, spiral stairway stands at the end of the hall. Emmett takes a step onto the stairs and I follow. I place my hand on the metal banister and cringe at the coldness of the touch.

  The steps creak beneath our feet; and as we head upstairs, I can see the moonlight glowing into the house from a tall window.

  Finally, we reach the next floor and Emmett stops in a large room. It has two chairs and some bookshelves. Emmett takes a seat in one of the chair and I follow and sit next to him.

  “Ok, so will you tell me now?” I ask.

  We had been silent way too long and I deserved answers.

  After releasing a heavy breath, Emmett closes his eyes briefly before opening them again and beginning to talk. “What you saw back at the funeral home was my job,” he starts. I want to ask him what he means, but I know the best thing I can do is just sit and listen. So, I do.

  “I’m not like humans, which I am sure you have figured out on your own. I am a Ferryman between life and death. When I was seventeen years old, I died. My family lived in these woods, when Shady Oaks was first established. We didn’t realize when we settled here that Shady Oaks was a magical place. Anyway, my family was murdered before my eyes by Angels of Death. They had come to the woods to battle a group of Witches and Hell Hounds. It was terrifying at first, learning that the world was full of these other-worldly creatures. But, we had established a way of life where we lived in peace. But, as the battle began, they came after us, too. I somehow escaped. Hiding out in our barn, I was able to stay away from the bloodbath that my parents and siblings had to endure. I thought I had escaped death, but I was wrong,” Emmett says.

  His voice breaks a little as he says this and I want so badly to reach out and hold his hand. I can tell his story is difficult to share, but for me and him, it is important to say. He continues and I watch him with amazement. His words are true and filled with raw emotion. I know that it sounds like a fairytale, but I believe every word he is saying. I mean, what I saw back at the funeral home can only be described as magic.

  “I hid for days-- not sure how many passed before I decided to leave the barn. I knew I had to leave Shady Oaks. I began walking through the woods, trying to find a way out, but I was caught by the very same angels and demons who had killed my family. They knew who I was and was anxious to punish me for fooling them, I was punished to only have eternal punishment as a fairy man to death. Forced to bring the dead to their eternal resting places. That was what I was doing with your grandmother at the funeral home.”

  That makes sense, not sure how, but it just does.

  “You were talking to my grandmother-- almost like you had known her in life,” I say.

  Now is the time to ask questions and learn as much as I can.

  Emmett shakes his head and a soft smile appears on his face. “Your grandmother has been in my life for years. She took care of me one night at the hospital when I had been stabbed. She knew I was an orphan and she told me she could help me. At first, I thought she was just an old woman trying to be kind. But it was more than that. She brought me to this house and told me I would be safe here. That the forest would now protect me. All I could think about were the monsters that killed my family; but after living here, I realized the forest is filled with so many creatures like myself. Evelyn gave me a second chance at life. She introduced me to Micah, who she had found as a little boy. He had been bitten by a Vampire and left for dead. She took care of him and brought him here too. Together, he and I forged a friendship-- odd as it may s
eem, we are brothers now. We run the funeral home together and provide...necessities for other supernatural beings in Shady Oaks,” Emmett finishes.

  I take a moment to let his information soak in. “So, my grandmother knows about…”

  Nodding his head yes, Emmett has a soft twinkle in his eye. “Your grandmother was a healer. She had the power to heal those around her. That was why she was a nurse. It was her true calling. She never wanted her family to know about the creatures in Shady Oaks-- at least not until you were ready.”

  This caused my mind to rattle a bit. “Wait, do my parents know?” I asked.

  “I don’t think so. She said they weren’t ready to understand. It would be you who would show them the way to understanding and accepting the supernatural. Look, I know this all sounds insane, but it is true. I have lived this for many, many years. Evelyn has brought other orphaned supernatural’s around. She has helped us all build lives so that we could live among humans.”

  Knowing my grandmother, that made sense. However, it was also crazy to me to think she had this whole other life that none of us knew about. Not even my mom.

  “You said you provide necessities to others like you here in Shady Oaks,” I stated. “What does that mean?”

  Emmett smiled and chuckled to himself. “So, we run a morgue. I drain the bodies of blood and technically, per federal guidelines, we are to discard blood and other bodily fluids through a hazmat system. Which we do, except… we keep a little extra. We store the blood from the bodies and sell it to Vampires who live in Shady Oaks. It allows the Vampires to feed off blood, but to also live among humans.”

  I was fascinated and disturbed by his omissions. This was all so much information to digest and I was unsure of how to handle everything I had just learned. I had lived in Shady Oaks my entire life. I had walked down the streets, unaware that supernatural creatures were walking along with me. When I went to school-- were they there, too?

  Everything I had once known to be true, was a lie. My entire world was just flipped upside down and yet, here I was, ready to learn more.


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