Rescuing Rebecca

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Rescuing Rebecca Page 20

by Serena James

  She nodded gently and did as he asked. She felt his arm move under her legs and his other glide around her back. He lifted her easily into his arms. Her head fell wearily against his chest. She felt drunk with the sedation and antibiotics coursing through her system. She fought to keep her eyes open. The room appeared full of Dominic’s black suited men as her vision blurred. His own personal private army she decided. She felt relieved. Then she heard Connor’s voice.

  He was there in front of them trying to take her from Dominic, pulling at her arms around his neck. His face loomed at her. Dominic pulled her away. She couldn’t face being parted from him again. Stuart and Alastair roughly grabbed hold of Connor and pulled him back. They held him tight as he struggled.

  He swore at them, demanding to know what the hell they were doing. She felt Dominic’s grip on her body tighten. He was so angry when he snapped loudly at Connor, she could feel him shake with intensity. “I know what you did to her. I know every sordid detail. You will be lucky if I let you out of here alive.”

  “She’s mine. She’s coming with me. You stupid fucking bitch. They will kill him if you don’t come with me. I’ll make sure he dies and then I’m coming for you. There won’t be any escape.”

  Stuart punched him hard in the stomach. “Yeah, you and whose army? Don’t swear at the lady.”

  “Fucking bitch.”

  Stuart hit him again.

  Rebecca tried to speak. Her voice sounded hot, breathy with the exertion, “I won’t let you hurt me anymore. You have no power over me now.”

  “But I have. You are finished. I’ll make sure they get Michael you stupid whore.”

  She strained away from Dominic to get at him. Dominic gently pulled her back against his chest. Her head fell against him. She heard Connor being hit again and flinched, finding the violence nauseating. Dominic turned to someone at his side.

  “Ramsay, hold Rebecca. Take her to the car and make her comfortable. I don’t want her seeing this. She needs water. Keep her safe. Miles you go with them. Take Charles. There is something I have to clear up with Connor.”

  She said hurriedly, “Dominic, Connor might have information on where those bombs are going to go off.”

  “I doubt whether they would trust him with information like that but then it’s worth finding out what he does know.”

  She didn’t like the hard tone in Dominic’s voice. She pitied Connor at that moment. “Don’t hurt him. He isn’t worth it. No more violence, please.”

  Dominic spoke firmly as he looked down at her in his arms, “Rebecca, this does not concern you. He needs to be stopped. Now go with Ramsay. You can trust him.”

  Dominic handed her into Ramsay’s arms. She heard him reassure Dominic, “She will be safe. I’ll take care of her.”

  She put her arms around Ramsay’s neck and held on, still vainly trying to keep her eyes open as he carried her through the farmhouse. Miles pulled Charles with him. The moment she was out of the room and the door was closed behind them she heard the blows descend on Connor.

  Rebecca was breathless when she asked Ramsay, “How did Dominic find out what Connor did to me? What will he do to him? I have to go back. I don’t want any more fighting because of me.”

  Ramsay sighed. His voice was firm, detached. He issued a statement as he strode though the door of the farmhouse with her, stepping over a body. “He is going to teach Connor some manners, as he should. No man is going to tolerate what he did to you. No one on this team is.” He sounded so upright and righteous, fierce and even quaint. If she had been able she might have laughed at the absurdity of it.

  His voice was softer when he spoke again but it lost none of its firmness, “It’s best you don’t know. You’ve witnessed and experienced enough brutality. I am taking you to the car. Connor is going to get what is coming to him.”

  Her voice sounded weak, drowsy. “I can’t let them...” she couldn’t finish her sentence.

  Ramsay looked down at her. He had aquamarine eyes. They were full of sympathy and concern for her. She fought to keep her own open. Her hand pressed against his chest distraught. It was hard, taut and immoveable. He was built like a tall rugby player and he was carrying her with the same ease as Dominic did.

  She noticed he was walking slowly, carefully, considerately because of the pain movement caused her. As she struggled to look up at him, she decided he reminded her of someone but she couldn’t work out who. He was dark haired, good looking and well groomed. Most of Dominic’s team were.

  She couldn’t help wonder if it was a requirement in the job description just like the black suits they wore. She wondered if the designer sunglasses that Miles sported as he walked alongside Ramsay were standard issue to complete the image. Dominic’s handsome Men In Black come to rescue me. Every girl’s dream! They are just like a boy band you can pick and choose from. Every type of man for every type of girl. Jeez, what kind of drugs did that doctor give me?

  Frustrated and distressed by her situation she allowed her head to fall against his chest defeated and in need of comfort. Ramsay’s response was immediate. She felt him tighten his grip on her. She had to admit she was glad of the comfort.

  His tone was gentle, coaxing and soothing, “Shhh, let’s just get you safe. One of our guys, Brendan, has been talking to your ex-sister-in-law Claire Wilby. She broke her silence, but she doesn’t want you to be angry. She is very afraid for you, don’t be hard on her. She wanted...”

  Miles interrupted with a snort. His heavy Geordie accent told Ramsay, “Oi Clark Kent, stop giving the lady one of your moral lectures. You’ve got the boss’s beautiful woman in your arms and you’re rambling!”

  She said drowsily with a smile, “That’s who you remind me of... Superman. “

  Ramsay gave her a frown. She heard Miles laugh. “You should see him when he’s taken his contacts out and is wearing his glasses. They could be one and the same. Don’t give me that pout Ramsay. You should be happy you can make the lady smile after what’s she’s been through.”

  She pressed her hand against his chest once more. “I’m sorry. Anyway there isn’t anything wrong with looking like... I don’t know how much longer I can...”

  Ramsay said, “Don’t fight it. Go to sleep. I will take care of you.”

  “No, I can’t. Oh God it hurts.” She heard tears in her voice. She tried to suck in her emotion both embarrassed and afraid of her helplessness. She looked up at Ramsay with determination. “How much further? Please don’t let me sleep. I don’t know where I will wake up. Did Claire tell everything? Please, don’t let me sleep.”

  Ramsay whispered softly, “It’s not far now.” She felt him gently, carefully hugging her to him. She didn’t strain away from it. Sounds of vomiting suddenly invaded her ears. Ramsay stopped with her in his arms and turned back.

  Miles was standing over Charles who was throwing up on the grass. She heard him say, “Oh hell. That’s awful. Let that be a lesson to you about drugs mate.” Miles ran a hand through his short-cropped black hair. His handsome black face was a picture of disgust as Charles threw up over his shoes. He held an assault rifle in one hand and pulled a drooping Charles up by his arm in the other.

  Ramsay told him impatiently, “Hurry up. Rebecca is in pain. I need to make her comfortable.”

  She heard more vomiting sounds and Miles say, “Ah man. Leave my shoes alone. I am going to charge them on the expenses account and get your boss to pay for new ones. I bet she’ll be pleased.”

  Miles was trying to kick the sick off his shoes. Ramsay snapped with impatience, “Just bloody carry him. I am not waiting for you anymore. You’ve got a hundred and one pairs back home. Just be glad it wasn’t those hideous Gucci loafers you love to wear. Anybody would think you were Imelda Marcos.”

  She saw Miles bend and lift Charles over his shoulder. He got no resistance. Charles looked like he was ready to pass out. Miles said with a grin, “Who’s she?”

  “Cut it out, you aren’t that young. You know w
ho I am talking about!”

  Ramsay started walking again and Miles caught them up. “Hey Superman. It isn’t like you to get your feathers ruffled. You’ve got the better deal here. You’re the one carrying the beautiful woman, remember. I’m stuck with him.”

  “I’m worried about her. She’s in a lot of pain. I can give her some oxygen in the car.”

  “Yeah all right. Come on.”

  Rebecca insisted Ramsay tell her exactly what Claire had related to Brendan. She wanted to know how much Dominic knew. He told her as he carried her through a line of trees.

  “She wasn’t very keen to talk to Brendan because of what you told her about Connor. She wasn’t going to trust anyone working for Dominic. But he managed to persuade her and she told him about Connor. She told him about how he threatened you for Somwan, telling you that he would kill the boss.”

  Ramsay continued in his characteristic detached statement voice, “He held you prisoner. He forced you to sleep with him. She told Brendan all of the details. She also told him about that night in Afghanistan.”

  Passionate anger suddenly echoed through Ramsay’s voice. It startled her. She got the impression it echoed his and the others” loyalty to Dominic. “The boss has every right to be angry. Any man would be. All of us are. I would do the same. Connor can’t be allowed to get away with it. It’s out of your hands now. He won’t be able to hurt you again.”

  She remained silent. Connor was probably getting the beating of his life from Kane and his men. A part of her felt mortified at the violence. But then she remembered that first night she’d woken up to find Connor sitting by her bed. He’d coldly informed her that Somwan had sent him to keep her in line. He was to stay with her to make sure she continued making preparations to leave for South Bundhara. He was an insurance policy.

  Connor had obviously decided to take advantage of the situation and the time they would have together to convince her of their compatibility. He’d lied that Dominic’s reconciliation with his ex wife was a success. He knew she still loved Kane but he was going to change her mind. He didn’t care how long it took or what he had to do. He was going to win. Just as he’d told her that night in Camp Bastion. She would be his and it was going to start there and then.

  “Think of me as your bodyguard. Your very close protection,” he said. She refused to strip when he ordered her but then he’d produced a handgun and pointed it at her head.

  She’d felt cold and clammy as she’d undressed in front of him, watching his face glaze with excitement, still pointing the gun at her. The last time she’d seen him in Afghanistan, he’d tried to assault her. She’d given him a swift hard kick between his legs and a punch to his jaw that had shocked him as he’d fallen on the ground in agony. This time he held all the cards.

  He’d made her lie down and open her legs to accept his entry. He moved on top of her still holding the gun. She tried to remain still, defiant but passive. He’d become irritated with her lack of feeling, pressed the end of the barrel in her forehead so hard it bruised. She had to hide the mark with make-up the next day. He’d told her to move and at least pretend she was enjoying it or he would kill her and then Dominic anyway. Stuff Somwan. She had no choice but to yield.

  He shadowed her every move but no one else knew he existed, except Claire. Not even Jed knew what was going on when they went to South Bundhara. A part of her was now eager for Dominic to kick his ass after all.

  They reached the cars and cautiously checked to confirm they had not been found or tampered with by the soldiers. Ramsay deposited her gently in one of them and ran around to the back to retrieve the first aid kit. Miles dumped Charles in the other side and stood guard. Rebecca tried to keep her eyes open. She clutched at her stomach and put her head back on the headrest wondering when Dominic would come.

  Ramsay was there again holding an oxygen mask to her face. It helped a little. He produced a needle, tearing at the paper wrapper with his teeth when she stopped him. “Please no more drugs.”

  He put his hand on her arm. “It’s okay. I’m going to give you a small dose of morphine. It’s going to help with the pain. She nodded still unhappy. He rolled up her sleeve and inserted it quickly.

  She whispered, “I didn’t even feel that.”

  “Good. I was training to be a paramedic before I joined the Marines. I’ve been taking some courses again for when we are out in the field. Now I want you to rest. Just let the morphine help you sleep. Why don’t you lie on the back of the seat.”

  “No. Srisai is still around. I just know it. I can feel him. I am not going to sleep until I know Dominic and the others are safe. I need to make sure... I can’t just sit here. I wish I could get the laptop back.” She made as if to get out of the car. Ramsay stopped her. Rebecca got frustrated. She felt out of control. She couldn’t go anywhere in her condition but she was worried about Srisai getting to Dominic. He didn’t know what the man was capable of. Maybe it is the drug they’ve given you that’s making you crazy.

  It took her seconds to realise she was struggling with Ramsay. He suddenly got in the car and slammed the door shut. She hadn’t even realised angry tears were rolling down her face. To her surprise he put his arm around her and pulled her to him. He wasn’t Dominic but he was a good substitute for comfort. His warm strength surrounded her and kept her still. He softly told her to hush and cease her movement before she worsened the injuries to her ribs, and sleep. He wasn’t giving her any choice but to be still. Her stroked her hair gently.

  Eventually she began to give up. Any movement was futile and she began to feel calmer. He told her, “You look better. You just needed a hug. Always calms someone when they are stressed, calms their nervous system.”

  Miles leaned in the car window grinning. “You’ve been watching Grey’s Anatomy again, haven’t you, mate?”

  Ramsay sounded frustrated but well used to Miles’s banter. “Shut up. Rebecca just needed some comfort.”

  Miles was still grinning. “Just hope the boss sees it that way.”

  “What? Yeah, maybe you are right.”

  Rebecca felt him begin to move away. She held on. She felt comfortable. She voiced her thoughts. If he tried to leave her she was going start trying to get out of the car again.

  Miles gave a laugh. “Better do as the lady says.”

  She dozed for a while but the slamming of a car door woke her. Her face was still pressed against Ramsay’s chest. She looked up to see Stuart and Alastair carrying Connor between them. He had tape over his mouth and his hands and legs were tied. He was unconscious and he had a bruised face. Dominic opened the boot of the other X5 and they threw him in. Dominic turned his attention to her. She felt relieved to see him again.

  Ramsay smiled at her as he got out of the car and let Dominic get in. She heard Dominic thank him for looking after her. He immediately put his arms around her and carefully drew her close. Ramsay got in the front of the car with Miles and they drove off towards the airfield at speed. Safe in Dominic’s arms, Rebecca allowed herself to sleep again. She didn’t wake up until he was climbing up the steps of the long-range private jet he’d chartered back in London with her in his arms.

  She heard Dominic say to Stuart behind them, “I don’t like this. They let us get away too easy. Something’s wrong.”

  “I know what you mean. At least the airfield hasn’t been taken yet. Let’s just get the hell out of this country.”

  She heard the engines power up as the door was closed. She looked at her brother as he moved quickly down the aisle of the plane towards her. He stopped abruptly when he caught her looking straight at him.

  He said cautiously, “Rebecca, are you all right? They said you’ve got some of your memory back. Is it true? Can you remember everything now?”

  Her voice was still drowsy, “Yes. I can. You and I need to talk. You’ve been keeping something from me Michael. We need to talk and you know what it is about. You are involved in all this. You murdered a man and took his heart. You
are a part of what happened to me out there. You are part of this.”

  Michael’s posture tensed. She’d been lying to herself for months that he couldn’t possibly be involved. She’d been championing his innocence but the more she’d investigated, the more she came to doubt him. She hadn’t wanted to face the truth. Now she could remember everything and there were no more doubts.

  Chapter Eighteen

  It was a standoff. Michael stared, unmoving, the pain of guilt creasing his face. Dominic remained still with her in his arms. No one spoke. The jet started backing out of its position. Dominic moved his feet to sustain his balance but no one said anything.

  The co-pilot came up behind them. He looked perturbed by the spectacle in front of him. “Please, I need you all to sit down,” he said sternly. “We have to get going and can’t take off with you standing here. We’ve only got a short window on the runway. We have to leave in the next few minutes or the military won’t let us fly. They need the runway to refuel planes returning from sorties over South Bundhara.” His speech was polite but clearly had the potential to change if they didn’t do as they were told.

  Dominic nodded. He lowered Rebecca onto one of the large comfortable seats by the window and helped her fasten her seatbelt. He sat next to her and clicked his own belt into place. Rebecca turned her head quickly to see her brother walk to the back of the plane and sit down. She watched him slowly fasten his seatbelt as the plane started moving forwards and picked up a little speed as it headed towards the runway. He put his head in his hands. She watched his shoulders rise and fall as his body shook telling her he was crying.

  Hot tears sprang into her eyes and she fought to keep them at bay whilst the pilot completed his cabin checks and disappeared into the cockpit. She felt Dominic lay a hand on her shoulder and flinched. She wanted to be alone. There was no condemnation on his face as he removed his hand, only concern. Unable to hold her grief at her brother’s betrayal and his distress she turned towards the window, avoiding the gaze of Dominic and the others who faced her. She quietly began to sob unable to stop herself. A silence settled over the whole cabin.


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