SEAL'd Trust (Brotherhood of SEAL'd Hearts)

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SEAL'd Trust (Brotherhood of SEAL'd Hearts) Page 37

by Gabi Moore

  One hand went to her swollen little clit and she began to stroke herself in tight, urgent circles. The sight of this alone drove me wild. When I heard an overwhelmed little squeak from somewhere behind the curtain of hair, I couldn’t hold back anymore; drawing back my hips I slammed into her, hard, giving her the full length of my cock and driving deep to find that soaking place inside that she had shown me just a few days before.

  I wanted more, I wanted all of her, and as I felt her twinge and clench around me, something inside me took over and I fucked her again, bringing all the strength I could muster down into that little quivering slit, watching her body swell and open and submit to another thrust, and then another, and another.

  Her little fingers moved furiously over her clit as I pounded again and again into her, each blow from my hips sending fleshy ripples through hers. The delicious rage pumped through me like it was boiling in my blood. Next to my brown and scribbled-on body, hers seemed as white and clean as an angel’s.

  I gripped hard on her hips, stopping myself from going further, knowing I shouldn’t hurt her.

  All at once she got up off her elbows and leaned back onto me, her shapely back pressing against me and her long hair snaking over us both. I caught sight of the little wounds on her neck and felt something strange stirring in me. Waves of pleasure were washing over me, and with each stroking thrust she eased me closer to the edge, closer to bursting and filling her with my cum.

  Inside she was so silky, so sweet and so astonishingly warm, I was soon fucking her harder than I thought she could handle, harder than I should, lifting both knees off the ground so I could sink deeper into her poor little cunt with every lunge. I wrapped my arms round her to steady her against my own ruthless cock, and through little parted lips she groaned, and a single bead of sweat ran down her temple.

  “Zack,” she said, flopping forward and steadying her hands on the ground in front of her again. “Oh my God, Zack…”

  Her voice was shaky and near-hysterical.

  I fucking loved it.

  A tortured little mumble escaped from her throat and then she was silent, both her hands desperately clutching the carpet underfoot, her body tensing right up. I could feel she was close to coming.

  I stroked a long hand up and then down her spine to soothe her.

  “Shhhh,” I said as I continued to fuck her, deep and quick and hard. Her breasts shook underneath her. I could hear she had stopped breathing. I felt her tight little pussy swell and squeeze around me, and I knew she would come soon.

  “Zack!” she mumbled, and I fucked harder. “Oh God, Zack… right there!”

  All at once, she was thrusting her own hips back into me, her hungry body swallowing me up, my balls slapping against her with each violent thrust.

  “I’m going to--”

  The words got stuck in her throat. I was so engorged inside her I felt I’d never be able to pull free. She was so wet I could hear it.

  “Zack, I’m…

  “Fucking come for me,” I growled.

  I grabbed her hips and sent one final, brutal fuck straight into the juicy core of her, as hard and as deep as I could reach. Her spine curled and bucked and her entire body tightened around me, all of a sudden, wracked with the brutal force of her orgasm beating through her.

  She jerked forward, and to my amazement, a giant gush of liquid spurted from her and splashed everywhere, down over my cock, and onto both of our thighs. She let out a long, guttural cry and then whimpered as her body clenched again and a second, smaller gush followed, dousing us again. I looked down to see my wet cock bouncing at the entrance of her pulsating, juicy body. Sweet fuck, it was the eye of God himself winking back at me.

  Without thinking, I grabbed her shuddering frame, the last dribbles of her orgasms still pumping through her, and shoved my cock straight back in again. She was slick and tight and hot enough inside it nearly took my breath away. Fired up to see her so utterly dissolved in her own pleasure, I only needed a few thrusts to bring myself right to the edge, and when I tumbled over myself, her pussy clenched hard around me, milking every last drop out of me. I cried out and collapsed onto her sweat-soaked back, my own orgasm beating hard through my body, in wave after wave of ecstasy.

  Still jammed in her, head still spinning, I linked my arms round her waist and planted dazed and dizzy kisses along her back and neck. She merely hung her head down low, the roots of her long hair wet and dark from sweat, the ends tangled and wild. It must have been a full minute before her body stopped heaving under mine, and the little ripples and twitches inside her body stopped and her breathing slowed and came back to normal.

  I peeled myself off of her and knelt back on my haunches.

  I was speechless.

  She turned to look at me – the most beautiful I’d ever seen her, with buttery eyes and wild damp hair flowing everywhere and her lower lip wet and parted – and burst out laughing. She looked down at the wet patch on the floor. Then up at me, then to my still hard dick.

  “I think you… I think you broke me,” she laughed, and I couldn’t help but laugh as well.

  “I’ve never …do you …have you done that before?” I said. I had never seen a woman orgasm so hard before in my life. She looked as puzzled as I did.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “I can barely even remember who I am right now!” and giggled so sweetly I couldn’t help but lean forward and embrace her.

  “Didn’t I tell you I could be rough?” I said in my best stud voice. I felt her breasts jiggle in my arms as she laughed.

  “Oh well, I’ve learned my lesson now, I’ll never doubt you again,” she said and we both collapsed together laughing, lying side by side, a little giddy.

  I stared up at the ceiling, waiting for my heartbeat to calm down. At the edge of my vision I saw a cat slink along a coffee table and then trotting off out of sight. The ceiling was in rough shape, and needed some work. I hated to think of her getting up there to change dusty light bulbs.



  “Will you stay the night?”


  Chapter 13 - Madeleine

  Some animals are easy. They take quickly to humans and don’t fuss much and will tilt their heads to let you push the needle into the flesh of their necks, knowing somewhere in their quiet animal minds that it will help them somehow.

  Some animals are difficult. They kick and scream and bite and hiss, and just when you think you’ve won them over, they scratch up your skin and slip your grasp, making you chase them all over again.

  Maisy was one of the easy ones.

  That’s partly why it was her I scooped up one sunny Saturday morning to give to Zack when he asked to help with my crazy menagerie. Maisy was a frail white and brown kitten, all heartbeat and bones and eyes, but she melted easily into anyone’s grasp, purring for whoever picked her up and dutifully eating whatever you gave her as though she didn’t know the difference between medicine and food.

  “Like this?” he asked me.

  Something twanged in my heart to see his big, strong hands cupped lightly around little Maisy, and they both stared back at me with wide eyes.

  “Am I holding her right?” he said again. To his credit, Maisy did give the impression that she’d disappear into a puff of smoke if you held her too hard.

  “What do you think, Maisy?” I said and leaned forward, placing my ear next to her whiskered face. “Yup, purring like a diesel engine, I think she’s happy,” I said. He beamed and stroked the pad of his thumb against her little head, and her eyes narrowed in pleasure.

  “Ready to give her the medicine?”

  “Yeah, let’s do it! Maisy says she wants some of the good stuff, please,” he said laughing, and lifting her to his own ear.

  These days, Zack took to hanging around my house shirtless. At first I didn’t know what to make of it but now, seeing all six-foot of him standing in my kitchen with a tiny kitten pressed to his bare chest, I didn
’t seem to mind so much.

  I opened a cupboard and pulled out her formula, took a large plastic syringe from the drawer and then sucked up the correct dosage for her. She had been abandoned as a kitten and this medicine would go some way to replacing the nourishment she would have gotten from her mother. I handed the syringe to him and he took it expertly in his other hand, all of Maisy curled up cutely in his other hand, like a lint ball that had suddenly sprouted eyes.

  “Just gently put the end in her mouth,” I instructed him. “Not there, in the corner of her mouth, and squeeze very gently and very slowly. Just like that! She’ll lap it up.”

  Little Maisy, sweetheart that she was, tilted back her head and obediently swallowed her medicine, her little muzzle peeling back off her tiny canine fangs.

  With supreme focus, Zack depressed the syringe and sent the liquid slowly into her mouth, and all at once her little throat began to pulse up and down as she swallowed. He flashed his gaze up at me and then quickly back down to the task at hand.

  “She’s doing it! She’s eating it up,” he said with glee. If he weren’t so engrossed with his kitten, I would have pounced on him with how hot he looked at that moment.

  Once the syringe was emptied, he set it carefully aside and then held her up at eye height to examine her, goofy grin all over his face. You can tell a lot about a man by the way he treats things that are smaller and weaker than him. And the way he was smiling and cooing at sweet Maisy turned my legs to jelly. With the end of his pinky finger he wiped her tiny cat mouth and then – God help me – then he gave her a dainty kiss right on her little snout. Completely full of food and with a face stuck in a permanent worried face, Maisy bobbed a little in his hand and mewed, once. He howled with laughter and put her down, and we both watched her scampering off, her little winder wound up for the next few hours at least.

  He clapped his hands and looked up at me with twinkles in his eyes.

  “So, what’s next? Am I ready to start birthing baby cows yet?” he asked and came over to wrap his arms round my waist.

  “Not just yet!” I laughed, and leaned in for a kiss. “Besides, I’m sure I can put you to better use with something else…” I said, and tried to catch his eye.


  He hovered his gorgeous full lips above mine and his teasing breath lingered there for a moment, with that naughty smile I was beginning to know and love.

  “Yes, if you want to make yourself useful, maybe you can stop talking for a second and kiss me instead.”

  “Useful? Yes, ma’am…” he growled and closed his warm, delicious lips around mine for a long, lazy kiss. I staggered a little as the full weight of his body pressed against mine, and soon found my back pressed flat against the refrigerator. With hungry kisses, his tongue explored my mouth, my lips, my neck…

  I was still zinging inside from our recent morning romp, my hair knotted up into a shaggy pile on top of my head, wearing his shirt and still pink in the face from all the things he had done to me before it was even 7 o’clock. I thumped my head back against the fridge and let him kiss me, and my poor body responded instantly, wet within seconds at the touch of his lips, opening up to him like I hadn’t already gone twelve rounds in the ring with that magnificent, merciless cock of his, just a few hours ago.

  I liked what he did to me. When I was with him, I was no pushover. I bit him back. I bucked and moaned and thrashed and made as much noise as I damn well pleased. I made a mess. A big mess. And he let me.

  Soon he was planting a trail of hot kisses down my collarbones and then he hoisted the shirt up and over my head, revealing my breasts, still warm with sex-smell and the cotton of his sweatshirt. He buried his head in my cleavage and I smiled down at him, hands resting on his head. Beatific. Like Our Lady of the Glorious Tits, smiling sweetly down at one of her worshippers.

  “Spread your legs for me,” he mumbled, already nestling his way into that tender V between my legs.

  I obeyed.

  He was kneeling down in front of me now, and I could make out the strong muscles in his haunches as he positioned himself to kiss me. Not quite what I imagined when I suggested we head to the kitchen for something to eat, but again, I’d take it.

  I sighed loudly and let my head fall to the side.

  How could this man, this man who was tenderly parting my pussy lips and sending the sweetest, most careful tongue onto my swollen clit, this man who was dabbing the curious tips of his finger against me, this man who knew how to melt my body inside with just a look… how could this man have ever hurt anyone? I would ask him about his past. I couldn’t avoid it forever. But later…

  I wasn’t sure if I trusted him … or just wanted to trust him. All I knew was that my doubts and fears never lasted long. We were never more than a few hours away from some sizzling glance, some sweet, dirty whispers, some electrifying touch or a full out session in bed that left my head whirling and my body crackling like it had been hit by lightning.

  I would ask him. I had to. But I would do it later. Right now all I could focus on was the delightful torment of his tongue flicking over that desperate ache, and the juice pouring out of me as he toyed expertly with that little nub, kissing and licking me to some sweet, quivering point.

  I grasped at his wild, coily blonde hair and tried to pull him deeper, but he pulled back a little and looked up at me with a wicked smile.

  “Now, Maddy, I’ll drown and die if you try pull another stunt like you did this morning,” he said in a graveled voice, then went back to work. A moan escaped my lips and I felt the cool metal of the fridge behind me against the goosebumps on my back.

  “If you keep doing that, well, I can’t promise anything,” I breathed, and it was true. Still raw and turned on from this morning, I didn’t need much to get me right back to that sweet, sweet point of no return.

  “Doing what my dear?” he asked, as though he were speaking directly to the slippery folds of my hopelessly turned on body. “This?” As he spoke, he licked the full, firm tip of his tongue once, all the way up against the length of my shuddering pussy, just exactly in the way he had recently learnt. A few more of those licks and I’d be a wild, quivering mess in no time.

  “Yes, that,” I said and playfully slapped his bare shoulder.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  God I loved the way he said that, and I looked down to see his strong pecs and shoulders working as he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me deeper down onto him. My toes were shaking, barefoot on the kitchen floor. My loose bun was beginning to come undone.

  “I won’t do this again,” he said, and with the word “this” he stroked his long tongue again all the way up, sending my body jerking a little.

  “Naughty. I said don’t do that…” I muttered, my breath coming in gasps now as I tried to steady myself against the swelling waves of pleasure pulsing over me.

  “What? I already told that you that I won’t do this…” A third stroke came over my swollen clit, and my hips jumped and jerked with the pump of pleasure it sent through me.

  “You bastard,” I said, the edges of my hair coming loose now and hanging low over one side of my face.

  The first time it happened was on the sofa. The first time we fucked, he has dug his thick, hard cock into me and forced out strange, new sensations, feelings that washed over me and melted me completely. He still liked to tease me about the carpet cleaner we needed to rent to get rid of the enormous mark on the rug the following day. The second time it happened was even more wickedly delicious than the first. He had thrown me down on the bed, hoisted both legs high up and held my ankles in one hand, split my pussy lips open and pounded me so hard I saw stars and squirted violently all over him.

  The third time, he was making a game out of ‘breaking me’. He knew precisely which buttons to press, and which pulleys and levers to activate to open my floodgates and have me a drooling, bumbling muddle within 15 minutes. Since then, I had lost count of the times we had played this game wi
th one another. He seemed to know exactly what to do to me. And all I knew was that I wanted more and more.

  I thrust myself back into the surface of the fridge and tried to still my buzzing mind. But all at once I felt him sink one and then two fingers easily into my hungry little hole, driving them up into me right to the knuckles, so swiftly I couldn’t help but yelp with pleasure. But I couldn’t go anywhere except down, onto his fingers, and deeper into that delicious ecstasy. I was close now, so close, and I suddenly felt that familiar, watery bliss boiling inside me, threatening to break loose and drench us both.

  He momentarily looked up to me and smiled at my sweetly tortured face.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said.

  “What?” I could scarcely contain myself. My knees started to shake.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said, this time more firmly.

  “I’m… I’m thinking of…” I started to say, and felt my face blush hard.

  “Don’t be shy. Tell me. Fucking tell me,” he said again, this time jamming his thick fingers deeper into me, stroking my hot, twitching body towards its inevitable orgasm.

  “I…” I squirmed against the fridge, thrashing my head side to side, clutching down hard on his shoulders.

  “Say it.” His voice was dry and dark and deep and pushed me closer just as surely as his fingers did. My toes curled and clawed at the floor as the room started to spin.

  “Say it!”

  “I’m going to fucking come! I’m going to fucking come all over your face!” and the last thing I saw was the naked, knotted muscles in his bicep as he pulled my body down, hard, to stop me from bucking and jerking away from him. My eyes slammed closed and something from deep inside me swirled and spun and broke loose, and soon I was coming hard down on his fingers, trying to scream but my voice bubbling out in jagged rasps as I tried to breathe through each wave of a hot, juicy orgasm.

  He yanked out his fingers and I exploded, my hips curling up and sending a huge stream of liquid spraying onto his chest and chin. Before my eyelids flittered closed I looked down to see his naughty face, smiling back up at me with a wild expression of astonishment.


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