From Fat to Thin Thinking

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From Fat to Thin Thinking Page 3

by Rita Black

  Seminar participants and clients then continue on their own for 30 days, reinforcing their new thin thinking by listening to hypnosis and meditation recordings and practicing thin thinking skills on a daily basis. They release weight at a rate they decide for themselves. (I use the term weight release because it conveys to your deeper mind that you are letting go of the weight forever.)



  The Shift Weight Mastery Process uses three mental techniques to make the shift from fat to thin thinking.


  Hypnosis is a relaxed and easy mind state. In this place of trance, communicating directly with the change-resistant subconscious mind is possible. In the 1950s, the American Medical Association (AMA) approved the use of hypnosis. Thousands of people have found hypnosis to be an effective way to stop smoking, lose weight, and make positive changes in their lives.

  We think and act with our conscious minds, while the unconscious mind controls our habits and beliefs. In the relaxed state of hypnosis, we can communicate more directly with the subconscious mind. That is why hypnosis can help break through the fat thinking habits and belief patterns in the subconscious mind and create new thin thinking habits and beliefs. This change in thinking allows participants to release weight and have long-term mastery of this area of their lives.

  Is hypnosis mind control? Hypnosis has had a reputation as a type of mind control. Maybe you saw somebody barking like a dog at a hypnosis show, and you don’t want your mind to be controlled by someone else?

  Hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don’t want to do. That’s because hypnotic suggestions must pass through the conscious mind, which acts as sort of a guard for the unconscious. I tell clients that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. I give the suggestions, and you accept them. You are always conscious in the state of hypnosis, but you are very relaxed.

  Research supports hypnosis benefits. There are many research studies showing that hypnosis can create improved weight management. Here are some examples from three different studies of hypnosis’s impact on weight management.

  When comparing control groups to hypnotherapy groups, those exposed to hypnotherapy lost more weight and kept the weight off longer than those who did nothing.

  Hypnotherapy helped people correct faulty thinking and associations about food and helped them get control over non-hunger-related eating.

  Follow-up sessions with both groups at the eight-month and 2-year marks revealed that only the hypnotherapy group continued to lose weight. The control group regained the lost weight.


  Meditation is the act of spending time in quiet thought for the purpose of relaxation, problem-solving, and reflection.

  Research supports meditation benefits. Neuroscientists have shown that meditation helps build new neural pathways in the brain that strengthen willpower, impulse control, and self-awareness. Meditation also helps the prefrontal cortex (our conscious mind) grow stronger by sending more blood to that area of the brain.

  Meditation enhances the Shift Weight Mastery Process. Daily meditation sessions bring the conscious and unconscious minds together in a state of quiet mindfulness that helps create, strengthen, and achieve a vision of weight release success.


  CBT is a form of therapy in which proven cognitive techniques help people become aware of when they make negative interpretations or have behavioral patterns that reinforce distorted thinking. CBT helps people to develop alternative ways of thinking and behaving.

  The Shift Weight Mastery Process has participants engage in reading, writing, and hypnosis sessions that use CBT techniques to transform negative weight-struggling experiences and points of view of themselves into a more powerful image of themselves as Weight Masters. This builds confidence and enhances self-esteem even before weight release.

  “I am a psychotherapist, and I have a great understanding of eating disorders and food issues. I know how many calories foods have. I also know about hypnosis, meditation, and CBT. But I have never experienced all of those approaches together in one package. I think it was the combination that finally worked for me.” Nadine K. (Released 17 pounds, maintaining for 6 years.)

  Lifelong Benefits

  The Shift Weight Mastery Process has proved successful for people because it is not about weight loss alone. Rather, it’s about changing the way you think and behave in the area of weight management to achieve Weight Mastery—that is, a confident, healthy, peaceful relationship with food, exercise, and, most of all, yourself.

  “You cannot ‘unlearn’ what you get from the Shift Weight Mastery Process.” Sarah A. (Released 37 pounds, maintaining for 4 years.)

  Some of the benefits of the Shift Weight Mastery Process are:

  Stopping the “on a diet, off a diet” yo-yo cycle. Diets are external structures that you “go on,” and when the diet is over, so is your resolve. Nothing has changed internally, and so you go back to your old habits and the frustrating “being good” and “being bad” cycle.The Shift Weight Mastery Process helps you break the yo-yo diet habit and focuses your mind on building a way of living that honors you and your lifestyle. This shift happens from within you, so the results are consistent and long-lasting.

  Changing the negative beliefs and habits that perpetuate the weight struggle. Even though you want to change your habits and thinking, your unconscious mind protects those beliefs and behaviors. Your mind is programmed to keep things operating in the same, familiar way!The Shift Weight Mastery Process uses hypnosis and other powerful mental tools to help refocus your unconscious mind on creating new beliefs and habits that allow you to become slim and masterful.

  Feeling in charge of weight release and maintenance. Many diet programs teach how to eat to lose weight but fail to explain the mechanics of releasing weight.During the Shift Weight Mastery Process, you will learn how to release weight at a rate you decide and maintain a healthy weight for years to come. This knowledge allows you to feel in charge of your own weight destiny and, therefore, to be masterful.

  Gaining confidence and freedom in the weight management area of your life. Dieters focus mostly on losing weight and rarely on training the mind to keep the weight off. In fact, many diets books give some eating rules and recipes but offer no clear insight into creating a powerful relationship with oneself to attain and maintain an ideal weight.The Shift Weight Mastery Process delivers mental strategies for long-term success so that you can gain self-confidence as you release the weight and keep it off.

  Losing weight for the last time. The word “diet” often implies a short-term period of deprivation and rigid rules that end with achieving a goal weight. Unfortunately, that effort can’t be maintained and leads right back to weight gain. Hundreds of research studies show the failure of this type of short-term thinking and behavior.The Shift Weight Mastery Process creates a commitment to permanent change. It begins with shifting attention to building new habits, skills, and thinking that encourage permanent weight release. More importantly, the Shift Weight Mastery Process offers a way to develop a respectful, peaceful, and mature relationship with yourself.

  Thousands of participants have experienced “the shift” in their thinking and weight management to become Weight Masters.

  Janet S. went through the first official Shift Weight Mastery Process seminar in January 2008. After releasing 33 pounds, she confided she had been skeptical about the hypnosis and the program. In 2016, Janet became a Shift Coach and stood up in front of Shift Newbies during a seminar to talk about her experience:

  “I make healthy choices because I want to, not because I have to. By using the Mind-Shifting Tools, including hypnosis, I evolved a way of feeding myself and exercising that allowed me to release weight and keep it off. I don’t ever feel deprived, just delighted that I love the
way I eat. I feel free! Most importantly, I’m confident that I can maintain this way of living for life. I never have to go back.” Janet S. (Released 33 pounds, maintaining for 9 years.)

  Are You Ready To Shift?

  The powerful mental training contained in this book, the accompanying hypnosis and meditation sessions, and the follow-up 30-Day Thin Thinking Practice program create a shift from fat to thin thinking similar to my private and seminar-based Shift Weight Mastery Processes. The book process is divided into three distinct parts:

  Part I: The Orientation. The initial part of the process is about learning how the mind works around eating and weight and how your shift from fat to thin thinking will happen.

  Part II: The Shift. This part of the process initiates the shift from fat to thin thinking and your movement from Weight Struggler to Weight Master. This is accomplished with reading, writing exercises, and listening to hypnosis recordings.

  Part III: The Practice. It takes 21 days for new habits to embed themselves in the subconscious. The 30-DayThin Thinking Practice provides support and tools (hypnosis, meditations, and daily coaching) to create powerful changes from the inside out and establish a foundation for your Weight Mastery and long-term permanent weight release.

  So, the question is, are you ready to shift from fat to thin thinking?

  Who Shouldn’t Use this Book?

  This process is not for everyone who struggles with their weight. You should not use this book if you:

  Are looking for a quick fix with recipes. Most “diet” books are structured that way. This is not one of them.

  Want someone to give you a specific magic formula for what to eat that will melt fat from your thighs in two weeks.

  Are going to skim through the pages for advice to “try out.”

  I am going to be frank. To experience the full impact of this process, you must be willing to make the journey. You will have to put your mind and heart into this and not be a spectator-reader. To fully benefit from this process, you have to start the journey by reading the entire book and participating in all aspects of the process. If you cannot commit right now, don’t worry. I will always be here waiting for you when the time is right. I just hope you don’t wait 20 years like I did!

  Not Sure?

  You might want to participate in the Shift Weight Mastery Process but are saying “I don’t have time!” or “This sounds too hard!”

  These are the arguments that the resistant, unconscious mind often uses to avoid taking life-changing actions. I encourage you to consider the following self-sabotaging excuses:

  Excuse 1: I Don’t Have Time

  A common challenge is the perception that there isn’t time to do healthy things like prepare nutritious meals, exercise, or listen to the hypnosis sessions. The reality is that people make time for what is important. Aren’t your health and self-esteem worth some time?

  It’s true that participating in the Shift Weight Mastery Process and becoming healthy, slim, and confident takes time. But the consequences of unhealthy habits and weight struggling will ultimately take even more time. Consider the time that you spend:

  Beating yourself up about your weight and eating and exercise habits.

  Looking for an outfit that you feel good in.

  Endlessly being on diet after diet.

  In doctors’ offices with weight-related issues.

  That is a lot of time! Participating in the Shift Weight Mastery Process won’t take any more hours out of your day than you spend surfing the net, catching up on social media, or watching TV. Maybe that time can be invested in this commitment to yourself that will yield a much higher return on your day-to-day life?

  Excuse 2: This Sounds Too Hard!

  The Shift Weight Mastery Process will be stretching you past some familiar places. Certainly, it can be challenging. But isn’t carrying around extra pounds already hard enough? For many overweight people, the weight struggle is painful, but it is also familiar. Familiarity may seem more attractive, and, honestly, isn’t the struggle with weight one of the hardest things to endure? My guess is that your weight struggle leaves you:

  Constantly feeling bad for being out of control with regards to food.

  Blocked from pursuing other goals and dreams.

  Always trying new diets, cleanses, or food fads and feeling like a failure as each one fails.

  Wondering if the weight struggle will go on for a lifetime.

  I don’t know about you, but struggling with my weight was the saddest, most humiliating, and frustrating experience I’ve ever gone through. IT WAS HARD! For me, creating a powerful, thin thinking mindset and releasing weight took focus and time, but feeling free was a dream come true and well worth any effort involved.

  Who Should Use this Book?

  This book was written for people who are hungrier for change than they are for staying in the weight struggle.

  This process is for you if you are:

  Tired of knowing what to do but unable to do it consistently.

  Ready to be the answer for yourself and know that you are the magic bullet!

  Prepared to finally feel in charge of your relationship with food, exercise, your lifestyle, and yourself.

  Now the big question is, drum roll please, are YOU ready?

  Getting Started

  Let’s get started right here and now with two easy steps:

  1. Access the Online Resource Center. Go to where you will find the Online Resource Center. There you will get access immediately to the hypnosis sessions for this book along with worksheets, coaching, and other valuable resources to support your Shift Weight Mastery Process.

  2. Meet me in my office. The first part of the Shift Weight Mastery Process begins with The Orientation. After you visit the Online Resource Center, join me in my virtual office and let’s get started!

  * * *

  1 Weight Struggler: A person who has been in a perpetual battle with weight, regardless of whether it’s five pounds or 500 pounds.

  2 Diet: Any way of eating with the intention of losing weight, including low carb, low fat, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Paleo, clean, vegan, no sugar, and gluten-free.



  The Shift Weight Mastery Process

  Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.

  —Simone de Beauvoir

  For Best Results for From Fat to Thin Thinking

  1. REGISTER: Go to and register FREE OF CHARGE. This will allow you access to the hypnosis sessions and other online resources that you will use while reading this book.

  2. PAUSE: As you are reading the book, please pause and listen to the hypnosis sessions where indicated.

  3. SIGN UP: When you have completed the book please go to and sign up to begin your 30-Day Thin Thinking Practice. Every day you will receive coaching, a daily meditation and hypnosis session to support you in releasing weight and shifting to thin thinking.



  Free Yourself from the Weight Struggle

  Welcome. Come into my office and have a seat in the comfy chair. This is where I introduce all Shift Weight Mastery Process participants to the concept of shifting from fat to thin thinking. Relax and enjoy opening your mind. I want to personally welcome you to your journey to long-term, permanent weight mastery. I am excited that you are here and ready to begin.

  Let me quickly break down what the Shift Weight Mastery Process means.


  “Shift” is a powerful word. I’ve been using it in my hypnosis practice for almost two decades. The idea of moving, evolving, and shaking things up is why you and I are here. I’m going to begin g
uiding you right now on how to create a shift in your consciousness. You are going to shift from fat to thin thinking. You are going to shift from being a Weight Struggler to a Weight Master.

  In order to achieve your loving and reasonable ideal weight, you are not going to begin by looking at food or exercise. Rather, you are going to look at making a shift where the weight struggle begins—in your mind. As you shift from fat to thin thinking, you will achieve your ideal weight and remain there for the rest of your life. As you learned in the Introduction, this is a state I call weight mastery.

  Weight Mastery

  When I have a client in a relaxed mind state and their unconscious is open, I will ask them “Why is losing weight so important to you?” The first response is usually “To feel healthier.” But I know there is always more, so I push further. “What else is important to you?” The answer often is “To feel good about myself.”

  Of course, feeling healthy and confident is clearly aligned with releasing weight. It’s interesting, though, that when I push a little bit more, a client will tell me that what’s most important to them, more than being slim, having high self-esteem, and looking good in their clothes, is PEACE. That’s right—peace of mind and freedom from the chaos and pain of the weight struggle.

  Weight mastery isn’t just about losing weight; it is about achieving a way of living that allows you to feel healthy, confident, and peaceful at your ideal weight. You are now on a journey to shift from fat to thin thinking and achieve weight mastery.

  Weight. Using your mind to build skills and practices that allow you to achieve your reasonable and loving ideal weight.

  Mastery. A committed, respectful way of communicating with yourself that allows you to stay consistent with the skills and practices of long-term, weight release and maintenance.


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