Lost and Found (Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten Book 2)

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Lost and Found (Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten Book 2) Page 21

by Lexi Blake

  She leaned back into him. “I thought that was only during play.”

  “We’ll always be playing.” He kissed her neck and wondered how much time Robert and Ezra needed. They were supposed to text him with the all clear. He wanted to get back to her place and get naked with her. They could spend the evening together. She would be back at work in the morning and he would be lonely without her.

  Damn it. He would be lonely. He was a stupid arse, but he couldn’t seem to help himself.

  “Are there new rules?” She didn’t seem truly fazed by his changing things up on her. She seemed perfectly content to sit on his lap and let him breathe her in.

  “Absolutely.” He was a bastard but he was going to take every single minute he had with her. She was interested in D/s, and he was definitely interested in topping her. “Like I told you, I’m mostly interested in being in charge in the bedroom, but there are a few places I want control of as well. Not places, exactly. There are times and situations where you need to let me take the lead.”

  Her body stiffened slightly. “What are those times?”

  She was thinking of something specific. Something was working in her brain and he was fairly certain he wouldn’t like it. Was it Carter? What had happened after he’d stormed out and left her alone with that asshole? “If you ever think you might have a hint of danger, I expect you to tell me. I expect you to let me handle it. It’s my job. I take bullets for people I don’t even like. I damn well won’t allow my woman to be in danger on her own. If we’re going to be a couple, we play to our strengths.”

  She twisted slightly and her hands came up, cupping his face. “So you’ll listen to me when it comes to the medical stuff and I let you handle the weird stuff where I don’t understand exactly what’s going on.”

  Yes, he was right. Something was happening, something she hadn’t mentioned. “Yes, that is absolutely what I mean.”

  She was quiet for a moment, her hands running along his jawline. He let her make the decision. He was silent as she figured out how to tell him what she needed to say.

  “I think something is happening at the foundation, but I’m not sure how dangerous it is,” she said finally.

  Not what he’d expected. “Tell me. I’ve done investigative work before. I can help you.”

  And if she was in danger, he could get her out of it. This was something he could offer her. This was one thing he could give her in exchange for all the gifts she’d given him.

  “From what I can tell there’s roughly a million dollars missing from the account my research is funded through,” she said with a sigh as she laid her head against his shoulder.

  He wound his arms around her, needing her to know she was safe with him. The missing money. That’s why she’d had the accounting documents with her that night. He’d known she hadn’t had anything to do with it. Someone was fucking with her work, and now he could find out who without a bunch of restraints. “All right. Who has access to the funds?”

  “Please understand that I’m not even sure it was stolen or misappropriated,” she answered. “There are only a couple of people who could access the funds directly. It could be an accounting error.”

  He doubted that. “I have a friend who’s a forensic accountant. Let me have her take a look. You can talk to her. She works for a company called Miles-Dean, Weston and Murdoch Investigations. They typically work missing persons cases, but she was with the CIA for years.”

  All true, though he didn’t tell her that Phoebe was already looking into it. He wasn’t about to let her know he’d stolen the documents that first night.

  “I would like to talk to her.” She seemed to relax a bit. “I’m not an accountant. I’ll be honest, I’m pretty bad at paying attention to that sort of thing. The accounting department of the foundation audits us regularly, but they give us a pretty free hand in spending. It’s one of the reasons I was interested in moving up here. Huisman has always been a place that lets researchers work without a ton of red tape.”

  “What you’re telling me is it would be easy to move money around?”

  “We can spend pretty freely. If we need a piece of equipment and we’ve got the budget for it, we buy it. Not every team has the kind of funding mine has. The honest truth is I’m pretty far along on my research. If I need money, someone will give it to me, so I don’t think about it a lot.”

  “How did you catch the discrepancy?” he asked.

  “One of the accountants is a friend of my assistant’s. She’s prepping for the quarterly audit and she pointed it out to Cathy, who brought it to my attention. I was sure all I would have to do was track down the order forms, but there was an incident yesterday that makes me think something weird is going on.”

  He didn’t like the sound of that. “The same day you think someone was in the building watching you?”

  “Yes. I didn’t think about that. I got this odd message about finding out where the money went. It was couriered over. Do you think they could be connected?” She sat up, turning again so she could look him in the eyes.

  He would be shocked if they weren’t. “I don’t believe in coincidence. What’s the security like in your building? How do you protect your research?”

  “We all have key cards to get into the building. The elevator requires them, too. There are a couple of places in the building that require biometrics.”

  “What kind?” He was surprised a high-tech facility like Huisman used key cards instead of biometrics for everything.

  “Iris recognition on the actual labs,” she explained. “That’s where the real research happens, but honestly the data is on computers. We use the highest security so we can ensure that nothing happens to ruin the experiments and the studies. Believe it or not there are people who will wreck research either to help out their own or because they don’t believe in what we’re doing.”

  He thought about it for a second. “But other than the actual laboratories, I could get in by nabbing your key card?”

  “There’s a security guard on site twenty-four seven and we have tons of CCTV. I’ve already asked them to get the footage from that night,” she explained.

  He would like to see that footage. “What were you saying about a message? Is that the weird thing that happened?”

  “Well, the first weird thing that happened was that I lost the documents accounting sent over,” she mused. “I thought they’d fallen out of my bag on the train. It’s a giant tote bag and it doesn’t close. But now I wonder if maybe it was stolen because the note I received yesterday told me if I want to know what’s happening with the accounting, I’ll need to meet someone at Casa Loma where the duchess resides. I know Casa Loma is the big mansion the crazy dude built, but I don’t know that a duchess ever lived there. Isn’t that weird?”

  It was more than weird and it made him very curious about who would show up to meet her. “I want to track down who sent that. You said it arrived by courier.”

  She nodded. “But they’re closed today.”

  “I’ll give them a visit in the morning.”

  “So you’ll, like, do everything and I don’t have to worry about it?”

  Yes, he definitely had something she needed. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “You worry about your research and I’ll handle everything else.”

  A look of pure relief spread across her face. “Thank you because I’ve got a big week ahead and the last thing I need to worry about is weird treasure hunts. I’ll talk to accounting and let them know we’re looking into it. Cathy can go through all the requisitions of the last year in case it’s an error.”

  He would bet a lot that it wasn’t an error, but he was curious as to why it was happening now. Levi Green was in town and he would make his move sooner or later. Was this part of his move?

  She started talking about everything she needed to do the next week and he let her enthusiasm drift over him.

  He couldn’t let her out of his sight. Not until they knew what Green’s
game was.

  He felt his mobile vibrate and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was the boss giving him the all clear, but he didn’t make a move for his phone. It was too nice to sit in the open with Becca, to listen to her plans like he was nothing more than her boyfriend.

  He would keep her close and if they needed to figure out who wanted to meet her, he would make sure she was safe.

  He wouldn’t let her out of his sight. Not until the moment he had to.

  Chapter Twelve

  Three days later, Rebecca stared at her computer screen, but the data kind of swam in front of her eyes.

  All she could really see was Owen and how he’d smiled at her and kissed her when he’d dropped her off earlier this morning. She’d found a new schedule. Wake up to Owen kissing her, shower with Owen, have breakfast with Owen, ride to work with Owen. Think about Owen. Count down the time to when Owen would pick her up. Have dinner and hot sex with Owen. Scream out Owen’s name until she passed out. Start all over again.

  Yep, she was like a teenaged girl with her first crush. Well, except for the very adult sex stuff.

  “I have never seen you zone out,” Cathy said from the doorway. Her assistant was standing there with her hands on her hips, her eyes wide as she stared at Becca.

  “Maybe I was concentrating,” she tried. It was good to see Cathy. She’d been out with a sick kid, and Becca had been reminded of how much she relied on her.

  Cathy stepped inside and closed the door behind her. “Nope. That’s not your concentrating face. You get a little more brow action when you’re concentrating on work. And you didn’t get in until nine. You haven’t been in early all week. That is not your schedule. You’re always in by six thirty. Are you all right?”

  At six thirty this morning she’d had Owen’s head between her legs and she’d been forcing herself not to scream out in pure pleasure. She’d woken up with his hands on her body, coaxing her to open for him.

  They’d had breakfast in the café with his roommate, Robert, who was a funny, friendly man, and then Owen had driven her to work with the promise that he would be back to pick her up at the end of the day. They’d argued about what time the day ended. She’d said seven. He’d wanted her done by five. They’d agreed she would be out front at precisely six this evening.

  “I’m fine. I’ve had something to do the last couple of mornings.” Owen. She’d been doing Owen. She’d taken all of Sunday off. She normally would have at least come in during the afternoon, but she hadn’t thought about work at all. The only thing that had mattered was him. They’d gone out a couple of nights, taking in a movie once and going to some nice restaurants. She’d seen more of the city in the few days she’d been with him than the whole two years she’d lived here.

  She was thinking about going to another tourist destination on Friday. Oh, she’d put it all in Owen’s lap, but there was a big part of her that wanted desperately to see who would show up to that meeting. Something was going on. She could feel it, and she was starting to trust her instincts.

  Paul Huisman had smiled at her this morning. That man never smiled. Ever. It had been the kind of smile a predator might give a small furry thing right before it feasted. Maybe it was her imagination, but she hadn’t liked the way that smile had made her feel.

  “Is whatever you were doing the reason why you’re wearing your cardigan inside out?” Cathy asked with a knowing wink. “Please tell me it was the man you left Larry for. I still haven’t heard the end of that.”

  Damn it. How had neither of them noticed? She stood up and quickly fixed the problem. “His name is Owen and he works for a security company. He moved into my building a week ago.”

  Cathy leaned against her desk. “Is it true you showed up for work on a motorcycle? The ladies down in reception were all talking about it. They said he was gorgeous.”

  “He’s a very careful driver.” She would get lectures on motorcycles and head injuries and how the neurologist probably shouldn’t be riding a death trap, but some things were worth the risk. The feeling of freedom she had as he drove her around the city was definitely worth it. He treated her like she was something precious.

  “I’m happy for you,” Cathy said with a broad smile. “It’s good for you to get out of this office once in a while. Is that why Carter is in such a foul mood? Did he finally figure out you’re a woman under all that intellect?”

  “He wasn’t happy the first time Owen spent the night at my place.” Had everyone seen the Carter problem except her? “He was pretty rude about it. I haven’t talked to him since then. We’ve given each other a pretty wide berth. I think we should look into how he treats the female interns.”

  Cathy nodded. “I’ve heard some rumors. I’m glad that’s out in the open. He’s had a creepy thing for you since the day you hired on. At first I thought he was a groupie.”

  “A groupie?”

  “An industry junkie. They all either love you or they’re jealous of you. Did you know Carter studied medicine?”

  “Of course,” she replied. “I’ve heard all about it. He studied neurology, but he has a fine tremor in both hands. It’s not Parkinson’s. It’s an essential tremor. When he couldn’t perform surgery, he switched to medical admin. I don’t know why. He could have done research. He could have been a GP.”

  “He’s the type who doesn’t compromise,” Cathy explained. “I think in some ways he was punishing himself for not being able to do what he wanted to do in life.”

  “You’re playing the armchair shrink?” It wasn’t so surprising. It was kind of what Cathy did, and she was often right.

  Cathy shrugged. “I’ve seen pretty much everything, and trust me I know the medical types. He’s angry. Like I said, I hoped it was all hero worship, though that inevitably goes bad. Knowing how he reacted to you dating makes me think he put you on a pedestal for a different reason. It’s okay. I’ll manage him from this end and I’ll start looking into how he treats the interns. Trust me, after dealing with a sick kiddo for days, I’m ready to bust some balls.”

  “How is Billy?”

  “Not happy to go back to school,” she said with a sigh. “But I was so happy to come back to work.”

  “The stuff with Carter will have to wait. I have another job for you.” While Owen’s friend in Dallas was looking into it from an accounting end, she would have Cathy start searching for the paperwork trail. There had to be one.

  Unless someone really had stolen almost a million dollars from her research account.

  She explained the problem and Cathy took some notes, promising she would handle it.

  “There must be something going around,” Becca said, getting to the second problem she was having, the one Owen was pushing her on. “Chuck’s been out for a couple of days, too. Can you go down to security and see if he’s back in the office? I’ve been trying to get some CCTV footage from last Saturday night, but the others said they couldn’t get it to me without clearance from Chuck. If he’s not in, maybe we can get him on the phone.”

  “Did you not hear?” Cathy had gone a little pale. “Chuck quit. He left a message with Paul and said he wasn’t coming back.”

  “Are you serious? I heard he was sick.”

  “Yes, no idea why. He’s worked here for twenty years. He was supposed to retire soon. I can’t imagine why he would walk out. Security is kind of chaotic right now. Paul said he’ll have someone new in a few days, but for now the only person who can do the job is John, and he’s barely twenty-five.”

  “Can you get me Chuck’s phone number?” Again her instincts were flaring. Right as she needed to talk to the head of security, he mysteriously decided to quit a job he’d claimed to love? It didn’t make sense.

  “Of course,” Cathy promised. “And I’ll pull any requisition that matches these numbers. It’s probably that the account number was wrong and the other teams got it screwed up. It’s happened before. Don’t worry about it. Now, you’ve got a meeting with your team at noon. The
new round of data is in and I’ve heard it’s phenomenal.”

  She’d heard she would be happy with it, too. She was so close to being able to really push this new therapy.

  It would be all right. Owen would help her figure out what was going on, and by this time next month, she would be writing up her paper and potentially taking on a wave of new research money. Then the big trials would begin and she would be one step closer to fulfilling the promise she’d made to herself the day her mother died.

  She was already closer to the promise she’d made to her mother. Owen was making her happy, and she needed to concentrate on that.

  Still, her curiosity was getting the best of her. “Could you clear my calendar for Friday afternoon?”

  A brilliant smile crossed Cathy’s face. “Of course. You’re seeing your man again?”

  She hoped Owen could take a long lunch break. She wasn’t dumb enough to go alone, but she needed to know who was going to be waiting for her there. “Yes, I’ll definitely be seeing him.”

  Cathy started to talk about plans to have a double date night or to possibly have Owen out for dinner. Becca wasn’t completely sure that meeting Cathy and her crazy family wouldn’t make Owen run, but she nodded. Out on the floor, her team was buzzing around, prepping for the meeting later on.

  Her eyes caught on a man delivering mail. It was just a glimpse of light brown hair and broad shoulders. There was something about the man that made her go still, pure terror seizing through her.

  You should run, Dr. Walsh. Or I might have to show you why they call me Razor.

  Bile rose in her throat and when she looked again, the man was gone.

  “Becca? You went white.” Cathy stood in front of her, blocking her sight of the place where he’d stood.

  Except he couldn’t stand because he was dead. Dead and gone. Now she was seeing ghosts.

  She shook off the feeling. She was being paranoid. It was all about what had happened that Saturday night. It reminded her of the other time she’d been sure someone was stalking her. Of course that time, she’d been right and she’d run.


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