Rescuing Rebecca

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Rescuing Rebecca Page 3

by Serena James

  As they moved they came under more fire. They never made it under cover. He pushed Rebecca behind one of his men under the wall that surrounded the half demolished building. They were in real trouble – this was an ambush. The Intel had been crap, but then the Taliban were always relaying false info, knowing the allied forces were always tapping into their communications. One of his other men was radioing for air support, taking up where Slater left off, relaying their position. They were all pinned down behind the wall.

  He sent three of his men to head off the enemy through the maize and concentrated on firing at those over the wall. Jed was still filming, the camera trained on Rebecca as she did her best to help Slater. She was wrapping the special bandage she had been given in her kit around one of his wounds. She also gave Slater the morphine injection she was instructed to carry, her fingers shaking as she did so. He wanted to tell her to save it. Slater would be dead in a minute. But by now he had learned that Rebecca would have chided him and never given up trying. It was what made her so strong and yet vulnerable all at the same time.

  Kane glanced at Jed panning the camera around to himself and his men. The director was pinned against the wall, too terrified to move his backside and help with anything. Where the fuck was air support? The medic that Rebecca was assisting was shot in the shoulder and nicked in the top of his leg as two of his other men were also injured. That left only him protecting their position behind the wall. He couldn’t see the enemy. There were too many men down. Everything was going pear shaped for the first time in his illustrious career in the Royal Marines. He looked at Rebecca, weighed her up and made a decision.

  “Eaton,” he snapped, commanding her attention instantly above the noise of the gunfire. “Get over here now, next to me. Looks like you get to be soldier for a day. You remember the compulsory training you were given before they would let you come out here? You remember how to fire a rifle?” He grimaced as he remembered the condescension in his voice.

  She had nodded furiously, ducking her head to avoid a stray bullet.

  He shouted to the badly injured medic, “Corporal Tate, give Eaton your weapon.”

  Kane watched her stare at it with fear before she crawled over to take it. He saw Tate give her a wary expression. Jed had the camera trained on her the whole time. Kane ignored it, this was a matter of life and death, no time to argue. Male manners, rightly or wrongly would have made him pick Jed to take the weapon because he was a man, keep Rebecca right out of it. He knew it was old fashioned to women but it was just the way he was wired. Not this time though. Instinct told him that Rebecca was the one he could trust to come through for him.

  He kept returning fire, after hearing his two men he’d sent to flush the enemy out shout their positions to him. There were four of them. His men went to deal with two of them in the northeast position, leaving Rebecca and himself to deal with the two directly in front of them. He felt Rebecca brush his arm as she settled in beside him and positioned the rifle over the wall. He glanced at her, seeing the mental concentration tense her face as she remembered what to do. She was quiet, waiting patiently for his order. He hoped he was doing the right thing. She looked as white as a sheet and for a brief moment he thought she might baulk out. He quickly told her where to aim. He checked once more.

  “Are you sure you remember what to do, Eaton?”

  “Y... yes. I was a good shot.”

  “Show me.”

  The enemy had moved onto the roof of an opposing ruined building. Rebecca started to fire at them with him. At first her shots went all over the place, probably because her hands were shaking so much. He made short work of dispatching one of them. But the other made a direct shot that caught him in the top of his arm. Sly bastards. They weren’t a dumb enemy. It passed out of his arm cleanly. It was a familiar pain. He’d been shot a couple of times before. He would survive.

  He heard Rebecca swear low, unaware that he had been shot. She was frustrated at herself. He watched her take a breath and aim again. This time she proved she was a decent shot, catching the enemy in his shoulder. That was when he heard the fast roaring of the American jets come racing to give them air support. But they were still too far away to be of any use. He heard the medic shout, “Slater’s dead sir, he’s dead.”

  He tried aiming again but it was difficult with his injury. The damn enemy was moving in on their position. Rebecca was staring at the dead man who had fallen from the roof after Kane had killed him. He would never forget her face under the large helmet that almost hid it. She wore an expression that haunted him to this day. It was a look of pain and futility that summed up the whole bloody war. He worried she would falter when he really need her. He urged her on and tried to fire again as she stared. He remembered thinking she was losing it. But he knew now that Rebecca Eaton never disappointed anyone in a moment of crisis. She always came through.

  His shots were going off target and his arm felt slightly numb. Rebecca started firing again and this time she was better but the sniper was moving, coming dangerously close and she couldn’t hit him. Kane knew that the man would be carrying a grenade. He had seen this all before. Rebecca was their only hope or they were all dead.

  He remembered hearing Rebecca cry out making him wonder if she had been shot. But she was still trying to aim at the enemy who was doing his best to evade her shots and succeeding with ease. She just wasn’t up to it. It wasn’t her fault, she’d done her best. He’d obviously given her some sort of hopeless look of desperation because she returned it with one hell of a glare that told him that she wouldn’t let him down. She took a deep breath, took time to aim correctly as the enemy came towards them. She fired once, missed, twice and caught him in the stomach. Brilliant. But he was still coming and holding up that grenade to throw into the compound. He told her firmly, “Take him out”.

  There was brief hesitation. He knew she was finding the realisation of the meaning of his words difficult to accept. He wanted her to kill the man. But a shot slamming into the wall near them convinced her of the necessity of what she had to do. She aimed and caught the enemy in a shot to the head. He hit the deck like a ton of bricks, arm still outstretched to throw the grenade. Kane quickly pushed her head down behind the wall and leaned over her as he shouted a warning to the rest of the men.

  The grenade went off with a bang making her jump against him. Slowly, he lifted off her checking it was clear, and let her sit up. She coughed hard in the cloud of dust settling around them. He remembered rubbing her back and smiling at her. Unfortunately she couldn’t return the smile. She went a shade of green he hadn’t seen in a long time and turned away from him and threw up violently.

  He laid a hand on her shoulder and kept rubbing her back, urging her gently to get it all up. She cried quietly in between bouts of sickness. He could feel her body convulsing with the strength of her emotion. It wasn’t easy killing for the first time. That first death of war seemed to stick with you. Jed was asking if she was all right but at the same time telling her how fantastic she was and how he’d filmed the whole thing. Kane felt irritated that Jed was crowding her and told him to give her some air and keep back. That hadn’t gone down well with Jed. He got the guy’s trademark scowl that would have put most people in their place. But Jed was messing with the wrong man. Jed obviously had feelings for Rebecca and he was treading on the man’s toes. Too bad. It was a shame because they had got on well with each other until Kane got involved with Rebecca.

  She went quiet after a while. She sat still with her back to him, vainly attempting to hide her emotion. He made no effort to remove his hand from her back. He kept rubbing it in a soothing circular motion. She needed comfort. She made no effort to stop him as he patiently waited for her to collect herself. The other two men he’d sent to look for the Taliban returned safe after extinguishing the threat. They started to help the injured men. They couldn’t move yet, air support was still clearing the area. When it was safe they would meet transport back down the road and g
et the injured taken back to the Camp.

  Kane leaned in close to Rebecca and quietly asked her, “How are you feeling? Are you ready to move? We need to get everyone out of here and I am going to need your help again. You came through Rebecca, saved our asses.”

  “I killed a man. I actually killed someone.”

  He told her softly, “Yes, you did but you saved a lot of people in doing so.”

  “I am not sure I can get my head around that right now.”

  “No you probably won’t. When we get back I am going to have the counsellor talk to you about this.” She was silent. He noticed she kept her eyes from the body that was now in bits thanks to the grenade. He moved his arm to get a better look at his wound and asked one of his men to help him quickly tie a bandage around it. He asked her, “Did you get hurt? I heard you cry out?”

  “No... I... don’t know. I don’t think so.”

  Kane checked her arms not convinced. He hadn’t seen any blood when he’d rubbed her back but she was holding one of them awkwardly. He gently took a closer look making her face him, carefully turning her right arm over. Sure enough she had been hit just above her elbow. She was obviously still numb from shock and adrenaline and couldn’t feel it yet. Without a second thought he began ripping the material of her shirtsleeve up the middle. She looked at him confused.

  He rolled up the remnants of her sleeve and looked down at the wound. She was lucky it was like his own. It had gone clean through but her wound was a touch deeper than his. She looked down at it wearing a mask of both interest and horror on her face. Suddenly Jed was in Kane’s face trying to get a close-up on it. He bit his tongue realising this was part of Rebecca’s job. She remained silent, trying to give the camera a brief smile. She was in shock and even Jed got the message. “Jed, I need your help. Hold her arm carefully. Keep it up while I get a bandage and some morphine.”

  Thankfully Jed stopped filming and did as he was told. Kane searched for a bandage in his kit aware that Rebecca looked hot, pale and out of it. Now she knew the wound was there the pain was beginning to register in her brain. Her features pinched and she gasped with the sting. He wrapped the bandage around her wound tight and took care of her arm back from Jed telling him to help the others. He gave her the morphine injection and gently turned her arm back and forth checking his handiwork on the bandage.

  She was still quiet. Only her tense features told him she was in a lot of pain. He moved his thumb along her wrist. It was absent minded, a comforting gesture as he watched her with concern for a moment. She raised her eyes and stared at him with warmth. Her features were soft and although tears brimmed once more, she was making every effort to rein in her emotion and her reaction to the pain. She didn’t make one complaint and did not mention the man she had just killed again. She was a strong woman. She’d demonstrated that from day one. That made her all the more vulnerable to Kane when she showed any emotion. It meant she felt it deeply and it was a wound she would carry with her always. It made him feel powerfully protective of her. He hadn’t felt that way about a woman in a long time.

  He asked her, “Do you think you can move?” She nodded and started to rise to her feet. He rose with her and reached out to hold her arms when she wobbled. He steadied her. He frowned. “I don’t think you should walk. I will carry you.”

  She’d cut him dead quickly. Snapped back at him. “Don’t you dare. I am fine. You need me to help you get the injured back. I am walking wounded. I don’t need carrying Major Kane. I don’t see anyone offering to carry you and you have the same injury.”

  Kane remembered putting his hands on his hips and staring straight at her with irritation out from under his helmet. “Okay. Point taken. But you have just had one hell of shock. You had to kill someone and to be fair your injury is much worse than mine.” He pointed at her injured arm. “It’s bleeding badly and needs treatment. You are not used to these conditions, neither are you a trained soldier and prepared for the effects. You will most likely collapse. You are not immune, Ms Eaton, just because you believe yourself some kind of action hero. First time I was shot in the arm somebody had to carry me because I had the same dumb attitude as you. I bled so much I passed out. I do not wish that to happen to you.”

  He kept a tight hold on his temper. He made sure he stayed polite, quiet and calm to soothe her rising anger that was more than likely provoked by the shock. In a roundabout way she was accusing him of treating her differently because she was a woman. He’d be wrong if he said it didn’t influence him just a little but he knew the heat, the pain and the blood loss would all conspire to get her. It was simple. He was a lot stronger, fitter and more used to the terrain. It would affect her much more, like it or not.

  “I am more than capable of handling myself. I can help.”

  “I never said you weren’t,” he said gently. “But you are wobbling all over the place. Let me help you.”

  “I said I can handle it,” she raised her voice making everyone turn and look.

  She flushed with embarrassment and looked at the ground obviously unable to bear the silence that settled over the compound. He maintained his stance watching her intently, sympathetically, undeterred by the silence.

  Her voice was lower when she spoke again. “I don’t need you acting like Captain Caveman and rescuing me. I am needed here. I can help. Now let me do so.” He shook his head at her but let her go, watching her sway and hobble over to the injured medic that Jed was trying to help.

  He stared at her, hands still pressed against his hips. Captain Caveman? Isn’t he the hairy guy with the club off that cartoon? Didn’t he shout his name loudly every time he appeared? The one who always helped the female detectives he travelled with? Yeah, that was a great programme. Haven’t seen that since I was a kid. Maybe I should get a shave.

  He played along with her need to prove herself as good as the next man but kept a close eye on her. She was supporting the weight of one of his men around her shoulder. Jed was supposedly helping her, holding the soldier’s other arm. But Jed was too busy fiddling with his camera and letting Rebecca shoulder nearly all of the weight. The soldier was in a hell of a lot of pain with two shots to his leg and Rebecca was doing her best to get him along the road. Her legs were shaking and she was ready to drop. He’d seen enough. He shouted to Jed to come and help with the injured he was supervising down the back of the line and swept the soldier’s arm around his neck pulling the majority of the weight from her. It was a job well done, no dent to her ego or so he’d thought. But her disapproving look told him otherwise.

  He ignored her. She was impossible but he had to admire her. She had both guts and staying power. Medics came running when they reached the transport and took the soldier away leaving them both free of their burden. He watched her move away and bend over putting her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath. He shouted for a medic. She started walking towards the truck refusing his offer of assistance.

  She told him politely, “Thanks but I can manage Major Kane.”

  He let her walk past him. He shook his head at the pure concentration on her face at attempting an upright stance without the fatigue of pain. No way was she going to last on her feet. He remembered counting under his breath, one, two, three, four, five, as he picked up his pace following her. He was right behind her when her legs gave way. He heard her give a surprised cry as he bent and swept his arm around her legs on cue as she started falling. He hoisted her over his shoulder easily. His friend Tom ran past him carrying one of the injured men. “Looks like I get to be Captain Caveman for real after all Eaton. Even though it means I have to drop a rank to do it. There is no shame in getting help.”

  “Put me down. I can manage. You can’t carry me, you are injured,” she told him drowsily.

  “Stop struggling and relax. I am fine. I’ve done this before. There is no way I am putting you down. Besides you can’t walk. Just enjoy the ride. Now I have got you to myself and you can’t escape, how about telling me you will
come out for a drink with me.”

  “Are you asking me out on a date Captain Caveman?” There was amusement in her weary voice.

  “I suppose I am.”

  “Okay. I would really like that. But first I need to ask something. Is it all right if I pass out now?”

  “I give you permission Eaton. You are safe with me. Get some rest I want you fit and well for our date.”

  Before he finished his sentence he felt her body weight slump over his shoulders. She was out cold. He carried her to the transport vehicle quickly, really feeling the pain in his own arm now. She wasn’t the only one ready to drop.

  Chapter Three

  He’d taken her to the coffee shop in Camp Bastion when they released her from the hospital. He was as nervous as hell. The loud catcalls and whistling from some of his men sitting near them didn’t help either. She’d just done a special report for AHG News and had interviewed him for it. It was going out on the ten o’clock news back in the UK. She looked beautiful. There was a softness about her since the day she’d been shot. The hard edge she had treated himself and his men to was gone. His men had made a fuss about her bravery. She had been embarrassed but touched. She had obviously judged it safe to let her guard down and she wasn’t objecting to him pulling out a chair for her.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked her, gesturing with his eyes to her arm in the sling.

  “Better. They say I can take the sling off in a couple of days. How about you?” She smiled nervously at him. Her emerald eyes sparkled like jewels at him under her long dark lashes holding him spellbound.


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