Never, Never

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Never, Never Page 5

by Michelle Areaux

  “Why? Why can’t you just tell me now?” I asked.

  Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Emmett seemed conflicted for a moment. He glanced back behind him and then back at me. Lowering his voice, he whispered in such a low tone, I barely heard him. “Look, Micah just texted me and told me I needed to get home now. Something must be wrong. I will find you later and explain what I can; but for now, you need to just trust me and go back to school.”

  I didn’t even get a chance to respond, because Emmett jumped into the air and flew away, leaving me standing alone in the forest.

  As sounds began to ring out from deep within the forest, a feeling of dread and danger washed over me. Something about being inside of this forest just didn’t feel right. I quickly turned around and sprinted until I was back in the sunlight and away from the confines of the forest.

  I couldn’t go back to school, there was so much going through my head right now I knew I wouldn’t be able to focus.

  Instead, I decided to head to the Shady Oaks Diner and pick up a coffee to go. At least there I would be around normal humans and not supernatural creatures. At least, that’s what I hoped anyway.

  Chapter 10


  I felt terrible for how I had talked to Willow.

  When she had caught me entering the forest, she had surprised me. I hadn’t meant for my words to sound so cruel, but I couldn’t have her following me.

  When I entered our house, Micah was waiting for me.

  Which was a bad sign.

  “What is so important that I had to leave school?” I asked, my tone cruel and hateful.

  As much as I cared for Micah as my brother, his demanding and angry behavior irked me. At times, I wish he could act like the humans we pretend to be.

  “He’s back,” Micah said, pacing the foyer.

  I was already frustrated. I really didn’t have time for his games right now. “Who’s back?” I asked, walking past him.

  “The Captain.”

  Micah’s words stopped me dead in my tracks. My heart skipped a beat and my blood ran cold.

  It had been years since I had heard that name. The Captain, to some, was a mythical man who was only told through stories and nightmares. But to me, he was a deviant and vengeful man who wreaked havoc and death everywhere he went. He would sail into Shady Oaks whenever he learned of a new supernatural who was changed or who had come back to Shady Oaks. His goal was simple: to lure them under his command to work for him on his evil ship, or kill those who wouldn’t comply with his requests. He had come for me twenty years ago, wanting to use me as part of his crew. I had declined and he hadn’t taken it well. I always knew he would return; I just didn’t think it would be this soon.

  Turning around, I caught a glimpse of Micah’s terrified expression. Micah had his own reasons to hate The Captain. Years ago, Micah fell in love with a girl named, Tillie. She was a fairy and could magically transport people out of danger instantly. The Captain tried to lure her with his lies and mischievous ways, but she refused to fall for his games. He had kidnapped her and hid her on a hidden island. Since then, Micah has been lost and angry.

  “What do we do?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

  There were only a few things that could scare a supernatural creature, and The Captain was at the top of that list.

  “We keep an eye out for him. I knew he would return once he learned that Evelyn had died. Now that she is unable to protect the rest of us, he has his opening,” Micah said, shaking his head.

  “Have you seen him yet?” I asked.

  “No, but Liam spotted him on the Shady Oaks River. He’s returned,” Micah said, grimly.

  “What should we do?” I ask.

  “We just keep an eye out. As much as I hate to say this, you might want to keep an eye on Willow. It was her grandmother who he was after. He may look for her family or to see if she really is gone,” Micah adds.

  With the mention of Willow, my heart races and I go into overdrive. It’s like a light has entered my body and suddenly everything is too much to handle. I have to get out of here. I have to get to Willow. Before Micah can say another word, I rush to the door and take off into the night. I jump and allow myself to fly to the one place I feel like I am needed the most.

  Chapter 11


  It’s been a long day.

  After Emmett had snapped at me, I had gone back to school and stayed to myself.

  When I got home, I locked myself in my bedroom and turned on Netflix. I just wanted to be alone and not have to talk with anyone.

  I was still lying in bed, scrolling for movies, when I heard a tap on my bedroom window. At first, I ignored the sound. But when a louder thump was heard, I sat up. It was dark out and from my second-story window, I couldn’t see anything outside.


  I heard my name from outside and this time I jumped and ran over to the window. Opening the latch, I almost stumble backward when I see Emmett perched on my windowsill.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, trying to keep my voice low so that my parents don’t hear me.

  “Can I come in?” he asks.

  I nod, and then quickly run to my bedroom door and lock it.

  Emmett quietly walks into my room and he looks so unsure and uncomfortable. He appears so out of place with his dark features and darker clothing standing in contrast to my purple walls and white bed frame.

  “I didn’t think you wanted to see me,” I say.

  “I told you I would explain everything to you, but now things have changed,” Emmett says.

  He seems tense and I feel for him. I make a move toward him and gently pat his hand.

  “You can talk to me,” I urge.

  I have a chair by my bookshelf and I motion for him to sit there. I place myself on the edge of my bed facing him. Emmett sits and opens his mouth, but he closes it quickly.

  “What’s going on?” I ask again.

  “I need to know that you trust me. That what I tell you, you will believe me,” Emmett says.

  I almost laugh at this. What could he possibly tell me that I wouldn’t believe? I saw first-hand with my own eyes that there are supernatural creatures that fly. How could he think I wouldn’t believe anything he had to tell me?

  “You mean, like believing that guys can fly?” I smirk.

  “Yeah, something like that,” Emmett nods.

  He scoots to the edge of the chair and I see his jaw tense and his legs shake. He’s nervous and that makes me nervous.

  “Ok, I am listening.”

  “Supernatural creatures have existed in Shady Oaks for centuries. Your grandmother had this thing about her-- maybe it’s a power, I don’t know. But your grandmother protected those of us just coming into our powers in Shady Oaks. I knew about you and your family, but we were asked to stay away. Now, I can’t anymore.”

  “Why not?” I ask. This time, I scoot to the edge of the bed and lean toward him.

  “Well, now that your grandmother is gone, I have this urge to be near you. I have to know you to be with you,” he says and my body shivers with his words. “And, you might be in danger,” he finishes.

  My stomach drops at the mention of my being in danger. “Is it Micah? Does he want to hurt me?” I ask.

  Shaking his head, Emmett’s eyes turn a deep, blood red. “No, it’s not Emmett. There’s this man, The Captain. He comes after Supernaturals. He has learned that your grandmother passed. Now, he is back in Shady Oaks. He may come for you and your family, or he may come for me,” he finishes.

  His words are ominous and sends a dark feeling through me. “Am I in danger?”

  Emmett leaps from his spot on the chair and kneels down in front of me. “I will never let The Captain get to you. You have my word. I swore to your grandmother that I would protect you when she passed.” He takes my hands in his and I feel this overwhelming sense of protectiveness. “Look at me, Willow. I need you to understand that I will do any
thing to keep you safe.”

  I shake my head, yes. I do believe him. I don’t know why, but I do.

  “Did my grandmother know about this...Captain?” I ask.

  Emmett nods, yes. “He had come after us years ago. Your grandmother had powers too. She was a healer of sorts. Not quite a Witch, but more magical than a human. She doubted your mother or you had gained any of that from her, but she still wanted to keep you all in the dark about supernaturals until her passing. It was far too dangerous for you all to know about this world while she was living. If The Captain would have learned that she had told you all, or anyone else, he would have killed them immediately.”

  I gulped down my fear.

  “Now that I have found you, I will keep you safe. It is now my life’s mission,” he proclaimed.

  It all sounded so Nobel and brave, but still a part of me wondered if he were only doing this out of respect for my grandmother. But then, I noticed the way he looked at me-- as though I was someone special-- and I realized he wasn’t doing this just for my grandmother. He was doing this for me. And, for the possibility of us.

  I stood and crossed the space between us. Emmett looked nervous at first and then he stood, too, watching my movements carefully.

  Without warning, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me. At first, he seemed tense and unsure of my embrace. But soon, he began to relax and allowed me to hold him.

  I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but one thing was for sure: my life would never be the same again.

  Chapter 12


  I was a bit confused.

  I had been hugged maybe a handful of times in my life. When Willow grabbed me, I was sure she was going to hit me-- Or, yell at me and tell me to leave and never come back. I had just told her the villainous Captain had returned to Shady Oaks and our lives were in danger. I wouldn’t have blamed her for hating me.

  Not at all.

  But, she did the opposite of what I had expected. She had held me like I mattered. She was soothing me in a way no one had since I had first been given my supernatural sentence.

  After I had held Willow for a while, she had grown tired. I stayed with her until she had fallen asleep. I have to admit, I watched her longer than I should have. With her eyes closed, lips lightly pursed, and her breathing low, she was beautiful to watch and admire.

  Flying back home now, I landed just outside of our dark house.

  Micah had gone hunting, searching for a release for his anger at the return of the Captain. And, even though he wouldn’t admit it now, I was sure he was also looking for signs of the Captain, too.

  A squawk sounded above me and I stopped. Soaring high above me was a black Raven. I knew it was time for my next role to be played out. The Raven was my source of information-- a guide to the supernaturals if you will. Whenever I needed to be called upon to transport another soul to the afterlife, the Raven would show up and deliver the message.

  I extended my hand and waited for the note to drop down. It always happened the same. I would be given a name and address. When I would arrive at my destination, I would find the deceased body and bring the soul out with me. Sometimes, they would already be waiting on me. Other times, I had to pull the soul from the body. I guess sometimes people aren’t ready to let go of their life here on Earth.

  Anyway, a small envelope landed in my hand and I quickly opened it with a sigh. I was exhausted and wanted to just go lay down. But, that would have to wait. Pulling out a piece of paper, I saw the name of a man who had lived in Shady Oaks for years: Mr. George Allen. He was a farmer, around ninety-years-old and had lived a good, honest, amd long life. I didn’t mind these jobs. It was the young and the innocent who made my cold heart hurt.

  I instantly flew to the address given and found Mr. Allen waiting patiently for me. His family was all by his bedside at his home. They all cried, but smiled as they remembered his life. It was a heartwarming moment and part of me felt jealous as I approached Mr. Allen. I wished I had a family who would one day sit by my bed and remember me with such gentleness.

  “I guess you are my ride?” Mr. Allen chuckled as he stood.

  “Yes, sir,” I replied, nodding.

  “I’ve seen you before. You are that boy who works down at the funeral home,” Mr. Allen stated.

  “Yes, I guess now it’s time for you to learn that I am more than that. I am a Ferryman, a Supernatural being.”

  “I have heard of people like you before. Always thought they were folktales and myths,” he said, laughing a little.

  “I guess it’s time to go,” I said, not sure what else to say.

  Mr. Allen looked back at his family one last time and then took the final step that led him next to me.

  I focused my energy on the magic coursing through me and a strong mist of black smoke began to swirl around our feet. Mr. Allen seemed curious, but not scared. I liked that.

  As the mist took over us, we began our journey through the realms of time. I took him to the gates of Heaven, which was his final destination.


  Hours later, I found myself back at home staring into a large fire I had made up for the night. The hearth was ablaze and it was comforting after the day I had.

  Micah came in sometime later and by his angry scowl, I knew he was upset. With a watchful eye, I followed his heavy movements as he stomped around the house. I heard him shuffle down to the kitchen and then loud banging of cabinets rattled the glasses.

  I knew this game he was playing. It was tired and old. I counted the seconds until he returned, knowing he would blow-up and expect me to listen to his rant.

  3. 2. 1.

  “Everyone is talking about him,” Micah bellowed as he walked with heavy footsteps back into the room.

  “What else did you expect?” I asked. Micah knew how this all worked. When the Captain sailed his way back to town, he struck fear in all the supernaturals around. Of course, they would be talking about him. The Captain being here meant life or death.

  “I understand that,” he yelled.

  I just stared at him blankly. I knew Micah didn’t mean to unleash his anger on me, but I was honestly his only friend. Sure, the others put up with him, but we were family.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to become angry with you. I just don’t understand why he has to keep coming back,” Micah states, sitting down on the couch and resting his head in his hands.

  Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair. “You know why he comes. He is on a mission of death. He won’t stop coming for us until we either succumb to his will or we end him forever,” I said, my own voice now laced with venom.

  Thinking about the Captain always spiraled me into a rage, but this time was different. I had Willow now to worry about and I would do everything in my power to protect her. I realized that we had to do something. No longer could we sit back and allow this evil monster to terrorize us. It was time to stop the Captain once and for all.

  “Micah,” I said, standing and moving into the center of the room. “I’ve had enough. We are going to stop the Captain and end him. It happens now.”

  “How? Don’t you think others have tried before?” Micah asked, a slight chuckle filled him at the thought.

  “Yes, but this time, I have had enough. We have lost so much because of him. I refuse to lose anyone else,” I burst out.

  “You mean, you refuse to lose Willow,” Micah pointed out.


  I wasn’t ashamed to admit it. She was my reason for everything and I would fight until my last breath to make sure nothing happened to her.

  “What do you have in mind?” Micah asked.

  I could tell he knew that I was serious. He was willing to listen to me and, hopefully, carry out my plan.

  “Alright, here’s my plan…”

  Chapter 13


  The next day at school, I noticed that a few of Emmett’s friends were everywhere I turned. I spotted Liam ou
tside my math class and then I spotted Loyalynn behind me after each class break. At first, I didn’t think too much of it. But as I realized they weren’t just popping up where I was, it dawned on me that they must be following me.

  Fed up after lunch, I found Emmett in his gym class and ran over to him.

  “I need to talk to you, now,” I demanded.

  Emmett looked nervous. “Is everything ok?”

  “Yes. I mean, no. Why do I feel like all of your friends are following me?” I asked, my hands on my hips as I struck a sassy pose.

  Looking down, Emmett began to fidget with his hands. “Well, let me explain. I told you that The Captain was in town and now that danger is here, I have devised a plan to get rid of him. However, in order for me to focus on that, I need to know that you are safe. If I am worried about you, I can’t focus,” he said.

  I wanted to be mad at him, but his reasoning was logical and... kind of sweet.

  “Ok, but tell them to back off a little,” I stated.

  “Fine, but someone will always be watching out for you,” Emmett said, finality ringing from his voice.

  I knew there was no way to argue with him so I left the topic alone.

  “So, what’s your plan?” I asked.

  Emmett grabbed my elbow and led us to a darkened hallway behind the boy’s locker rooms. “I don’t want to say anything where others might hear. I talked with Micah last night after he came home really angry. We are both tired of living in fear and losing our friends to the Captain. We are going to get all of the supernaturals together to vanquish him to ensure his evil soul doesn’t rise again. You see, the Captain is a Demon. He is from the underworld and as long as his soul is able to rise, he can haunt Shady Oaks.”

  “How can you destroy him?” I asked, more curious than ever before.

  “We have to combine the powers of all of us-- Witches with their spells, Angels with their guiding lights and healing powers, Sirens and gods with their strength, Shifters and Vampires with their ability to kill easily, and the Hell Hounds and time Travelers who can help me transport him back to hell.”


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